Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 57 Three Persons and One Body of the Soul

Chapter 57 The Holy Trinity

The changes in John may be able to use magic to cover up and deceive students like Hal.

But in the face of a master of magic like Mr. Fizeley, John pretended that he could see through it at a glance.

Teacher Fizeley could easily see that John was restricted by the gods, and he was also a little surprised by the content contained in it.

Although he guessed that his lover would choose to trade with the gods, after all, when John was teaching this part, the desire revealed in his eyes was exactly the same as when he was young.

It's just that he didn't expect that John could escape the trading rules and get what he wanted from the gods without paying a price.

But Fizeley had no intention of getting this method from John.

If he was still young, he might have controlled John immediately and forced him to ask him how to do this.

But now time flies, he has already gone through thousands of sails, he is not the young man of the past, he will not trade with the gods for power, and he will not commit a mistake that he regrets so much that he will regret it for half his life.

He also didn't want to delve into how John bypassed the academy's detection and traded with the gods.

John naturally knew that Teacher Fizeley knew everything, and he was not afraid of it. He never wanted to cover it up from the beginning. This was not only an attitude, but also a respect for his teacher.

So Fizeley still taught John knowledge normally, and both of them chose to ignore this matter tacitly, as if it had never happened.

But John still remembers the warning that the teacher said suddenly one day.

"A greedy heart is like a barren desert, which absorbs all the rain, but does not breed vegetation for the convenience of others."

"You must always pay attention to your soul, and don't drift into the unknown abyss because of temporary interests"

At that time, Mr. Fizeley was not like an elegant magician, but a wise old man, imparting life experience to younger generations.

John naturally respected his teacher's warning.

And I don't know if it was out of protection for him, he moved directly out of the school dormitory and lived in the magic castle built by his teacher on the high mountain.

Perhaps because the teacher is the deputy dean, there is a specific magic door in the castle, which can directly reach the library of the college.

That being the case, John temporarily changed his plan. After all, in the teacher's castle, he could not only avoid being noticed by Suliman, but also conduct research better.

If John is still in the school, there is no guarantee that John will not be discovered by Suliman.

After all, trying to trick the academy's magic circle to escape before seemed to have alarmed Suliman, and John could sense that the magic circle covering the academy had been strengthened more than twice.

It is difficult for him to leave the school now, so he can only study internal research. If there is any vision caused by the study of blood, John doesn't think that Suliman, a very controlling principal, will not take action against him.

Fortunately, there is a turning point now, and the teacher's decision solved his troubles very well.

So John decided to prolong the study time in Hal's world, and he would not leave Hal's world until the day when Hal and Calcifer signed a contract and escaped from the academy.

Instead of leaving Hal's world after being found to have defected abnormally as planned before.

But the time in between is estimated to be one or two years, because according to stargazing, the time until the next meteor shower arrives and arrives in the sky is also within one or two years.

Since the research time has been extended compared to the previous plan, John also picked up the soul research that was temporarily stranded.

Then John studied soul magic with Teacher Fizeley in Teacher Fizeley's castle.

What is the soul?
This is one of the ultimate questions that has been pondered since the birth of human beings, from ignorance to wisdom.

Whether it is a scientist, a theologian, or a magician with extraordinary power, they are all looking for the answer to this question.

When primitive man used his psychic ability to explain dreams and death phenomena, it led to the creation of the concept of the soul.

Primitive people firmly believe that what happens in dreams is real. They cannot distinguish the adventures they see in dreams from the reality in the waking state. He believes that the sleepwalker is the soul itself.

In their view, there is no essential difference between death and sleep, except that sleep is the temporary separation of the soul, while death is the long-term separation of the "little man" in the body.

But according to Mr. Fizeley's explanation, to a certain extent, this conjecture of primitive people unintentionally explained the special changes of the soul due to certain circumstances.

The dreams of primitive people are often subconscious imaginations, but a very small part of them will have soul sympathy.

They inadvertently had sympathy with the sea of ​​souls hidden in the world, and obtained the remaining memories of those souls in the sea of ​​souls.

Based on this, a powerful magician can use some powerful magic ritual to open up a soul space in the soul sea, and actively weave his knowledge into memory and store it in it.

For example, powerful magicians such as Salliman and Fizelei have all opened up their own independent soul space in the soul sea.

Such soul spaces are accessible only to their own souls or marked souls.

Don't underestimate this mark, only those who open up the most trusted soul space can be marked.

With this mark, not only can you enter the soul space to learn the knowledge in it at any time, but in the future, if the creator of the soul space dies of old age or accidental death, the soul space existing in the soul sea will be inherited by the mark.

Of course, if there are multiple markers, that soul space will naturally be split into equal parts and evenly divided into the hands of each marker.

When teaching John the soul magic, Teacher Fizeley marked him and took him into the soul space.

It was also from that moment that John was no longer a verbal disciple, but a real disciple.

