Chapter 80 The Red Pig

Helping the kind, warm Weasleys was different from treating Percy, and it had nothing to do with his plans.

John is also willing to lend a helping hand. If everything needs to be calculated, that kind of life is too tiring, isn't it?

And what is John doing in the Weasley couple's mouth now?

John is now in a hut he built in the space. The walls of the house are engraved with various magic circles targeting the soul, and there are also various talismans and alchemy products used to influence the soul and protect oneself.

He was sitting in front of the experiment table that was also engraved with a large number of magic circles. In front of him was the Horcrux notebook that he got from Ginny's old book at that time.

At this moment, the notebook has been opened, and the magic pen placed aside indicates that John has begun to communicate with the consciousness in the notebook.

After writing the first sentence and the ink was absorbed, a cold and sticky black mist began to emerge from the notebook in front of him in the magical field of vision, just like Voldemort's main soul on Quirrell.

A sentence gradually emerged from the notebook: "Hello, kid."

A smile appeared on John's face, as expected, the magic circle that confuses the soul can really affect the judgment of the remnant soul in the Horcrux.

According to John's setting, at this moment, this is a small house in his eyes, and the person who got this notebook was a boy with black hair and black pupils, whose appearance was three points similar to that of the young Voldemort.

It took John a lot of time to get the photos of Voldemort when he was in the orphanage and create this image.

John picked up the pen at hand and began to write in the notebook, but in the eyes of the remnant soul in the notebook, it was a pale and thin young man, tremblingly writing with the pen.

"What are you? Why can you write directly! Could it be that you are the devil in the mouth of the mother?"

Imitate the boy's timid tone and reveal some false information.

"I'm not a devil, I'm a magic notebook created by a great magician."

John smiled. Voldemort's remnant soul really has a trick. If a teenager really got this note, he might be deceived if he saw such an answer.

"Really? Are there really magicians in the world?"

Imitate the boy's excited tone and write down the words, and adjust the magic circle so that the remnant soul in the horcrux can feel the magic power fluctuations emerging from the "boy" because of the excitement.

Sure enough, Remnant Soul noticed the fluctuation of magic power on the "boy" in front of him, and saw the handwriting appearing on the notebook a little faster.

"Yes child, in fact, you are a born magician, you have magical power in your body!"

"Really? I'm a magician, not possessed by a demon as Mammy said?"

"Yes, child, this is your innate talent, you are born nobler than others, but those fools without talent are afraid of this fear, and will naturally use various excuses to slander this talent!"

Remnant Soul's words are full of temptation, not only telling the "boy" that he is nobler than others, but also beginning to seduce the boy's heart that wants to use his talent.

"So can you do magic? Can you teach me?"

"Of course, child, I have recorded the magical knowledge of the great magician's life, and I will teach you this!"

"Great, then you are my master. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jerry Jodl, and I am an orphan. Master, do you have a name?"

John could see the black mist surging on the notebook paused when he saw the word "orphan", and then surged again, but it was more violent than before.

"You can call me Mr. Hei, and I will be your master from now on, Jerry."

In the following period, John continued to communicate with the remnant soul in the notebook, and the remnant soul continued to bewitch "Young Jerry", arousing his dissatisfaction with the orphanage and the Muggles around him, arousing his ambition for magic .

John naturally followed the meaning of the remnant soul to make a corresponding answer. In the end, the brainwashing exchange used the remnant soul to teach "Young Jerry" the skill of using magic to control objects, and agreed that after "Young Jerry" taught him a lesson, he would Ask the child to teach him to end.

Then John closed the notebook, and with the notebook closed, with the current state of the remnant soul in the Horcrux, it could temporarily fall into a deep sleep, unable to perceive the external situation.

But just to be on the safe side, John took out a chain specially made to suppress the soul, wrapped the notebook around and sealed it completely.

Leaving this hut, John walked slowly towards the main house. Now the research on the Sorcerer's Stone is going well, but John estimates that it is still too late to research it before September 9, so John is going to cross the world and use the time difference to carry out in the new world Research.

As early as a few days ago, the 30-day cooldown of the system ended.

After leaving the space, he put all the things he needed into the Nick Flamel Ring. John was even more grateful to the teacher for this, because the ring made by the teacher was recorded by the system when it was handed over to John.

In this way, when he travels through the world in the future, he can easily bring things through the world, and he can also bring things back.

It’s just that according to the system’s intelligent prompts, it seems that creatures from other worlds cannot be brought back, and John doesn’t think it’s a pity. Maybe in the future he can bring people from other worlds to cross the world.

After John put on his combat uniform and Erian Mum's Type [-], he contacted the system intelligence and chose to go through the world.

