Chapter 318 Curious Alu and others

After Kanda Souji handed the puffer whale to Komatsu, Aru and Coco couldn't help but walked to Kanda Souji and the others.

"Keke, do you think there is nothing wrong with Xiaosong?" Alu couldn't help but ask Coco. After all, this is the first time that Xiaosong has personally cooked a complete puffer whale.


"Shouldn't you know this better than me?" Keke answered Alu's question helplessly. "After all, Xiaosong is the person you brought!"

"That being said."

"It's just..." Alu rubbed his face, but stopped mid-sentence.

"Not right."

"This guy Coco, could it be that he had secretly divined the probability of success in Komatsu's puffer whale cooking just now?" Aru looked at Coco with a suspicious look on his face.

When Coco's talking.

Alu suddenly remembered that Keke had made a divination statement just now.

"That's it."

"Let's just wait and see! Maybe Xiaosong will bring us a big surprise?" Ke Ke said with a smile.

During the conversation between Alu and Coco.

In the cave.

Xiaosong had already taken out the kitchen knife he had brought with him, and the look on his face looked extremely serious!

"It's like a dream. I can actually cook puffer whale with my own hands." Komatsu swallowed, filled with excitement that he couldn't hide.

Even at the restaurant where Komatsu works, puffer whale is a dream-level ingredient that has never been obtained before!
And now.

He was actually able to cook this kind of food.

For any gourmet cook.

Nothing can make a gourmet cook feel happier and more excited than cooking ingredients that he has never touched before!

"Komatsu! Calm down!"

"It's just cooking puffer whales. You've seen Mr. Kanda's cooking of puffer whales so many times before..."

"You can definitely do it."

Komatsu held his breath and looked at the puffer whale in front of him. His whole mind was completely immersed in the puffer whale in front of him!
After getting started.

Komatsu, who carefully observed the puffer whale, seemed to have divine help and could tell the location of the poison sac on the puffer whale at a glance!
"Is the poison sac located directly under the floating bag?"

"In this position."

"Then we need to start with the base of the puffer whale's tail fin, and use the three-cut method to cut out a ten-centimeter opening..." Komatsu thought while slowly waving his kitchen knife.

Compare the speed with which Souji Kanda cooks puffer whales.

The speed of Komatsu's falling knife is much slower. He doesn't dare to increase his speed at all, but he controls the edge of the knife extremely accurately!

When the knife falls.

Komatsu has clearly felt the heavy touch brought by the puffer whale, which is a feeling that Komatsu has never experienced in his previous cooking career.

As the puffer whale is sliced ​​open with a kitchen knife.

Kanda Souji and Coco couldn't help but smile. There was no mistake in the location of the puffer whale's poison sac analyzed by Komatsu.

Back in the beginning.

Souji Kanda and Coco relied on their respective abilities (super touch, sensing magnetic field) to clearly feel the location of the puffer whale's venom sac.


"You are indeed the future divine cook!" After seeing Komatsu's methodical cutting movements, Kanda Souji couldn't help but praise in his heart.

in the original.

Although Komatsu successfully dealt with the puffer whale when he first started, it was just under Coco's guidance, and now Komatsu relies entirely on his own talent.

To know.

Komatsu is completely different from Kanda Souji. After extensive training at Shoulin Temple, Kanda Souji has mastered the meaning of food. His cooking skills are not comparable to those of Komatsu now!

When Souji Kanda was amazed.

Coco's eyes couldn't help but fall on Kanda Souji.

From the time I met Souji Kanda.

Coco has already discovered that Souji Kanda seems to be very optimistic about Komatsu. From when he met Jiro and asked Komatsu to help cook the puffer whale, to now...

From start to finish.

Souji Kanda seemed to be sure that Komatsu would be able to take care of the puffer whale.

After cutting the base of the tail fin.

Komatsu was in a state of getting better. The kitchen knife penetrated the puffer whale's gills, cut off the puffer whale's mandible and cut all the way to the belly of the fish.

