Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 73 Knockturn Alley

Chapter 73 Knockturn Alley
The day after returning from visiting the Burrow, John received a letter from Hogwarts.

Let Tom take care of the owl delivering the letter, John sat on the sofa and opened the envelope, Miranda looked at John with a smile.

After briefly reading the letter, he said in his heart that he should still take the Hogwarts Express train from King's Cross Station to school on September [-]st. At the same time, the letter also listed the list of new books he will use this year.

Second graders are required to read:
Standard Spells, Level [-], by Miranda Goshawk

Breaking with the Ghost, by Gilderoy Lockhart

Walking with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Vacation with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart

Walking with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart

Sailing With the Vampire by Gilderoy Lockhart

Walking with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart

A Year with the XZ Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart

Looking at the long list of Gilderoy Lockharts, John wondered if this narcissistic guy was a little too much.

You must know that each of his books is not cheap, and not all families of young wizards can afford this obviously excessive expenditure.

John even wondered if this guy would take this opportunity to give his book a sales boost.

"Gilderoy Lockhart? I know him. He was an egomaniac who almost entered Slytherin back then. I didn't expect him to be able to write Hogwarts textbooks now." When Miranda saw Lockhart's name, he directly Said.

Hearing his mother's words, John realized that it was developing according to the time he knew.

Whether it was my mother, Lockhart, or even Harry's parents, they were all in the school at the same time for a certain period of time, but they were not the same students.

And it seems that because the mother married the old bastard after graduation, the mother didn't know about the follow-up about Lockhart.

"I still remember that Valentine's Day, this guy sent himself [-] Valentine's Day cards, and the breakfast was canceled that day because it was all drowned in owl droppings and feathers, and he..." It seemed to be opened Chatter box, Miranda talking about Lockhart's stupid things back then.

"Then mother, do you know James Potter?" John asked.

Hearing this, Miranda frowned slightly, and said, "I heard from my senior that they, James Potter and his three followers, formed a group called Robbers. Hogwarts is full of violations of school rules and mischief."

"At that time, I still remember that there seemed to be a senior who was very difficult to deal with them. One day, the senior was hung up and they took off his pants in public."

"However, I heard later that they seem to have openly fought against Voldemort. It seems that James Potter's child is the savior."

Miranda seems to be caught in memories. In the intermittent recollection of his mother, John has a clearer understanding of the grievances between Harry's parents and Professor Snape.

From the perspective of a bystander, neither James Potter, who was a bully back then, nor Snape, who devoted himself to pursuing Voldemort's pure blood theory and invented a lot of curses and curses, could not be called Good guy.

But the world is like this. It's not black and white, but a more neutral gray, and everyone is constantly changing.

James Potter may have been a loathsome bully back then, but that still doesn't deny his subsequent sacrifices in the fight against Lord Voldemort.

Professor Snape was also a Death Eater who committed a lot of murders back then, but this still cannot deny his subsequent contribution to the fight against Voldemort.

So in John's view, the grievances and grievances of that generation have long been unclear, and it is not necessary to know so clearly, it is better to study hard.

He went into the study room with the book list in his hand and took out the books. Except for the complete "Standard Spells, Level [-]", the Lockhart books he bought at the beginning had already been torn apart by John.

At the beginning, he extracted the useful parts of Lockhart's book, removed all the useless boasting and nonsense, and recompiled it into a new book.

As for why he promised Harry and the others to go buy things for the next semester when he was at the Burrow.

Naturally, it was because of the notebook that Lucius Malfoy had mixed into the hands of little girl Ginny.

We must know that compared to Ravenclaw's crown, which only knows how to lure others to wear the crown, or this kind of Horcrux that can communicate autonomously is more attractive to John.

At that time, a control group can be established to see the difference between the two horcruxes, and why one can strategize while the other is mentally retarded.

But before that, John wants to go to Diagon Alley tonight.

The reason is that during this period of research on the knowledge left by the teacher, John found that black magic is an unavoidable subject. Many alchemy props need the assistance of black magic if they want to achieve certain effects.

As we all know, jinxes, curses, and curses all belong to black magic, although John has already started to touch black magic in the last semester.

But what John studied and mastered in depth was only those in Professor Snape's notebook, as well as the Fiercefire Curse.

The books that the teacher left him were basically books related to alchemy, and there was very little knowledge about magic spells, most of them were white magic or ancient magic.

So John is going to get some black magic books and items to study and research when he comes back. When he returns to Hogwarts, he can ask Professor Dumbledore or Professor Snape.

Of course, he will not study black magic too much, nor will he touch the three unforgivable curses.

At least not now, and he will have to wait until he thoroughly understands the mystery between the curse and emotions in the future before he will delve into black magic and find a way to break the three unforgivable curses.

For him who has the system to penetrate the world, maybe the day when that day comes is not far away.

Maybe at that time, John can try to find a way to get in touch with the Dark Lord who once swept across Europe, and learn the fire shield from the opponent.

Soon it was evening, and after dinner and telling his mother that he was going to conduct an experiment and not to disturb him, John quietly left the house using the magic of Howl's world.

Using the magic of Howl's world, John disguised himself as a 1.7-meter-tall mysterious man in a mask and covered in a black robe.

Apparate to the Leaky Cauldron and enter the back patio.

The reason why the Floo powder is not used to go to Diagon Alley, but to enter from the Leaky Cauldron is also to confuse possible follow-up investigations.

