Elven settlers

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

"Hey lol!"

Hearing Roque's instructions, Hei Lujia also realized the problem, so he barked at the younger brothers a few times and made arrangements.

Although the Dai Rubi were a little confused about Hei Lujia's request, they still obeyed the leader's order.


Bayleaf, guarding the entrance of the valley, saw a group of Delubis approaching from a distance, raised the sickle leaf above his head, and was about to dance a sword dance to fight, when he saw Rock, Arbor and Heluga in the team, he stopped the offensive .

"Thanks for your hard work. These Dai Rubi belonged to Heluga's group before, and they will be new members of our territory from now on. Don't worry."

Patting Bay Leaf on the head, Rock left Heluga and Dai Rubi at the mouth of the valley and entered the valley.

The Mali sheep were grazing in the valley one by one, but they were not used to the unfamiliar environment. After seeing Rock, they all came to him.

"It's okay, we'll go back now."

Rock comforted the Maari sheep a few times, and led them out of the valley.

When they reached the mouth of the valley, the Mali sheep ran into the Dai Rubi group who were guarding here.

The moment they met, both parties felt a little uncomfortable.

The Dairubis were a little eager to move when they saw these fresh and tender lambs, and the Mare sheep were also a little scared when they saw these wild dogs.

However, under the control of Rock and Hei Lujia, nothing happened after all, and they returned to the camp smoothly.

Rock was a little nervous along the way, for fear that Da Ruby would not be able to control himself from attacking the sheep. He could feel the hunting instinct occasionally revealed from their eyes.

"It seems that it still takes a lot of work..."

Roque saw the situation of Deluby in his eyes, and he thought about the next action in his heart.

As a group of elves with relatively high intelligence, the Derubys have always been the top predators in the wild.

If such a group of elves wants to "reform" and change from destroyers to guardians, there are no small difficulties.

Fortunately, his Hei Lujia has become their new leader, and the most difficult step has passed.

The next thing Rock has to do is to gradually control the wildness of the Derbys, let them get used to their new responsibilities, and eventually turn from a wild elf group into a working dog on the territory.

But it was too late today. After a whole day of mental tension, and finally going through a battle, Rock is now a little physically and mentally exhausted.

After he treated several injured Drubbies, he took a quick bite of supper and fell asleep.

Before going to bed, Rock specially arranged for Heruga and Abbe to take turns pretending to be asleep for the night. He wanted to test whether these Dai Rubi would violate Heruga's order and secretly attack the Mali sheep at night.

The results of the test were satisfactory. Although a few Derbys had indeed wandered outside the Mali sheep, they still hadn't attacked them in the end.

This shows how disciplined these de Rubys are.

After Rock got up the next day, he was going to issue the first task to these Darubis, let them go out to hunt, and then come back with their prey.

He didn't let Hei Lujia follow, but divided them into two teams and asked them to act separately.

But when these Derbys were in the camp, they could barely follow Rock's arrangement and form a large group as soon as they ran away, and left in a swarm.

On the premise of confirming that these Derby's discipline is not bad, this shows that in their minds, Roque's orders do not have to be executed.

This obviously doesn't work. The Dai Rubis recognize Hei Lujia's leader status, firstly because they belong to the same ethnic group and naturally have a sense of trust, and secondly because Hei Lujia defeated their former leader.

And although Hei Lujia obeyed Roque, in the eyes of these wild and unruly Derby, at best, he just had a relatively high status and could not make them obey.

In Derby's group structure, the hierarchy is not particularly strict. Rock must establish his absolute status in their hearts, so that they can completely become his helpers that he can rest assured.

This requires not only getting along with them for a long time to cultivate feelings, but also some auxiliary means.

The eight uninjured Drubbies soon returned with their prey. This was their territory originally, so they were very familiar with the surrounding environment.

Rock was going to make breakfast first, and just as he was about to pick up the prey from the ground, several Drubbies bared their teeth and growled at him again.

"Hey lol!"

"I don't need you this time, leave it to me."

Rock stopped Heluga, who wanted to teach these Dai Rubi a lesson for himself, and this time he was going to personally give them an unforgettable impression.

He stood up, looked around the camp, and found a club as thick as a wrist.

Rock took the wooden stick in his hand, weighed it, and it was just right.Then I held the wooden stick and waved it a few times, feeling that it felt right in the hand.

In this way, Rock carried the wooden stick and walked to the side of the Derbys, making another gesture to grab the prey on the ground.


A deep and rough growl came out of the Darubi's throats again.

The next moment Rock swung the wooden stick in his hand violently, and his trained body burst out with tremendous strength.

The wooden stick brought out a strong wind in the air, and it hit heavily on the head of a Deruby who was threatening Rock with its teeth bared.

Rao, Druby's head was the hardest part of his body, and it was also beaten in place by Rock.

"Wang Wang!"

Seeing that their companion was beaten, the other Dai Rubies roared angrily at Rock.

Only the original leader, Dai Rubi, didn't bark, and walked out of the group quietly.

Rock was not polite when he heard the yelling of these Drubys, and he slapped the other Druby's ass with another swift stick, causing it to jump up on the spot.

Seeing this, the other five Dai Rubi no longer hesitated, and all rushed towards Rock.

However, they already agreed that Roque was a member of the group, so they didn't use the skills.

It was precisely because of this that Rock was sure that he decided to do it himself.Otherwise, he would direct Hei Lujia to stand up for himself. Although doing so can achieve the goal, the effect is not as good as directly coming up in person.

Under the ferocious pounce of five delubies, Rock retreated while fighting.

He swung the wooden stick with precision and efficiency, knocking down all the Dai Rubies in a few hits.

"Have you taken it?"

Rock squatted down and rubbed a Dai Ruby's head with his hands.

De Ruby, who was baring his teeth and growling just now, sticks out his tongue flatteringly, and licks Rock's hand.

Then Rock stretched out his hand to the prey on the ground, and these Darubis lay quietly on the spot one by one. Seeing Rock looking at them, they all wagged their short tails.

At this moment, the Dai Rubi that ran away at the beginning took its own prey and handed it to Rock.

Since the battle ended yesterday, it has already seen who the real boss in the territory is.

 good evening!

(End of this chapter)

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