Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 22 Another Son of July and Miss Beaver (Please read and recommend)

Chapter 22 Another Son of July and Miss Beaver (Please read and recommend)
Harry and Ron happily tried every kind of snack. After eating the pumpkin pie, John is now slowly eating the sandwich that Ron's mother made for him.

At first, Ron was a little annoyed. After all, as one of the pure-blood families, even though he lived in poverty compared to other families, he had lived in the wizarding world all year round, and he could still see the value of John's clothes.

Those were clothes that only Gallen could buy, which he never dreamed of, so at first he thought John was laughing at him by saying that.

But soon he found that this was not the case, John was different from others, maybe it was because of the child, Ron could clearly feel John's kindness, the other party really wanted to try the sandwich made by his mother.

So Ron naturally shared his sandwich generously. After all, compared to the corned beef he didn't like, snacks were more attractive to him.

John's idea is very simple. The part from that red country can't see the food being wasted. After all, how many great people have dedicated their lives to make everyone have enough food.

"What are these?" Harry asked Ron, picking up a packet of chocolate frogs. "They can't be real frogs, can they?"

"No," said Ron, "look at the pictures inside, I'm missing an Agrippa."

"What?" Harry was a little puzzled, not knowing what Ron meant.

"Oh, of course you don't know, chocolate frogs have pictures attached to them, you know, they can be collected, they are all famous wizards, I have almost [-] cards, only Agrippa and Portole are missing rice."

Harry opened the Chocolate Frog and took out the card.

It was a man's face, with half-moon glasses, a long, crooked nose, and hanging silver hair and beard.

The name under the picture is: Albus Dumbledore.

"Oh, it's Dumbledore!" said Harry.

He had heard this name from Hagrid more than once, and knew that the other party was the current Headmaster of Hogwarts, one of the greatest wizards in the world.

Turning over the picture in his hand, Harry read the text on the back word by word:
"Albus Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts, is widely regarded as the greatest wizard of our time."

"Dumbledore's well-known contributions include: defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in [-], discovering twelve uses of dragon's blood, being effective in alchemy with his partner Nicole Flamel, and Professor Dumbledore's hobby of indoor music and ten-pin bowls."

When he heard Grindelwald's name, John paused slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the love and hatred between Dumbledore and Grindelwald in his memory.

Thinking about it, apart from myself and those older generations, no one knew what happened back then. No one knew that this great white wizard had such a past with the first generation of Dark Lord?
I don't know if the one from Hogwarts will stand in front of the window and look at Nurmengard in the dream.

What a wonderful memory it would take for another old man to spend half a century on top of that tower.

The fields passing by outside the car window looked even more barren. A neat farmland had disappeared, followed by a forest, winding rivers and dark green hills.

Just when John finished eating his sandwich and looked out the window, Harry and Ron enjoyed trying the flavor of Bibi's multi-flavored beans.

There was a knock on the door of the box, and then a boy with a round face and teary eyes came in. He looked a little timid but still summoned up the courage to ask

"Excuse me, I want to ask, have you seen my toad?"

Harry and Ron shook their heads in confusion. When they saw the two shaking their heads, and the boy seemed to be about to burst into tears the next second, John's voice came.

"What's your toad's name?"

Interrupted by the sudden voice, the boy froze for a moment, then looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the boy who had just looked out the window was staring at him at the moment, and the pair of dark blue dragon pupils made him forget to cry for a short while.

Seeing the boy in front of him in a daze, John, who knew the identity of the other party, sighed in his heart, and asked again: "What's your toad's name?"

This time the boy came to his senses, and said eagerly, "Lai Fu, my toad is called Le Fu."

John nodded, and then raised the wand in his hand: "Leife is flying!"

I heard a few muffled noises coming from nowhere, and the scream of the little wizard, and then the brown toad, which was bigger than the bullfrog, slammed on the glass of the carriage door with a "slap".

"Lai Fu!" The boy screamed and then hugged Le Fu tightly in his arms.

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

After the excited John thanked the boy, he hugged Le Fu, who was kicking and struggling in his arms because of too much force, and left the box happily.

After a brief chat with the boy just now, Harry and Ron discussed the Muggle world and the wizarding world with each other again, and John would explain a few words or make additions from time to time.

In this pleasant atmosphere, the door of the box was opened again, and this time a girl with thick brown hair and a pair of front teeth entered.

The girl looked around the box, and then her eyes fell on John.

