God of Healing

Chapter 258 It’s Sister Mina calling me husband

Chapter 258 It’s Sister Mina calling me husband~
After half an hour.

The three little ones saw Big G coming at the gate of COFCO No. [-] Community.

"We should be drinking tonight. We won't drive. We'll take a taxi." Qiao Mina lowered the window and said, and Lin Can got out of the car and walked over with the cake.

Qiao Mina drove to the basement to park the car.

The three little ones looked at Lin Can's clothes with confusion and asked, "Your clothes?"

"I got drunk with my uncle at noon. I accidentally knocked over the fish tank and wet my clothes. My aunt bought me a set. I was embarrassed."

The three little ones are not suspicious at all, mainly because they trust Qiao Mina.

After a while, Qiao Mina walked out of the community: "Let's go, take a taxi."

"No~" Ayire said, "the five of us can't take a taxi."

Lin Can: "Okay, okay, we have a good relationship. You guys sit in one car and I sit in the other car alone. Is this an arrangement okay?"

Ayire: "You want to leave us?"

Lin Can didn't say much and walked directly to the subway entrance.

I have nothing to say.

happy troubles.


During the rush hour after get off work, there were no seats on the subway, so the five of us didn't care, so we found a corner to stand, since there were only a few stops anyway.

The four little ones were laughing as usual. Qiao Mina glanced at Lin Can from time to time. She was mainly worried because she was worried that Lin Can would make a mistake and expose what happened in the room with him today, and the relationship would be awkward. So, Miao Youxi must have criticized these three little ones from the commanding heights.

Lin Can didn't speak the whole time, thinking about completing the task of [Best Friend's Assassination].

Open the mobile phone to cultivate love in the cloud and discover a new side task.

Lin Can now understands this game clearly.

The main mission is unwavering.

However, there are many small side tasks that will reward many small skills. They are not mandatory and can be accepted or not.

Lin Can points out the line task.

[Take a photo of the four little imperial concubines taking a bath]

Reward: Unknown



To be honest, they had bathed together several times, and each time there was a reason. Either they lost in a game, or they were drunk in Boqi Garden before. They took Lin Can with them in the bath because Lin Can was so drunk. .

You can't bathe together without a routine, and if you bathe together, you can see it, but you can't get started, and you think too much about taking pictures, which is absolutely forbidden.

As a photographer, Lin Can has dreamed of taking pictures of such beautiful scenery, but has never had the chance. Now there is a task and a reward, so he went all out and completed the task tonight.

"Sigh... It seems that I have to go out of my way again tonight, get myself drunk and leave it to them."

Lin Can has no other abilities, but he is very good at getting drunk.

Whether it's three sisters or four little ones, just throw yourself drunk to them and leave the rest to fate.

The main theme is 'Buddhist style'.


More than ten minutes later, the subway arrived at the station.

The five people got out of the car and crossed the road to a high-end Japanese restaurant opposite.

Qiao Mina: "Huh? I have eaten at this restaurant before. The sign used to say that all the raw materials were airlifted from Japan. Now it has been changed to select high-quality seafood from the seas of China and seafood from the Western Regions."

Miao Youxi: "There is seafood in the Western Regions. I don't even know if there is sea in the Western Regions."

Lin Can: "There is no sea, but the Western Region has now developed a large inland sea. Now it produces a lot of seafood, salmon, etc., and many of them have to be exported. Even if the whole world is contaminated by nuclear weapons in the future, our country will still have a pure sea." You can eat pollution-free seafood in the inland sea.”

Miao Youxi: "Oh, it makes sense for our ancestors to take over the Western Regions."

Ayire: "Hahaha... I rarely eat seafood in the Western Regions. Next time you come to the Western Regions, let's go and have a look."

"Lin Can, some beauties, hahaha~"

At this time, Ye Fan and Zuo Yao came out and greeted everyone.

Lin Can handed over the cake: "Happy birthday, birthday boy."

Ye Fan: "It's just a birthday, just get together with friends and buy whatever cake you want."

Zuo Yao: "Classmate Lin, do you know that many female classmates in our class missed you after you left?"

Lin Can: "It's true or not, Qing Ning and the others didn't tell me."

Zuo Yao: "They won't say it, hehehe, but when will you come to our class next time?"

Lin Can: "Let's go next semester."

