My Liver Experience in Reality

Chapter 69 Essence, energy and spirit fellow practitioner! [Seeking the first order! 】

Chapter 69 Essence, energy and spirit fellow practitioner! [Seeking the first order! 】

After the characteristic roar of a car engine sounded, a passenger car trembled for a few moments, and then began to move forward.

Zhang Xuanchong sat in the back row, his eyes opened and closed from time to time, with a relaxed expression on his face, but there was some complaints in his heart.

He really didn't expect that there was no direct bus to Y City in Taoxian County, which made him travel dozens of kilometers early in the morning before finding a bus station with a direct bus.

But looking at the emerald green river outside the window, he gradually became more subtle.

After a while, he shook his head, abandoned the random thoughts in his mind, then slowly closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.


Jingle, jingle, jingle~
The phone rang, and Zhu Zhong, who was waiting anxiously, copied the phone over. When he saw the familiar phone number, his expression immediately relaxed.


"Hi, open the door."

Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, then immediately got up and walked towards the door.

Before he got there, he could see a figure standing there only through the gap in the iron gate.

After a sound of iron chain knocking, the iron door was opened by it.


Looking at the figure in front of him, Zhu Zhong was about to say something when he suddenly noticed that the person was carrying only a bag and nothing else. Where is the luggage?

Zhang Xuanchong glanced at the landlord who couldn't help looking at him, and couldn't help curling his lips, "I said, let's just stand like this?"

"Oh, sorry, come in, come in."

Zhu Zhongru woke up from his dream, stepped aside, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir."

Seeing this insincere apology, the former didn't say much, but just walked in first, and as soon as he entered the yard, he looked at the house in front of him.

The building is two stories high and has a masonry structure. It looks like it has been around for a while, but the yard he lives in is not bad, with a size of [-] to [-] square meters, and a two-meter-high wall surrounded by red bricks. , the ground has also been poured, very flat.

"What's your name, sir?"

"My surname is Zhang."

"My name is Zhu Zhong, Mr. Zhang, I don't know how long you plan to rent."

Zhu Zhong asked the question he was most concerned about.

how long?

Zhang Xuanchong's eyes flashed, recalling the surprise he saw just now, and immediately turned around and said: "Two months."

"Two months..."

Hearing this number, he frowned a little, and then invited the former into the house, and made two cups of tea with the boiled water.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this. The reason why I want to rent out this house is because..."

Just like that, he told the cause and effect, and finally, he said: "For this reason, if Mr. Zhang is willing to rent for a long time, I will reduce the rent appropriately."


Looking at the expectant landlord, Zhang Xuanchong was a little speechless. Who would do business like this, and even take the initiative to expose their weaknesses.

However, who made Zhang Xuanchong a person who asked for a clear conscience.

"I don't mention the renters in advance, but I would like to ask, is it possible to go to the Dongting Lake and the surrounding waters by boat?"

This irrelevant question made Zhu Zhong feel a little at a loss, but he will soon come back to his senses. This question may not be understood by outsiders, but it is naturally not a problem for him as a local. .

It's just that he didn't understand what the Mr. Zhang in front of him meant when he asked this question, so his eyes were somewhat wary, "Mr. Zhang, fishing and fishing are not allowed here, don't be stupid."

"I know, I just want to ask if I can go to the boat on the water."


Zhu Zhong was a little silent, he stared at the expression on the former's face for a while, and then said: "Yes."

"Then I will rent it for three months."

Zhang Xuanchong pondered for a moment, and after a while in his mind, he said:

"It's September now, and December will be three months later. The Chinese New Year is approaching, and you can come back and take care of yourself by then."

The latter who got this answer was still a little dissatisfied, but seeing that the other party's expression was firm, and what he said was somewhat reasonable, he reluctantly nodded, "That's fine."

Afterwards, he took out the contract he had prepared in advance and handed it to Zhang Xuanchong.

"This is the contract, you read it."


After accepting the contract, Zhang Xuanchong just glanced at it roughly, and after finding that there was no major problem, he readily wrote his name and some information on it.

