Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 60 Leaving the Academy

Chapter 60 Leaving the Academy
Soon Kingdom Day came, and John said goodbye to his teacher silently with his packed luggage.

John knew very well that this farewell was only a short one.

Although the teacher will go to the death of his own choice, he will take the teacher's entrustment to the vastness of the future.

But he who can travel to other worlds has a bright future. When he becomes stronger in the future, he may not be able to change the outcome of this war by himself.

Walking into the magical house like a giant bird again, with the flapping of steel wings, the combination of electricity and magic creates miracles, allowing this huge creation to fly into the sky against common sense.

John looked down through the window, the School of Magic was getting farther and farther away from them, and was finally covered by white clouds.

Perhaps because of getting rid of the scope of the magic circle, the unified hair color of Hal and John began to change.

In the end, Hal changed back to his black hair and blue eyes, but John deliberately covered it up, and in Hal's eyes he turned back to the black hair and blue eyes he had at the beginning of school.

It seems that because of getting rid of this change in appearance, Hal was temporarily relieved, he is still a pure boy now.

It's not the future "heart-eating" mage Hal with dyed hair and beautification, gorgeous appearance, like a peacock spreading its tail.

John casts a veiled glance at Hal, wondering what exactly happened to make Hal look like that.

"I really don't know why Teacher Suliman wants to make everyone in the school look unified."

While whining, Hal got up and changed his clothes.

Unlike John, Hal was Suliman's apprentice, and the sailor suit and cropped pants he was wearing were not transformed by the magic circle.

This caused John's clothes to change back to a shirt and trousers after leaving the magic range, while Hal's clothes remained unchanged.

"Maybe it's for the unification of the college," John replied calmly, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Having said that, both John and Hal knew what the reason was, but one didn't care, and the other was afraid.

After changing his clothes, Hal sat down on the chair in silence. He was actually debating whether to tell John what he thought.

In Hal's mind, John has always been more assertive than him, and he only wanted to understand many things after John explained them clearly to him.

Just then Hal heard John's voice beside him.

"Hal, just do what you want to do, entanglement will only make things worse, as long as it's not something harmful, as long as you don't regret it, then follow your heart and do it bravely."

Like Harry, Hal looked at John in shock.

"John, can you read minds?"

Hal asked the same question as Harry.

John smiled and said directly: "Come on, you just moved around like a needle on a chair, and peeked at me from time to time, may I know that you have something to say to me, but you are just struggling and don't know how say?"

From Hal's performance just now, he didn't need to think about it, he knew what the other party was struggling with.

It's nothing more than wanting to escape from the magic contract signed by the school and leave the academy.

And as Legilimency became more proficient, John became more sensitive to the fluctuations of ordinary people's emotions, so he naturally noticed Hal's inner entanglement immediately.

I really don't know what kind of expression and reaction Harry would have if he knew that Professor Snape was a master of Legilimency and could sense his mood swings.

Hal smiled a little embarrassedly, and only then did he realize that his behavior just now was really obvious.

"John, I really don't know what to say." Hal restrained his smile at this moment, with a sad face on his face, "I respect Teacher Suliman very much, and I am also very grateful for Teacher Suliman's teaching, but for so long, I have been I feel like I'm suffocating around Teacher Saliman."

"Did you know? Teacher Suliman has a set of standards for everything you do, whether it's eating, studying or even talking. You must follow that standard. I feel like I'm living in a cage."

"I actually envy you, John." Hal looked at John with burning eyes, "Your teacher never restricts you too much. You are like friends, discussing, studying together, and exploring the truth of magic together. This kind of atmosphere makes me happy." Very envious."

John looked at Hal, the other's eyes were full of longing for freedom, he was like a swallow, trying to break free from the shackles that bound him.

Although the other party will know tomorrow, John still said: "Tomorrow night, the meteor shower will come, and then the Tianshan spirit will come to the world with the meteor, trade with it, and you can get what you want."

After speaking, John looked out of the window again, looking down at the mountains, rivers, cities and towns that looked like miniature models.

After a long time, a small "thank you" came from beside me.

John didn't look back. When he was in the library, John knew that the other party was looking for books about the termination of the contract.

As the study progresses, Suliman will naturally teach Hal the relevant knowledge of the trading principle. After all, this is one of the basic principles that every magician must learn.

In fact, Hal and John are very similar, they can both pay the price for what they want.

The difference is that John has such a magical creation as the system, while Hal only has himself.

In fact, John admires Hal very much. Not everyone has the courage to do everything to make a deal.

Afterwards, the two of them were silent on the road. John kept looking at the scenery outside the window, while Hal lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking.
It's just that John can feel the turbulent emotions of the other party.

Soon, as the scenery below gradually enlarged, the flying magic house landed towards the ground, and finally stopped on a lush grass.

