God of Healing

Chapter 273 You can turn around now

Chapter 273 You can turn around now

This is another question that extremely tests emotional intelligence.

The three sisters looked at Lin Can with wide eyes.

Lin Can replied firmly: "I never thought about deterioration!"

"Really or not?" Wang Xiaoxiao asked doubtfully. The sling on her shoulder slipped. She pinched her arms slightly to stop falling. She took the sling with her hands and put it back on her shoulder, smiling charmingly, " It’s because my sister is not attractive and can’t catch your eye, you’re not interested, you haven’t thought about it, do you think we will believe her?”

Lin Can said: "You are very charming, so charming, I am very interested, and you are so attractive to me. As for spoiling...I, Lin Can, am not that kind of person!"

The most perfect answer. You don't have to tell the truth about everything, and don't think that since they raise this question of "Have you ever thought about siblings turning bad?", it's an opportunity, blah blah blah, tell me everything, if it is That would be the end of it.

If you say you have thought about it, will there be any progress after that? No, it will suddenly make the atmosphere awkward. The other party will also know your motives, and they will be very passive in dealing with you in the future because you showed your trump card. Yes.

The person who asked the question can ask the question, but the person who answered the question must answer the question without showing off and maintaining the existing relationship.

Because Lin Can knows - there is no point in saying anything, but the real thing is in doing it.

I said I didn't think about whether the deterioration would affect my sleep while holding them in my arms. If it didn't, then why bother answering.

Lin Can is a man of action, not a talker.

Wang Qingya said "mua~" on Lin Can's face, "You know Cancan is the best and won't use your brain. My sister loves you~"

Wang Xiaoxiao stretched out and said: "Cancan, come on, you'll have to beat me up if you go bad~"

"Oh, are you bothering me? I'm going to bed." Wang Wenwan crawled over Lin Can's body and kicked the third sister's butt with her jade feet. Wang Wenwan huddled down inside and slept with the quilt under her arms. She didn't bother to care about Lin Can. What he said is true or false. Anyway, Cancan has definitely gone bad for me.

Lin Can yawned drunkenly, hugging Sister Qingya and Sister Xiaoxiao, "The game has been played, let's go to bed now, I'm really too sleepy."

Wang Qingya: "Are you sleeping with us again?"

Lin Can said unhappily: "I said we won't change, pure siblings, why can't we sleep together? Could it be that you have changed? If I sleep with you, are you itchy?"

"Tickling your sister——"

Lin Can deliberately looked for a fight. Wang Xiaoxiao kicked Lin Can over with her long legs. Together with her eldest sister, she held Lin Can down and rode up to hit him.

"Huhuhu~" Wang Wenwan was sleeping in the innermost room, lifting the quilt to cover her head and sleeping, too lazy to care about the three siblings.

The two sisters fought for a while. Wang Qingya sat on Lin Can's belly, got up and sat down plumply. She said fiercely: "You have to hit your brother early, is it wrong?"

"Ouch~ Sister Qingya, if you sit down now, I almost vomited out all the wine I just drank. I was wrong. Please spare me. I'm really sleepy now."

Lin Can really begged for mercy, and they really beat her, unambiguously.

"Go to the other side of the bed." Wang Qingya got down and said.

"No." Lin Can crawled over and squeezed in between Wang Xiaoxiao and Wang Qingya, "I really can't sleep here. Sister Qingya, please give way. I can sleep in there holding Sister Wenwan."

"Don't hold me to sleep." Wang Wenwan's voice came from the inner quilt, because it was on this bed last time that Lin Can behaved like this. Wang Wenwan was so sleepy, and she didn't want Cancan to do that again, because she went to bed I closed my mouth for the first time and endured it again and again without making a sound. It was so painful.

After all, a rich girl like Wang Wenwan lives in a villa or a big hotel. She doesn't know how to open her voice and scream while holding it back.

Lin Can smiled: "Look, Wang Wenwan doesn't want me anymore. I can only sleep here. Sister Xiaoxiao, turn off the light."

"Sleep quietly, don't move your hands or feet, you know?" Wang Wenwan warned, reached out to turn off the light, hugged Lin Can and went to sleep. The room fell into darkness, and they all drank and fell asleep soon.

At first, they all slept on Lin Can's hands, so Lin Can couldn't move his hands. Later, when they all fell asleep, Wang Qingya turned over and hugged Wang Wenwan to sleep, while Lin Can slept exclusively in Sister Xiaoxiao's arms.

