God of Healing

Chapter 242 Love and Love in the Lin Family Courtyard

The sun sets in the Bund of Shanghai, the top mansion of COFCO No. [-]. There is a circle of people around the round table in the living room. Lin Can looks around and admires his strength, from pure lolita style to intellectual royal sister style, from western style to OL workplace. The style, from the style of a young woman to the style of a mature woman, is all available on this table. My life is worth it!

Lin Can stood up, picked up the red wine, and poured the wine one by one.

"You beauties, don't be nervous. I, Lin Can, will only have a small taste. I won't drink too much, let alone crawl into bed. Drinking is indispensable on such a good day. The 89 Romanti-Conti has a rich and mellow aroma. I will pour it for you. Try it, Lin Can." Auntie will give you the first cup."

There is nothing wrong with this, and I will not compete with Lin Miaomiao for the first glass of wine.

Lin Can held the wine in one hand in a formal manner, and held the mouth of the bottle with a towel in the other. He poured half a glass, picked up the wine, and collected it!

Still not very skilled, a drop of red wine dripped from the mouth of the bottle into the air, and landed on the slit of Lin Miaomiao's cheongsam on the thigh of her stockings and slid down.

"What a pity, Romanticante, tusk tusk, tusk tusk, this drop has to be spilled, hundreds are gone."

Lin Can said he felt sorry for the money.

Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and glanced at the drop of red wine on her long legs.

"If you feel so distressed, just lick it."

"Forget it, I'll wipe it for you anyway."

Lin Canben took out a tissue and wiped the wine on Lin Miaomiao's thigh.

Lin Miaomiao smiled inwardly, that is, when everyone was present, he would be very honest if he said this.In private, he didn't dare to say those words, because he really dared to talk!

"You four came from all over the world and gathered in the Magic City. How are your eating habits?"

Lin Miaomiao held a glass of wine and chatted with the four little ones. She didn't pay attention to Lin Can under the table. The three sisters also joined the conversation. Eight women were chatting in front of the table. Men should do what they should. Just do it.

After Lin Can wiped it for a few times, Lin Miaomiao lifted her right thigh of stockings and put it on her left leg to cover the wine stain. She accidentally pressed the tissue on her thigh. Lin Can smiled silently and raised her hand slightly. Clicking on his long legs, he pulled out the toilet paper and threw it into the trash can. He picked up the wine glass and poured it for Wang Qingya.

Wang Qingya is the eldest sister of the three sisters, so it is natural for her to pour her the second glass of wine.

"Sister Qingya, I am very touched that you came to see me. For this reason, I will reward you with a whole day of love experience when I return to Yunchuan."

"Think beautifully."

Wang Qingya's manicure lightly tapped the goblet to signal that she had poured enough wine.

Lin Can walked up to Wang Wenwan and poured wine: "Sister Wenwan, this dress is beautiful today."

Wang Wenwan said "Oh" and leaned forward to lean on the table, blocking Lin Can from admiring the long legs of flesh-colored stockings under the skirt that covered her buttocks from a bird's eye view.

Lin Can came to Wang Xiaoxiao and poured wine: "Sister Xiaoxiao, why are you not wearing jeans today?"

"What are you thinking about?" Wang Wenwan rolled her eyes, thinking that she liked me wearing tight jeans to show him.

Lin Can teased, smiled, put down the wine glass, brought four cups, put brown sugar on them one by one, then poured boiling water and placed them in front of the four little ones.

Lin Can: "Drink this!"

Chu Qingning: "Why don't you drink brown sugar water? It's so impolite. Let's drink juice."

Lin Can said: "What's so embarrassing? I used to only let sister Wen Wan drink this when she was on her period."

Hearing this, Wang Wenwan's smile froze. This man was really convinced. Why are you telling me about my menstrual period?

Lin Miaomiao said: "Just drink brown sugar water, we are all a family, it's okay."


The four little ones, who were always active, were blushing, as if they were being pampered by their husbands.

Lin Can is just nice. My sister and aunt are all so nice. The four little ones all have a wonderful feeling - marrying him will make them a happy and harmonious family.

