The host is messing with moths every day

Chapter 76 The Empress Dowager 29

Chapter 76 The Empress Dowager 29
Qian Xian adjusted the wide and complicated brocade pattern sleeves, touched the peony pattern on it, and said slowly, "I heard that His Majesty will demote you to a commoner and exile you to the border to work as a coolie."

Hearing these words, the second prince was struck by a bolt from the blue, "No, can't I? Anyway, I'm still his son..."

"It's just one of them!" Qian Xian stretched out a finger and shook it in front of him, "But the Queen Mother is His Majesty's only mother!"

The second prince also realized something, he squatted down holding his head in pain, "I didn't want to hurt them at all! Those orders were given by the original second prince! I didn't even know!"

Qian Yuan looked at him with a smile in his eyes, as if watching a small animal struggling.

After a while, she continued, "You don't want to hurt them? But they don't think so! Do you know why you were arrested? It was the third prince who reported it to His Majesty!"

If the evidence in the hands of the third prince is not enough for the time being, I am afraid he will still say that you have impersonated the real second prince!
"Impossible!" The second prince looked up at her, his eyes were red, and veins appeared on his forehead, "Stop talking! I don't believe it!"

He was born in a peaceful age 1000 years later, and he studied science and engineering. He came here before he came into contact with society. In his heart, both the third brother and the fifth brother who became the prince are very good people. They are brothers!
How could a brother hurt him?They have the same blood flowing through them!

Qian Xian met his bloodthirsty gaze and slightly raised her eyebrows.

"The facts are already in front of you! What if you don't believe it? You treat others as brothers, but they may not treat you as brothers! Probably just as a stumbling block on the way to the throne!"

Her tone was cheerful, but her words were cruel and ruthless, like a heavy hammer, severely smashing the second prince's belief in the inherent goodness of human nature.

The light in the second prince's eyes dimmed, he looked down at the weeds under him, his eyes were blurred by tears, he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from crying, and clenched his big hands bit by bit.

"In this world, you can only trust your parents! If you were born in the royal family, you will be unlucky! The only person you can trust and rely on is yourself!"

Putting these words aside, Qian Xian turned around and left the dungeon without looking at the second prince again.

After watching the whole process, the system is already stupefied, and it doesn't care about the poor second prince. To be precise, it wants the second prince to disappear from sight even more at this moment!

[When did you know he was time-traveled? 】

Fuck!It doesn't know at all!In the plot, it never said that someone came here through time travel!Is there a bug in this world again? !

Oh shit!What's going on at the headquarters? !It’s fine that the female supporting role was reborn last time, but this time a male supporting role has been time-traveled? !Are you sick? !
Qian Xian looked up at Nuan Yang, which was as red as a child's face, and responded to it in her heart,【I don't know!Isn't that a fraud? 】

The recitation solitaire for the top [-] of the periodic table of chemical elements, but the second prince did it himself!
The system is busy "greeting" to the headquarters, no, it is reporting to the headquarters, and has no time to ask Qian Xian.

After the email was sent, the system inexplicably remembered the concubine who had been neglected by the heroine.

It panicked badly, and wanted to know Qian Xian's answer, so it could be taken as a reassurance.

[The host, the female partner, is the female partner next to the heroine, that concubine!She, did she also time travel? 】

Qian Xian let out a "huh" and said with a smile, 【So you found out too!I look like it too! 】

The system that took the palpitation pill: [! ! 】

What is "you too"? !So, in fact, she has already seen it?without telling it? !

Recalling what Qian Xian said before, which was similar to "the task may not be completed", the system felt suffocated for a while.

Coauthor She knew it all along, just didn't tell it!Let it be as silly as a silly dog!Depend on!She is too much!

Qian Xian seemed unaware of the collapse of the system, and threw another bomb at it.

[According to the logic of the previous world, maybe the heroine also traveled through time!In other words, the person the hero has been looking for may not be in this world anymore! 】

If it is really as guessed, then the task of matching up the hero and heroine can be skipped!whee!
system:【! ! ! 】

After the shock, the system that was still breathing quickly bought three ginseng pills.

It is really afraid of being pissed off!Being pissed off by the host, by the shit headquarters!One knows that there is a pit but does not warn, and the other arranges the pit but does not warn, they just watch it jump into the pit!

Ahhhhh I'm so mad!Three hundred ginseng pills can't appease its anger!So angry!

 The accusation from the system: [How can you go so far!Are you so happy to see that I can't complete the task? ! 】

  Qian Xian smiled like a little devil, 【Happy!The pain of losing hundreds of billions of merit deposits has been relieved a lot! 】

  Unreasonable system: […] Shit!I owe you so much!

  ————This is a dividing line———

  Thank you Bao for the monthly pass~(ˊˋ*)

  I'm afraid I typed the wrong name of the treasure. If the treasure who voted for the monthly ticket sees the above thank you, it will automatically claim it~
(End of this chapter)

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