My Liver Experience in Reality

Chapter 156 Zhang Xuanchong's plan (2)!

Chapter 156 Zhang Xuanchong's Plan ([-])!
It was past three in the morning, British time, and it was going to be four.

In the old council hall that has been baptized by time, a long-haired young man is sitting lazily on the head, and in front of him are more than a dozen ministers of national defense, finance, internal affairs, foreign affairs, etc., of course, the prime minister is also within the ranks.

The minister of defense felt awkward when he saw the prime minister bowing his head and ignoring what was going on outside the window, but looking at the young man who seemed to be awake from the corner of his eye, the awkwardness in his heart dissipated for some reason without a trace.

Thinking of the military port outside the capital that was smashed by a finger, his attitude became inexplicably humble.

After taking a deep breath, he said softly, "Your Excellency, why are you here?"

He spoke Zhuxia language, and his words were correct, without the slightest accent.

This skill made the other people around him couldn't help but look at him a few times, as if to say, you have a big eyebrow and big eyes, and you will betray Britain one day.

"You are the prime minister?!"

The young man above glanced playfully at the person who made the sound.

He knew this person, and this person was responsible for receiving him when he came to Britain last time, he seemed to be the Minister of Defense.

But now it seems that this person is still the Minister of Defense, and he is still below the Prime Minister in terms of rank, so it is worth pondering when he comes out to speak.

Young people feel that they can add fuel to the fire and 'help' this person!

Provomo shook his head in astonishment: "Your Excellency, I am only the Minister of Defense."


Hearing this, the young man chuckled inexplicably: "It seems that your prime minister is not competent. It is not up to the big ones, but let the small ones support the situation!"

Leaning against the back of the chair, with one hand holding the ancient book with the word 'morality' written on it, and the other hand resting on the armrest, he looked at the group of dressed animals below with great interest.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. He was just repeating what this group of people did hundreds of years ago. The only difference was that this time the other party was the one who took it passively.

In a sense, fists are the truth. When you are weak, you should hide yourself, but when you are strong, you still play the game of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, which is really boring.

Now he is strong, he is rational!

Proformo shook his head solemnly, as if he wanted to correct some meaning in the young man's words.

But he was suddenly interrupted by the young man: "From now on, you will be the prime minister!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency!"

Profumo paused, then immediately knelt down on one knee and bowed his head in thanks.

He never said what he wanted to say just now.

Seeing this, the young man looked at the former prime minister with a smile on his face: "Do you have any opinions?!"

"Or, do you have any opinions?!"

Except for Proformo, who was kneeling on one knee, everyone's attention was focused on the former Prime Minister Harold, whose complexion was turning green and turning red.

After a while.

Or after thinking about something, Harold regained his composure, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, I have no objection!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I, the queen, will be in charge of persuasion!"


All the people were convinced, without any objection.

"very good!"

The young man Fushu laughed, and then said with a smile: "The purpose of my coming is very simple. First, I want all the things you plundered from other countries, including your own!"

"Second, I want all the manuscripts of scientists and mathematicians such as Newton and Faraday."

"Third, I want the manuscripts of all philosophers and thinkers."

"Fourth, I want you to cooperate with Zhu Xia's next actions!"

"Any comments!"

While speaking, the young man kept smiling.

But in the eyes of others, this smile is Satan's smile. Seeing this smile, Provomo couldn't help but shudder, and then asked first: "Your Excellency, are these things delivered?"

"Send it to Zhu Xia, and someone will naturally accept it!"

"Understood! I have no objection!"

"Same, no problem!"


After a while, the young man raised his eyebrows and said casually, "Then I wish you all good luck!"

After all, there was no one on the chair, and it was not clear how he disappeared.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly ran to Proformo and said courteously, "Your Excellency, Prime Minister."

The slow reaction is the same, and they all rushed over.

They didn't need to do this, because even if the prime minister changed in the past, the impact on them would not be too great.

But this time it's different, Provomo has the support of 'God' behind him, so the meaning is quite different.

Just like that, except for Harold, everyone gathered around Provmo and showed their hospitality, even though the latter was not recognized by the queen.
The black-bone chicken, the Hans cat, the hairy bear... and even some other countries with a little background have all been patronized by the long-haired young man one by one.

It's good to know his country, and the conversation went very smoothly.

But when meeting someone who didn't know him, the conversation went smoothly under that giant finger that was comparable to Mu Feng's.

In this way, at six o'clock in the morning in Zhuxia, the long-haired young man returned to the factory area in a hurry and saw Ye Ming.

