My Liver Experience in Reality

Chapter 39 Earth Qi! (Seek to read! Please read! 5500 words)

Chapter 39 Earth Qi! (Seek to read! Please read! 5500 words)
At home, Zhang Xuanchong was half-sitting on the sofa, and the three bags he brought back were placed on the coffee table in front of him.

After a while, he untied all three bags, and he specifically asked the old man and the three to help him rub these raw materials into pills, otherwise he alone would probably not be able to finish rubbing until tonight.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately unwrapped the bags one by one, repeating the movements he did in the morning.


Zhang Xuanchong swallowed handfuls of bigu pills continuously. After these bigu pills entered his stomach, the medicinal power was instantly absorbed by the blood-colored film. As he kept moving, the first bag was quickly taken out null……



I don't know how long it has passed, Zhang Xuanchong stopped what he was doing.

"More than 700..."

He looked at the few remaining ones, his heart moved slightly, and then he still swallowed them into his stomach.

Feeling that these pills were not absorbed, but were slowly released in his stomach, he breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally tested to the limit by him.

"These more than 700 bigu pills can support me to practice for more than 300 rounds at most. Even if I spend the rest of the money on medicine, I can only increase my proficiency by less than [-] points at most, but this is not good for me. It still doesn't have much effect, so I can't practice 'Xingyiquan' in a short time, otherwise I may starve to death in at most ten days..."

"And if I don't practice 'Xingyiquan', then these bigu pills I swallowed are enough to support my energy and blood consumption for more than half a year!"

Zhang Xuanchong quickly set the tone for the next step. He decided that he would not practice 'Xingyiquan' until he made enough money, or found a better elixir.

It's ridiculous to say that at the beginning, he wanted to find some high-energy food to recharge himself, but later he learned from Wang Wenyuan and bought some bigu pills, and then he realized that the most suitable food for him to practice martial arts was not high-energy food. It is something that can replenish qi and blood.

After practicing these two techniques that rely on qi and blood, his body has transformed into a state that only needs qi and blood. Just like ordinary people need food to maintain life activities, he needs pills to supplement because of the maintenance of life activities. And the blood consumed...


"So for the next period of time, just focus on 'Funeral Sutra' and 'Five Animal Shows'!"

After Zhang Xuanchong got up and cleaned up the mess in front of him, he moved the coffee table to another position, freeing up the living room.

Since he doesn't practice 'Xingyiquan', there is no need for him to go out.

As usual, the 'Burn Sutra' consumes a lot of energy first, and then the 'Five Animals'...


On the third day, Huifeng Hall.

A man with yellow hair, wearing a white short sleeve, and his left arm tied with a bandage staggered into the pharmacy, and cried to the old man as soon as he entered the door:
"Doctor, you must help me, I don't want amputation..."

After a while, the old man withdrew his hand from his left arm, his face pondering.

"I can't cure your disease, you should go to the hospital to see..."

Huangmao's face was full of dead gray, and he staggered out of Huifeng Hall, and the old man behind him was full of contemplation.

After a long time, the old man let out a long sigh. He could cure it, but he couldn't.

Having lived for a long time, he has always been well-informed, and when he took the gauze apart and saw the meat at first glance, he knew what was going on.

That's the secret force of a person who has practiced boxing to the viscera and can be called a master, which can cause this situation. Let me ask, how dare he treat this kind of person.

Those who practice martial arts are bound to have dealings with people like him, but in the current environment, as far as he knows, only Zhang Xuanchong has real skills.

He knew everything about Zhang Xuanchong from Jian Guowei, and he knew that the latter was not a bully, let alone committing crimes by force, so it is questionable that this yellow hair is still in such a situation...

Of course, if there is a second person in Jiang County who has practiced dark energy and murdered Huang Mao, then he will be even more incurable. The ghost knows how Huang Mao offended the other party. If he is cured, the other party will come to Huifeng What about the troubles...

He didn't think about himself, but he had to think about his two sons. With this kind of person's method, he killed people without blood, and the forensic doctor couldn't see it. How could he cause such a disaster.

He is a doctor, not some kind of virgin whore that is popular on the Internet now, and he will not use his son's safety to be a good person.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, sat back behind the table, and continued to doze off.

This little episode did not affect Zhang Xuanchong's life rhythm. In the living room, his figure was either sitting cross-legged, or playing "Wu Qin Xi" slowly and vigorously.

Maybe what he didn't know was, maybe he thought about it but didn't care, his previous slap caused a lot of trouble to another person...