"Aunt Lin, three sisters, we would like to toast you with a glass of brown sugar water instead of wine. We are very happy to meet you, and each of you has given such a big meeting gift. We are really embarrassed and don't know what to say. , all in brown sugar water, here’s a toast to you.”

The four little ones "Gululu~" took a big sip and sat down to greet everyone to eat.

Lin Miaomiao tilted her head and whispered: "I finally understand why you can't lose any of them. If these four were replaced by me, I wouldn't know who to give up and who to take."

Lin Can said: "I want them all, including you!"

"..." Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes, and stepped hard on Lin Can's instep under the table as a punishment.

Lin Miaomiao never shows mercy, nor is she just pretending, she really hits hard.

Lin Can felt pain, stretched out his hand to pat her thigh, and said: "Enough is enough, if you step on her again, I will buckle her!"

Lin Miaomiao quickly put her foot back and explained to herself: "I won't give you a chance to steal my foot."

"Haha...you must be a footpath..."

"Cancan rewards you with this chicken drumstick, hold it in your mouth!"

Lin Miaomiao picked up the chicken legs and stuffed them into Lin Can's mouth, blocking him from talking nonsense.

Lin Can smiled, the teasing was enough, raised his glass and stood up and said: "Let me say something, um... I have imagined many times the scene where the eight most important women in my life will meet, but I never expected that this would happen. On my third day of studying in Shanghai, the eight of you sat together to have dinner with me. I was honored and very happy. Of course, I was also very happy. I would like to toast you with this glass of wine. Thank you eight for appearing in my life. Yes, I'll do it first."

The number of people is not important. What is important is that there are eight people present. Just say eight people.

Moreover, although these words are a bit hypocritical, when they really sit together in a harmonious scene such as eating, and they are all gathered together because of Lin Can, these words have indeed become Lin Can's inner thoughts.

Lin Can drank it all in one gulp and was about to pour the wine. Chu Qingning confiscated the wine: "Drink."

Lin Can: "I finally got this opportunity. Give me another drink. Don't be too happy. Do you understand?"

Chu Qingning: "It's not that I'm happy, but if you drink again, it will really ruin your mood. You'll crawl into bed."


Lin Can was ashamed.

The eight women laughed.

Wang Wenwan: "So, he even climbed into your bed when he was drunk?"

The four little ones nodded: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's annoying to hang around and not leave. Have you experienced this too?"

Wang Wenwan: "Well... I have experience, but we kicked him out of bed, so we didn't dare to let him drink."

This was half true and half false. Of course he had been kicked, but he couldn't go down. In the end, he slept in the big bed together once or twice. There was no other way.

"..." Lin Miaomiao sat firmly in her position and sighed in her heart. I thought I was the only one who suffered the disaster, but it turned out that everyone present suffered the same?

As a result, Lin Can was not allowed to drink. Lin Can joked: "Don't you even give me a chance to climb on the bed?"

Four little ones: "Drink."

Sigh... Lin Can sighed deliberately, raised his drink, and said miserably: "Three sisters and one aunt, look at how much my wife cares about me."

Lin Can was deliberately testing the situation to find out the way for a thorough studing in the future.

"Who is your wife? Don't talk nonsense..." The four little ones blushed and were very shy. The reason why they were shy was because they recognized her in their hearts. Otherwise, it would not be shy, but angry.

Besides, it’s self-evident what today’s meeting ceremony means.

Actually... the four little ones don't want to, it's just that Lin Can is too good and they have been together for so long, and they really can't let go. In terms of feelings, their hearts belong to him.

But if Lin Can had not been pure-minded when he first met the four little ones, and after hooking up with Chu Qingning, and then immediately started hooking up with Miao Youxi and the three of them, he would not be in the current situation.

Because Lin Can focused on Chu Qingning from the beginning, and then treated Chu Qingning and the three little ones with a calm attitude. Every time they interacted and dated, they were all under the light of three light bulbs. Over time, , inexplicably, one person fell in love with four girls, and the three of them also felt the sweet, sour, and fishy smell of love.