"Mr. Zhang!"

Ye Ming bowed and said hello.

Zhang Xuanchong waved his hand, motioning for him to sit down too.

Then he said: "I went outside for a walk, and I guess someone will contact you to deliver the things after dawn. When the things arrive, they will be delivered here intact!"

"No one is allowed to touch the contents inside, otherwise"

Ye Ming felt cold all over, and immediately nodded in agreement: "Understood! As soon as the things hit the ground, they will be delivered!"

He finally understood it. The time when Zhang Xuanchong disappeared was estimated to be a trip to an outside country. As for the things, they should have been obtained through extortion, and the amount must be very large, so...
"Mr. Zhang, this place probably needs to be expanded, otherwise I don't think I can let it go."

After he figured it out, he pointed to Zhang Xuanchong pointing to the factory area.

"It's up to you!"

Zhang Xuanchong smiled noncommittally, and then he continued: "In addition, let's continue collecting things. Make a copy of the manuscripts of those scientists in the past, and then send the original manuscripts over."

"In exchange, you can make a copy of some manuscripts from abroad and send them to the corresponding places. They are all awesome things."

"I see!"

Hearing this, Ye Ming nodded affirmatively.

But immediately, he frowned and said softly: "Mr. Zhang, I have already spread the matter you said, just."

Zhang Xuanchong waved his hand to stop him before he finished speaking: "Since you guessed it, you don't need to ask me anymore!"

"After having a unified goal, it will affect the whole body.

Once the goal is set, in order to approach or achieve this goal, related industries will rise, and more people will participate in this industry. The western countries, including the one in the north, I have already talked with them, and they will support Zhuxia unconditionally. This is Your chance.

But correspondingly, I want to see results within three years. The results I am talking about do not refer to the creation of weapons that can destroy planets, or the spaceships that can carry people out of the solar system, but those that are similar to those that are poured by special people. The handwriting, paintings, calligraphy, sculptures and so on made contain the crystallization of their hard work and wisdom.

I want you to put pressure on these real scientific researchers to enlighten them without their knowledge, so that they can write a manuscript with what I need!

In addition, not only those engaged in scientific research, you should also pay attention to those masters who are loyal to their skills, thinkers, philosophers, sculptors, and calligraphers."

"All in all, it doesn't matter whether the things they make are simple or not, but whether they contain what I need!"

"This is also an opportunity. If you can seize it, maybe, relying on their irrigation, Zhuxia can achieve a technological explosion."

"However, it can get out of my mouth and into your ears, but it can't get into the second pair of ears. Therefore, I will keep your mouth shut. You will not be able to speak or write about this matter!"

While speaking, Henry Zhang always had a smile on his face, but Ye Ming's heart was always tense.

Finally, after the former stopped talking and did not continue, Ye Ming couldn't help taking a few deep breaths, and asked tremblingly:

"Mr. Zhang, what you mean is that it doesn't matter whether you can create real objects, what is important is that you need manuscripts similar to those ancient objects that contain special wisdom and hard work, right?!"

"Not bad!"

Zhang Xuanchong nodded lightly, if he still couldn't understand, then he didn't mean to say it again.

But Ye Ming's forehead was already dripping with sweat, and he said with a somewhat apprehensive expression: "Have you ever thought that scientific researchers are actually the same as those who were most likely practitioners in ancient times in Zhuxia?" There is a fundamental difference”

"According to what we know, the producers and original owners of the things you selected are most likely practitioners who absorb inspiration, eat wind and drink dew, and understand the world, so the things produced will have What you need, while scientific research workers."

"You don't have to worry about that!"

Zhang Xuanchong smiled slightly, since he dared to do this, he was sure it could be achieved.

After all, squatting on him is a crippled god who has experienced the technological explosion.

"As long as there are real materials, the things that are poured out of my heart will definitely contain what I need!"

Speaking of this, Ye Ming has no doubts, maybe there are, but he can't say any more.

At that moment, he just got up and bowed: "I understand, Mr. Zhang, I will definitely handle this matter well!"


Zhang Xuanchong nodded.

Immediately, only Zhang Xuanchong was left sitting alone on a chair in the room.

"Wisdom? Effort? Carrying? Interesting!"

Suddenly, a sound of indifference exploded in the room, making Zhang Xuanchong's eyelids twitch.

"Could it be that you can absorb this wisdom?!"

Hearing this, he only flicked his finger for a moment, and the next moment, a roar full of infinite pain exploded in his ears!

