Chapter 270 Appearance
"Run!" Seeing that Chen Ze still didn't move, Liang Yi rushed up to push him.

"Hey, wait a minute," Chen Ze argued while being pushed,

"Isn't this in a dream, what danger can there be?"

Although he didn't seem to care much about his carefree appearance, in fact, Chen Ze had already tried to activate the [Lucid Dream] skill in secret.

The feedback was that he could exit the dream anytime he wanted.

"Of course it's dangerous!" Liang Yi jumped up anxiously when he saw that he was still not moving.
"What are you waiting for!"

"I'm not kidding you!"

"Doctor Liang." Chen Ze started practicing Tai Chi again,
"Don't worry, it's not too late to see the situation first."

"What the hell is going on, you can go first"

Seeing that Liang Yi's blood pressure was getting higher and higher, Chen Ze became more and more calm.

Because of several confirmations, Chen Ze was fully confident that he would be able to escape unscathed.

Between pushing and shoving, the white clouds floating from the sky gradually accelerated, getting closer and closer to the small village.

The faint white light is embedded in the dim yellow sky, not only is it not holy, but it looks like a large ugly scar.

Seeing this scene, Liang Yi let out an ouch, and almost pushed Chen Ze into a big fight.

"Time is running out!"

Seeing this, Chen Ze had no choice but to run as he wanted, and put on a show first.

As for Liang Yi's final emphasis, it seemed that he had no time to pay attention to Chen Ze, and he lay down on the edge of the big pit, reaching out to reach the black mud.

On the other side, Chen Ze ran and stopped quietly.

Seeing Liang Yi's posture, he didn't bother him, but just hid beside the ruins a little far away and watched.

Taking a strangely shaped keyboard casually, Chen Ze transformed it into a one-piece telescope with his mind, and put it on his face to watch Liang Yi's every move.

But he saw Liang Yi scooping up the black mud and then stood up again, swaying the black mud bit by bit around the big pit, while taking strange steps with his feet.


Chen Ze immediately remembered Liang Yi's little show in front of him before.

At that time, Chen Ze also guessed whether this was Bugang Tadou, that is, the ritual of worshiping the stars and summoning the gods when Taoist mages worshiped the gods during the fasting ceremony.

It's just that when he thought that Liang Yi couldn't even control Yuan Qi, Chen Ze naturally didn't care.

But he didn't want the similar steps to reappear at this time, but the system responded.

【Retrieving, please wait.】

Is this due to the special nature of the dream?
Or because of the black mud that the old monster turned into.
Chen Ze began to stare at Liang Yi intently, trying to capture all the information.

But originally he wanted to copy it directly by the system, but found that after watching it, he actually realized something.

This black mud seems to be similar to Yuan Qi?
Chen Ze immediately thought of the [Thunder Control Technique (Disabled)] that he realized in the thunderstorm.

In recent days, Chen Ze has often studied this method, and he even practiced it himself when catching Wang Hai's warehouse before, so he immediately noticed the similarity.

This swaying of black mud seems to be almost the same as spreading Yuan Qi by oneself.

Is this a substitute for Yuan Qi?

But maybe because of being stimulated by Liang Yi's actions, the big white cloud floating in the sky expanded rapidly again, and it came close in the blink of an eye.

Intense white light shone down again, like a high-flash explosive bomb exploding on the ground.

However, Chen Ze had been prepared for a long time. He had already installed the anti-glare function module on the telescope in front of him.

But Liang Yi didn't seem to feel so well, his movements froze, and the black mud in his hands almost fell over.

But when he opened his eyes again, he saw Chen Ze was already beside him.

"Didn't you run away! Why?" Liang Yi suddenly raised his head in the middle of speaking, showing a hopeless expression in front of the approaching white cloud.

Chen Ze was also a little surprised. He obviously hid quite far away, but with a flash of white light, it seemed as if the distance had been erased, and he was next to Liang Yi again.

