My Liver Experience in Reality

Chapter 138 Close to the Sun!

Chapter 138 Close to the Sun!

In the huge room, there are no lights shining.

There is only a little light on the huge screen on the wall in front.

Ye Ming stood facing the crowd, and the dots of light behind him set off his face like a carbon circle.

No one could see the expression on his face clearly, even the short-haired glasses girl who was less than a few meters away from him.

"Want to know what's going on?"

Ye Ming said something meaningful and softly.

With the help of the light behind him, he could clearly see the curiosity, shock, hidden realization... and other expressions on the faces of the people in front of him.

Although he was asking a question, no one made a sound.

They all just quietly looked at his pitch-black face, but under the quiet appearance, there was the sound of heavier breathing.

"However, what I said doesn't count, only what you want to understand is true!"

A smile flashed across Ye Ming's face, and his mouth was full of intentions: "You can be bold!"

Then, he looked at the glasses girl: "Contact Mr. Zhang!
Just say it's true! "

However, at this time, the extreme north of the planet.

Zhang Xuanchong put his hands behind his back, his lips were always slightly opened, and he swallowed the earth's air below.

Even if the earth gas in his internal organs oven has been compressed into a solid state.
But at this moment, his slightly parted lips suddenly closed, and he turned his head and looked towards the south thoughtfully.

He only moved his mind slightly, and there was a picture of Ye Ming and others talking in front of him, with both sound and shape!
"Interesting! Interesting!!"

Zhang Xuanchong saw it clearly, and the huge screen that served as the background wall was exactly the scene he wanted to see, but didn't want to see.

As a result, he said two interesting words in a row.

After looking at it for a while, his eyes opened and closed for a moment, and the picture in front of him was immediately shattered into nothing by him, and it could no longer fill his eyes.

"It turned out to be true!"

Zhang Xuanchong grinned slightly, the result was really beyond his expectation.

This is the first time since he got the panel, he has broken some defenses.

It never occurred to him that the planet he had lived on for 25 years had its own consciousness.

Admittedly, this result is somewhat biased, he only conducted a set of controlled experiments, but this is by no means a coincidence.

In other words, Zhang Xuanchong would rather believe that the planet under his feet is really conscious, so that he can rely on the endless alternative earth energy in the universe to wantonly promote the "refining method"!
However, when he thought of the huge star on the screen, which was far more powerful than the asteroid he had smashed before, there was some incomprehensible meaning on his face.

"Are you angry? Think I'm shameless?!"

Zhang Xuanchong could only think so.

Immediately, he looked at the turbid sea more than 200 meters below, and remembered the last transaction with Mao Xiong.

Before this time, when he came back from the universe for the last time, besides seeing Ye Ming once, he also came to Maoxiong's place once.

In this palace, he gave up the previous deal with Mao Xiong, gave up his plan of nuclear weapons training, and instead bought the largest island in Mao Xiong's territorial waters for this experiment.

As for why he insisted on exchanging instead of robbing, he could only say that he didn't want to waste that deal in vain.

If you want to grab it, you can grab it next time, but there should be no next time.

"It's really not in vain that I gave up the previous deal with Mao Xiong."

Zhang Xuanchong looked up, although he only saw a little bit of starlight and never saw the huge star passing across, but he was not discouraged at all.

He only smiled lightly, and then, with a random step on his feet, his body disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he appeared in the sky hundreds of miles away.
After going back and forth like this, he penetrated the atmosphere in less than ten steps.

"Not far" from him was a bright and waning moon, only half of his body was shining brightly, while the other half was in shadow.

After a casual glance, Zhang Xuanchong lost interest.

The moon can’t move. Don’t mention what impact it will have on the planet under his feet after he blows up the moon. Just say that he just proved that the planet has consciousness, and the moon can also be said to be its wife. If he really blows up the moon, then the ghost Know what it will do.

"Wait. Something is wrong with this situation!"

Zhang Xuanchong, who was still thinking wildly, suddenly had a thought in his mind, which made him turn his eyes around and look at the half dark and half bright planet below him again.

He suddenly remembered two identical messages that had appeared on the panel.

"What underlying legal principles, what framework. Isn't this the 'Day of Heaven'?!"

