My Liver Experience in Reality

Chapter 48 I Can't Gather People! [Please follow up!Please follow up! 】

Chapter 48 I Can't Gather People! [Please follow up!Please follow up! 】

"yes, Sir!!"

The thin man timidly glanced at the crossbow behind the strong man, and immediately speeded up his progress. He quickly drove the Luoyang shovel into the soil layer, then pulled it out, and then checked the thickness of the soil layer...

According to Dahan, those things were buried in the basement, so he only needed to find out where the soil layer was limited.

With this in mind, the thin man kept changing positions, shoveling and pulling Luoyang, trying to find the basement...

After a while, the skinny man paused when he hit the hammer. He was taken aback for a moment, then his face showed ecstasy, and he immediately turned to look at the strong man: "Brother, this floor is empty!"

He stood at the corner of the building and yelled.

After hearing what he said, the burly man paused for a while, and then walked towards him.

"Brother, it's right below, I can feel that the bottom of this Luoyang shovel is empty..."

The thin man threw the hammer, began to shake the Luoyang shovel, and pulled it out in one breath, exposing the empty tip. The big man walked in and had a look, with a happy expression on his face.

"Not bad!"

The strong man gave a compliment, and pulled out two hoes from the side, threw one to the thin man, and he took one himself, and the two started digging in line with each other.

According to the thickness of the soil layer shoveled in Luoyang, the basement is only more than one meter below. With a little effort, they can dig through the basement in at most two hours.



Zhang Xuanchong walked halfway, and a voice suddenly sounded in his ear. When he heard the content of the speech clearly, he immediately stopped and looked up.

"Is this digging for treasure? Or something that came from a wrong path..."

He suppressed the sound of his feet, and began to walk up slowly...

"Brother, how many things are there below?"

During the period, the thin man asked the big man while panting, he was really tired, and now his clothes were soaked from the inside to the outside with the sweat on his body.

He had no choice but to take off his clothes, twist them hard twice, and squeezed out a lot of water droplets...

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"However, I can assure you that once the things below are sold, we will have enough food and clothing for the rest of our lives!"

The man spat in his hands twice, rubbed them hard, then grabbed the handle of the hoe and dug hard. He put the crossbow by his side, disgusted by carrying it on his back and getting in the way.

Zhang Xuanchong leaned against the big tree next to the hillside, leaning and watching the two digging.

I don't know how much time has passed, the strong man felt very tired, he suddenly dropped the hoe, wanted to take a cigarette out of his pocket to relax, but suddenly he felt a chill down his back, and his hand that was fumbling around in his pocket froze...


"What's wrong, brother!"

"Go and get the Luoyang shovel!"

The man took a deep breath, and said in a calm tone.Just now he saw clearly that the thin man threw Luoyang shovel behind the two of them, and now he just let him try it out.

"Okay, bro!"

The thin man didn't think too much about it, he simply agreed, but just as he turned around, he saw Zhang Xuanchong directly behind him, who greeted him with a smile...

"Brother, there is someone behind!!!"

The thin man immediately yelled, but before that, the strong man shrank back and rolled to the place where he put the steel crossbow, then he immediately picked up the steel crossbow, quickly rolled forward, then loaded the arrow, and turned around He aimed the steel crossbow behind him.

"If you don't want to die, don't move!"


Zhang Xuanchong looked at the man's series of slow-moving movements, and felt the urge to laugh in his heart.

"I heard what you said, there seems to be something amazing buried in this place, why don't we open [-]-[-]..."

Zhang Xuanchong said it seemingly fairly, without paying attention to the weapon in the opponent's hand at all, and walked two steps forward, "How?"

"I told you not to move! Didn't you hear!!"

The man looked at the strange looking man in front of him, and felt a little panicked in his heart. If it wasn't for the accidental chills on his back just now, he wouldn't have noticed that something was wrong at all. Now seeing the man's confident appearance, his hands and feet trembled even more...

"You could pull the trigger!"

Zhang Xuanchong said indifferently, he moved his eyes to the thin man, pointed at the man and said, "You, keep digging!!"

"Brother?!" The thin man looked at the strong man tremblingly. At this moment, his heart seemed to be beating violently out of his chest. He had the urge to cry without tears. This happened the first time he did this job. thing……

But he saw that the strong man ignored him, so he could only dig.

"Aren't you going to deduct it?"

Zhang Xuanchong didn't care about him anymore, he just held the bow behind his back, pinched the arrow in front of his body, and looked at the strong man with interest.


The strong man frowned tightly, gritted his teeth, and was about to pull the crossbow at Zhang Xuanchong, but at the last moment, he suddenly stopped the movement of his right index finger.

"Fuck! You win!"

He gritted his teeth and said a curse word, he just wanted to get rich, and he didn't want to be bitten by people from the Public Security Bureau, but in Zhu Xia, he could do anything, but he couldn't die, and once he died, the case would be solved.

"It's boring..."

Zhang Xuanchong shook his head slightly, if this guy dared to shoot him, then he would have a reason to beat the two of them to pieces, but now...