Ye Fan: "This is a shop opened by a Japanese friend of mine. He heard that it was my birthday today and asked me to come here to eat, so I came over to support him. The taste is not bad. Everyone has a try. Don't worry, there are two friends here. You don’t mind, do you?”

Lin Can: “No, there are so many people and it’s so lively.”

Ye Fan took everyone into a private room in the store, which was decorated in a Japanese style. There were two young people, a man and a woman, sitting inside.

Ye Fan: "Let me introduce to you, this is Ishin Aoki, and this is her sister Emiko Yamaguchi, both are Japanese."


The four little ones nodded politely.

Ye Fan used unscrupulous Japanese to introduce Lin Can to Aoki and Emiko.

Emiko sat in a neat position with her hands on her knees. She was a typical little Japanese woman.

Aoki stood up and came to Lin Can to shake hands, and said in awkward Chinese: "Nice to meet Mr. Lin, my name is Aoki Ishin."

Lin Can shook hands with him and said: "It's nice to meet you, my name is Lin Can."


The four little ones and Zuo Yao all looked at Lin Can in shock.

Ayire: "Am I hallucinating? Lin Can speaks Japanese?"

Chu Qingning: "No, he said that."

Qiao Mina: "He can speak Japanese?"

Miao Youxi: "I don't know, he didn't tell us that he could speak Japanese."

Zuo Yao: "You four are useless, your brother can't understand anything, and you still claim to understand him, huh~"

Zuo Yao didn't expect to be able to speak Japanese. It wasn't a question of whether his Japanese was good or not, but the impression that Lin Can didn't know other languages ​​except English, which he learned at noon and from books. At this time, he heard that Speaking Japanese, I was surprised.

Emiko raised her head and looked at the Chinese man who was chatting with her brother in Japanese, and couldn't help but take a second look.

The graceful jade trees stand in the wind.


Ye Fan: "Okay, do you still speak Japanese?"

Aoki: "Mr. Lin... Japanese... good!"

"Excuse me." Lin Can smiled slightly. Lin Can has been learning Japanese for almost a year. At the beginning, Japanese was just a small skill for Mikami Yuu. However, it turned out that he has never been able to compete with the high school goddess from the hard drive. Fulfill your high school dreams.

It's the first time I've used it here today.

Ye Fan: "Sit down and chat, please."

Several people sat down.

The four little ones pulled Lin Can and asked, "How come you can speak Japanese so fluently?"

Lin Can: "As long as I read countless films, what does Japanese mean?"

Zuo Yao smiled "Haha~", slapped Lin Can, and said: "Hey, your brother is not serious, he likes to see that."

The fourth little one said: "To hear what you mean, you shouldn't pay too much attention to it."

Zuo Yao: "You idiot, how could I possibly see this? By the way, Qingmu is a friend of Ye Fan's in Japan. This time the two brothers and sisters came to the magic city for a trip. It happened to be their birthday, so we invited them together. Come on, come on, Everyone is here, let’s drink one first, hehehe~ Lin Can’s wine is not high in alcohol content, so feel free to drink it.”

Lin Can joked: "The degree is not high, I have no chance tonight."

Four little ones: ...

Find death!
Zuo Yao: "Hehehe~ Then drink more and you'll have a chance."

Ye Fan smiled. Although Lin Can and they all said they were siblings, Ye Fan and Zuo Yao were not stupid. Do they have anything else? I understand. I just envy Lin Can for being so awesome. He is really awesome. , conquered all four little ones of the Demonic Sound, which is the envy of all men.


The birthday party continued, but Emiko kept silent and ate quietly because she didn't speak Chinese and couldn't understand what they were saying.

The four little ones were chatting with Zuo Yao, and Ye Fan, Lin Can, and Qingmu were also chatting. After all, it was their first meeting, and the conversation was not in-depth. They just introduced some tourist places to Qingmu.

Aoki is also very humble. After all, I heard from Ye Fan that Mr. Lin is very powerful in China and has a wide network of contacts. Naturally, he is not deliberately looking for trouble. It is a pity that Lin Can is pretending to be a slap in the face.

The topic unknowingly turned to career.

Ye Fan said: "Lin Can, your company is engaged in the film and television industry. You can have more contact with Qingmu. Their company also shoots movies."

Ye Fan gave Lin Can a meaningful look.

Lin Can: "Really?"

Aoki handed over his business card and said: "Our company has many film and television works, and we can cooperate if there is an opportunity."