"If you translate that sentence again, wouldn't it mean that Dao Yun can supplement the 'Day of Heaven'?"

Zhang Xuanchong looked at the planet under his feet with flickering eyes.

To the spiritual world, he is the "Way of Heaven" or "Will of Heaven", so the Dao aggregates produced by those two old Taoists will be detected and absorbed by the panel.

And the real world.

Where is the "will of heaven"/"the way of heaven" of the planet under your feet?

Or, it's not what he thinks, it only has a nascent consciousness, and it doesn't have the "God's Will"/"Heaven's Way" to control everything.

Because he knows that even if Dao Yun can make up for the "Day of Heaven", the generation of Dao Yun has nothing to do with the Dao of Heaven. Regardless of whether the "Day of Heaven" cares about it, Dao Yun will be generated, at most, the Dao Yun that has not been absorbed will not disappear.

And this seems to be in line with the fact that many ancient relics in reality contain Dao Yun at will.

it seems~
Zhang Xuanchong quietly watched the planet that escaped from under his feet at a speed of nearly 30 kilometers per second, and was still rotating at a "slow" speed.

Gradually, his line of sight dropped from the vertical stream and became slightly deflected.

"What will happen to you!"

There was a half-smile between his brows, and such a thought slowly flowed through his mind.

"Is it a newborn, or is it hidden after maturity! Also, are you like this on other planets! I'm curious!"

Zhang Xuanchong looked up into the distance.

There was what he was looking for.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and a stinging multicolored light shone under his feet. In just a moment, his figure appeared nearly a thousand miles away.

In another moment, his figure appeared in the second place nearly a thousand miles away.
He only took a few steps before passing the planet that ignored him.

However, his journey is still going on.

And being overtaken by him on the planet, there was also a machine that faithfully recorded the scene of him standing outside the atmosphere.

After this scene was captured by Ye Ming, he asked the glasses girl to cancel the contact with Zhang Xuanchong with a wry smile, and instead monitored the huge dark red star with peace of mind.

Of course, not because it can easily destroy them, but because they want to see Henry Zhang.

In the room, after Ye Ming ordered a few words casually, he led his subordinates out of the room, then out of the underground, and onto the ground.

Looking at the dark night in front of him and the not very bright moon in the night sky, Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling the howling cold wind unique to this season, he hesitated for a while, then turned and looked at the two behind him.

Glasses lady, Lin Fan.

This time, only the two of them followed.

"What do you think?"

Looking at the confusion on the faces of the two, he smiled and continued softly:

"After learning that besides Mr. Zhang and those near-extinct things in this world are unscientific, even the things we step on are also unscientific because we know too much, what do you think?"

He looked at the two with a smile, as if he was looking forward to their answer.

However, Lin Fan seemed to be a little bit unimpressed with Ye Ming in this state, so he choked wantonly and said:

"I said Boss Ye, can you stop doing this. Ah Fan, I really can't stand it"

Ye Ming hasn't behaved well yet, but the remaining one of the three can't stand it anymore.

"Puchi! Hehehe~~haha!"

After his interruption, the girl with glasses who was thinking with her head down was stunned for a moment, and immediately let out a pig-like laugh.

Forgive her, this is also the first time she has seen two people look so devilish, especially when she saw Lin Fan, a cool guy, saying the three words "Afan, me".

Seeing this, Ye Ming's face darkened immediately after the corners of Ye Ming's eyes twitched.

"Ahem, okay, let's get down to business!"

Lin Fan was quite self-conscious. Seeing that he was going off topic, he immediately returned to the right path:
"Actually, unscientific is not necessarily unscientific!"

"They've always been there, but we didn't see it, we didn't find it!"

"Phenomena that have never appeared before, that we can't explain or even understand for a while, is it an unscientific definition?"

"Besides, maybe they are the norm, those of us who use things invented by scientists and say that this is unscientific all day long, those unscientific guys are really 'unscientific'!
It's just that we haven't discovered these 'normals' yet, after all, to be honest, our self-proclaimed science is, in a sense, really bad."

"Of course, maybe so!"

Seeing Ye Ming looking at him thoughtfully, Lin Fan quickly added.

