Chapter 272 Enlightenment

For Chen Ze, the dreamland is the most intimate home field.

At this time, Chen Ze also raised his other free hand, but he didn't go to face the sun.

Because this big sun was born in accordance with his will, raising one's hand to control it is just a form of expression, and there is no essential difference between one hand and two hands.

He directly raised his hand to his mouth, and then bit down hard.

The blood was overflowing, and there was actually a real pain.

In this world, he is not a god of creation, so he can't do whatever he wants, but as long as he follows a certain logic, Chen Ze can still accomplish many things.

After the mouth was released, the palms turned upwards, and the bright red blood gradually pooled together, forming a small pool of blood.

Under Chen Ze's thought transformation, the iron element in the blood was extracted to form a piece of iron, which then naturally turned into a magnet with a similar appearance.

The magnet continued to evolve, and countless electronic thin tubes appeared on the surface, gradually turning into a strong magnetic chuck for electrons.

Holding the magnetic chuck, Chen Ze drove towards the ruins with all his strength.

Ding Dang Dang Dang bang -!
A large number of messy iron objects were sucked up, and Chen Ze shook off other sundries, leaving only the things he needed.

Fragments of a mirror!

Chen Ze threw away the electromagnet, held the remnant mirror and kept adjusting the angle to himself, so that his whole body was reflected in the mirror.

Soon, after finding a suitable angle, Chen Ze turned the knob with one hand to maximize the power of the electromagnet, and the entire mirror was instantly shattered by the powerful suction.

But the phantom in the mirror remained.


A miniature Chen Ze fell out from the gap between the fragments of the broken mirror, and expanded rapidly as if inflated, until it became the same size as Chen Ze.

That's right, Chen Ze's specialty is the dream clone technique!

Next, under the control of Chen Ze's main body, Clone No. [-] searched through the ruins to find more remnants of mirrors and started mass-copying them on the main body.

After trying, in this world, only the original body can be copied.

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!blah blah——

As the sound of broken mirrors continued, Chen Ze had more and more avatars, and at the same time he took the mirror fragments and pointed them at the main body to perform the engraving operation.

As a result, the number of clones began to grow exponentially.

In just a short while, the dark army of Chen Ze's avatars had no end in sight.

But only Chen Ze's main body has the ability to manipulate the giant sun. The other clones are like puppets and can only act according to his instructions.

What good would that do?
The answer is simple.

Chen Ze issued a command order with a thought, and the mighty Chen Ze clone army was immediately divided into two parts.

Some of them stayed in place to explode soldiers, and then mass-produced clones.

The other part set off in the direction of the peerless fairy in the sky.

Soon, the avatar conquest army came directly below where the fairy was, and immediately began to build a human ladder.

No, to be precise, it is a human building.

Using the avatar as a brick, build a tower that reaches the sky!
Like ants moving house, all Chen Ze's avatars followed suit, and a majestic tower reaching the sky gradually took shape.

And the fairy who was struggling against the huge sun seemed to have noticed the enemy's invasion below, and she had time to pull her hand and push it away.

The plain hand, which is smoother than jade, just pressed lightly, and immeasurable white light swayed like ripples, and all the places it touched were assimilated by white light.

This palm crushed most of Chen Ze's avatar.

But Chen Ze didn't care, this avatar was like a costless consumable, as much as he wanted.

Immediately, he separated some clones to form a calculation team to carry out optimization calculations among the ruins.

Setting the production force as the independent variable and the total number of clones as the dependent variable, the calculation team worked together to quickly calculate the maximum value of the function.

According to the calculation results, Chen Ze's main body dynamically adjusts the ratio of the two teams' clones at any time to achieve the most efficient production of explosive troops.

But new problems soon emerged.

The mirrors throughout the ruins have been looted and used until they cannot be broken.

And Chen Ze obviously didn't have the time to twist matter into a mirror.

But that didn't bother him at all.

A clone was held up and pressed in front of Chen Ze's body, and the pupils of his eyes reflected the phantom of Chen Ze's body.