Naturally, John couldn't live up to the teacher's intentions, and he naturally studied the knowledge of the teacher more seriously, striving to inherit the magic of the teacher Fizeley.

At the same time, John also found that learning with the soul body in the soul space, whether it is memory, understanding or inspiration, has reached an incomprehensible level.

It's just that this kind of learning method cannot be carried out for a long time. Once the soul is away from the body for too long, it will cause problems in the coordination between the soul and the body.

As a result, John can only do this kind of study once a week, and the time cannot exceed three hours at a time.

Time passed quickly, and on this day, Mr. Fizeley explained the soul again.

"...the Hurons hold that the soul has a body and limbs, and is a complete little ego of man himself."

"Everyone's understanding of the essence of the soul is very different. Some people understand the soul as the ego in a person or animal, and some understand it as their own shadow and reflection."

"But in general, they did not break away from the form of 'human'. Ancient magicians believed that a person lived and acted because there was a villain in their body that made them act. The villain in the body was the soul, and they The magic power comes from this villain"

"But according to further research, the composition of the soul is complex and diverse. A person has several souls or several souls are separated from each other"

"These soul parts make up the whole, yet are independent of each other"

"Mainstream theory holds that man has three souls to form a whole"

"The first soul is called Olori [olori], which symbolizes the stars, exists in the head, and controls emotions, wisdom, and memory."

"The second soul is named Tamaniu, which symbolizes the sun, exists in the torso, and controls the limbs, blood, and internal organs."

"The third soul is named Luna [Luna], which symbolizes the moon, exists in the lower abdomen, and masters desires and dreams"

"Aurora ascended into the sea of ​​souls and turned into stars and fell into it. Tamanuu exhaled his last breath and melted into the sun. Luna waited for her body to decay until the last moment."

"When these three souls leave the body completely, it is the time of death."

"That's why there is no resurrection magic, because from the moment of death, two-thirds of the soul as a whole has disappeared."

"After all, the soul is the source of life, which can ensure the vitality of the living body. Any part of the soul that leaves the body and never returns means that the soul will never be complete, and a life will end."

John looked at the little figure drawn by the teacher on the blackboard, on which the symbols of the stars, sun, and moon were engraved.

He thought for a while, and felt that it was time to ask about Horcruxes, so he asked:
"Then teacher, is there a possibility that there is a magic that sacrifices a life, splits a part of one's soul as a whole, stores it in an object or person with magical power, and then uses it to resurrect?"

Fizeri paused for a moment with the hand holding the chalk, and then he saw John handing over a piece of parchment.

It contained a few words about the ritual of creating Horcruxes that John had found in other black magic books in the restricted area.

As for the book that recorded the specific information of the Horcrux, John felt that Principal Dumbledore might know where the book was.

Teacher Fizelei knew that he was a disciple, and he knew a lot of knowledge that was completely different from the mainstream magic system.

Although many times the knowledge seemed to him to be an incomprehensible random pile, but after careful consideration, he could still see the complete system, and even some parts of the knowledge seemed subtle to him.

Just like how to deal with the gods to avoid paying the price, Fizelei will not ask too much about the source of this knowledge. He believes in his John, just as John believes in him.

After all, he never hides it, does he?
Taking the parchment from John's hand, Teacher Fizeri began to read the contents, and the more he looked at it, Teacher Fizeri frowned more tightly.

When he read the last word, his face was already serious, and he saw Mr. Fizelei looking at John seriously, and said:
"John, I hope you can take a magic oath now that you will never perform this ritual of creating Horcruxes."

Even though the two worlds have different understandings of the soul, the existence of the soul in all worlds is the same, and the basic rules are the same, so Fizelei can see a lot from this ceremony.

John and the teacher's serious eyes met, and he naturally saw the worry in the teacher's eyes. He was worried that he would try this evil ritual in the face of the temptation of immortality.

Naturally, John would not let down a teacher's worries about his disciples.

"I promise you teacher!"

John nodded, and then the magic power surged in his body, and he began to build a powerful oath connection
"I make an oath here that I will never perform the ritual of creating a Horcrux. If I violate it, I will be cast aside by the magic power."

As John's voice fell, he could feel a tiny magic pattern appearing on his heart, which was the power of the oath, and once he violated it, he would lose his magic power.

Seeing John make the oath, Teacher Fizelei showed a gratified smile again and let go of the worries in his heart.

"John, don't blame the teacher. This horcrux-making ritual is too evil. Once you start this ritual, no matter whether you create a horcrux or not, your soul will be permanently polluted."

"Once you are polluted, you may become less and less like yourself, and eventually become a monster who will do whatever it takes to survive"

"Even if it is resurrected, what reappears in the world is just a creature driven by soul fragments, and it cannot be called a human being."

"I see, teacher."

 Most of the soul theories appearing in this article come from "The Golden Bough";
  A small part comes from Caribbean mythology and Europa mythology;

  And the Holy Trinity has appeared in every country, the most famous is the Christian Trinity

(End of this chapter)

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