The gills of the pufferfish were then removed from the abdominal cavity.

Precise and clean.

As the belly of the puffer whale was completely opened, Alu, Zong Kai and others also held their breath nervously, looking forward to Komatsu's subsequent cooking steps.

Knife after knife.

As Komatsu's kitchen knife peeled off the fish meat of the puffer whale layer by layer, Aru and others finally saw the poison sac hidden inside the puffer whale.

"I saw the poison sac."

"Come on!"

"Xiaosong, all that's left now is to take out the poison sac!" Alu bit his fingers tightly, not daring to take another breath for fear of disturbing Xiaosong because of him.

This is the final step.

Komatsu's mind also became more concentrated, completely immersed in dealing with the puffer whale, and just thinking about how to remove the puffer whale's poison sac!

As for other things.

Komatsu is not thinking at all now.

Remove mucous membranes.

Komatsu's hands steadily pulled out the poisonous sac of the puffer whale from the puffer whale's body, and the puffer whale became sparkling in the next second!
After Komatsu successfully cooked the puffer whale, Alu immediately cheered for Komatsu!

"Xiaosong, you succeeded! You really succeeded in cooking the puffer whale!" Aru hugged Xiaosong with both hands and shouted loudly.


"I really succeeded?"


"It's great. I actually succeeded in removing the poisonous sac of the puffer whale!" Xiaosong finally came to his senses when Alu held him in his arms.

Then my face burst into tears instantly, and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down.


Komatsu never thought that one day he would actually be able to cook puffer whales himself, and even successfully cooked puffer whales.


"I respect you!" Souji Kanda also came to Xiaosong and congratulated him.

"Mr. Kanda."

"No, all this is thanks to your guidance. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to handle ingredients like puffer whale..." Komatsu raised his hand to wipe his tears.

"This has nothing to do with me."

"I just showed you a few times. As for your ability to successfully cook puffer whales, this is entirely due to your own cooking skills!"

Souji Kanda suddenly smiled.

There shouldn't be much to say about Komatsu's talent in cooking. Just by tasting a drop of Century Bisque, he was able to perfectly replicate Century Bisque.

During the invasion of the Four Kings.

It has also completed the simplification of Poison King Tailan’s detoxification cuisine for the four kings’ toxins!
The former is something that Gourmet National Treasure Setsuna's mother-in-law has not been able to accomplish for decades, and the latter is something that even a series of top gourmet chefs such as Setsuno's mother-in-law and King of Shan Zeus have been unable to accomplish.

During the time when the four kings invaded the human world.

To some extent.Komatsu is actually a prisoner of gourmet food and the most skilled gourmet cook in the world!
"Mr. Kanda?"

"All right."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. There are still puffer whales over there with Aru and Coco that you need to deal with?" Souji Kanda interrupted Komatsu and pointed at Aru and the others.

"Come on!"

"Puffer whales are just the beginning. There are many more interesting ingredients in the world waiting for you to discover."

After speaking.

Souji Kanda walked towards Zong Kai and the others. Since Komatsu was able to handle the puffer whale on his own, what he had to do was completed.


I want to enjoy the puffer whale as a food together with Zong Kai and the others.

"Brother Zong Kai!"

"A, B!"

"How do you want to eat puffer whales? It would be a pity if puffer whales were just made into sashimi!"

"Wa hahaha!"


"When cooking puffer whales, just follow your own ideas. After all, you are the professional gourmet cook!" Zong Kai answered Kanda's words with a laugh.


"Mr. Kanda, you can feel free to show off your cooking skills!" Brother A and the two said in agreement.


During the conversation between Kanda Souji and Zong Kai.

Alu and Coco had brought Xiaosong back to the puffer whale they had captured, and then Alu held Xiaosong's arm tightly.


"I'll leave these puffer whales to you!" Alu said seriously to Xiaosong.

"no problem."

"Mr. Alu, leave the matter of dealing with the puffer whale to me!" Komatsu answered seriously. After successfully taking care of a puffer whale, Komatsu's confidence was also boosted.