Of course, strictly speaking, Chu Qingning and Ayire are considered girlfriends, and Qiao Meina and Miao Youxi are considered girlfriends. Today, Lin Miaomiao and the three sisters are here, pushing their relationship with Lin Can forward, and almost confirming that you guys Four already.

During dinner, Lin Can was responsible for picking up food for them while they were chatting.

The three sisters chatted with the fourth child, and Lin Miaomiao chatted with the fourth child.

There was no dialogue between the three sisters and Lin Miaomiao throughout the whole process.

However, the dinner ended in a harmonious atmosphere. After all, both of them were important people and behaved very appropriately.

Lin Can never thought about becoming friends with Xini, because it was impossible for them to become friends. The main reason was that the three sisters remembered their mother's grievances when they saw Lin Miaomiao. Lin Miaomiao had never met their mother. It was because Lao Wang still pursued Lin Miaomiao after getting married and had no relationship with their mother.

Lin Miaomiao is also innocent.


After dinner, I originally planned to go for a walk, but the four little ones were not feeling well during their menstrual period, so they all stayed and sat on the sofa watching TV with them.

Lin Can cut some fruits and put them on the coffee table. He heated another plate of fruits and handed them to the three little ones to eat.

Wang Qingya said: "Cancan is very attentive. Please heat up the fruit. Sisters, are the fruits sweet?"

The four little ones nodded: "Sweet."

It's really sweet and warm.

From now on, I will ask Lin Can to take care of me during my menstrual period.

Seeing that everyone was bored, Ayire originally wanted to suggest playing poker, but there were too many people. After thinking about it, only by playing games can everyone get involved, so he suggested: "Three sisters, Aunt Lin, we want to Don't come and play games, otherwise you will be bored sitting like this."

Lin Miaomiao stretched and said, "Okay, otherwise I will be sleepy. What game can I play?"

Ayire: "You make a guess and I guess."

Wang Qingya: "Okay, okay, I like to play this. I've seen it on TV before and I've always wanted to play it."

Lin Can said: "Since everyone has no objections, let's play this game. Well... In this way, there will be nine of us in a group of three. Whoever's group has fewer strokes will be punished. Ayire will risk your truth or dare." Take out the card, draw it if you lose, and accept whatever punishment is written on it, is that okay with you?"

Everyone nodded and had no objection.

Lin Can said: "You three sisters form a team, Aunt Lin and I, and then the four of you will send one person over. We happen to be in three groups. Rock, paper, scissors, whoever loses comes over."

In the four small rock-paper-scissors game, Miao Youxi lost and joined Lin Can's group.

Group [-]: Wang Xiaoxiao, Wang Wenwan, Wang Qingya.

Group [-]: Chu Qingning, Qiao Meina, Ayire.

Two people figure and one person guesses.

Wang Wenwan guessed, Wang Xiaoxiao and Wang Qingya made gestures.

At the beginning of the game, the three sisters guessed four out of the five questions, showing a good understanding of each other.

At the beginning of the game, there were five questions, and the three little ones got all the answers, showing their extraordinary talents.

Lin Can's group is very stressful. Lin Can doesn't care about other games. He is sure to win. This game relies on knowledge.

Lin Can: "Youxi, are you going?"

Miao Youxi: "I can't do it, I'll do the math, Aunt Lin will go?"

Lin Miaomiao: "I can't do it either, so let's go to Cancan. He has a wide range of knowledge."

Lin Can: "Okay, as long as we guess four, it will be a tie and we won't lose."

So, Lin Can stood in front of the TV with his back to the TV.

Everyone looked at the team.

The 3-minute game begins——

【Golden Cudgel】

"Just grandson..." Miao Youxi was about to speak, but others reminded him: "You are not allowed to name him, you can only describe him."

"Let me think about it..." Miao Youxi said: "Since you were a child, you have liked to play with something, and you like to hold it in your hands when you see it."

Lin Can: "Knife?"


Everyone sprayed blood to death and laughed.

Lin Miaomiao said shyly: "I only tell you serious things, what are you talking about?"

Lin Can: "The same thing I said."

Lin Miaomiao: "It's not your thing, it's the golden cudgel. Pass, next question."