"Okay." Lin Can agreed casually and asked in a low voice, "Why are you smiling so obscenely?"

Ye Fan said: "Their company produces romance films and action films, as well as romance action films. It is very big in Sakura Country, and many of the teachers you know are under their banner."

"Really?" Lin Can's eyes lit up. He was on guard against the four little ones and asked in a low voice, "Is there Mikami Yu-chan?"

"I don't know about this, but you know Aoki. If you go to Japan in the future, you can deal with any teacher."

"I heard you say, have you been there?"

Ye Fan nodded implicitly.

"Awesome, customized scene film, right?" Lin Can gave a thumbs up. In fact, Lin Can was interested in those teachers in high school, but now he has no interest.

Lin Can: "A Qingmu and a Yamaguchi, are they brothers and sisters?"

Ye Fan: "Aoki is not his biological son, uh... they are very powerful in Japan. That Emiko looks pretty good, right? Lin Can, your brother's charm, won't be a problem at all."

Lin Can smiled and pushed Ye Fan, and whispered: "What are you talking about? How can I dare to be careless? I don't dare. Come and have a drink. Let's toast the birthday boy and wish him a happy birthday. I also wish the two friends a happy birthday." Come to the magic city for a trip, and finally wish Ye Fan and Sister Zuo Yao sweet happiness and a baby soon."

Zuo Yao burst out laughing: "Why don't you give birth to a son early? If I give birth to a son early, you and your four sisters will also have a son early, hahahaha~"

"I'll go, Zuo Yao, you're going to die, you're talking nonsense."

The four little ones pushed Zuo Yao to the floor and tortured her.

Ye Fan and Lin Can didn't care about them. They were both good classmates and usually played around in school. It was good for them to play around and create an atmosphere here.


The birthday party lasted until ten o'clock in the evening.

Emiko's mind was buzzing because she still couldn't understand what they were talking about, and she couldn't even figure out the interpersonal relationships there.

The angry brother brought me to dinner, but ignored me. After eating all night, I only knew that the man who could speak Japanese was called Lin Can, and he was a bit handsome.

Walk out of the Japanese food store.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Lin, ladies, it's a pleasure to have dinner with you. Let's go back first and have a meal together if we have a chance."

Aoki said hello, and Ye Fan helped stop the taxi and sent the two of them into the car to leave.

He threw the key to Zuo Yao and said, "Lin Can is okay, he's drunk."

"I'm not drunk~" Lin Can was a little drunk, but he was still pretending. After all, he had to complete a side mission tonight, so he couldn't do it without getting drunk.

Chu Qingning: "We just need to take him back. You and Yaoyao should leave first. Pay attention to safety."

"Okay, let's go first. You can send us a WeChat message when you get home."


Watching Ye Fan get into the car and leave, the four little ones:...

"Drunk again? I'm really speechless."

"Alas~ Tonight is another difficult night."

"What can I do? Let's go."

"Don't go back." Lin Can waved his hand and pointed at the hot spring hotel opposite, "Let's go and soak in the hot spring."

As he said that, he walked towards the road.

False is also true, true is also false, it is drunk but not drunk, false and false are true.

"Don't don't~"

The four little ones quickly grabbed Lin Can.

Lin Can almost wanted to go to the hotel. The four little ones chatted for a while. It was quite far to go home. How could they carry it back later? So they simply agreed to stay in a hot spring hotel for one night. Anyway, the five of them were staying in a hotel. Pass.

Helping Lin Can walk to the hot spring hotel opposite, Chu Qingning wanted to apply for her ID card to book a room, but Lin Can walked to the front desk instead: "The most luxurious one!"

As he said that, he put the black card on the table.

Chu Qingning: ...

"Okay, let's do it."

The hotel staff didn't ask how many people there were, so only one person would board the plane, and the others would just come and sit and leave.

Of course, if you insist on naming five people, they can only ask you all to show your ID cards.

...The 79999 yuan deluxe suite is a villa hotel suite located in the garden behind the hotel. It is a bit like Yunchuan Red Leaf Valley, but it is not that big and has good concealment.

Not a natural hot spring, but an artificial hot spring.

The four children swiped their cards and Fu Lincan walked into the villa suite. It was a small villa with an area of ​​200 square meters.

Once you enter the room.