He didn't want Ye Ming to be led astray by him.

That is to say, only the three of them here would he be so "presumptuous" once.

When he returned to the department, he couldn't be like this.

He is a social fear, and he has always had a paralyzed face in front of people.

The glasses girl sighed softly, and a column of white air visible to the naked eye slowly moved forward, and then dissipated halfway.

Not only her, but the other two also exhaled such a column of white air.

Looking from the side, the three people who were short of breath seemed to be shrouded in smoke.

After a long silence, she said softly:
"There's really nothing to see."

"The three unscientific guys Ye Zu just mentioned, except for the second one, which we can eliminate at any cost, the other two, I'm afraid we can only stare blankly!"

"Also, think about it differently, according to some things in the novel that Ye Zu let us read, the consciousness of the planet may be regarded as the way of heaven, or the law.

The movement of planets has its own laws. The way of heaven is the summary of laws. It may not be conscious. When Mr. Zhang destroys the island, there will be asteroids hitting the ground. This is not touching the law, or it is a law that we cannot discover and touch. , That's why this happened! "

"That being the case, what are we worried about!"


Ye Ming looked at the two as if he had met them for the first time.

He can still understand the glasses girl, her mind is always spinning fast on weekdays, although the current nonsense is a bit outrageous, but it is not incomprehensible.

But what about Lin Fan, we have been working together for almost five years, and this is the first time he has seen him.

"Cough cough!"

Ye Ming coughed twice, and said slowly:
"You two are very good!"

"However, what I want to ask is not what you said."

"But whatever, let it be like this!"

"Remember to record what you two said today, and I will show it to the old man!"

The two looked at each other, nodded in unison: "Understood!"


After a few moments of silence, Lin Fan said with some difficulty:

"Yezu, what exactly do you want to ask?"

"It's hard to say!"

Ye Ming took a deep breath of air, as if swallowing a piece of ice into his stomach, and let him calm down directly.

"Actually, what you said is very exciting! But... how should I put it, Mr. Zhang is indeed the only true god, even if there is still a way behind Boxing, he is still the only true god!"

"Could it be that in your eyes, I look like I'm full of fat and intestines?"

"Hahaha, Team Ye, what are you talking about, I don't understand why!"

Lin Fan laughed, scratched the back of his head, his face was full of bewilderment, as if he really didn't understand.

And the glasses girl lowered her head completely, looking at the wild grass that her little leather boots stepped on, as if there was something nice there.

Seeing this, Ye Ming flashed a smile on his face.

"Don't forget what I said, the old man wants to see it!"


"no problem!"

This time the two broke their merits and did not continue to speak in unison.

"By the way, when we go back, those who should talk about this matter should say it, and those who shouldn't say it should not reveal anything."


"Interesting, worth the money!"

In a somewhat dark environment, Zhang Xuanchong's tiny body lay in front of the dark red star.

From his current angle, he could clearly see the absolute center of the brilliant sun hanging in the center of the star system.

Compared with the first time he landed in the universe and stood cautiously at the boundary of the atmosphere, he had to see more clearly.

But, he also felt that way.

Although he couldn't break it, in his eyes, this brilliant day was really just like this.

After only a few glances, Henry Zhang cast his gaze on the dark red star.

Then, his figure suddenly swelled up, and he turned into the largest form after failing to be eye-catching.

However, compared with the huge star that is still tens of thousands of miles away, the two are proportional, and he is not as big as when he faced the asteroid last time.

After getting bigger, Zhang Xuanchong only stepped on the five-color light, and he didn't move anymore.

He is still hundreds of thousands of miles away from his orbit, not to mention the dark red star that is tens of thousands of miles away from him.

Even if he really couldn't stop this menacing huge star for a while, he could still completely pulverize it at such a long distance.

So, he didn't want to move, he just wanted to wait for it to come to his plate automatically.

It's not like he didn't really do nothing, though.

The "Spirit Refining Method" has been in operation all the time. Although the spiritual world of that party has been automatically enlarged by nearly two times when he was promoted, his development of it has never stopped.

In addition, after he thought about it for a while, the "eclipse method" was also in operation.

