Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 86 Conflict in the Auditorium (please subscribe and ask for tickets)

Chapter 86 Conflict in the Auditorium (please subscribe and ask for tickets)
In the lunch hall, Ron was complaining about his wand.

When Ron's wand was attacked by the Whomping Willow, it almost broke in two, and the upper end drooped, only a few pieces of wood were connected.

He borrowed some magic tape to repair the wand briefly, but it didn't seem to be repaired, and it crackled and sparked every now and then.

It's like Professor McGonagall's transfiguration class, asking everyone to turn a beetle into a button.

Every time Ron tried to transform the beetle, he was immediately surrounded by a cloud of gray, rotten-egg-smelling smoke.

He couldn't see clearly, and with a frivolous movement of his elbow, he crushed the beetle and had to ask for another, to Professor McGonagall's displeasure.

"Idiot... useless... thing..."

Ron complained and shook the wand in his hand, and the wand made a series of crisp sounds like firecrackers with Ron's movements.

Hermione glanced helplessly at the wand in Ron's hand, and then buried herself in "Traveling with Vampires" again.

"Write home and ask for another one," suggested Harry.

"Yeah, I received a Howler letter." Ron said, throwing his wand aside helplessly. "Your wand is broken and it's all your own fault!"

At this moment, Harry seemed to think of something, and said directly: "Ron, maybe you can ask John, he is so good at alchemy, maybe he can help you fix the wand?"

Hearing Harry's words, Ron seemed to have thought of this too. After all, after John's visit, he could always hear his father praising John for his alchemy skills from time to time.

And from the few words of their father, they learned that the alchemy props made by John were very good, so the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic reached a deal with John.

Thinking of this, Ron was going to take Harry to find John.

But Harry pulled Ron back and said, "Let's write to John first and make an appointment to talk about it. You also know that John often does experiments in the dormitory and doesn't have much time to come to the auditorium for dinner."

"Yes!" Ron immediately realized.

So after he finished his meal in a hurry, he went back to the dormitory to write a note for the appointed time, and then got rid of Harry's owl Hedwig to deliver the letter to John. After all, you can't expect the mouse, Scabbers, to deliver the letter.

Harry had wanted to go back to the dormitory with Ron, but he was stalked by a very small gray-haired boy.

Holding an ordinary Muggle camera in his hand, the boy rushed to him with a flushed face and great excitement.

In fact, Harry had noticed this boy a long time ago, after all, no one can ignore a person who is staring at him, can't he?
"Hello, Harry? I'm—I'm Colin Creevey," he said breathlessly, taking a timid step forward. "I'm in Gryffindor, too. Do you think . . . may . . . Can I take a picture of you?"

He held up the camera expectantly.

"Photography?" Harry asked blankly.

"This way I can prove that I saw you." Colin said eagerly, and took a few steps forward. How did it disappear, wait, there is still a lightning-shaped scar on your forehead."

Colin's eager eyes searched through Harry's hair, as if to find the famous scar.

"A boy in my dorm said that if I used the right developing potion, the people in the pictures would move."

Colin took a deep breath, trembling slightly with excitement.

"It's interesting here, isn't it? Until I got the letter from Hogwarts, I didn't know that all the weird things I would do were magic. My dad was a milkman, and he couldn't believe it, so I'm going to shoot Send him a bunch of pictures. If I could have a picture of you..."

He looked at Harry beggingly, and his tone was full of pleading: "Maybe I can stand next to you and ask your friend to press it for you? Then... can you sign it?"

"Signed photos? Are you sending signed photos, Potter?"

It seemed that such an unusual scene attracted everyone's attention. While Colin and Harry were talking excitedly, many people were looking around.

Among them were the people of Slytherin, or Draco Malfoy to be specific.

Draco Malfoy stopped behind Colin, flanked by his two big, menacing buddies: Crabbe and Goyle.

At Hogwarts, these two were always by his side like bodyguards.

"Everyone line up!" Malfoy taunted, and exaggeratedly shouted at the crowd, "Harry Potter is going to send out autographed photos!"

"No, I didn't," Harry said angrily, clenching his fists. "Shut up, Malfoy."

"You're jealous," snapped Colin, whose whole body was only as thick as Crabbe's neck.

"Jealous?" Malfoy sneered.

At the same time he stopped shouting, because half the people in the auditorium were listening at the moment.

"Why are you jealous? I don't want to have an ugly scar on my head. I don't think that having someone's head cut open will make a person so special. I don't believe it!"

Hearing this, Crabbe and Goyle smirked, as did the other Slytherins in the hall, but many people in other houses frowned.

Hermione had put down the book in her hand at this moment, and stood up to hold Harry in order to prevent him from making impulsive mistakes. You must know that he has not finished confinement yet.

Like a mother protecting a cub, Hermione stopped in front of Harry at this moment, glaring at Malfoy angrily.