"Zhang Xuanchong!!!"


Zhang Xuanchong snorted coldly: "If you talk too much, I will try to swallow you and try to become the possibility of heaven!"


He only heard a cold snort in his ear, and then there was no more sound.

Seeing this, he slowly closed his eyes.

Although he was able to trap these two crippled creatures, he was somewhat powerless to isolate them from the outside world, because in essence, the way he trapped them was a battle of wills, not any other way.

His will and mind are stronger than them, so he can use his 'will' to lock them up as a prison, but it is difficult to isolate them.

Moreover, he learned from their few words that even if they were sealed in the imperial tomb, they seemed to be able to know the affairs of the outside world, let alone his simple head-to-head confrontation.
The eyes were immersed in the body, and the eyes slowly turned, but Zhang Xuanchong's attention was not in the body.

After a while, his thoughts moved, and his eyes immediately looked into the spiritual world.

Looking at the land in front of him that was already comparable to the size of the entire Zhuxia, Zhang Xuanchong's gaze changed for a while.

Especially when he noticed the dark blue figures appearing in the Wudang Mountains, he suddenly had an idea that he had before but was given up by him.

"After all, there are very few people who can engage in scientific research. Even if you count the whole world, you can find a million people who will burn incense. In this 100 million miles, those who fish in troubled waters must be eliminated. People who really have real materials It can’t be said that it’s less than one-tenth.”

"And the less than 30 Dao aggregates I obtained before were all accumulated in the past dynasties in the history of Zhuxia. After calculating how many Dao aggregates these less than [-] people can really produce, it is still a matter of time. After all, it depends on time." If this is the case, then why can’t I go both ways.”

"In reality, these elites who are selected from thousands of miles or one hundred thousand miles are free to play, and I use the spiritual world to selectively pull people in. As long as the number is large enough, the accumulation of small numbers is not a small number! "

Zhang Xuanchong's heart moved for a while, but there were a lot of questions in front of him.

One is, how to pull people?

The second is, after pulling people, what happens to the outside body of the person being pulled?
The third is, what should be shaped in the spiritual world?

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Xuanchong only felt that there were so many problems.

I don't know how long has passed.

Looking at the desolate jungles in Qin, Shu, Hu, and Hunan provinces in the spiritual world, Zhang Xuanchong's heart suddenly moved. In an instant, rivers diverted, mountains and forests shifted, valleys became plains, and hills became highlands.
In the blink of an eye, earth-shaking changes took place, city walls appeared one after another, and cities rose from the ground
Qin Jiuzhou world!
Thanks to the miniature version of the territory of Kyushu in the underground palace of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, Zhang Xuanchong enlarged it and embodied it in the spiritual world.

Cities, rivers, mountains, forests, the Great Wall, plains, etc. do not fall, one is good!
Immediately, in the territory transformed by him, countless black spots like dumplings suddenly fell from the sky. After landing, the black spots instantly turned into human figures, wearing linen robes, with their hair tied up in a bun, and then These figures headed towards the nearest city, and they shouldered the important task of transforming the city.

When there is no shortage of people in the city, villages spring up one after another in the mountains and forests on the outskirts of the city, and the figures move towards the villages again.
These 'people' are transformed by Zhang Xuanchong's thoughts of entering the illusory world to experience life. Now their memories have been re-endowed after Zhang Xuanchong's transformation, farmers, businessmen, scholars, petty officials, soldiers, and officials.
Except for the Xianyang City and the Xianyang Palace, which is empty, for those who don't know, if they fall into it, it will be the same as time travel.

However, what he traveled through was not Daqin, but God and Demon Daqin!
After a long time.

The inner cores of those rising cities have all been sorted out, and they are quite different from the previous ones that had nothing but superficial appearances. Today's basic necessities of life can be found in them, even in the farmlands in the suburbs. It is full of seedlings.

These things came from Zhang Xuanchong, but the tools or processes for making these things have been completely reproduced.

The hundreds of millions of memories he obtained before are useless after all, there are always some "capable people and strangers" in them, and these things exist in the memories he instilled in these thoughts.

Before Zhang Xuanchong didn't take back these thoughts, they had only one identity, the aborigines engaged in all walks of life!

Having achieved this step, Zhang Xuanchong did not relax at all.

Because this is the easiest step.

Pulling talent is the most difficult choice!
"It's impossible for me to stay on the ground all the time, so my practice speed will be greatly slowed down. If this is solved, everything else is fine. I don't have to worry about whether it is a permanent pull or a temporary pull." people."