After another half an hour, Zhu Zhong packed up the things he was going to bring, stuffed them into the car, then turned to Zhang Xuanchong and said, "Mr. Zhang, I wish you a happy life."

The latter just nodded slightly, and he didn't turn back to the yard until he watched the other party drive away, and locked the iron gate.

Zhang Xuanchong carefully checked the inside and outside, and he breathed a sigh of relief after finding nothing wrong.

He stood still in the courtyard.


As he muttered silently, the light blue panel quietly appeared in front of his eyes.

【Name: Zhang Xuanchong】

【Lifetime: 24/320】

【Fine: 5.1】

【Qi: 1.3】

【God: 4.2】



【Tao Yun: 19】

"Xingyi, Zhengang, Burial Sutra, Jing, Qi, Shen..."

He scanned the panel from top to bottom, and finally set his sights on Xingyi.

Because of resource problems, he hasn't touched 'Xingyiquan' for a month, but now that he has solved this problem, he will naturally reconcile with it...

After Zhang Xuanchong took a deep breath, he turned off the panel, opened and closed his eyes for a moment, and put his body in a strange posture, his feet were divided into combat forces, his upper body fell backwards, and his arms trembled strangely...

The five senses and the gods are all closed, leaving only the instinct of this body.

All the key points about 'Xingyiquan' that are familiar and can no longer be familiar circulated in his heart.

"Zi, bear, tiger..."

Then, his figure became berserk, and he played the first form and the first form with the most vigorous posture...

At the same time, the viscous qi and blood in Zhang Xuanchong's body also rioted in an instant, as if turning from liquid to solid, condensing into countless solid lines of qi and blood...

During this process, the "Qi" that nourishes the body along with the Qi and blood also participates in it, and is divided into countless channels and penetrates into the countless complicated Qi and blood networks together with the solid lines of Qi and blood, participating in the skin-to-skin Quenching.


As the six forms of tempering the body were shot out one by one by Zhang Xuanchong, the qi and blood mobilized by him with God began to be consumed rapidly, and even the passively participating 'qi' was continuously consumed in the process of tempering the body, resulting in its amount in the keep decreasing.

Immediately, the blood-colored film under his skin moved, and the film that wrapped his body under the skin began to release the substance that Zhang Xuanchong called the blood source. In an instant, the qi and blood in his body were replenished again. He started to temper his body.

A series of gas explosions rang out in the small courtyard, and as Zhang Xuanchong continued to move, the six animals that had appeared before, condensed by the wind, also appeared outside his body, and gradually began to complete.

One hour, two hours... until the sixth hour passed.

Zhang Xuanchong's movements stopped in astonishment, and then the strong wind that wrapped his body also spread rapidly in the blink of an eye, and even the air was squeezed out together, causing a pseudo-vacuum to appear around him, but after a while, the air was gone Backfill quickly...

At this time, he opened his eyes ignorantly.


He gritted his teeth to stop the cry of pain, but there were bursts of hot air from his mouth and nose, and it took a long time before it stopped.

At this moment, his condition is a little bit bad. The muscles and veins under the skin are all rioting to varying degrees, making him look like he is inflated like an inflated balloon, and his appearance is very ugly.

After a while, Zhang Xuanchong let out a long sigh of relief after most of the pain in his body dissipated.

"Fifty times, it's not bad."

He glanced at the data on the panel, and teased himself bitterly.

Immediately, Zhang Xuanchong glanced at the ground, and waved his right hand casually. After the strong wind overflowed, the dirt and dust on the ground immediately drifted away with the wind, and he sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the "burial scriptures".

But with a few flicks of his fingers, the silver-white skeleton with some pieces of flesh appeared in front of his eyes, which looked very strange.

Use your will as your pen, and your spirit as your ink!

His spirit also began to consume rapidly after the blood, and what was applied to the skeleton was that the pieces of meat covering the body surface began to increase slowly.

Until, when his god is about to run out.