"Look! Look! Here Harry's admirers are protecting him!" Malfoy sneered, eliciting another round of laughter.

But Hermione was unmoved, still staring at Malfoy.

Facing Hermione's eyes and attitude, Malfoy had a disgusted expression on his face.

"How dare you look at me like that! You dirty mud..."

But before Malfoy finished speaking, everyone felt a black shadow appear in front of Malfoy.

Accompanied by the dull sound of physical collision, Malfoy flew backwards like this, bumped into the followers behind him, and brought them to the ground heavily.

Suddenly the auditorium fell into silence, and everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.


After seeing who made the shot, Harry exclaimed in surprise.

John had actually come here a long time ago. He originally wanted to ask Ron to write to Mr. Weasley to discuss hiring him as a technical consultant for the Red Dragon Alchemy House.

After all, the act of giving money directly last time, although he found a reason for those alchemy knowledge, it was really inappropriate to think about it carefully, so he wrote a letter to invite Mr. Weasley to be a technical consultant, but he never received a reply.

So I wanted to come to Ron and ask him to ask him for myself, but I didn't expect to find Ron, but encountered such a thing instead.

John didn't want to care about this matter at first, but the word Malfoy was going to say just now was too much, it was an insult to all wizards born in Muggle families, so he directly interrupted him, stopping This guy utters that word.

Ignoring Malfoy and his followers who were lying on the ground crying out of pain, he glanced coldly at the crowd around him, especially those Slytherins.

Faced with such gazes, many Slytherin students in the crowd shrank their heads and quietly left the auditorium.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Gilderoy Lockhart strode towards them, his turquoise robes billowing behind him.

"Who is posting signed photos? Let me see... ah!"

But when Lockhart got closer to see everything clearly, he subconsciously exclaimed, especially when he saw John, he panicked even more.

If it was other little wizards, Lockhart thought he could handle it, but he felt guilty from the beginning to the end when facing John Lockhart.

Whether it was the proven record, the evaluation of other professors, or John's attitude towards him, Lockhart labeled John as not easy to mess with.

In fact, he regrets coming here now, but unfortunately he can't leave now. As a professor, he must come forward to resolve the student conflict.

So he still maintained the majesty of a teacher, and said in a stern tone: "Follow me to Professor McGonagall's office!"

After speaking, he shook his robe and hurriedly walked out of the auditorium.

Harry and Hermione looked at John worriedly, but John gave them a reassuring look and followed Lockhart

Perhaps it was because of the rough skin and thick flesh, Goyle and Crabbe were fine, but Malfoy was holding his stomach with a pale face, and could only be supported by Goyle and Crabbe to follow behind them.

Soon they came to the door of Professor McGonagall's office, followed by Lockhart's knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded in the house, and the door opened.

Lockhart tidied his clothes, then walked in like a peacock with its tail on its tail, and John and Malfoy naturally followed.

Professor McGonagall was grading students' homework at the moment. When he looked up and saw Lockhart for the first time, John clearly saw Professor McGonagall froze for a while, and subconsciously showed a helpless expression on his face.

But soon when Professor McGonagall saw Malfoy being helped in, he immediately showed anxiety, stood up and walked to his side.

"What's going on here?" Professor McGonagall asked Lockhart.

Lockhart was looking at the tulips on Professor McGonagall's window sill, but when he heard Professor McGonagall's words, he immediately reacted and looked directly at John.

"That's up to Mr. John."

In fact, he had planned to say this on the way. After all, he rushed over when he heard that someone wanted an autographed photo. When he found out that it was not the case, he took them to find Professor McGonagall directly. What exactly happened? He has no idea.

Professor McGonagall looked at John, facing one of his best students, Professor McGonagall's tone softened a little.

"John, tell me what happened."

John nodded, and narrated the whole thing from the perspective of a bystander in a completely neutral way, without defaming Malfoy or glorifying himself.

Hearing John's narration, Professor McGonagall turned pale,

Not only because of John's hands-on behavior, but also because of Malfoy's unspoken word that was stopped by John.

You must know that Professor McGonagall's father is a Muggle. As a half-blood wizard, she had many Muggle friends who were wizards when she was young. He knew how hurt that word was to them.

"Mr. Malfoy, how dare you say that word! In view of your behavior, I will deduct fifty points from you and put you in confinement!"

"As for John, although violence is wrong, you also want to prevent bad things from happening, so five points are deducted and ten points are added."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's treatment of him, John naturally noticed the flash of dissatisfaction on Malfoy's face, and thought he might complain to Professor Snape.

But if Professor Snape knew that this guy was punished for saying that word, he didn't know how he would react.

John was looking forward to the scene where Malfoy was spit out by the snake king.

 For the rest of the chapter last night, I didn't pay attention to the time, so I set it to [-]:[-] p.m. Sorry.

  In this way, the next day's update will be completed, and it will be the same as yesterday, with a total of [-] words
(End of this chapter)

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