[Confirmation of crossing the boundary]

[Recorded world "Howl's Moving Castle" has been denied]

[Adaptation plane search... search confirmed, anchoring... anchoring successful]

[Identity is being inserted...insert successfully]

[Start crossing the world! 】

The familiar white light flashed, and John disappeared into the room again like the previous few times.

adriatic sea

A large bay in the Mediterranean Sea, between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula, connected to the Ionian Sea through the Strait of Otranto at the southern end.

It is about 800 kilometers long, 160 kilometers wide on average, and covers an area of ​​131050 square kilometers, with islands of various sizes scattered throughout.

If it is peaceful, it is a good place for vacation with sunny weather all year round and plenty of sunshine.

But at some special time nodes, here is an important war node.

In terms of geographical characteristics, the Adriatic Sea belongs to the kind of place where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

As long as you keep the narrow entrance between Albania and Italy, the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, it is difficult for outsiders to enter the above seas.

Moreover, most of the Adriatic Sea area is a continental shelf landform, and about 2/3 of the area has a water depth of no more than 200 meters, which is not suitable for the deployment of large fleets, especially for the operation of aircraft carriers.

Therefore, most of the time, if fighting in this area, it is necessary to rely on pilots with rich combat experience to drive water fighters to fight with the enemy.

At this moment, John woke up on a deserted island in the Adriatic Sea.

John checked his status at the first moment. Unlike the previous few times, he did not change his age.

With the help of the temporary connection with this world, after John knew where he was, John clearly felt that there were a lot of different spaces in this world.

These different spaces are attached to this world, wandering or fixed in the space gaps of the world.

For example, John raised his head slightly to look at the clouds above his head. There is a huge different space in the stratosphere above this sea area, where there are a lot of soul reactions. It should be similar to the space between "heaven" and "hell". The class is out of place.

At the same time, John also found that the world seemed to favor people with extraordinary talents like him.

John could feel his temporary connection with the world, which was actively fixed and strengthened by the world at some point.

John is naturally happy to see such things happen, and a strong connection will also help John better perform the magic of Howl's world.

Taking out the flying magic device, John confirmed the direction of the nearest town with the help of the connection with the world, and flew directly towards the town.

John shuttled among the clouds, and the sea below was sparkling in the sun, and islands of various sizes were distributed in this sea area.

From time to time, John can see propeller planes that can only be seen in museums galloping in the sky.

Soon John came to the top of a small town. John first cast the illusion spell to hide himself, and then landed from the sky in a deserted alley.

After putting away the flying magic guide and confirming that there was no one around, John lifted the illusion spell, briefly disguised his eyes, and walked out from the alley.

Compared with Long Tong, who is obviously different from ordinary people, red hair seems not uncommon in this world, and John has seen many red-haired people.

After simply blending into the crowd and eavesdropping on other people's communications, John knew a lot of basic information.

Whether it is the spies in military uniforms or armbands everywhere, the soaring prices caused by the devaluation of the currency, and the shortage of sugar products, it can show that the country to which his town belongs is preparing for war.

Just when John was about to continue eavesdropping on some news, he heard the exchange of two people who were reading newspapers.

"Have you heard? Pollock defeated the sky pirates again and saved fifteen children!"

"Really? It's amazing!"

Pollock?Air Pirates?Fifteen kids?

This obvious information directly activated a certain scene in memory, and John also knew which world he came from when he crossed the world this time.

Thinking of the man who turned into a pig because he didn't want to join forces with fascists, and to avoid some things, John became very interested.

If he can study the principles that cause the other party to change, John speculates that this may be able to solve the problems related to the new Animagus ritual, the relationship between magic and emotions, and so on.

But before that, John felt he needed to get out of trouble.

John found that at some point, many secret agents appeared in the crowd around him.

This may be the reason for Tanya's world military uniform because of the style of his combat uniform, which led these secret agents to think of him as a military personnel of other countries.

At this point in time, military personnel from any other country are in big trouble, and these people are trying to catch him for interrogation.

It's a pity that John won't give them this chance. John is like a gust of wind, quickly shuttling through the crowd.

Seeing this scene, those secret agents didn't understand that they were exposed. These secret agents violently pulled away the crowd blocking the way and rushed towards the alley where John disappeared.

But that alley was like a monster's mouth wide open. No matter how many secret agents entered, no sound came out, and no one came out again.

Two days later, John, who had changed his clothes, appeared in his memory in Milan, the city where Brooke was going to repair the plane.

After he used his power to knock out all the secret agents who followed him that day, John found a counterfeit identity shop in the black market and got a fake identity certificate.

Then, after exchanging some money with the pure gold that he accidentally made while studying the Sorcerer's Stone, John came directly to Milan and stayed in the best hotel in Milan.

According to the current time, Porco should have fought against the pilot from the United States, and was shot down due to the failure of the plane's engine.

While researching the Philosopher's Stone in space, he could just sit on the sidelines, so as not to search for Pollock all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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