"I want to take a hot spring bath~"

Lin Can yelled, tore up his T-shirt, took off his pants, and walked towards the backyard.

"Fuck, just tear your T-shirt off?"

"Is it really possible?"

"What a man!"

"No, he just drank that amount of wine today, and it was a low-alcohol drink. Why does he feel drunker than Wuliangye?"


Oops!Did I overact?
Lin Can's heart skipped a beat.

No matter what, let’s go to the hot spring.

Lin Can was sitting in the hot spring, with the starry sky above his head and a quiet and elegant environment around him, with only a few ambient lights on.

"Are you coming to take a bath in the hot spring?"

"Wait a minute, let's go change into our swimsuits."


What Lin Can wanted was a bathing picture without a swimsuit.

The task is very difficult!


Waited a while.

The four little ones were wearing bikinis and bath towels, with bare feet on the bluestone floor. They were pink and tender enough to produce water when pinched. They came over talking and laughing.



The four little ones stopped, Lin Can raised the camera, the four little ones put on cute poses, and saw Scissorhands again.


"It's very beautiful. No editing allowed. It's perfect."

"Just your sweet mouth."

The four little ones walked to the shore, tested the water temperature with their feet, and then got into the water and sat down on the opposite side.

Chu Qingning: "We went to the hot spring and you woke up?"

Lin Can: "When I saw the beautiful woman, I was half sober. If we could take another photo together, I should be completely sober."

Chu Qingning: "Humph~ You are the only one with a lot of things to do. Come over here and take a photo together."

Lin Can walked over, squeezed in between the four little ones, spread out his arms, hugged two on each side, and fell on his shoulders. They both looked at the camera and clicked to freeze this beautiful moment.

After taking the photo, Lin Can didn't go back. The four of them lined up to soak in the hot spring and eat fruit.

Lin Can looked down at his legs and Qiao Mina's legs at the bottom of the pool, and said in surprise: "Sister Mina, your legs are too long, they are almost as long as mine."

As he said this, Lin Can sat down next to Qiao Mina, with his legs touching hers.

"Look, it's pretty much the same."

Lin Can 183
Qiao Mina 170
There is a gap.

Lin Can said this, in fact, he was deliberately stimulating Qiao Mina, because today at Qiao's house, Qiao Mina's legs were very satisfying to Lin Can.

Qiao Mina forced a smile, leaned closer and whispered through gritted teeth: "If you are talking nonsense, you are dead."

"What are you whispering?" Ayire asked.

Lin Can: "It's nothing, it's just Sister Mina calling me husband~"

Lin Can began to test everyone's reaction.


The three little ones suddenly turned their heads and looked at the two of them.

Qiao Mina was stunned, and then her anger level rose slowly.

"I'll beat you to death, and I'll call you husband. You think so."

Bang Bang Bang ~
He punched Lin Can several times.

Ayire stood up and said: "I have tolerated Lin Can for a long time, and it has become more and more excessive recently. I must teach you a lesson today. I didn't remember last night, so I'll beat him!"

Miao Youxi: "But he didn't have a long memory, and he deliberately said that he was drunk. How could he be drunk?"

Chu Qingning: "If you are too nice to him, he will get more and more aggressive. Hit him!"

The three little ones rushed up and taught Lin Can a lesson with Qiao Meina.

Okay, this is the moment Lin Can has been waiting for.

"Stop fighting. If you hit me again, I will fight back."

"you dare."

"Why don't I dare? I'll count three times, one, two..."

The three little ones didn't take it seriously and continued to beat him.


Lin Canzhen fought back, reaching out and grabbing randomly.

Start at your fingertips!

da da da~
Just a tap on their back with your middle finger and thumb.

All down.


The four little ones were so scared that they covered their hearts.

"What are you doing?"

"I said I would fight back."

"You went too far, please give it back to us."


Lin Can grabbed four bikinis and held them high.

"Come on, you four can grab it if you can. Come on, don't you dare? Come on, come and beat me."

Lin Can had a sense of déjà vu.

I owe a fight!

"I'm willing to risk it. I really want to beat her to death."

Miao Youxi couldn't bear it at first, and rushed forward with a swish.

Then, the three little ones jumped up and jumped in front of Lin Can to grab it.

Lin Can held it up high and watched them jump and flail. The scene in the night sky was beautiful.

ka ka ka-

Lin Can raised his camera and took a quick photo.