Lin Can: "Sun Wukong's golden cudgel. If you just mentioned the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, I would know it. When you said that and made gestures, I was wrong."

Lin Miaomiao glanced angrily and continued to gesture to the next question: "What should I use for dinner?"


"Yes! Next question."

"The classic scene of two people on the boat, just me holding Youxi like this."


"Yes, the next question is the name of a TV series."

Lin Miaomiao looked at the title, turned around, started acting, looked at Miao Youxi with a cynical look, and said, "You are so coquettish~"

Lin Can: "The temptation to go home."

"Yes! Next question."

【Steamed bun】

Miao Youxi and Lin Miaomiao were convinced when they saw the topic.

The two began to sign: "Eat."

"Food, okay, you describe it." Lin Can looked at it seriously.

"It's white and big, you know?"

Lin Can: "What?"

Lin Miaomiao: "It's white, it's big, I gave it to you."

Lin Can: "Have you eaten it for me?"

Miao Youxi: "I've eaten it for you too, it's still soft."

"..." Lin Can looked at the two women and couldn't help but back away.

Lin Miaomiao said anxiously: "Are you stupid or not? Can't you guess?"

Lin Can was about to speak but stopped: "Neon paper?"


Everyone was laughing.

Lin Can said: "Hey, it's a steamed bun. What are you describing? Aunt Lin, please don't get involved. I'm confused."

Lin Miaomiao: "I'm speechless for you. I don't know what's going on in your mind. No, even that, I've never given it to you. Guess what."

Lin Can said: "Purely misleading, is there any more? Continue."

Lin Miaomiao: "I lost."

"Yeah~" Ayire said excitedly: "We are the champions. Cancan, you must accept the punishment. Each of the three of you will draw a card."


All three people drew a card, placed it on the table, and opened it one by one.

Wang Qingya: "Let me see Miao Youxi's punishment."

Open it up.

[Punishment Card—Choose one person of the opposite sex present to kiss for 1 minute. 】

"Wow~ There's a kiss scene, it's wonderful!" Wang Qingya was excited. The three sisters, including Lin Miaomiao, thought Lin Can had won them all, so they didn't think it was anything.

Three little ones: ...

"This won't work." Miao Youxi panicked.

Wang Qingya said: "What's the matter? It's not like I haven't kissed you before. Just kiss me. I agreed that I must accept the punishment."

She had kissed Lin Can countless times, but never in front of the three little ones.

Lin Can doesn't care, he won't be restrained. After all, if he has a restrained personality, he won't be able to destroy the group.

Chu Qingning said: "Kiss me, it's not like you haven't kissed before anyway."

Miao Youxi said: "Qing Ning, I really..."

Ayire said: "Oh, don't lie, hurry up and kiss me, I know you have wanted to kiss me for a long time."

Miao Youxi said: "I don't have one."

Ayire said: "Hey, you and Lin Can went to school to get things the day before yesterday. When you came back, your lipstick was gone, and it was all on Lin Can's face."

Miao Youxi: ...

"Okay, okay, you won't die if you kiss for one minute, come on."

Lin Can walked up to Miao Youxi, raised her head, and kissed her.

The three little ones, the three sisters, and Lin Miaomiao all stood up and gathered around, watching the two kissing carefully.

Miao Youxi closed her eyes tightly in shyness.

Lin Can was in a state of great enjoyment and selflessness.

Wang Qingya bit her fingers and watched, swallowing her saliva, and felt that Lin Can's kissing scene was very immersive.

next second...

Seeing Lin Can couldn't help but raise his hand to put it on Miao Youxi's heart.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't start!"

The three little ones quickly held Lin Can's hand.

1 minutes are over.

Everyone quickly separated Lin Can and Miao Youxi.

Lin Can pursed her lips, enjoying it a lot.

"Huh~~~It's so hot~" Miao Youxi took a long breath, her face red and hot.

Seeing her in this state, the three sisters felt something.

……Next person.

Lin Miaomiao drew the card and opened it.

[Sincere Card—How long was the last time you slept with a man? 】


Everyone turned to look at Ayire.