Zhang Xuanchong's thoughts circulated endlessly.

After a while, his closed eyes suddenly opened.

The right hand that was placed on the armrest abruptly protruded in front of the eyes, a drop of crystal clear, ruby-like red blood bursting out of the fingertips, and then rolled down into the palm of the hand.

Zhang Xuanchong didn't pay attention to the continuous fluctuation above the blood drop, which seemed to produce folded air, but with a thought, a red golden horse suddenly appeared and illuminated the whole room, and then poured it into his palm spread in front of him into it, covering the crystal clear drop of blood in it
"Don't let me down!"

As time slowly passed, after the strange red light in the room flickered for a moment, the red gold light gained the upper hand again, but a bloody sphere the size of a basketball suddenly appeared in his palm, and the red gold horse was still moving towards it for free. infused away
After a while, Zhang Xuanchong's eyes changed for a while, and then he just threw it away, and the red gold horse disappeared immediately, and only a strange red light flickered in the room for a while, and in an instant, a figure no different from Zhang Xuanchong stood quietly in front of him.

Seeing the hot eyes of the figure in front of him, he waved his hand, and a red golden light flashed, and the naked figure was immediately enveloped by the red gold robe.

"The appearance is almost the same, but the strength of the physical body is a little weak, almost only the strength of the 'Xingyiquan' when it is perfect. If the blood is reduced, the time will also be shortened."

With a glance, Zhang Xuanchong saw clearly the details of the figure in front of him who was 'fed' by a particle with blood.

Except for some things that are missing, if the memory is copied to this figure, it is not a bad idea to say that it is Zhang Xuanchong!
After having a conclusion in his mind, Zhang Xuanchong's mind moved, and a thought was poured into it instantly. At this time, he had a thought that he had almost complete memory. The next moment, the soft face of the figure became a little indifferent in the blink of an eye!

"Hello, deity!"

An indifferent voice sounded, this was the first sentence after the figure spoke.

However, his actions made Zhang Xuanchong frown a little. This figure was poured out with energy and spirit, and the memory he entered was only the memory before cultivation. This self is even colder.
"never mind!"

Zhang Xuanchong shook his head, stretched out his right hand at will, and shook it. Immediately, the figure who had just appeared in the world for only a few minutes immediately turned into a beam of red gold light and penetrated into his body from his protruded right palm.

"Since the avatar can be separated, the spiritual world can be temporarily stored on the avatar, and now we can think about how to attract people."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stood up from the chair.

The next moment, there was no one in the room.

Qin Province.


Zhang Xuanchong got out of the mountain forest and walked along the path. He just went to see the lonely old man who was alone in the forest.

Now, it is heading towards the small Taoist temple where Sun Xin is.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Xuanchong walked slowly to the front yard, but what he saw made him a little surprised.

"Sun Xin is getting married?"

With this thought in mind, Zhang Xuanchong sized up his appearance, and immediately changed his attire. He wore a fairy-like large cloak woven from unknown red and black feathers and draped it on his body. The root hairpin changed for a while, and the hair was tied into a bun instead of simply tied.

Immediately, he stepped up the steps, and entered the place where the spectators practiced on weekdays from the front yard.

This time, he could see more clearly.

A mid-twenty-year-old girl with yellow flowers (you can see it at a glance) is pulling on Sun Xin's dark blue robe, and there are two middle-aged couples standing beside her. girl's parents.

On the other side, inside the wide open door of the Patriarch Hall, several people wearing dark blue Taoist robes were reciting scriptures and knocking on the wooden fish. The two voices mixed together, which was quite strange
"I am pregnant!"

The girl said that she was pregnant, her eyes were red and she was about to cry. Faced with this situation, Sun Xin wanted to cry, but Zhang Xuanchong found that his old classmate didn't seem to refute this sentence, which is a bit interesting .

He stared at the girl with a glint in his eyes, then at the four middle-aged men, and suddenly he understood.


In an instant, Zhang Xuanchong coughed lightly twice.

The eyes of the six people in the field were immediately attracted by him.

Seeing him coming, Sun Xin was overjoyed, and when he was about to speak, he noticed the clothes on his body, and was immediately speechless from shock.

The other five people just glanced at it, then looked away, and continued to look at Sun Xin in the middle.

But Zhang Xuanchong did not let the five people go.

"Apprentice, what's going on with you?"

He frowned, and asked, seemingly a little unhappy.