Zhang Xuanchong suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up from the ground, and began to practice the "Five Animals Show" again, his body was flying, bears, tigers, deer... and other five animals were at his fingertips.

The qi and blood in his body also obeyed the command meekly, turning into wave after wave and began to heal his scarred body...


Dongting Lake, next to a ferry.

"Boss, you are in such a hurry to call us back, do you have any big projects?"

A young man wearing glasses, about 24, asked a question to the bald middle-aged man with empty hands, and at the same time stared at the things placed next to him.

"Some time ago, someone saw a big fish splashing on the waves on the East Lake, and this is exactly what we lack."

The bald-headed middle-aged man glanced at the lake, and then told a group of people to wait for what they should do.

After they loaded all the things placed next to them onto the ferry, the bald-headed middle-aged man and another person boarded the boat next to them, and the two boats headed for the small island in the lake together.


In the evening, the sun had already set.

Zhang Xuanchong still stayed in the yard.

But he did nothing, just sat on the steps with his back against the wall with his eyes closed.



"Judging from today's experience, the blood source provided by that dragon should be enough for me to practice 1000 times."

He looked at the panel in front of him, and his heart was slightly touched.

Soon, he set his sights on the funeral scriptures again. Today he practiced 5 hours of 'Xingyiquan', 2 hours of 'Burial Scriptures', and 2 hours of 'Wu Qin Xi'.

This 'burial scripture' has the fastest progress, with a total of about 70 proficiency points added. From this point of view, before the blood source of that dragon is exhausted, his 'burial scripture' can usher in another wave upgrade.

In this case……

The corners of Zhang Xuanchong's mouth curved, and then he opened his eyes, looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky.

His eyes flickered slightly, his pupils gradually returned to normal size, and his eyesight also returned to normal.

After doing this, he saw that the distance between the moon and him seemed to be shrinking rapidly, and the image presented in his eyes gradually became clear until there was no change.

"Looking forward!"

He recited a sentence in his heart as if joking, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, but unfortunately he didn't see anything after looking at it for a long time, and the moonlight was getting more and more dazzling...

Zhang Xuanchong moved his eyes at will, and all the qi of the world and the earth clearly appeared in front of his eyes, such as anger, death qi, wood qi, water qi, and qi?

With a flash in his eyes, he cast his gaze on himself again and examined it carefully.

"This is……"

"Another wisp of Earth Qi."

In addition to the anger radiating wantonly around him like a little sun, there are two strands of earth energy that seem to be the same, but are actually different. After seeing this scene, Zhang Xuanchong couldn't help chuckling twice.

"It's just getting more and more interesting."

"The two wisps of Earth Qi both appeared after I killed that thing, or they were the marrow beads..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a bit regretful, he should have checked his body immediately after swallowing the marrow bead.

However, even if he thought about it, his physical condition at the time didn't seem to support it...

After a long time, Zhang Xuanchong shook his head, erased the distracting thoughts in his mind, got up and walked into the house.

On the second floor, in the bedroom, he was sitting cross-legged on a wooden frame bed without a three-piece suit.

The eyes are slightly closed, the sound of breathing is nothing, and the room is extremely quiet.

However, under the quiet appearance, Zhang Xuanchong's body was turbulent. In the extremely tough blood vessels, as the heartbeat of the chest continued to increase, the blood that was as heavy as golden water was rushing faster and faster. It was all suppressed in the body, and nothing leaked out.

His spirit is highly condensed, using the true method recorded in the "Hunyuan Zhengang" to continuously condense the hot air that becomes more and more violent due to the high-speed rush of blood...


The next day, seven in the morning.

Zhang Xuanchong suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a strange color in his eyes.

After finishing his qi training this morning, he found that the qi he condensed last night couldn't integrate into the qi he obtained the previous two times for some reason, and there was a clear distinction between the two.

This "Hunyuan Zhengang" is not like the Nine Yang Magic Art and Nine Yin Manual in martial arts novels. The Qi produced will follow the meridians and go to the terminal dantian.