But when he came to the front at this time, Chen Ze immediately noticed the abnormality of the surrounding environment.

Near the black mud sprinkled by Liang Yi, it seems that even the air is eager to try, and Yuan Qi forms a specific flow pattern here.

Just like what Chen Ze did in that thunderstorm.

Is this a temporary qi bureau?

Chen Ze immediately became excited, relying on the induction of Yuan Qi to walk back and forth around this small pattern.

And the attribute panel is also in full swing.

【Retrieving, please wait.】

This is a wonderful feeling, as if two threads are working at the same time, the automatic retrieval of the system and Chen Ze's personal comprehension go hand in hand.

At this time, one person's eyebrows were beaming, and the other's face was ashen.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over," Liang Yi couldn't stop muttering in a low voice, the expression on his face fluctuating.

Only the group of white clouds in the sky is still advancing firmly, first using white light to open the way, eroding the original sky like ink stains, and then large groups of clouds slid along.

The sky is polluted, and the scene on the ground changes accordingly.

The wooden and thatched cottages in the surrounding villages disappeared together with the villagers inside, as if they were erased on white paper with an eraser.

The original yellow mud was gradually replaced by white light and shadow.

The white sea of ​​light approached to the position of the original air wall outside the large laboratory before barely stopping, making Chen and Liang seem to be besieged on an isolated island.

"So it is!"

At this moment, Chen Ze shouted out of joy.

He got it.

Although the classes I took at the university were useless and useless, the computer system is still using win2020 in 7, and the versions of various software are also outdated.

But the basic programming logic is still the same.

In order to get full credits, Chen Ze still worked hard on C language programming.

At this time and this use of Yuan Qi, or black mud and other alternative energies to layout to affect the laws of the environment is really a bit like programming.

Could it be that the end of cultivating immortality is actually a programmer?
No. Chen Ze suddenly felt that it was not clear which of the two was the father and which was the son.
At this moment, Chen Ze had enough time to look up at the sky, only to see that the endless train of white clouds finally arrived at the destination, and then the portal-like clouds began to move aside, like a welcoming avenue.

The Lord is about to show up?
Chen Ze couldn't take his eyes off, he still remembered Liang Yi's account of Bai Zhenren in his diary.

White hair, white beard and white clothes, a fairy grandpa with a standard template.

On the other hand, Liang Yi struggled and hesitated for a long time, but in the end he sighed, his tense body suddenly loosened, as if he had finally made up his mind.

"Chen Ze." Liang Yi gave him a final look with kindness.
"Wait until the sky collapses and the earth collapses, be smart and run quickly, this is your last chance."

"do you understand?"

"Okay." Chen Ze nodded solemnly in a perfunctory manner.

Hearing this, Liang Yi sat cross-legged on the same spot, with his eyes closed tightly, and he didn't know what he was doing with the formula in his hand.

And Chen Ze also turned his attention back to the sky.

At this time, the large groups of white clouds have already given way to the center.

Come on, come on, is the Lord finally coming on stage?
In the middle, surrounded by sparse clouds and mist, first the snow-white sleeves were raised, then a slender white lotus root arm stretched out, and then the whole body.

Soon, Master Bai finally revealed his true face in Mount Lu.

And Chen Ze was also dumbfounded.

What appeared in front of her was a young woman with extremely beautiful appearance, white clothes and white hair, together with a snow-white dress, she was soft and graceful, graceful and graceful.

But the most eye-catching thing is her unearthly fairy air.

As a whole, she had icy skin and fine bones, skin like creamy fat, and a flawless white jade fairy, no matter how many stunning adjectives were placed on her, it would not be an exaggeration.

The only incongruous thing is her facial expression, although she has the posture of sinking fish and wild goose, closing the moon and shy flowers, but it is as stiff as the plastic model in the clothing store, without the slightest expression.

(End of this chapter)

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