Hearing this, Sun Xin stared and was about to refute, but before he could open his mouth, his body was extremely stiff like a zombie, unable to move at all, while Zhang Xuanchong just smiled slightly.

"Several, dare to ask what's going on?"

He blinked at Sun Xin indiscriminately, and then 'sized up' the five of them.

"You are?!"

His actions aroused the dissatisfaction of Sun Xin's father, who asked back in a somewhat aggressive tone.

"You are deaf!"

Zhang Xuanchong rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Didn't you hear me calling him an apprentice?"


Being stunned by this, grandpa's face turned green and red, and he was about to rush over, waving his hands and feet.

"You are my son's master?"

It was grandma who was calm and immediately found the flaw, stopped grandpa and said, "But why do I remember that Taoist priest Shouyangzi has passed away?"

"Madam, have I ever said that I am Shouyang!"

Zhang Xuanchong replied with a smile: "I am poor, but I am the second master of Qingsong. I usually spend my days refining alchemy in the dragon frame. This time I came here to test the level of Qingsong's practice. If you pass it, you should free it. Pindao will take him away, so he can be reprimanded by his side!"

"You fart!"

Grandfather was free, and immediately spit out angrily.

But Zhang Xuanchong didn't even look at him, he just looked at Sun Xin, pointed at him and said, "Whether it's true or not, just ask him!"

The moment the words fell, the latter suddenly realized that he could move, and he was about to salute Zhang Xuanchong immediately, but the girl saw that the situation was not good, and immediately hugged him from behind, and cried with tears: "Sun Xin, I pregnant with your child"


Sun Xin's body froze subconsciously, and he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed softly.

"Dare to ask the chief, what's your name?"

When Xu Shi saw his daughter's appearance, the man felt a little distressed, so he came over.

"Poverty Tianyuan!"

Zhang Xuanchong gave a salute, and after prevaricatingly calling himself a random name, he asked with a frown, "Why is your daughter relying on my apprentice?"

"Is this a forced marriage?"

"Daoist Tianyuan, you don't know something"

As soon as the man said a few words, Zhang Xuanchong waved his hand to stop him. He frowned and looked at Sun Xin: "Apprentice, if you really become a master, I can't help you anymore."

"But will you believe me when I say I didn't do it!"

The latter said with a wry smile.

"Tsk tsk."

Zhang Xuanchong smashed his mouth and pointed out: "It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, it's important whether you believe it or not!"

"For some reason, someone knew that your apprentice knew Zhang Xuanchong, so they were so eager to promote the achievement of this marriage, so as to achieve certain goals, and the cause of the incident was precisely because yesterday's rumors spread throughout Zhu Xia. That voice yelled at his father to death!"

"Otherwise, this marriage won't come so fast!"

"And your good parents just treat you as a cash cow. Otherwise, after neglecting you for more than ten years, how could they come to you so easily? It's not because of the profit!"

"Am I right? Little girl!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xuanchong blinked at the most innocent looking girl.

"I don't understand, how do you know?!"

The girl who changed her mood almost instantly looked at the unattractive middle-aged man wearing a big red and black cloak in front of her, and was very puzzled. If she was still awake at this moment, she would be even more puzzled why she said such stupid things.

What is the difference between this and direct admission.

No, Sun Xin next to her was staring at her blankly as if she had just met her.

"Did you forget who I mentioned just now?"

Zhang Xuanchong replied with a smile, and immediately looked at Sun Xin who had a dead face after knowing the truth: "Good apprentice, let's go to morning class!"

While speaking, he shook his head. If he were Sun Xin, he would probably hesitate. Parents who have hardly seen each other for more than ten years, plus a sweet and delicious wife, tsk tsk.
The atmosphere on the field was very strange. Sun Xin stood on the spot blankly, while the four middle-aged men lowered their heads dejectedly. Only the girl's eyes kept rolling, as if she was sure of something, her complexion gradually turned pale , a little lost his voice: "You are."

There are many ways to solve this matter, but Zhang Xuanchong chose the most direct method other than showing up directly.

Apart from his intention to have fun, this woman is also a trouble, although he can set her off as a firework with just a breath.

Sun Xin has feelings for this woman, although not much, if Zhang Xuanchong comes hard, it is really not beautiful, it is better to wait for her to speak out by herself. In the memory of the former, although he has some doubts, it is his after all. first woman.

Unfortunately, after being exposed, the first and only woman also disappeared.

"It's none of your business, get out!"

Zhang Xuanchong waved his hand casually, and drove the five people like flying flies.

(End of this chapter)

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