The qi it cultivates is the mother qi, which determines the upper limit of the qi that Zhang Xuanchong can use. The real upper limit of qi lies in the upper limit of his essence. The higher the essence, the more the total amount of qi.

But the more this happened, the more he didn't understand why this happened.

At this moment, Zhang Xuanchong opened his lips and teeth slightly, and a qi sword suddenly opened the air, shot out from the window, and disappeared without a trace. Seeing this scene, he didn't do anything, but spit out another qi sword, Follow the previous direction, dissipate invisible.

After two 'chi' sounds, Zhang Xuanchong's eyes lit up.

"That's it, I understand."

He suddenly remembered the scene when he spat out the Qi sword last time by the river. At that time, he subconsciously used a bit of Qi, so the speed of the Qi sword was faster and lasted longer.

Just now he used two strands of different qi to exhale the qi sword, and he immediately noticed the difference. The first qi sword he used was the previous qi, and the second qi sword he used was the one he practiced last night. angry.

As a result, the former is more than a step faster than the latter, so the reason is naturally clear at a glance, the quality of the former is a bit higher than the latter, how can it be possible to merge together.

As for the reason for this, he also has some guesses, whether it is true or not, we will know later.


After a while, Zhang Xuanchong appeared in the yard and continued his actions from yesterday.

In the blink of an eye, the familiar air explosion sound began to explode again...

A few hours later, he stopped the 'Xingyiquan' movement, endured the severe pain and began to observe the situation in his body.

I saw that the two groups of mother spirits that were still distinct before had already merged together.

Immediately, an ugly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, waiting for the severe pain in his body to dissipate.

Xingyi, burial scriptures, and five animals, this is the order of practice during the day, while at night it is Hunyuan Zhengang.


Just like that, three days passed in a flash.

On this day, Zhang Xuanchong was practicing "Wu Qin Xi", and when he was recovering from the spirit consumed by practicing "Burial Sutra", there was a sudden noise outside the door.

"Old man, old man, is there anyone?"

"Some of us fell into the water..."


These shouts made Zhang Xuanchong frowned, and stopped the action he was about to start.

He ignored it at first, and just wanted to wait for these people to leave before he practiced, but the people outside the door seemed to believe that there was someone here, and they were no longer satisfied with just shouting, and even started to pat the iron door. The banging.

"My fellow, please open the door."

Hearing this movement, Zhang Xuanchong was agitated, so he went straight to the door and opened the iron door, revealing the scene outside, a girl was lying on the ground soaked through, with a lot of sand on her body, next to her There were two men and a woman, and their clothes were all soaked through.

"My fellow, can I borrow the phone?"

"Our mobile phones have been soaked in water. I want to borrow your mobile phone to call an ambulance..."

The three looked at Zhang Xuanchong from the door, and shouted at him in a hurry.

He ignored the quacking duck in front of him, and just glanced at the person lying on the ground twice, but after just two glances, his brows frowned even tighter.

"If you have time to call, don't you have time to see how people are doing?"

"People are dead, and they are still screaming."

Zhang Xuanchong glanced at the appearance of the three people in front of him, and there were other words in his heart that he did not say.

"What did you say……"

One of them seemed to be frightened by his words, and he couldn't help trembling twice. The other two were not much better, and their expressions changed again and again, but no one checked the situation of the person on the ground.

Looking at this scene, a trace of suspicion suddenly flashed in Zhang Xuanchong's eyes, the reaction of these three people was wrong.

But it's none of his business.

"Hurry up and take the person away, don't make this bad for my feng shui."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the yard and raised his hand to close the iron gate.

It seemed that they were frightened by what Zhang Xuanchong said, until he closed the iron gate, the three of them didn't make any more noise.

He listened to the movement in the courtyard, and after making sure that the three of them had left, he began to practice the 'Five Animals' again.

But only half a minute later, Zhang Xuanchong opened his eyes and looked in the direction they were away from, frowning more tightly than ever before.

(End of this chapter)

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