Lin Can continued to touch his face with his hands, which was a subconscious behavior. Lin Can had this habit when sleeping.

Wang Wenwan opened her eyes in a daze, glanced at Lin Can, and said in confusion: "Cancan~ don't be like this~"

If he doesn't push away after a gentle push, just leave him alone.

However, after drinking like this, after a long day of farming, sleeping in Cancan’s arms feels so comfortable~

early morning.

"Gululu, bah——"

Lin Can and the four of them stood at the entrance of the courtyard and washed themselves.

Lao Wang walked out of the bamboo forest not far away with a hoe and a few bamboo shoots: "I dug two bamboo shoots. Wen Wan took them and cut them and soaked them in water."

"Okay~" Wang Wenwan put down the washcloth, put on her slippers and went up to take the bamboo shoots back to the kitchen.

Lin Can: "Old Wang, don't drink me anymore. I won't be able to find a place when I'm drunk."

"You'd better not drink anymore, kid." Lao Wang scolded with a smile. He got up in the morning to cook pig food and saw that the rooms were empty and everyone was sleeping in Xiaoxiao's room, including Lin Can, but Lin Can was at his feet. Sleeping on that side.

Old Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, at first they slept together, then four people slept on one end. It was really crowded and the bed was not big, so Lin Can slipped to the other end and slept until dawn. Then he and his three sisters got up to wash up. .

After breakfast, Lin Can and Lao Wang took a look at the seedlings planted yesterday. After a while, the three sisters changed into sportswear, walked out of the yard, and shouted to this side: "Dad, Cancan, let's go and climb." Phoenix Mountain~”

"Okay!" Lin Can responded, picked a few morning glory flowers, and returned to the three sisters. While walking towards Phoenix Mountain, he fiddled with the morning glory a few times to make earrings and hung them on Wang Wenwan's ears.

"Sister Wen Wan, do you think it looks good?"

"What? It's so earthy."

"What do you know? In Sunshine Village, when we were young, some girls liked to play with these as earrings and use the annatto fruits as nail marks."

"real or fake?"

"I'll check to see if there's any nopal later. I'll give it to you to try. But you've put on nail polish. Bring me the makeup remover and I'll remove it for you."

"I don't want it." Wang Wenwan withdrew her hand and put it in her trouser pocket, "Don't mess with those nopales of yours. You go find them."

"Let's go see what's ahead." Wang Qingya and Wang Xiaoxiao deliberately walked forward at a faster pace so as not to be Lin Can's tools.

Lin Can joked: "Old Wang, would you like to try it?"

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Hahaha... When we were young, we also played with those nopales. Wenwan and the others didn't understand. They have stayed in the city for a long time and have not experienced the happiness of the countryside."

Lin Can said: "It's almost the same. The countryside has rural ways of playing, and the city has the happiness of the city. The things you play can still be played in the countryside, such as playing with water, playing with hoops, digging in the mud, and frying cow dung..."

Lin Can and Lao Wang each recalled each other's rural childhood, and they gradually walked to the foot of Jade Emperor Mountain.

The mountain road is winding, there is no stone staircase, it is just a dirt road that people walk on.

Lao Wang led the way, while Lin Can and his three sisters walked behind, talking and laughing, taking photos everywhere. In the past, they were not so keen on taking photos, but later under the influence of Lin Can, they took photos wherever they went.

The altitude of Phoenix Mountain is not too high, but it is very winding. I walked around in the mountain. At 10:30 in the morning, I successfully climbed to the Jade Emperor Temple on the top of the mountain.

"Acan, this is the Jade Emperor Temple. The temple is not big but very spiritual." Old Wang said.

At this time, a monk came out: "Amitabha, welcome Mr. Wang."

Lao Wang: "Abbott, you don't have to be polite. My family is all here today, so let's take a look."

Monk: "Please."

Lao Wang: "Acan, Xiaoxiao come in to drink tea and rest for a while."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "You go and drink, we will take pictures here."

"Abbott, let's go, young people don't have to worry about it." Lao Wang smiled and went to the temple with the abbot.

Lin Can and the others stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the beautiful fields below and the Buddha's light on the top of the Jade Emperor Mountain.

After staying for a while, a few people walked into the Jade Emperor Temple to visit and worship Buddha. They met an old monk and put up a sign next to it - horoscope calculation.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "This person is very accurate in calculating horoscopes. Cancan, why don't you give it a try?"