"I heard from Neville just now that you used the Flying Charm to help him find Laife, right?" The girl's tone was a little unconvinced, "I learned from the book that this is the content of the fourth grade. It seems that you really Awesome! I tried a few simple spells at home just for practice and they all worked. Those spells are from this year's book, if I can get the senior book I guess I can use it too Come out, I just don't know why the bookstore didn't sell it to me, I really don't know why there is such a restriction! I don't know how you bought it!"

"You know what? No one in my family knows magic, I taught myself everything, and when I got the offer I was so surprised, but so happy because... I mean, as far as I know As far as I know, this is the best wizarding school, I have memorized all the textbooks, of course I just hope this works! My name is Hermione Granger, by the way, what are your names?"

Harry and Ron stared blankly at the girl in front of them. They watched each other's upper and lower lips touch each other, and a long sentence flew out of each other's mouth.

John, on the other hand, looked at Hermione in front of him blankly, without any fluctuation in his tone: "John Williams."

John is not interested in the future Minister of Magic, Miss Granger. Although he knows that this is an external brain in the savior trio, for John, he only needs to have a good relationship with Harry. .

His goal is to pursue magic knowledge, not to participate in the future big village magic fight, just let the savior know that he is a good person, as for the others, there is no need.

Ron seemed to have a headache because of the passage just now, and he muttered, "My name is Ron Weasley."

"Harry Potter."

Before Harry finished speaking, Hermione's face became agitated, and her voice was obviously raised a few degrees, even a little sharp

"Is it really you? I mean, I know everything about you. I bought a few extra reference books, "Modern History of Magic", "The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic", and "Important Magical Events of the Twentieth Century". You've been mentioned throughout this book."

"Mention of me?" Harry's tone was full of surprise.

Although from the mouths of Hagrid, John and others, Harry also realized that he was very famous in the wizarding world, but he did not expect to be so famous.

All he felt at the moment was dizziness.

"My God, you don't know!" Hermione stared at Harry with wide eyes, like a surprised beaver. "If I were me, I would find a way to find all the books that mentioned me."

"By the way! Do you know which house you will be assigned to? I have already asked around, I hope to be assigned to Gryffindor, and they all say that is the best. I heard that Dumbledore himself is Graduated from there, but I don't think Ravenclaw is too bad... Anyway, thank you John for helping Neville find Toad, and you better change your clothes quickly, you know, we probably Coming soon."

After finishing speaking, Hermione left the compartment and closed the compartment door smoothly.

After Hermione left, Ron rubbed his head in pain, and said in a muffled voice, "No matter which college I'm assigned to, I don't want to be assigned with her."

Harry nodded subconsciously, but realized that this was not good, so he had no choice but to change the subject: "Which college do your two brothers belong to?"

"Gryffindor." Hearing Harry's inquiry, Ron's expression seemed to turn ugly again, "Mom and Dad used to go to this college. If I don't go to that college, I don't know what they will say. I don't think there's anything particularly bad about going to Ravenclaw, but come to think of it, don't sort me into Slytherin house."

"Because that's V... Excuse me, I mean, because that's where You-Know-Who stayed?"

"Not bad," said Ron, slumped in his seat, looking dejected.

As if remembering something, Ron jumped up from his seat again and looked at John in front of him: "By the way, John, which college you want to go to, I think you must have decided! I think it must be Gryffindor, Not to mention anything else, your temperament is very suitable for Gryffindor, just like a flame."

Harry nodded in agreement, thinking of John's words in Diagon Alley, he still couldn't help but say, "John, Ron is right, you are really suitable for Gryffindor, why do you want to go to that...Her Where's Chippa?"

"What? Hufflepuff? I heard it's full of idiots..." Seemingly realizing that he had said something wrong, Ron looked at John with some embarrassment, "I didn't mean that, I mean... you don't like Yes... even you don't fit Hufflepuff's temperament!"

John explained again according to Diagon Alley. Harry knew he couldn't persuade him, but Ron didn't know it. Like Hagrid, he also tried his best to persuade John.

But soon he was defeated like Hagrid.

Ron's tone was full of loss and helplessness: "I now feel a little bit like you are a Hufflepuff. All the Hufflepuffs my dad knows are like this. Something that I believe in my heart will never change!"

John smiled and said nothing more.

Soon Ron put the incident behind him, started discussing the theft from Gringotts, and whispered some inside information about his father to John and Harry.

(End of this chapter)

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