Chapter 264 Failed Attempts

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a shrill siren, and before Chen Ze could hear it clearly, the call stopped abruptly.


Chen Ze also put down his phone and threw it back on the table.

He didn't have the confidence to cheat an old monster like Li Bingzhe with a far-reaching layout, so he simply had a showdown.

Although he didn't admit it positively, the title "Senior Brother" has already revealed his identity.

And Li Bingzhe's last cough on the phone may prove that Chen Ze's guess is correct.

The old monster might really be belching.

In any case, after today, he dare not say elsewhere, at least in Shenzhen City, the power planted by Li Bingzhe should have been uprooted.

Looking back on the past, this bearded man and those outside the door basically filled in the final blank, making all the incidents involving Li Bingzhe a seamless closed loop.

"Huh—" Chen Ze let out a long breath.

The future is the future, at least now at the door of the house, there should be no need to worry too much about Li Bingzhe's targeting.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze, in a good mood, patted the bearded man on the shoulder lightly,

"Yes, you cooperated very well, I appreciate you very much."

"Hey hey" Hu stubble didn't know what to say, so he laughed awkwardly.

Just smiling, he found that the shadow reflected on the table in front of him was gradually moving away.

As if he had sensed something, the bearded man quickly raised his hands and put his head in his hands to beg for mercy.
"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"I didn't see your face, I didn't."

A loud noise brought out the scream of the bearded man.


bang bang rumble—

The loud noises continued, and the bearded man rubbed his head in bewilderment, and then looked at himself.

There were no terrible blood holes or bullet holes.

On the other side, Chen Ze, who had already demolished half of the wall with his bare hands, came over and patted the bearded man.

The bearded man who was still in shock subconsciously looked back, and immediately recognized Chen Ze who he had investigated in detail.

Now he wished to gouge out his own eyeballs.

But before he could explain anything, Chen Ze had already issued an order,
"Clean up, take everything you need, and I will take you to move."

"Moving?" The bearded man's brain was a little bit overwhelmed.

"Yes, pack it up quickly." Chen Ze had just noticed the packing boxes piled up in the corner.

Obviously, for a bearded man who is engaged in a special industry, running away at any time must have been in the plan.

So under Chen Ze's repeated urging, Hu Chanan began to pack his luggage and equipment quickly.

And his heart that had been hanging all this time finally let go a little bit.

Because Hu Zhuan knew that since he was asked so much, he probably fell in love with him.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with choosing to engage in technology back then. The bearded man secretly rejoiced.

True talent shines everywhere.

When the packing was finished, Hu Zhanan came to Chen Ze pushing a small cart.

"Boss!" He even changed his words without any psychological burden.

"where are we going?"

"Is there nothing else?" Chen Ze asked while staring at the small cart.

"Others are not important." Hu Zhanan explained, "These are core data and programs."

"Okay." Chen Ze beckoned and pulled him over to put him on his shoulders.

"Touch." He grabbed the stubble man's hand to the wall.

"?" The bearded man fumbled on the wall with a puzzled expression.

"Is it hard?"


In the next second, Chen Ze punched the wall.


The thick reinforced concrete wall was immediately opened with a big hole like tofu.

The bearded man was so startled that he couldn't close his mouth, and coughed several times because of the wall dust.

He finally knew how the movement just now came about.

"Don't play tricks!" Chen Ze pressed him to the edge of the wall hole and kept rubbing his cheeks, feeling carefully,
"Do you understand me?"

"Ah - I got it! Got it! I will cooperate, I will cooperate."

The bearded man who was being used as a blackboard eraser swore repeatedly.

In the end, he wiped off the wall dust with the stubble man's face, and Chen Ze let go of him and opened the door.


Chen Ze glanced sideways at the messy corridor, then backed away.

"Blindfold." Chen Ze reminded kindly.

This time there was no need to talk nonsense, the bearded man immediately cooperated obediently, covered his eyes with a mask and walked out.

Outside the door is a short straight corridor, so the bearded man can push the car in a straight line without guiding him.

It's just that the cart in front of him always seems to run over some kind of soft mud, and the strange smell around him that is stronger than that of a slaughterhouse makes him feel uneasy.

The corridor was very short, but he walked with great difficulty, as if he was at the exit leading to hell.


Chen Ze took the initiative to open the door at the end of the corridor, and let Hu Zhanan push the car through the door.

Behind the door is a small vestibule, where the exit of the warehouse is.

"Okay, take it off." Chen Ze ordered,

"There is a black SUV a few hundred meters outside the door. Look for it, and it will wait for me there."

"Oh..." the bearded man pushed the cart outside like sleepwalking.

This is an idle and abandoned warehouse, and there are no unrelated people.

So after watching the bearded man leave the warehouse, Chen Ze's hands were ignited with blazing flames.