Of course, maybe he would just disdain.


Time flies by.

In the living room, Zhang Xuanchong was staring at his achievements during this time on the panel.

【Name: Zhang Xuanchong】

【Lifetime: 24/320】

【Fine: 5.1】

【Qi: 0】

【God: 4.2】

【Method: Wu Qin Xi (Dacheng: 604/3000), Xingyiquan (Dacheng: 1/3000)】


【Tao Yun: 0】

'Five Animals' has not made much progress, but after the 'Burial Sutra' has been advanced, he discovered an unexpected change...

Zhang Xuanchong slowly opened his eyes after seeing the sudden flow of information in his head, his black and white pupils were suddenly rendered with a layer of light, and in the dim environment of the living room, two stars seemed to light up Like a glowing light bulb.

"Earth atmosphere..."

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw a faint dark yellow gas steaming in front of him. According to that information, he knew that this gas was also called 'earth gas', and it was the source of life in the earth veins. If the land veins where he is located are destroyed and the earth's air dries up, then this place will lose its vitality, plants and animals will die, and the environment will deteriorate rapidly to the point where no one can survive...

He wasn't surprised by this, because the group of messages told him about 'Earth Qi', but...

Who can tell him why he also has this thing on his body...


You can observe all the qi in the world, and you can naturally observe your own qi. In Zhang Xuanchong's eyes, if his anger at this moment is compared with that old snake, it is comparable to the anger of dozens or hundreds of old snakes.But he also saw a "qi" that shouldn't exist in the human body, and even apart from the three dragons, dragons, and dragons that absorb the earth's energy, there shouldn't be any living things that can carry this "qi"...

"The only time I had contact with 'Earth Qi' was when I was killing that old snake. Other than that, I couldn't even see it before that, let alone touch it..."

"Even now, although I can see it, but..."

Zhang Xuanchong glanced at the ubiquitous dark yellow gas around his body, and stretched out his hand to fish it out, but there was no gain. The hand he stretched out passed through the former as if through the air.

But he suddenly froze in place, he remembered one thing, if there is anything in common between him and Jiaolong, it is that he had eaten marrow beads, and this marrow bead is what those things depend on for a long time, could it be ...

"Could it be that the marrow bead I ate was contaminated with earth qi, and after I swallowed the marrow bead, I also had earth qi on my body?"

"Or, the earth veins have spirits, knowing that I killed that thing, so they gave me a wisp of earth energy?"

Zhang Xuanchong smiled impressively, he was amused by his sudden idea, but then he put it behind him, no matter what the reason is, at least he didn't see any harm at the moment, if it really had an impact, then Let's talk about it in due time.


Zhang Xuanchong glanced around the room, and immediately began to pack the things he wanted to bring. Jian Guowei informed him yesterday that he would go to his house to stay for the next few days, and then prepare to leave at any time.

He didn't go yesterday because the "Burial Sutra" was still close to the door, but now that the "Burial Sutra" has been upgraded to a higher level, he should go there too.

He didn't have many things to bring, just three things, clothes, shoes, and the can of snake gall wine, and the bow and arrow were always in Jian Guowei.

Zhang Xuanchong poured the emerald green wine from the glass jar into the gourd that he washed clean. He only brought two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes in his bag. Accommodation is a bit of a hassle.

Then, when it was getting dark, he walked towards Jian Guowei's hometown.

The sun has set, it's dusk.

On the village road, Zhang Xuanchong was carrying a big bag and a gourd hanging from his waist, walking unhurriedly.

The warm wind blows in, carrying the unique smell of the farmland on both sides of the road.

Just when it was getting dark, Jian Guowei's family was already in sight.

After a while.

"Brother, you cleaned up very quickly!"

Jian Guowei was a little surprised, there were still two days before the departure time, he did not expect Zhang Xuanchong to come here today.

Zhang Xuanchong waved his hand, "I don't have anything to clean up here, so I might as well come here earlier, lest Brother Jian wait so anxiously..."

"That's right, you'd better come here sooner!"

Jian Guowei nodded, but he suddenly turned his attention to the gourd again. Seeing Zhang Xuanchong walking around, there was still a sound coming out, which made him a little puzzled, so he couldn't help asking:

"What is this gourd?"

"Wine! The snake gall wine I brewed, I haven't brewed it yet, I'll give you a taste when it's almost time..."

Zhang Xuanchong took off the gourd, shook it a few times, and said to him: "Brother Jian, do you see my things?"