After all, you only need to go this way if you come to Diagon Alley from the Muggle world, and wizards who choose to stay in the Muggle world rarely come to Diagon Alley.

There were fewer people in Diagon Alley at night, and many of them were dressed like John and walked in a hurry.

Walking quickly towards Knockturn Alley, turning a corner, John stepped into Knockturn Alley.

Unlike Diagon Alley, which is a few steps away, Knockturn Alley seems to be an alley from another world.

If Diagon Alley still looks like a commercial street, Knockturn Alley is like a slum.

The store looked dirty and run-down, and there were signs of fighting everywhere.

Ragged, lame and hunchbacked wizards hid in the shadows of the shop, staring at every customer passing by with malicious eyes, estimating everyone's value in their hearts, and always ready to make a big deal.

Murder, looting, black magic books, cursed items... The whole street is full of this virtue. For most wizards, Knockturn Alley is as dark and chaotic as a scourge, but for dark wizards This is heaven and holy land.

At this moment, John imitated the behavior of those pure-blood families, walking on the dirty streets with strides, scanning the surrounding environment with his eyes watching the floating dust and ants, looking like a high-class person who has arrived in a slum.

This is not only a further disguise, but also to reap better things in subsequent transactions.

But this state also has bad aspects, because this kind of performance is undoubtedly not saying that he is rich, so John can feel that those wizards hiding in the dark have already set their eyes on him at this moment.

As we all know, in-depth study of black magic can easily lead wizards to slip into the abyss of degeneration, especially after being exposed to the three unforgivable curses, it is easy to be twisted.

Even if the will is strong, it will be affected to varying degrees, just like Auror Muddy, because of the influence of the three unforgivable curses, the whole person appears a little irritable.

Therefore, it is difficult for these dark wizards whose minds have been distorted to restrain the evil thoughts in their hearts, not to mention that there are Death Eaters hidden in these wizards.

The world will never lack the first guy to eat crabs, and a cold voice sounded in the darkness.

"Out of Soul"

The invisible magic went straight to John, and the sneak attacker hidden in the darkness was full of expectations. He was looking forward to controlling this high-ranking pure-blood wizard and making him strip naked and kneel on the ground to hand over all the money on his body.

But unfortunately, John was going to let him down.

In the next second, a mass of incomparably pitch-black mercury-like substance sprang out from John's shadow, suspended in mid-air and turned into a round shield, blocking the spell.
This is the new magic that John researched shadow magic and created again during this time.

The new magic was named the Shadow Liquid Curse by John, and the spell was "Shadow Spiritual Liquid", which could summon and exhale a cloud of mercury-like shadow matter, magic that could independently resist attacks, and protect the releaser's safety.

And because of its physical characteristics, the shadow matter summoned by this magic can resist the death curse.

However, the amount of shadow matter that can be summoned by this spell is linked to the magic power consumed by the releaser.

According to John's experiments, to summon the shadow matter that completely envelops the releaser, it takes almost a tick of magic power, and only a wizard with sufficient magic power like John can use it casually.

Because of the new magic, John, who has awakened Dragon Vision, and John who has night vision, can now clearly see that all the wizards who were waiting to see the good show looked at him in shock, including that of course. Raiders.

For the guy who took the initiative to provoke him, John would naturally not be merciful. He took out the spare wand made in the laboratory and waved it lightly.

The invisible slit blade cut across the air, directly cutting off the head of the man in the darkness.

And the blood spattered from the sneak attacker's body startled all the wizards around him.

The few people who were planning to sneak attack all wrapped up their worn blankets and coats tightly, trying to shrink themselves into a ball.

Several bosses on both sides of Knockturn Alley began to take out the good things in their stores while guessing John's identity in their hearts.

Immediately, more than half of the sights falling on John's body were lost, and the rest of the sights were full of fear.


Mixed with Long Wei's cold snort, the rest of the line of sight disappeared immediately, and now everyone in Knockturn Alley knew that there was a big stubble tonight, and they couldn't be easily provoked.

Seeing that the wizards around him were almost gone, John put away his spare wand and walked slowly towards the depths of Knockturn Alley, and soon he arrived at the target location for tonight.

The dark shop looked extremely dilapidated, but the various weird products placed in the window showed that the shop was not as simple as it appeared.

This is naturally the most famous black magic store in Knockturn Alley - Borgin Burke Black Magic Store
Reaching out and pushing open the door of Borgin Bock's black magic store, the crisp bell sounds so scary in the dark night.

The dim lights in the store barely illuminate the environment in the house, and various products full of black magic atmosphere are placed on display cabinets or cabinets for people to sift through.

At this time, some flattering voices were heard.

"Welcome, dear guest, what do you want to buy?"

I saw the owner of this well-known black magic shop, Mr. Bo Jin, bent over very obediently, came out from behind the counter, and greeted John with his greasy voice.

Mr. Bo Jin, who has been in Knockturn Alley all year round, naturally noticed the brief conflict just now.

The magic that the mysterious man in front of him just cast was all new to him. This not only made him confirm that the other party might really be a member of a pure-blooded family, but also made him understand that this was an existence that he could not afford to mess with. Do it well. Business is good.

John glanced over the products one by one, and finally landed on Mr. Bojin. This behavior deepened the other party's guess about John's identity.

It's just that Mr. Bokin didn't expect that John stared at him and fell into silence. The silence was so long, just when Mr. Bokin couldn't keep the smile on his face.

He heard the other party ask in a voice like sandpaper rubbing:
"What good stuff do you have here...?"

(End of this chapter)

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