Chapter 218 Explore
"Sanmen Island (also known as Tuoting Island) belongs to Daya Bay District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province. It is located at the confluence of Dapeng Bay and Daya Bay, with east longitude 114°37'58〃 and north latitude 22°27'47〃."

"The area is about 5 square kilometers, the coastline is 13 kilometers long, and it is 1.5 nautical miles away from Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen City, and the journey only takes two hours"

At the same time, Chen Ze pulled out a map of the coastline, but found that the arc-shaped area Liang Yi was referring to was located in the sea to the east of Shenzhen City, that is, the outer edge of Daya Bay.

After careful inspection, there are no large islands that can be marked on the map beyond Sanmen Island. It is basically the farthest tourist island that surrounding tourists can go to.

After all, the vast and empty South China Sea is outside, and only some of the larger or more important islands are recorded on the map.

As for the arc-shaped area with the small desert island mentioned by Liang Yi, the corresponding area on the map is directly a whole piece of blue.

The sea is no better than land. Even if Chen Ze reckons it is not a problem to hold his breath for several hours now, it is not a solution to wander around without a clue in such a vast sea.

While the mouse was sliding, Chen Ze continued to read the relevant information carefully.

"Sanmen Island is also known as the Maldives of Guangdong Province. It is a volcanic island formed by volcanic eruptions 1 million years ago. It is rich in fresh water resources and is a super large marine animal and plant paradise. The sea water is clear and the visibility is 4000-8 meters. The first-class sea water quality standard stipulated is the most famous diving holy place in Guangdong Province."

Diving mecca?

Chen Ze narrowed his eyes.

As the mouse wheel turned back and forth, Chen Ze gradually remembered something.

Lu Ling once said during the wild climbing together that diving is also one of her hobbies.

This is not difficult for extreme sports enthusiasts like her to understand.

And her diving level does not seem to be low, and she has revealed her conquests in the surrounding waters in words.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze took back his phone and opened WeChat.

First, he deleted the dialog with Liu Chang in disgust, and Chen Ze found the dialog with Lu Ling by swiping for a while.

It's just a little embarrassing when you open it.

Because the content of the recent conversations was that Chen Ze was rejecting her invitation to go out.

No way, he's been a little busy these days.

So Chen Ze asked her about Sanmen Island and its nearby waters with peace of mind.

It turned out that this question was asked to the right person. Lu Ling said that she was familiar with this place and had been there several times before.

Especially the nearby undeveloped desert islands are really good places for wild diving.

That being the case, Chen Ze simply made an appointment with her to go diving with her the day after tomorrow, and he could also brush up his experience by the way.

It just so happened that Chen Ze's recent integration of martial arts skills was quite costly, which made his experience pool run out again. Currently, it is only a few hundred thousand points at full count.

After arranging the itinerary, Chen Ze saw that the time was almost up, so he sat back on the bed and began to meditate.

In tranquility, the mind returns to the inner dantian, and in the trance, the innate essence appears by itself, coming fast and overflowing.

However, Chen Ze not only introduced it with the method of direct penetration of the middle yellow, but because the amount of refined qi was too large, he also divided his mind and used the method of turning the two ends of the non-hole flute upside down to subdue the dragon's qi. The medicine is sealed and warmed in the acupoints like returning to the stove.

When warming and nurturing is complete, when it is about to erupt, it is the time when the "second waiting" arrives.


"'Freddy' is currently moving westward from the ocean to the east of the Philippines. It is expected to pass through the Balingtang Strait and the Bashi Strait to enter the South China Sea, and then land in Vietnam or Qiong Province of my country. However, according to experts, the previous path When the typhoon is traveling westward, it may suddenly move northward and make landfall in Guangdong Province of my country."

"The Shenzhen Meteorological Bureau reminds the general public that in the future."

The mandarin of the radio host is perfect, without any accent.

Chen Ze looked at the sky through the car window, the wind was sunny and cloudless, and there was no sign of a typhoon approaching.

But if it was when I was in school, I was most looking forward to the typhoon landing, and then the school suddenly announced the holiday.

At this time, when the destination was approaching, suddenly there was the sound of whining flute floating into the car, which was melodious and melodious.

The timbre of the flute itself tends to be sharp. If it is played well, it will be crisp and clear. If it is not played well, it will be disturbing and harsh, which will make people's blood pressure soar every minute.

Following the sound of the flute, Chen Ze saw Lu Ling who was sitting on a stone pier by the roadside, bowing his head and playing the flute.

Rolling down the car window, Chen Ze snapped his fingers.

"Sorry, I'm late for something." Chen Ze was obviously late for a long time.