"Leave the room where you slept last time!"


The next morning.

Zhang Xuanchong lay lazily on the bed, the sun had already shot in through the window, shining on his face, a little dazzling.

He took a look at his phone and found that it was past 7 o'clock.

He heard the sound of shooting from the backyard again, so he got dressed and got up in a hurry.

Based on the voice he heard just now, he knew that Jian Guowei was practicing arrows in the backyard, so he went straight to the backyard.

"Brother, how many arrows are you going to bring this time? Don't forget that one of your arrows weighs twenty catties. If you bring too many arrows, it may not be easy to go..."

Seeing Zhang Xuanchong approaching, he also stopped his movements, took a thick and long arrow from the side, weighed it twice, and handed it to the latter.

"I didn't use this arrow to shoot wild boars."

Zhang Xuanchong took it, and waved it casually twice in his hand, making a whining sound of breaking the wind.


Jian Guowei was a little dazed, "If you don't shoot wild boars, then what?"

"It's nothing, what else can you shoot if you don't shoot wild boars? By the way, brother Jian, can you contact the truck? This arrow belt is not enough, so I can't return it to get it, and this arrow probably cannot be bought in the market. , so I want to bring more."

Zhang Xuanchong reacted and quickly added a sentence.

It may be that the environment is too comfortable, which made him almost slip up, but it is also true. After all, who would use this thing to shoot wild boars? If you are lucky, you may only have a hole in it. If you are unlucky, you will be beaten to a pulp the...

As for 'fewer belts are not enough? '

He stared at the black arrow in his hand, his eyes flickered for a few moments, and he wanted to make a deal with the above...


Jian Guowei was in a daze, and he didn't say until a while later: "Okay, then we will set off the day after tomorrow and meet up with the other two guys in Weishui on the 31st. Then I will introduce you..."

"it is good."

"Also, Brother Jian, is my hunting license ready?" Zhang Xuanchong suddenly remembered that he seemed to be short of a hunting license. Without this, he probably wouldn't even be able to pass the first level.

There is also the problem of Weishui natives, but he has no connections and can only rely on Jian Guowei's ability.

"Look at what's next to your bow..."

Jian Guowei suddenly laughed twice, and pointed to the small notebook next to the shelf.

"Name: Zhang Xuanchong"


After being reminded, he had already held the small notebook in his hand, opened it, and there was his photo and name on it...

Afterwards, Zhang Xuanchong immediately thanked Jian Guowei. Although he could also make money from other sources, it was not as easy and quick as selling pigs after thinking about it.


He waved his hands indifferently, because he wanted Zhang Xuanchong to go, so naturally he had to get things ready.

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries. Seeing that the other party was going to practice archery again, Zhang Xuanchong wanted to go out for a stroll, so after he said something, he walked outside.

After a while, he walked into the nearby river.

It's the dog days right now, and it hasn't rained for more than a month. The sun is scorching the earth like fire, and there is only a small stream of river water left in the river channel, maintaining an uninterrupted flow.

Under the sunlight, all the pebbles in the river channel reflected light, and the whole river channel emitted a dazzling white light...

After a soft sound, Zhang Xuanchong jumped into the river, and walked towards the river on the cobblestones.

He sat down on a stone as thick as his waist, looking at the sparkling water in a daze.

A gust of warm wind blows against him, and the only thing that bothers him is that there are always mosquitoes harassing him around.

Although it couldn't pierce his skin, the sound of "buzzing, buzzing" made him very irritable.

Crack, crack, crack...! !

Suddenly, a series of muffled sounds sounded in the river channel, accompanied by turbulent air waves, forming ripples in the air and spreading around.

That was Zhang Xuanchong constantly flicking his fingers, aiming at the mosquitoes flying around in the air, making waves of air...

For a while, he had a great time playing.

But after a while, Zhang Xuanchong suddenly stopped beating the mosquitoes.

Because he saw someone walking towards the river, to be precise, walking towards the water pool in front of him, and seeing what he was carrying, it seemed that he wanted to fish.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanchong felt a little interested.

Seeing that the man had reached the water pool and spread out his fishing rod, he got up and walked towards it.


"Hello, do you still have a fishing rod?"

Jian Yun was waiting to wake up, when a voice suddenly came from behind her, and she was startled by the voice.

"I'll go, you walk silently, you scared me..."

She patted her chest and looked at the person speechlessly.

Zhang Xuanchong mentioned his thoughts again, and now the latter reacted, and said:
"Yes, yes, but why should I borrow from you..."

