Elven settlers

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
The woman had neat short hair that reached her ears, and her body was covered with scars.

In addition to the messy blood trails, there are also scorched black electric shock marks, which seem to have been severely tortured.

After Rock broke into the room, the woman's head suddenly lifted.

Her appearance is not outstanding, just an ordinary woman in her 30s, her skin color is slightly dark like her husband's, and her skin is even rough due to long-term outdoor activities.

But the woman's eyes are very bright, and Roque sees fighting spirit and strength in her eyes, it seems that the physical torture has not weakened her will in the slightest.


Just when Rock was about to run over to rescue her, the woman suddenly gave a loud warning.

A short and thick bone rod whizzed and whirled towards Rock.

A Korakola was not shaken by the bay leaf's flash just now, and threw its own bone club attack at the uninvited guest who broke into the room.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that Roque continued to run towards her without realizing it, the woman shouted eagerly.

Seeing that the bone stick was about to hit Rock's head, suddenly two high-speed rotating blades flew out from behind him, knocking the bone stick into the air.


The woman who raised her heart let out a sigh of relief. She thought that the sudden appearance of reinforcements would make her feel angry as soon as she appeared on the stage.

"Unexpectedly, this guy's strength is quite powerful."

The woman secretly thought in her heart that she had a deep understanding of the strength of these two kola kola bone sticks.

The opponent's elves can knock off the bone stick with only two flying leaves and a sharp knife. They are definitely very strong. It seems that they are really saved this time.

Of course, Rock felt the attack on his head, but he had confidence in his bay leaf, and he believed that his companions who cooperated tacitly would block the enemy's attack for him.

Because he really wanted to save people this time, he had to save the hostages before the enemy reacted, so that they could not fall into the opponent's hands again, or they would be tied up in a fight.

Bay leaf lived up to expectations and did not let Korakola's attack interrupt Rock's actions.

"Don't move!"

After running to the woman, Roque let out a low cry, and then swung the short knife in his hand at her violently.

Facing the swift chopping, the woman was very calm, and let Roque cut off the rope tied to her body without changing her expression.

Compared with her husband, this woman seems to be stronger.

This made Rock couldn't help but look at her with admiration, so he took the initiative to speak.

"My name is Rock, and it's your husband Kavato who came to rescue you. You hide here and don't move, and I will settle the battle right away."

Rock helped the woman under the table to hide, and was about to get up to fight.

"Thank you for your rescue. My name is Carly. But can you turn over for me, my left leg is broken, and this position hurts."

Although the woman named Carly said her left leg was in pain, her face was expressionless.

This kind of performance made Rock start to admire this strong woman, and hurriedly apologized, and adjusted her body to the right side.

At this time, the bay leaf has already fought the enemy who has regained its eyesight, and it fired the flying leaf knife one after another.

Originally relying on the power of the Flying Leaf Kuaisao strengthened by the Laurel Leaf Sword Dance, the battle can be easily ended
But those two kola kola hands were shining with khaki energy light, and the four arms kept waving like clockwork, throwing lumps of mud on the face of the bay leaf.

Such a mud-throwing attack makes it difficult for Bay Leaf's Flying Leaf Blade to aim, making it always unable to hit the enemy.

At this time, the lightning ball took advantage of the cover of his teammates and quietly approached the bay leaf.

Rock looked at the clods and blades flying around in the air, and retracted under the table again.

Carly looked at him suspiciously, and wanted to ask, but was immediately pushed down by Rock.

"Get down! Don't look up!"

After exhorting Carly, Rock buried his head and shouted loudly.

"Okay, let's use that trick!"


After receiving Rock's signal, Bay Leaf let out a high-pitched cry.It was very uncomfortable by the mud that covered its head and face, and now it can be ruthless to the opponent.

With the sound of bay leaves, a whirlwind suddenly blew out of nowhere under it.

As soon as the whirlwind appeared, it quickly expanded to the surrounding area, turning into a huge storm in the blink of an eye.

Countless sharp leaves appear in the storm, spinning and flying as the wind blows.

The storm overturned the chairs, the flying leaves smashed the dishes, and the whole room was instantly full of traces of the raging wind.

Two Kola Kola can't block such an attack at all.

Before the thrown mud clods could reach the bay leaves, they were crushed and annihilated by the flying leaves all over the sky.

The lightning ball that was approaching secretly also had to stop due to the wind. In desperation, it had no choice but to detonate itself at this distance.

However, the shock wave and energy released by the explosion were directly blown away by the ubiquitous storm, without any effect.

The storm of flying leaves swept towards the two Kola Kola without stopping, and in their desperate eyes, they and the three researchers were scraped to bloody flesh.

After a few breaths, the Feiye storm stopped slowly, and the room returned to calm.

Rock poked his head out from under the table and saw that the enemies had all fallen, only his own bay leaf was standing there panting.

So he took Carly out from under the dining table, and said to her with some embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't think too much about it just now, and made your restaurant look like this."

"You don't need to apologize, you saved us, even if you demolish this house, it doesn't matter at all."

Carly waved her hand indifferently, and Roque helped her back to the bedroom where Kava was.


Kawa, who sat on the bed anxiously and waited, yelled out as soon as he saw his wife.

At this time, he had recovered his ability to move, and quickly took Carly from Roque's hand.

Looking at the injuries all over her body, Kawa's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"You... your injuries, those damn bastards dare to do this to you!"

"Haha, I'm fine. It's just that my left leg is broken. Please bring me the medical kit."

Carly, who had always been expressionless, suddenly became lively after seeing Kawa.

She comforted her husband with a gentle smile, and clasped hands with Kawa.

Rock saw that Carly seemed to be dealing with her injuries, and it was not good to stay in the room anymore, so he made an excuse to leave.

"The enemies in this house have been dealt with, you can rest at ease, my elves are still fighting outside, I have to support them."

 No cows, please stop guessing...

(End of this chapter)

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