"that is really good."


"Then I'll beg you, I'll get you hot wine now!" After Alu let go of Xiaosong, he ran to the side and started to get busy.

As early as when I met Jiro.

The Aru wine bug has been attracted by the pufferfish fin wine enjoyed by Jiro, and now he finally has the opportunity to enjoy the pufferfish fin wine.

So how can Aru survive?


"Then I'll have to work hard for you next! As for this idiot Aru, don't pay too much attention!" Coco said to Xiaosong helplessly.


"Mr. Coco, leave this puffer whale to me!" Xiaosong patted his chest and didn't take Alu's matter to heart at all.


Komatsu began to deal with the puffer whale captured by Aru and his wife.

Compared to when I first started using it.

Komatsu is now more confident in handling the puffer whale again, and the speed of falling the knife is getting faster and faster, and there is no trace of the jerkiness just now.

This scene.

Cocoa couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

Terrible talent.

Every time Komatsu cooks a puffer whale, his skill at cooking the next puffer whale becomes even more proficient, as if he is evolving rapidly!
In the blink of an eye.

Alu and Keke captured eighteen puffer whales, but Komatsu completed detoxification on all of them. None of them were poisoned!


"oh oh!"

"This is truly a delicious delicacy from the deep sea. After one bite, all the food cells in the body are filled with the taste of joy, and the accumulated fatigue seems to be eliminated in one breath!"

"This is amazing!"

After tasting Komatsu's puffer whale sashimi, Aru's body made a sound like the roar of an engine, and his whole body seemed to have grown a size in an instant.

Puffer whale guts!

In addition to being delicious, it also has the effect of nourishing the body.

If it weren't for Alu and his food cells having evolved to a high enough level, maybe Alu would evolve again!

"This is truly delicious!"

"This is the first time I've been served such delicious sashimi! The puffer whale is so delicious!" Komatsu was also moved by the taste of the puffer whale.

"Mr. Alu."

"Can puffer whale be a menu item in your life?" Komatsu couldn't help but ask Aru.

"That's it!"

"The taste of puffer whale is indeed shockingly delicious, but I don't want to make a decision so quickly?" Alu said with a smile after coming back to his senses.

"Sea, lake..."

"In this vast world, there are countless ingredients that I haven't eaten before?"

“Fish dishes on the menu of life.”

"I still plan to taste some more unknown ingredients before I can make a decision!" Alu said while taking a sip of puffer fish fin wine.

"Mr. Alu." After hearing Alu's words, a look of yearning appeared on Xiaosong's face.

If Alu embarks on a new adventure.

Then he can continue to follow Alu and explore more unknown treasure troves of ingredients, which is simply a dream for him.

"Wa hahaha!"


"If you don't mind, how about you try my master Zongkai's fish dishes?" After hearing Alu's words, Zongkai, who is a good teacher, suddenly came over.

"Striped salmon!"

"There are not many ingredients in the world that can compare with it!" Zong Kai continued to promote the fish dishes on his life menu to Aru with great seriousness.

"Striped salmon?"

After hearing Zong Kai's words, Coco's eyes suddenly became a little complicated when she looked at Zong Kai.

life menu.

Although it is not determined by the catch level, for example, the catch level of the four-fin swordfish on the Coco Life menu is only level 18!
But striped salmon is the most widely circulated ingredient in the gourmet market.

"Zong Kai."

"Striped salmon is indeed delicious, but it's not the ingredient I want, and I'd rather imagine seeing a more precious ingredient!" Alu replied seriously.

"Is it?"

"If this is the case, then the ingredients on Kanda's life menu will meet your requirements, Aru." Zong Kai pondered.


"Mr. Kanda's menu of life?" After hearing Zong Kai's words, Xiao Song couldn't help but swallowed, looking forward to Zong Kai's next words.

It’s not just Komatsu.

Aru and Coco are also very curious about Kanda Souji's life menu!
(End of this chapter)

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