Raising his hands, Chen Zeqi moved with his thoughts, constantly shaping the shape of the balls of energy in his hands, which really looked more and more like dancing flames.

And then increase the output power of the Yuan Qi, and then the wisps of Yuan Qi will overflow into the air through the body surface.

Continuing to control the speed at which Yuan Qi is released, Chen Ze tried to guide a new pattern of Yuan Qi around with ghostwriting.

His movements went from slow to fast, and gradually accelerated, first his hands and then his torso, until finally his whole body leaped wildly according to a certain rhythm.

Chen Ze thought back to the painting that night surrounded by thunder, intending to re-enact it.

Experiments are in full swing here, and on the small road outside the warehouse, Hu Zhuan has already found Chen Ze's car.

After all, this place is very remote, apart from their own transportation, there is only this strange vehicle.

There was no one around, and the bearded man stayed alone by the trunk of the SUV, leaning against the car, his eyes fixed on the warehouse he had just walked out of.

Why did this person go back to deal with traces?
Or just take advantage of the present.
The stubble man shook his head and vetoed this idea as soon as it came out.

Chen Ze's superhuman behavior just now is still engraved in his heart, and it may become the source of his nightmares for a long time.

Anyway, they are all part-time jobs, who is not a part-time job?
The bearded man silently comforted himself.

So he just waited obediently in the same place, but the warehouse in front of him remained unchanged, and there was no movement.

But just when the bearded man couldn't help but yawned and wondered if he should play with his mobile phone to relieve boredom, an accident happened unexpectedly.

First, a burst of light burst out from the warehouse in front of him, and then the tremors from under his feet made him even more at a loss.

But before he had time to run, the tremor stopped on its own, and then the sound of broken porcelain magnified countless times rang in his ears.

Following the sound and looking towards the warehouse in front, the bearded man froze in place again.

this, this, this, this
I saw countless spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared on the exterior of the entire warehouse, and they continued to extend until they covered the entire building.

Then it crashed, like a sand castle blown away by the wind on the beach.

The broken bricks fell, the wall skin peeled off, and the whole warehouse dwarfed little by little, and it slowly turned into a piece of fine ruins.

Then a superman flew out from under the ruins.

No, it wasn't flying, Hu stubbled himself together.

Just jumped a little bit higher.

Chen Ze, who jumped out of the ruins, landed heavily next to the SUV, smashing a small hole in the ground.

"Hoo hoo, hoo hoo"

Chen Ze couldn't stop panting, put his palms on the rearview mirror, turned his back and leaned against the car door.

It feels like I just got off the 1000-meter long-distance race when I was a student.
Almost collapsed.

I didn't know how many thunder and lightning were attracted that night, but I didn't see how tired it was. At most, it was because I consumed a lot of Yuan Qi.

Unexpectedly, it would be so difficult for Chen Ze to take the initiative to try this time.

Chen Ze has not completely forgotten about how to use the scattered Yuan Qi as a medium to achieve resonance with the surrounding environment and realize various mysterious supernatural powers.

After all, he figured it out by himself, and didn't rely entirely on the system, so he must have been deeply impressed.

However, although the effect in front of him looked good to Kazakhs, in fact Chen Ze did not succeed.

Yuan Qi, which was spread halfway around his body, was blown up, otherwise he didn't want to destroy the entire warehouse directly.

But Chen Ze wasn't discouraged either. If he failed once, he would do it twice, and if he failed twice, he would do it three times. Practice makes perfect.

Thinking of this, he almost adjusted his breathing, and regained his strength in his hands and feet.

Of course, the pig liver color on his face also disappeared.

As soon as he looked up, the stubble man in the distance was hesitating to speak, as if he wanted to come up but was timid.


Chen Ze fumbled in his rag-like pocket, took out the car key and pressed it, and the trunk opened.

"Hurry up." Chen Ze resumed his energetic voice, "Move things in, don't dawdle."

The bearded man who had given up thinking wisely chose to remain silent, and began stuffing things into the trunk one by one.

And Chen Ze had already put on clean clothes, got into the car and started eating energy bars.

Drawing on previous experience, Chen Ze now has several sets of clothes in the car, and even prepared a lot of emergency food with energy bars.


Not long after, the bearded man sat in the back seat without worry and closed the car door at the same time.

"What's your name?" Chen Ze asked while staring at the rearview mirror while chewing on the crispy shark.

"My name is Wang Hai." Wang Hai replied while looking at the car.

buzzing buzzing-

Chen Ze stepped on the gas pedal, and at the same time dialed Wang Zhenguo's phone number.


"Old Wang, I have caught a talent, and I will send it to you now."


"You don't even want talent?"

"No, no, no"

"No. What are you thinking, this time it's not a woman, but a man!"

"What, you can't accept it."

"Old Wang, be normal!"

(End of this chapter)

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