Bang bang bang!

The avatar responsible for execution immediately picked up the mace and smashed the tool avatar with phantoms reflected in the pupils two or three times, so two brand new avatars jumped out immediately.

Losing one avatar, but gaining two avatars!
As a result, the newly upgraded version of the clone production line was fully activated, and the efficiency of the explosive troops after breaking away from the restrictions of the mirror surface was terribly high.

A steady stream of clones kept attacking the fairy in the sky.

And that fairy kept scolding, stamping with both palms repeatedly, destroying many avatars but hitting more and more, and even built more than one tower connected to Heaven and Man.

As a result, the fairy in white was gradually unable to do what she wanted, and even found it difficult to resist the big sun above her head.

good chance!
Chen Ze, who was planning a strategy, saw it in his eyes, and immediately concentrated his mind, trying to imagine the scene of the huge sun pressing down and burning everything.

However, the white-clothed fairy who was struggling left and right could hardly resist the reversal of the situation. With the completion of another human tower, the last camel that overwhelmed her was finally placed on the balance of victory.

Seeing that the fairy in white was getting closer and closer, all the avatars of the crusade legion were caught in the involution, scrambling to climb up.

The loss of the clone legion reached the maximum at this time, but with the continuous replenishment of explosive troops, there was still no shortage of troops.

The already fragmented sky is like a mulberry leaf being eaten, and the black clone army slowly but firmly nibbles upwards.

So soon, the glory was finally achieved by a certain clone of Chen Ze.


The fairy in white had just swept away a section of the spire, but there was already a clone on the other side building a human ladder in front of her.

There was no time to turn around, only to see the avatar climbing on the top of the human ladder suddenly step and jump, and the whole person rushed up and crashed into the arms of the fairy in white, and he stretched out his hand to give him a powerful slap.

【Experience value +100000】

Chen Ze immediately received amazing feedback.

And the clone who swung this slap quickly disappeared without a trace under the white light.

This is a small slap for him personally, but it is a staged victory for the entire clone army.

Starting from this, the white-clothed fairy was no longer able to stop the wolves and tigers' clone army, and soon received countless punches and kicks on her face and body.

It's crude, but it works.

Chen Ze, who was still in place, immediately felt the pressure relieved, his mind relaxed, his hands gradually increased, and the ferocious fireball on the sky began to slowly press down.

Although the clone legion was the first to be burned and annihilated, the already ragged white fairy could no longer maintain her balance, and could only watch the sky above her head burn into the sky and approach her directly.

The already unspeakably powerful Bloody Flame Day seemed to have revealed its true colors at this time. Infinite flames erupted from it, igniting everything along the way and inhaling into itself, expanding more and more.

And Fairy in White's snow-white dress has been torn into rags, but her expression has not changed a bit, and her exposed skin is even more white and greasy, which makes me feel pity.

So Chen Ze immediately increased his strength, and suddenly clenched his palms tightly.


The bloody day unstoppably suppressed the fairy in white, and the original legion of avatars had long since been burnt out, only the fairy, who was still peerless, seemed to be unscathed.

All the original dresses on her body were reduced to ashes, revealing a perfect body that was more crystal clear and white than the most exquisite porcelain.

The red light in Chen Ze's eyes was so bright that it almost turned into a real beam of crimson light.

And the huge sun of blood flames that started from the endless sky finally fell to the end, and the unscathed fairy couldn't back down as soon as it touched the ground, and white light continuously leaked from her body and was burned to death.

Chen Ze could feel that she was truly weakened at this time.

However, soon, a ray of white light leaked to Chen Ze's eyes, and scattered like mist on his body.

All of a sudden, Chen Ze only felt that the eyes, ears, eyes, mouth, and nose all had a bright light and gathered in the middle palace, not letting a trace of outside in or out, the fire in his heart quickly transformed into a form, and there was a ray of sunshine in his heart without desire or thought. Qi goes to the key point and even.
Rise up!

(End of this chapter)

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