Lin Can: "You guys go?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "We have calculated it several times, but it is useless to calculate it all the time."

Lin Can looked at the three sisters: "What were you planning before?"

The three sisters smiled: "Marriage."

Lin Can: "What's the result?"

"At that time, I said it was not fate, hahaha~" The three sisters smiled.

Lin Can said "Oh~", "Now that we're here, there's no need to forget it, right?"

The three sisters just smiled and urged Lin Can to do the math.

"Okay, we're here, let's do the math." Lin Can walked up and said, "Amitabha, can you help me do the math?"

Old monk: "What is it?"

Lin Can: "What if I have a fate with these three people?"

Old monk: "Oh~ don't forget it."

Lin Can: "Why?"

Old monk: "The three sisters have come here several times to count, but the fate has not come yet. When you come, the fate will naturally come, and it will be the same no matter what."

Lin Can smiled and felt that this old monk knew fortune-telling - fortune-telling was about reading people. Lin Can came with them and behaved intimately, so why did he still need to tell fortunes?
However, fortune telling is just for peace of mind and satisfaction. Lin Can scanned the QR code and paid 100 yuan. It was originally 10 yuan, but Lin Can paid 90 more.

"Thank you benefactor."

"You're welcome."

Lin Can and the three sisters walked further away, and Lin Can said: "Look, even if you don't count, you know that we are destined to be together. It seems that we are destined to be together in this life."

Wang Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "Of course."

We had a vegetarian meal in the temple at noon and returned home at 4pm. The three sisters and Lin Can were going back to Yunchuan. Lao Wang wouldn’t leave, so he put some local specialties in the car and warned: “Be careful on the road. When you have time, Just come."

"I know, you should take care of yourself at home. By the way, I think that Mrs. Wang at the entrance of the village is quite interesting to you. Old Wang, why don't you take advantage of her."

"Hahaha... It's time to say hello."


Lin Can got in the car, closed Alpha's door, and left.

The four of them adjusted their massage chairs comfortably and sat in their positions.Lin Can said: "It's been a lot of hard work these past two days. I'm so tired. I want to find my girlfriend to relax when I get back."

Lin Can deliberately stimulated the three sisters.

Wang Wenwan said: "Xiao Zhang, drive directly to Hongyegu Hot Spring Village."

Lin Can smiled and said, "Do you want to take a hot spring bath?"

Wang Wenwan said: "It's OK for everyone to take a dip in the hot springs to relax your muscles."

Wang Qingya and Wang Xiaoxiao nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I agree." Lin Can smiled, he was deliberately trying to trick Wang Wenwan.

I just didn't expect Wang Wenwan to be so jealous now. She wasn't so jealous before, but now she's so jealous that it can only be because of one reason - she loves her more and more.

After a while, the four of them fell asleep on the massage chairs. It was not until six o'clock when they arrived at the Red Leaf Valley Hot Spring Pool that the driver Xiao Zhang went to a villa and drove the car to the door of the villa before waking them up.

Xiao Zhang carried his luggage into the villa, said hello, and went to stay in a high-rise hotel. If he needed anything, he would call directly and he would be on hand.

Lin Can ordered dinner on the tablet, and it was delivered to the living room of the villa in a short time. He didn't drink and just went online.

After dinner and a short rest, the three sisters put on bikinis and went to the backyard swimming pool to soak in the hot springs with Lin Can.

"Are you relaxed?" Wang Wenwan asked while sitting opposite, pouring water on her body.

Lin Can put his hands on the shore and said, "How can you relax without a massage?"

Wang Wenwan stood up. The hot spring just covered the top of her thighs. She walked over and pointed to the lounge chair on the shore: "Come up and I'll give you a massage."

Lin Can laughed and got up to lie down. Wang Wenwan rode on Lin Can's back and massaged her seriously.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Second sister, I also want to relax."

Wang Wenwan: "Look for the eldest sister."

Wang Qingya: "I also want Cancan to give me a massage."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Cancan is good at massaging. That day at my villa, I even doubted whether he had done that fingering together."

Wang Qingya: "Really?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Well, I won't lie to you, it's very powerful and very comfortable."

Wang Qingya: "Then I want to try."

Lin Can: "Don't worry, let me enjoy Sister Wen Wan's massage first, and I will give you three a spa treatment later."


After ten minutes.

Wang Wenwan rubbed her sore arm: "Mr. Lin, are you satisfied?"