What card do you have?
Ayire said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Aunt Lin, I bought this card newly and haven't used it yet. It's not suitable. We'll take the next one."

Lin Can was actually quite torn. She wanted to know, but she didn't want to know - because the question was obviously asking when was the last time she had sex with a man?
Lin Miaomiao reached out and held down the card.

"If there's anything I can't answer, I'm willing to admit defeat and I'll answer this question."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Miaomiao.

"I... Lin Miaomiao... an old maid!"


Everyone was stunned.

Wang Qingya: "Real or false?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Of course, I have never liked a man since I was a child. How could I go to bed with a man?"

Lin Can glanced at Wang Wenwan.

"???" Wang Wenwan was stunned, looking at what I was doing.

It's just that these two women have the same purpose but different approaches.

Wang Xiaoxiao: “I don’t believe it!”

Lin Miaomiao: "If you don't believe me, ask your dad. What do you think your dad and I have to do with each other? If you go back and ask, you will know if it is wishful thinking on his part."

The four little ones looked confused, what's going on?

And their father is involved?

Lin Can explained in a low voice: "Uh... I, Aunt Lin, have been chasing Lao Wang's White Moonlight all my life but have never been able to catch her."

Four little ones:! ! !


"Okay, this question is too private, okay." After Lin Can learned the answer, he walked up, patted Lin Miaomiao on the shoulder, and said: "Aunt Lin, it's not easy for you. You are still alone at such an old age. Don’t worry, I will love you even more in the future.”

"...Ha." The corner of Lin Miaomiao's mouth moved. He was so fake. What was he happy about?

Of course Lin Can is happy.

Some things can change a person.

It would be understandable if Wang Wenwan and Jiang Renzhong had a fake marriage.

Lin Miaomiao was 17 years old. Her twin sister died after giving birth, which was a huge blow to her. She no longer believed in men and was alone, which was understandable.


Next, Lin Can drew a card.

【True Heart Card】

[Question: Of the people here, who do you most want to sleep with. 】

Everyone looked at Ayire again.

"Ah!!!" Ayire stamped her feet, "Sorry, sorry, I'll put it away."

Lin Can: "Hurry up!"

"Slow down!" Chu Qingning pressed the card, "Aunt Lin dares to answer the question. What are you afraid of? If you are guilty, then you are guilty. Tell me, who is it?"

"Okay! Sister Qing Ning, you have said so, so I will answer it. First, I have a question - is this a single-choice question or a multiple-choice question?"


Everyone gushed blood to death.

Chu Qingning: "There's more than one?"

Lin Can: "Idea, it would be too small if there is only one pattern."

Chu Qingning: "Huh~~~ Tell me, how many!"

"Uh..." Lin Can scratched his head and said, "Seven!"

"Fuck you! Lin Can, you are not a human being, I'll beat you to death!"

Except for Lin Miaomiao, the seven women couldn't bear it anymore and went up to push Lin Can down on the sofa and beat him wildly.

It was actually eight, Lin Can lied.

Lin Miaomiao knew that Lin Can was lying.

Without him, how could she not know what Lin Can was thinking?

The sun sets and the moon hangs in the starry sky.

There was a light on in the living room.

The game is played, the people are played, and everyone is tired.

Lin Can found a serious question - how to sleep tonight?
Lin Can thought for a while and said: "We are all home, so don't stay in the hotel. Let's make do at home. The eight of you will sleep in the bedroom in pairs, and I will sleep on the sofa."

Wang Qingya said: "It's not good for you to sleep on the sofa."

Lin Can said: "I don't feel very good either."

Everyone: ...

Be polite to him, he is really not polite.

Lin Can said: "It's rare for everyone to get together. There should be a lot to talk about at night by candlelight. How about... How about we all sleep on the floor and make a floor bed in this living room. As a brother and a nephew, I, Lin Can, will accompany my sister and aunt. Let's all go together. How about sleeping on the floor?"

Lin Can lost his temper and asked for a woolen yarn. Since the opportunity was so rare, he had to boldly ask for it.


Everyone was silent.

Lin Can slept with the four little ones every day these days.

In Yunchuan, I occasionally slept with the three sisters.