It is really a sunny season at this moment, the grass is full of flowers of different colors, and the trickling stream flows wantonly on the grass.

A hut in the distance is quietly located in this beautiful scenery, and the waterwheel rotates with the stream. Everything is so peaceful and beautiful, like an idyllic oil painting.

John and Hal left the magic house with their luggage and walked all the way to the hut.

"This is the hut left to me by my magician uncle, and it is my secret base."

It seemed that Hal was in high spirits because he had returned to a familiar place.

John nodded. He could sense the abundant magical power from the distant hut, which formed a protective circle.

Take out the key to open the door, because no one has lived in it for a long time, everything in the cabin is covered with a layer of dust.

There are very few decorations in the cabin, except tables, chairs, beds, and stove, nothing else.

Hal was just about to enter the house when John stopped him with his hand.

Just when Hal was curious about why John stopped him, he saw a tiny wand in John's hand.

"Clean up"

John chanted a spell and waved his magic wand. The magic power gushed out from the tip of the wand. Along with a gust of invisible wind, the dust in the cabin seemed to be wiped away by an invisible big hand.

The originally gray room became clean and tidy again, and even Hal could clearly see that the old ashes on the stove had disappeared.

Hal looked at all this in surprise, and what surprised him even more was that after John entered the hut, he casually turned a piece of firewood into a small bed.

He had never seen the magic that could clear a house like that just now, and he couldn't turn firewood into a cot as easily and freely as John.

But soon Hal adjusted his mood, picked up his luggage and walked into the cabin.

The two simply packed up their belongings, and then John walked to the stove, lit the stove with magic, and boiled a pot of hot water.

Then Hal and John sat on the bench outside the house with their cups in hand, looking at the scenery in the distance.

After a long time, Hal couldn't help but asked, "John, can you teach me the cleansing magic you just cast?"

Hearing Hal's words, John nodded without refusing.

Although many times he is indeed using the magic principles of Howl's world to create new magic in the main world.

However, during the development of new magic, out of experimental needs, he also tried to create magic with the magic effect of the main world based on the magic principles of Hal's world.

Like the cleansing spell that Hal asked about.

I don't know if it's because the magicians in Hal's world concentrate on studying the mysteries of magic, or because the magicians have a high status, and some things are better left to the servants.
Compared with the almost perfect living magic in the main world, there is almost no magic related to Hal's world.

So the first thing John created was a cleansing magic that had the same effect as the cleansing spell.

Getting up and walking into the house, Hal followed curiously.

I saw John take out a notebook from his luggage, which recorded all the life magic he created.

Putting the notebook on the table, John took out the red dragon wand and pointed it at the notebook.

"Copy Double"

As the copying spell took effect, John's notebook on the table became two as if split.

Put the copy conjured by the copying spell into Hal's hand.

"It contains some life-related magic, including the cleansing spell I cast, but you'd better copy this notebook again, after all, it was created with magic power, and the magic on it can only last for three days. Months, when the time comes, this note will automatically dissipate."

Hearing John's words, Hal nodded, and then he opened the notes and began to read, while John sat on the bench outside again with a teacup, looking at the grassland and snow-capped mountains in the distance.

It was getting late, and the setting sun dyed everything golden red.

John simply made two dinners and put them on the table, smelling the aroma of the food, Hal realized that he was hungry.

It was obviously the host who invited John to be a guest, but as a result, the host didn't care about John as a guest, and studied magic on his own, and didn't even prepare dinner for John.

Thinking of this, Hal blushed with embarrassment.

"do not mind."

John could naturally see Hal's embarrassment, so he calmly calmed down Hal's emotions.

When Hal found that John really didn't care, he was slightly relieved, and then he picked up his spoon and ate his dinner.

At night, with the kerosene lamp lit, John and Hal sat face to face at the table, studying magic.

Hal originally wanted to ask John a question, but after seeing the incomprehensible words written by the other party and the almost dense magic circle drawn,

Seeing John's frown, Hal chose not to disturb John, took out the magic book he brought back, and started to study it by himself.

With the research, time passed again, and soon the night was dark, and the drowsiness hit. Finally, Hal couldn't bear the drowsiness, got up, washed and prepared to sleep
"Good night, John"

"Good night, Hal"

Seeing Hal lying on the bed and closing his eyes, John reached out to turn off the kerosene lamp, and he didn't care whether there was light or not because he had night vision.

Soon there were only the sound of Hal's sleeping breathing and the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper in the room.

The humming didn't stop until midnight.

 Hal is actually a big carrot in the original book.

  The relationship between Sophie and Hal is not like that in the movie, they are a pair of fateful couples, but more of happy friends.

  Sophie didn't like Hal very much when she first came into contact with him, but she gradually fell in love with him later.

  It can only be said that Mr. Hayao Miyazaki adapted it very well, and only then did this dreamy movie come into being.

(End of this chapter)

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