Lin Can said: "Satisfied is satisfied, that is, if there are any special services, I will pay more."

Wang Wenwan: "Regular massage, no special services."

Lin Can smiled, stood up, put his arm around Wang Wenwan's shoulders, kissed her on the face, and said, "Okay, I'm done enjoying it, it's my turn to work. Are you doing the massage here, or in the room?"

"Room, come and take a dip after the massage."

"Go ahead and remember to take off your clothes."

"Have you finished taking off your clothes?"

"Well, lie down and cover your butt with a towel at most."

"Uh... okay, just don't open it."

"I'm not that kind of person."


The three sisters went to the room. Lin Can waited for a while and walked in after hearing the call.

The three sisters lay on the bed together, each covering their buttocks with a bath towel. In this way, their perfect figures were clearly exposed.

"Don't go through the back door, come straight up." Wang Qingya saw that Lin Can was about to walk to the other side and hurriedly called him.

After all, if you walk to your feet and squat down, wouldn't you see everything pink and tender?

"Okay, I'll come right up."

Lin Can goes to bed.

Hmm, have you ever thought about committing suicide by throwing off this towel?

Although you can feast your eyes on it, you will lose your life and be beaten to death by them.

Forget it, cover it.

"Technician No. 69 Lin Can serves three rich women."

"Xiao Lin performs well, and you will be rewarded later." Wang Qingya said in a cooperative tone like a rich woman.

"Okay." Riding on Wang Qingya's back, her fingertips quickly switched to [massage mode + half-shift teasing mode] and started massaging.

System produced, must be a boutique.

Smart fingertips - a woman's happiness, a woman's nightmare.

Although not Kato, but better than Kato.

After a few massages, Wang Qingya moaned: "I love you, I love you! Cancan, you massage so well. You can do everything. My sister loves you so much."

"It's not a big deal, as long as you like it."

Lin Can likes to give massages to beauties. This is the biggest benefit.

Massage for a while.

A slap on the ass.

Next person!
Lin Can took turns massaging with superb skills.

The three sisters feel like they have found a treasure, and they will leave the massage to Cancan in the future.

Lin Can performed the massage very diligently and showed her skills first, which was approved by them, but only for the back.

Let them still have more to say.

Then Lin Can rubbed his arm. After all, there were three of us, and Lin Can was not incorrigible, so his hands would still be sore.

"Well..." Lin Can hesitated, "If you don't mind, you can turn over and I'll massage the front."

Come, come, Lin Can has been waiting for this moment.

Wang Wenwan turned her head and looked at Lin Can: "What are you planning?"

Lin Can spread his hands: "What can you pay attention to? Of course the spa is for both sides. Forget it without massage. I am too tired. Bye."

"Wait... let's think about it." Wang Qingya stopped Lin Can.

Lin Can stood there without turning around, waiting for them to discuss.

The three sisters stared at each other.


"It's a little bit, but Cancan's massage is great."

"Turn it over. Didn't you just show him that one?"

"Uh... I'm confused. He said yesterday that it wouldn't spoil."

"You say it won't spoil, but you see it spoiling. What should you do?"

"Let me ask~" Wang Qingya said, "Cancan, you won't take advantage of your sisters, right?"

Lin Can: "It's not like I haven't slept in my arms before. I want to take advantage of it early. Okay, no more massage. Three sisters, go to bed early. Good night."

"and many more."

With this kind of front, the three sisters would still be very shy together, but at the same time, the other party was Lin Can, and they were willing to do so.

If you don't love, how can you do this?

The old monk said - fate has arrived.

"Cancan, please turn around."

"it is good."

Lin Can turned around and looked around, his eyes lit up.

Under the moonlight, Wang Qingya, Wang Xiaoxiao, and Wang Wenwan lay shyly on the bed, looking at each other frankly. The moonlight entered the room and sprinkled on the delicate hearts. It rose and fell with the breath. It was so beautiful that it was indescribable, but it could not be played with when viewed from a distance. .

A little dizzy.

"Cancan~ As promised, we will only massage and don't bully the sisters. Do you understand?"


"Come up."

"Okay, I..." Lin Can suddenly became a little nervous and had nowhere to place his hands, "Well... I will practice my skills with Sister Wen Wan first. You guys wait a moment."

Wang Wenwan hit Lin Can.

"You hate~"

 Thank you for your support. Thank you. If you have any comments, please feel free to submit them.

(End of this chapter)

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