I used to sleep with Lin Miaomiao twice.

They are all together, and they have to sleep together, which is too much to ask.

Lin Can went straight back to his room.

"You didn't say anything, so I took it as a promise. Don't worry, what else can I do? Qing Ning and the others will keep an eye on me while I sleep, okay?"

Chu Qingning hit Lin Can and was speechless.

Lin Miaomiao: "Okay, as long as you obey the rules."

"Okay." Lin Can responded and walked between Wang Wenwan and Wang Xiaoxiao, "The three of you shouldn't reject your brother, right?"

"...I really admire you."

After saying that, the two pushed him away and took Wang Qingya to take a shower.

Qiao Meina also took Lin Miaomiao to the public bathroom to take a bath.

Leaving Lin Can and the three little ones behind, Chu Qingning pushed Lin Can to the sofa and sat down, saying, "What are you planning?"

"I don't have any ideas. We just lay the floor together, that's all."

"I've convinced you. If you don't want to sleep in a bed, make a bunk on the floor. Let's go and take out all the quilts and put them on them."


Lin Can and the fourth child freed up the living room, spread a few quilts under them, climbed up and tried them, and they found they were quite soft.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao and her three sisters came out of the shower.

The four little ones went to the master bedroom to take a shower, and Lin Can went to the public bathroom to take a shower.

The three sisters and Lin Miaomiao each sat on the floor and blew their hair. The four little ones only had one hair dryer at home.

The four of them are all wearing newly bought pajamas, the kind of pajamas that come with clothes and pants. After all, they are guests. It is not a good idea to buy sexy pajamas. This kind of conservative pajamas is just right.

Three minutes later, Lin Can took a shower from the bathroom, washed his hair, and came out.

Wang Wenwan: "So fast?"

Lin Can: "This is the first time I heard you say that."

Wang Wenwan glared at Lin Can angrily, thinking that if you keep doing this, your mouth will be torn apart.

"Cancan, come here and blow dry your hair."

"it is good."

Lin Can stepped onto the floor, sat down behind Lin Miaomiao, spread her legs on both sides of her, and picked up a hair dryer to blow her dark, damp hair.

Whispered: "I didn't expect you to be here the first time?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "You don't need to be too concerned about this, okay?"

Lin Can smiled and said: "Aunt Lin, keep it for me. Ouch, ouch, it hurts~"

Lin Miaomiao grabbed Lin Can's thigh hard.


"Lin Miaomiao!" At this time, Wang Qingya couldn't help it anymore, turned around and asked, "I have a question to ask you."

Lin Miaomiao said while combing her hair: "Ask!"

"What's the relationship between you and my dad?"

"Didn't you just say that? It doesn't matter. Your dad chased me back then. What could I, a little girl, do? Do you think it was my fault? Besides... your dad and your mom don't get along, so you can't blame me. You and I Dad doesn’t have anything to do with it, so you can’t blame me just because your dad likes me and then doesn’t get along with your mom.”

Lin Miaomiao said this.


Wang Wenwan said: "You lied. You and Wang Bolun are a couple. You also have a daughter. We all know this."

Lin Miaomiao said: "Huh... Wang Bolun and I are a couple? No, I don't have a daughter either. If you don't believe me, ask Lin Can."

Lin Can said: "I thought I had a daughter before, but it turned out that I didn't. As for Wang Bolun...well...Actually, Aunt Lin is a twin. She has a sister named Lin Yuyu, and the child is Lin Yuyu's."


The three sisters were surprised: "Didn't my father say this?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "My sister is studying in Yunchuan Normal University, where Yang Wuluo is studying."

At this point, Lin Miaomiao glanced at Lin Can. Lin Can glanced at the master bedroom with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, the door was closed.

Otherwise, the fourth child would only hear it and ask who Yang Wuluo was, which would be embarrassing.

Wang Wenwan slapped Lin Can's palm: "Can you please be honest? The four of them are so good to you. Of course Yang Wuluo is also good to you. Stop messing with girls, okay?"

Lin Can said: "I have never provoked you. I have been rolling around among these women."