It's all due to the naughty little white fox in the family who is gradually entering the rebellious period.

Hearing that Lu Ling raised his head and said nothing, he picked up the big bag at his feet and threw it into the trunk, then got on the co-pilot.

Although not high-cold, she has always been a person who doesn't want to talk too much.

"I can't tell you are proficient in rhythm." Chen Ze joked casually.

"There are too many skills to overwhelm you." Lu Ling responded lightly.

Chen Ze's expression froze, and he always felt that this sentence sounded familiar.

The travel strategy is honest, as a mature tourist destination, it is really convenient to go to Sanmen Island.

First drive to Dongchong Wharf, then take a speedboat directly to the sea, and arrive at the island in less than 10 minutes.

When he came down from the pier on the island, Chen Ze glanced at his watch. It was only ten o'clock in the morning.

Walking on the island, the trees are shady, the sea and the sky are the same color, and you can see many small harbors with different scenery when you look over the sea eagles flying in the distance.

Even the island has mountains and lakes, which is quite like a resort.

"What are you thinking?" Lu Ling beside him nudged him with his elbow, "Go, let's try first."

"Try it." Chen Ze replied disdainfully, "I'm a ten-year diving veteran."

More than half an hour later, people came and went on the beach on the coast.

Most of the people took pictures with all kinds of equipment, only Chen Ze and the two seemed a bit amateur, and they didn't even have a mobile phone.

Sha la la la la——

Kneeling down and raising a handful of fine gravel, Chen Ze sighed, "This place is not bad."

Not only that, but according to his perception, the concentration of Yuan Qi in the surrounding world is indeed slightly higher than that in the urban area.

But soon, another group of quite dazzling Yuan Qi leaned up from behind.

"Here." Lu Ling handed over a pair of snorkeling masks, "You really know how to dive? Why don't you have any equipment?"

"It's the stationery of poor students, have you heard of it?" Chen Ze raised his head and took the swimming goggles, almost being dazzled by those two long legs.

Obviously a slightly conservative one-piece swimsuit can have such an effect, but when it comes to figure, Lu Ling absolutely surpasses other women he has seen.

"I hope you're not bragging." Lu Ling suddenly turned away to admire the beach scenery.

"Then I can't lie to you." Chen Ze started running the train with his mouth full again, "Equipment and everything else are secondary, why don't you tell me where those deserted islands are."

While talking, the two set off to the most basic snorkeling area outside the beach.

There is no way, although Lu Ling has mastered the route of the surrounding undeveloped islands, but he has to try Chen Ze's level before he will tell him.

After all, wild diving is several times more dangerous than diving in a development zone.

Kacha, someone came up to me suddenly on the road with malicious intentions,
"Miss, I'm from a modeling agency, and I have a very good opportunity to talk to you"

As he said this, the man hugged Lu Ling's waist with a wretched face.

However, before he could finish his sentence, a loud shout rang in his ears.

"Go away!" Lu Ling turned her head and glared like a lioness, scaring the wretched man so much that he took several steps back and almost fell down.

Unknowingly, the two who were far away from each other got closer.

At noon, eat by the sea.

While admiring the coastal scenery, the two tasted the island's special seafood.

It's just that the food is really worth a fight.

"Why didn't I lie to you?" Chen Ze boasted while performing a sea urchin opening with one hand, "I was diving before I bid for the Olympic Games. Don't worry, it's very stable!"

"It's really powerful." Lu Ling nodded in approval.

After a morning of diving practice, she has fully recognized Chen Ze's level, and in the afternoon she is going to go to undeveloped outlying islands for intense and exciting wild diving.

On the boundless sea, on the inflatable raft, two people are waving the oars vigorously at the same time.

"Can't you rent a boat?" Chen Ze complained.

The current scene always reminded him of the night when he went to rescue the bald director.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Ling replied while correcting the direction, "Our route."

"Who dares to rent a boat to us?"

"Okay." Chen Ze couldn't help exerting more strength, trying to speed up the boat.

At this time, a small deserted island has already appeared in front of his eyes.

Although it is a desert island, the island is still full of trees, but there are no traces of man-made activities.

"The backside of that island is Ghost Bay." Lu Ling introduced like a few treasures, "There is a large coral group below, and the water quality is much better than that in the development zone."

"However, the water is a bit deep, and there are many underground reefs." She reminded again.

Chen Ze nodded silently, while feeling the Yuan Qi of the surrounding heaven and earth in his heart.

Although there is no obvious flow direction like that in the Qi Bureau, the closer you get to the destination along the way, the more uneven the distribution of the surrounding heaven and earth Yuan Qi seems.

(End of this chapter)

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