Jian Yun wanted to refuse ruthlessly, but after seeing Zhang Xuanchong's face clearly, she was at a loss for words for a while.

"Ahem, then add a contact information first, otherwise what will you do if you take my fishing rod away!!"


Zhang Xuanchong glanced at the other party's somewhat dark and flushed face, and felt a little slanderous in his heart, "Girl, I'm afraid you don't know how to pull black..."

"Okay, you can add me!"

After the negotiation between the two was completed, Zhang Xuanchong also got a fishing rod. He unfolded the fishing rod according to what he had seen in the video, tied the fishing line, and dug a lump of bait from the bait tray in the eyes of the other party. Put it in front of yourself.

He is not very good at fishing, and he has never fished with this modern fishing rod. Counting his fishing history, he only used bamboo as a fishing rod when he was a child in the village.

As for why he came to ask this man to borrow a fishing rod...

That's because he wanted to try...

Zhang Xuanchong stretched out his fishing rod, threw the hook into the water, then closed his eyes, soared his perception to the limit, and observed the situation in the water with all his strength...

"Do light and darkness really exist, or is it just a way of exerting force..."

"And can I attach these two forces to other things, such as..."

The fishing rod in his hand shook suddenly, and Zhang Xuanchong's body changed from squatting to standing up at some point, with his left hand behind his back, his right hand holding the tail of the fishing rod, and placing it on his right abdomen...

I don't know how long it took, the fishing rod in his hand began to vibrate involuntarily, and kept trembling slightly. Seeing this scene, Jian Yun, who was next to him, felt a little strange, but she didn't alarm Zhang Xuanchong, but secretly took out her mobile phone , and started taking pictures of his face...

He has suppressed the bright energy and the dark energy to the minimum, but he still can't pour it into the fishing rod in his hand. It seems that as long as he dares to pour it, then he will dare to break it for him to see! !


"Ming Jin may be the way to exert force, but An Jin is definitely not..."

Zhang Xuanchong suddenly changed his mind, he wanted to pour only dark energy, and immediately, his heart rate soared, and the special heat generated began to pour into the fishing rod in his hand.

A moment later, in his perception, the fishhook was racing at high speed underwater, heading towards the fishhook he 'saw'...

Whoop, whoop, whoop~~~
Jian Yun was startled by the sound of the fishing line. She immediately put away her phone and looked at the water, only to see that the fishing rod in Zhang Xuanchong's hand was bent as if it was about to break.
"Hello, Zhang Xuanchong..."

Just as she was about to remind her, she saw that the other party just waved her hand, and the thing caught by the fishhook was pulled up and smashed hard at Jian Yun's feet.

"not bad……"

He looked at the grass carp weighing five or six catties on the ground, and uttered an inexplicable admiration.

"This fish is for you. I have something else to do, so I won't go fishing with you. Take good protection when fishing in the future. You are darker than me..."

After handing the fishing rod to Jian Yun, he quickly left here. He was going to try to see if the Anjin could be attached to the bow and arrow...


Jian Yun was a little dumbfounded, she didn't know why, but she always felt like she was being spoofed...


Jian Guowei's house, the backyard.

Jian Guowei was far away from Zhang Xuanchong. When he was practicing archery just now, Zhang Xuanchong who rushed in hurriedly pulled him away, saying that he wanted to do some experiments and asked him to wait for a while.

As a result, since he came back, he has held the tens of thousands of pounds of alloy bow in his hand, holding the bow in his left hand, and holding an arrow in his right hand. The bow has been fully drawn, but the arrow has not been shot.


Jian Guowei's lips moved slightly, and when he was about to speak, Zhang Xuanchong, who closed his eyes and drew the bow, suddenly let go of the bowstring with his right hand, and the arrow shot forward like lightning.

But the strange thing is, apart from the sound of the bowstring's collapse, the pure black arrow, which is slightly thinner than the cap of the mineral water bottle, didn't make any sound when it pierced through the air, even when it pierced through big trees and bluestones...

There was only a straight hole left where the arrow passed, unlike last time, no one was spared.


Jian Guowei covered his ears with a dazed expression. What's going on? Where's the thunder?What about the gas explosion?


Zhang Xuanchong, who saw all this after opening his eyes, had a smile on his face. What he thought could really come true, and he didn’t know if it was the material of the arrow itself. It could withstand much more dark energy than a fishing rod.


 Please follow up!Please follow up!

(End of this chapter)

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