【Ding!Completed the picture of four little ones taking a bath]

Reward: A girlfriend's 24-hour cash back card for consumption (the cash back multiple is based on the big roulette draw after the consumption time expires).

[Note: Consumption is the most attractive way for women, and this cashback card is limited to one person only. 】

Sure enough, if the system is produced, Shenhao will make money by playing.

Well, the task is completed, and Lin Can will start to heal himself.

"Stop! I, Lin Can, have something to announce!"

Lin Can said loudly.

"Cancan, you are getting worse and worse now. You just like to tease your sisters. I'm wasting my time hurting you."

The four little ones didn't jump to grab it. They stood in front of them, protecting their chests with their hands, looking at Lin Can with shame.

The scenery in front of me is unique.

Of course, if they are willing to be honest with each other like this, they are actually treating Lin Can as one of their own.

"Oh, Ayire, why are you covering up? I can't see you even if you don't cover up."

"Ah! Go to hell!"

Ayire kicked him forward.

Lin Can pulled her over and hugged her, and said loudly: "Actually, there is something I want to say... I asked you last time who helped us back to the room on the yacht."

The three little ones: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Qiao Mina: "Lin Can——"

Lin Can ignored it and said, "Because that person helped me back to the room that night, and then we both got drunk, and we had sex."


The three little ones looked shocked.

Lin Can: "Yes, that's it. It started by accident. It was all unexpected. I won't lie to you, it's the truth."

Lin Can just said what he felt he needed to say, and there was nothing to hide. After all, it was like this last time.

The three little ones looked at Qiao Mina: "You?"

Qiao Mina was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Lin Can said: "I also tricked Sister Meina today. Sister Meina said she didn't want to affect everyone's relationship, so she never admitted it. But now that I know it today, I can't act like nothing is wrong, so I chose to say it. It’s my reason anyway.”

"!!!" Miao Youxi looked at the three little ones blankly. Oh my god~ there are three of them, and I am the only one left. She suddenly felt so scared and in danger.

"My Lin Can's girlfriend, I am responsible and will not let the other party suffer!"

Lin Can is bright and upright, but his scumbag is obvious.

Never engage in those who cheat this or that.

If that was the case, Lin Can would be happy. There were so many beauties, but the other party was kept in the dark and treated like a monkey.

It's not Lin Can's character.

Let’s have a confession tonight!

Ayire and Chu Qingning were stunned for a while. They did not expect that such a thing would happen, and it took them a long time to digest it.

Ayire: "No wonder Mina, your mood has been hot and cold recently, it turns out it's because of this, ah! You've eaten so much lately, are you pregnant?"

Chu Qingning, Miao Youxi:! ! !
Qiao Mina: "What are you talking about? I didn't. I took medicine the next day. I just wanted to eat during those few days."

Ayire: "I was shocked. I thought you were going to have a baby."

Qiao Mina: "I'm going to give birth to your sister, crow's mouth, I...sigh...I didn't expect it to develop like this. I feel sorry for both of you."

Chu Qingning: "It's all Lin Can's fault. If you don't know how to drink, you have to drink. I don't care about your business."

Chu Qingning: "Cancan, look at what you did. Are you happy now?"

Lin Can smiled: "I feel a little happy and comfortable after telling you, but it's not perfect. If Sister Youxi also dedicates it to me, I will be happy."

"Go to hell--"

Bang bang bang bang——

One punch.

Turning around and not taking a dip anymore, the four little ones left the hot spring pool, returned to the master bedroom on the second floor, closed the door and locked themselves in the house.

This is a private matter between the four of them.

Lin Can didn't get involved tonight. He soaked in the hot spring pool for a while and then slept in the guest room on the second floor.

He took out his mobile phone and checked the status of Yun Yang of the four little ones.

The Q version page is displayed in the room, and the four little ones are in the "Secret Chat with Best Friends".

Lin Can breathed a sigh of relief. If he was secretive and was discovered, then the matter between himself and Qiao Mina would not be solved so easily.

Because Lin Can spoke frankly, they were able to accept it, because what women hate most is [the stabbing of a best friend]

Discovering and speaking out are two different things.

【Ding!Complete the task of stabbing your best friend】

Reward: 10x cash doubled.

Name: Lin Can

Age: 19
Wealth: 2.79 billion.

"Phew~ I finally joined the billionaire club again."

(End of this chapter)

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