"Lin Can is too lazy to mention those things. I just want to ask if you really have a sister?" Wang Xiaoxiao said.

Lin Miaomiao said: "I am in Yang'an and my sister is in Yunchuan. We are both in class and rarely see each other. Besides, even if he goes back to Yunchuan, if your dad sees my sister, he will think it is me, and you and I I don’t know Dad well, so there’s no need for me to talk about it.”

Wang Xiaoxiao thought for a moment: "That's not right. If you have a sister, how could my dad not know about it later?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "Because he died in the first semester of freshman year, I am the only one left among the twins. Who will suspect or investigate?"

"He died in the first semester of his freshman year. How did he die?"


Lin Miaomiao didn't answer.

The three sisters looked at Lin Can, who nodded, indicating that he was really dead. As for how he died, Lin Can didn't know.

There are some injuries that family members don’t like to share about how they died.


After blow-drying Lin Miaomiao's hair, she lay down and covered herself with a quilt to sleep.

Lin Can sat down in front of the three sisters and said, "Don't worry about this matter. Aunt Lin has already said it doesn't matter. The three of you are going to meet tomorrow anyway. Everything will be clear by then."

The three sisters nodded and lay on the floor playing with their mobile phones. Wang Wenwan lay next to Lin Miao.

Lin Can sat cross-legged and reached out to poke Wang Wenwan's waist.

Wang Wenwan clicked her tongue, rolled her eyes, turned her back to Lin Can, and refused to interact with him.

Why interact? There are so many people, so don’t interact.

He just typed a line on his phone and raised it to Lin Can to look at.

[Be honest tonight and don't use your imagination, otherwise you won't even think about it in the future. 】

"it is good."

Lin Can responded.

Of course it was just verbal. How could Lin Can let go of such a God-given opportunity?

Lin Can is playing a big game of chess.

After all, Lin Can hasn't had that for a long time.

The five of us in Magic City these days have no chance to communicate and study with Chu Qingning and Ayire at night.

Therefore, Lin Can is charged up to 200%!
Energy bars need to be released.


After a while, the four little ones also finished their baths and came to the floor to lie down.

They don't have pajamas, they just wear nightgowns.


Lin Can sighed, it's okay for them to have their period.

Turn off the lights and go to bed.

The living room fell into darkness.

Lin Can is on the outside.

After everyone chatted for a while, they all fell asleep.

01:30 midnight.

Wang Wenwan was sleeping soundly when she suddenly felt like a thorn in her back. She let out a sweet scream. She knew it was Lin Can. Her heart was beating fast. She covered her mouth and said nothing, without looking back. Her face was extremely red with embarrassment.


early morning.

The sun was shining brightly, the wind was gentle, and there were no clouds in the sky.


Chu Qingning opened the curtains, and dazzling sunlight shone into the living room.

"Cancan, wake up soon."

Lin Can rubbed his eyes and found that he was alone on the floor.

"What about people?"

"Do your makeup in your room."

Lin Can pulled Chu Qingning down and hugged her.

"Don't make trouble, I haven't been feeling well these days."

"Oh... what a pity. After your aunt is gone, I will have to add a few more."

"It's up to you."

Now that everyone knows the basics, Chu Qingning will no longer be shy about these things.


At 08:30 in the morning, after breakfast, Lin Can changed into a handsome suit, put on glasses, and appeared online as a cold and ascetic rich second generation image.

Eight women expressed their handsomeness.

"I think it's so pretty too. Sister Wen Wan likes my abstinent look the best. Sister Wen Wan, what do you think?"

on the sofa.

"Handsome!" Wang Wenwan glanced angrily, as if she was abstinent. But last night, while I was asleep, he actually...

Today Lin Can mainly went to see Lao Wang and Wang Bolun, and also to protect Lin Miaomiao. If Lao Wang saw him and rushed up excitedly, Lin Can could push Lao Wang away.

At the gate of the community, Lin Can stopped the taxi and watched the four little ones leave.

The three sisters greeted Lin Can, got into the Mercedes-Benz sent by the Shanghai Branch, and left.

Lin Can drove the big G and followed Lin Miaomiao behind.

(End of this chapter)

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