Chapter 277 Name
When rows of Gundam legions crowded the entire village, Liang Yi also woke up again.

He wasn't too surprised this time, after all, he had the scene he had seen before as a foreshadowing
Liang Yi only felt that his concentration had improved a lot.

"Doctor Liang!"

Chen Ze, who was welding Gundam in the distance, greeted Liang Yi loudly when he saw Liang Yi wake up,
"Come on, come on, try to see if this thing is suitable, if not, I'll adjust it for you."

Liang Yi rubbed his head, only to realize that he had been moved into the cockpit of a luxurious Gundam.

There is even a crude instruction manual next to it.

After a while of operation according to the manual, the cockpit was closed, and this exaggerated and stylish Gundam successfully moved.

This is a special model specially designed by Chen Ze for Liang Yi. It also has the function of remotely commanding other conventional Gundams. It can be said that it is the leader of the entire Gundam Legion.

"How's it going! Doctor Liang!" Chen Ze shouted at the top of his voice, with a hint of fatigue in his tone.

After tossing and tossing in this dream world, Chen Ze is still a little tired after all, and he probably won't be able to stay for long.

"Very good!" Liang Yi's own voice came from Gundam, it was hard to hear clearly.

It seems that the voice module was not connected. Chen Ze muttered, copied the gravitational wave wrench and went up to meet him.

After a while, after some debugging by engineer Chen Ze, the mecha was finally completely completed.

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The shell of the cockpit was gradually retracted, and Liang Yi nimbly jumped out from it.

"I really don't know how to thank you." Liang Yi said sincerely.

"I should thank you, Dr. Liang." Chen Ze threw the wrench indifferently, and lay down on the giant Gundam's foot armor, facing the sunset.

The foot armor was very spacious, and Liang Yi also leaned up side by side.

"Doctor Liang." Chen Ze couldn't help but yawned.
"I think your current situation seems to be much better than before?"

"Yes." Liang Yi replied calmly,
"Thanks to you weakening them both to death, I'm in charge here now."

"And these big guys you left behind, I am confident that I can slowly grind them to death."

"Doctor Liang!" Chen Ze's eyelids wanted to stick, so he could only speak as loudly as possible to refresh himself.

"How long are you going to stay here?"

"It's not certain." Liang Yi replied,
"And the time here is different from outside."

"'A day in the cave is a thousand years in the world', ha ha"

"Okay then." Chen Ze put his hands behind his head, and when he was leisurely closing his eyes, he heard Liang Yi say,

"Chen Ze."

"What's the matter—"

"How about I give you my name?"


"Because you will go further than me." Liang Yi said in a despondent tone,
"I suddenly felt that there are some things that I don't need to do."

Chen Ze opened his eyes in an instant, no sleepiness at all.

He knew that what Liang Yi wanted to entrust was not "Liang Yi", but the so-called "Shaoyang".

He still remembered what Liang Yi said in his diary that it was of special significance for Master Bai to give him this dao title.

Taiji gives birth to two forms, and the two forms give birth to four phenomena.

Liangyi is yin and yang, and the four phenomena are the sun, Taiyin, Shaoyin, and Shaoyang.

Sun and Taiyin are pure yang and yin.

Shaoyang is half yin and half yang. To be precise, yang is above and yin is below.

Just like the dream world where the sky is round, dryness is the sky, and Kun is the earth.

Although Liang Yi didn't say it clearly, Chen Ze understood that this was probably the foundation of his foothold in this world, and even the root of building this world and reconciling the two forces.

"You are welcome." Chen Ze closed his eyes again,
"forget it."

"I've been called this name for so many years, and I'm not used to changing it."

"Oh?" Liang Yi continued to ask,
"You can think about it, this is a great opportunity, before I regret it now"

"Doctor Liang!" Chen Ze interrupted him,
"How come I don't remember you being the cringe?"

"I see that you are very high-spirited in your diary."

Liang Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, turned his head back, and laughed lowly as if mocking himself.

"I appreciate your kindness, Dr. Liang." Chen Ze's voice gradually dropped,

"Do a good job here and nail those old coffins to death."

"If you have anything else to say, wait until next time. See you. Let's talk about it again."

"Hehe." With a relieved smile on Liang Yi's face, he looked up at the sky.

The setting sun is like blood, red red and red.

Villagers who started their journey to the endless sky kept falling down, but the rest of them continued to make endless journeys towards the group of white shadows above the sky, the tall white real man.

There are always latecomers.

"Come on! Come on! That's all you fucking can do?"

The new village chief smashed the fallen intercepting bandits away with his fist.

"Use a little force! Didn't eat!"

"You fucking fucked up! You'll never be able to stop me—"

The scar-like white shadow on the sky seems to be finally irritated, and a white light is projected from it to the rockets in the lead.

With a loud bang, the rocket was blown up into gorgeous fireworks, and the villagers riding on it fell from the sky cursing.

And the second kicker ascending column that followed did not stop at all, and continued clamoring towards the sky to continue this journey with no end in sight.

White awns strafed, the flames exploded one after another, and colorful and bright fireworks continued to bloom.

The colorful lights reflected the Gundam Mecha on the ground, and even Liang Yi, who was lying on his back on the foot armor, was also covered with a layer of vibrant colors.

At this moment, there was nothing around him, Liang Yi was the only one left on the foot armor.

The white shadows in the sky began to drop soldiers, food and horse bandits again, colliding with the desperate villagers and pushing each other.

And the unchanging dusk behind them is serving as the eternal background board. The whole world seems to be the same as usual, but Liang Yi knows that many things have been completely changed.

Because Chen Ze has been here.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

The reminder sound of the vital sign monitor gradually became clear in his ears, and Chen Ze opened his eyes accordingly.

At the same time, in the corridor outside the ward, the dispute between Ouyang Shaoxu and Cai Man gradually became more intense, and the voices of their voices became louder and louder.

".Can you take responsibility for saying this? Can you take responsibility for all of us?"

"Then let us all decide, you don't want to"

But Liu Chang, who was caught in the middle, looked helpless, looking left and right, there was no room for him to intervene.

But suddenly, Liu Chang suddenly turned his head and looked at the ward with the door ajar.

In the ward.

I am back?

After opening his eyes, Chen Ze immediately turned to look at the clock on the wall.

The numbers are actually exactly the same as before I fell into the dream.

Not even a minute has passed?

Chen Ze couldn't help being a little skeptical, after all, this time he had turned the world upside down in the dream world.

Call up the attribute panel to view the skill bar; try to run [Lucid Dream]; pull the thumb trigger to test the dream.
After a whole set of procedures, Chen Ze has confirmed that he has exited the dream and is now in the real world.

Closing his eyes and rubbing his temples, Chen Ze felt his head swell.

It was as if the exhaustion of staying up all night and the saturation of absorbing a lot of new knowledge impacted his thinking at the same time.

As a result, when he was suffering, it was as if a clear spring flowed from his heart, which nourished his tense mind and made Chen Ze feel more relaxed physically and mentally.

这 是
Not only is he spiritually comforted, but even his body has a steady stream of Yuan Qi gushing out, enriching his limbs and bones.

It's warm, like soaking in hot springs.

Is this the harvest brought out from the dream?

Just when he was wondering, there was a slight movement suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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