"Skinny, get out of the way!"

He yelled, and walked straight forward. When he reached the dug hole, the thin man was pulled away by the strong man. The strong man pulled the thin man back a few steps, but the steel in his hand But the crossbow didn't shift direction. Although he didn't dare to pull down the crossbow, the strong man kept aiming at him steadily.

He didn't care what the two people next to him thought. After assessing the load-bearing under his feet, he only exerted a little force on his right foot, and with a 'pop', he easily broke the beam used to support the soil below... …

At this time, Zhang Xuanchong already felt shaking under his feet, but he made up his foot before it collapsed. He stepped up his right foot and stomped towards the soil layer. With a soft sound, he bounced his body away, and he The place where it landed began to collapse from the middle...

He looked at the two of them, pointed to the place where he stamped his feet, "Dig!

Seeing this, the strong man pushed the thin man, then he gritted his teeth and threw the steel crossbow. Instead, he took the hoe in his hand and started digging.

But in 10 minutes, the hoes in the hands of the two had already touched the top.


The handle of the hoe in the strong man's hand broke off with all his strength, and the lower half was firmly stuck in the soil, making the former helpless for a while...

"Brother, in the end..."

The thin man pulled him back to reality, and he saw the former planing the thin soil layer with his hands. With the thin man's efforts, a dark pothole appeared in front of his eyes.

The strong man saw the pothole appear, but his heart twitched...

"Okay, don't make a sad face."

Zhang Xuanchong looked at the dejected face of the other party, and he felt happy in his heart. Although the source of the following things was not right, he would not do anything wrong. Only take things that have Dao aggregates, and don't take anything else...

"It's easy for you to say!" The strong man gritted his teeth and cursed.


Zhang Xuanchong walked up to the pothole, squinted and looked down, and only then did the two people beside him see his attire clearly. The giant bow on his body had a metallic luster, and the bows were ridiculously thick. The arrows were even more cold, and when their bare feet stepped on the soil dug by them, they were deeply sunken, and the soil did not reach the ankles...

Seeing these scenes, the pupils of the strong man couldn't help shrinking, and the sweat that had just disappeared from his body showed signs of coming out again.

"Brother, we don't want anything anymore, let us leave!"

Familiar begging voices sounded beside the three of them, but after hearing these words clearly, the expressions on the faces of the two who did not make a sound were different.

"Brother, you..."

The thin man looked at the strong man in confusion, not understanding why he said this suddenly, but the strong man covered his mouth as soon as the former said a few words, and the strong man kept giving him winks, signaling Don't talk too much.


But Zhang Xuanchong suddenly laughed out loud. He stared at the scene of a man adding a man beside him, and seeing the strong man staring at him pitifully, a sudden smile appeared on his face.

"You don't dare to kill people, and neither will I!"

"Also, I only take what I need, and I won't touch other things, understand?"

Before the words disappeared, he had already turned his head, and without seeing any movement from him, the pothole in front of him expanded to a size big enough for two people to pass through.

Immediately, Zhang Xuanchong didn't worry about the two of them making any small moves, he just put the bow and arrow aside, and jumped straight down, leaving the two of them staring at each other...

"Then what, big brother, you choose first, we will help you!"

With an idea, the strong man suddenly yelled towards the pothole, then he walked carefully to the place where the bow and arrow were, and tentatively stretched out his hand to pinch an arrow...


"This weight..."

With a twitch of his eyelids, he felt a bone-chilling chill coming from the thing he was holding in his hand, which sent a chill down his spine, and he suddenly dropped the arrow, which made him feel much better, but he still couldn't figure out what it was What kind of bow can shoot such a heavy arrow...

With this in mind, he fixed his eyes on the giant bow again, and when he was about to reach out to touch it, he was startled by a sudden sentence behind him and sat down on the ground. In the next moment, he rolled and crawled. He rushed forward, afraid that the person behind him would make a move.

"I don't like people touching my things!"

Zhang Xuanchong came out from the basement at some point, and was standing behind the strong man at this moment, quietly watching his movements.

However, his focus was not on this. After frowning for a few moments, he took the bow and arrow in his hand, and quickly rushed towards the original predetermined direction, and at the same time said a word,

"There's nothing I need in it, you can do whatever you want!"

Voices disappear, people disappear.

After a while, the thin man came back to his senses first, "Brother, I can see clearly, that man didn't take anything..."

"What do you need to say?!"

The brawny man became furious, he didn't even have a place to hide his things, so how could he take things away under their noses.

He stood up, patted off the dirt stuck to his body, and jumped down with the thin man...

After a long time, a deafening roar sounded suddenly on the mountain bag, which made people want to cry.

"Damn old thing, you dare to trick me!!!"

The roar startled the birds and Zhang Xuanchong who was running.

After his right foot hit the ground, he stopped immediately, stood on the hill, looked back,

"I'm not cheating on you. There are five items in total. I took three and left two for you!"

 Please read!

(End of this chapter)

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