Then the latter was a bit rudimentary, but Zhang Xuanchong wanted to know whether this method would be useful to him after practicing it.

He doesn't ask for any good results, but only hopes that after he has trained it to the level of a master, the "day's essence and moonlight" captured every day can support his basic physiological needs for a day.

The more Zhang Xuanchong progressed, the less optimistic he was about his future.

Maybe one day he will starve to death.

Before the bloody film was filled, he felt a faint sense of panic in his heart.

Therefore, this "eclipse method", which he had abandoned for a long time, was determined to succeed.

But after all, he found that this "solar eclipse method" seems to be practiced in the universe.

At this moment, his body was covered with golden light, and it was still the original light of the sun that had not been filtered by the thousands of kilometers thick atmosphere.

Facing the golden light, he felt as if he was soaking in a low-temperature hot spring as soon as he practiced.

Given Zhang Xuanchong's physical condition at this time, unless he takes a bath in the sun, it is absolutely impossible to have such an effect.

Therefore, after sensing this situation, he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"The closer it is to the sun, the less the energy of the sunlight it emits escapes.

If I get closer and closer to the sun, the energy captured by the 'solar eclipse method' will become more and more."

Zhang Xuanchong's eyes flickered slightly, he glanced at the sun, and then at the dark red star that was a little closer to him.

Immediately, he suddenly took a step forward with his right foot, and the five-color light under his feet completely shattered and collapsed into nothingness.


A multicolored beam of light hundreds of kilometers wide emerged from nothingness.

Spread thousands of kilometers.

But if you look carefully, what kind of beam of light is that? It is clearly a claw-shaped colorful giant palm with twisted fingers. It is only because the speed is too fast that the afterglow that spontaneously radiates is left in the invisible, forming a This beam of light is hundreds of kilometers wide.

And two hundred kilometers behind the giant palm, an inconspicuous figure stepped forward with a smile.

In just a moment, the distance between the giant palm and the dark red star is very close!
The figure stopped suddenly, and then the colorful beam of light disappeared abruptly
It can only be seen that the dark red giant star with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers is moving fiercely towards the colorful giant claws.

The moment the two came into contact, the latter's three giant fingers trembled, and then the five giant fingers worked together to firmly grasp the huge star in his palm without any damage.

Although there was no sound, Zhang Xuanchong, who was parked two hundred kilometers away, felt troublesome.

At this distance, he could already see an alternative earth atmosphere on that star, which was much thicker than the previous asteroid.

He will not smash these asteroids until he has squeezed out the earth's energy, otherwise he is afraid that the earth's energy will escape into the universe, and then there will be no more fun.

And now the speed of this star is much faster than last time.

It's easy for him to simply stop.

But it is a bit difficult to stop it without any loss.

He has always used the five qi to fly with great strength, and has never used the five qi to unload force.

The moment the dark red star fell into the palm, it trembled, as if it was about to explode.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanchong had a thought, and immediately retreated with his feet. At the same time, the giant palm was also moved backward, and the five fingers trembled slightly from time to time.
In this way, after withdrawing for dozens of miles, the strong force from the dark red star was almost wiped out.

"It's not too difficult!"

Looking at the star that is no longer moving and has no cracks, Zhang Xuanchong's eyes moved slightly.

Then, he landed on it.

"I'm about four taller. A little over two kilometers!"

Standing on the dark red ground, he looked up at the top layer of the gas mask, and immediately came up with a number.

At this moment, his whole body was covered with dark yellow, black and red earth energy, which perfectly wrapped his body together without the slightest gap.

When Zhang Xuanchong put his gaze on the giant palm grasping the star, it was already a bit thicker than before.


He took a deep breath, and his body was immediately filled with these other kinds of earth energy, just like wrapping him tightly outside, inside his body, it was also tightly filled inside.

Then, even the tiniest place in his body was rendered black and red.
After doing all this, Zhang Xuanchong looked at the still dazzling Jin Yang with a slight glint in his eyes, and with a thought in his mind, the giant palm slowly pushed the asteroid towards the former.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the ground, and a multicolored gun appeared out of thin air, standing thousands of meters outside his body on a bulge.

Before it landed, the surrounding alternative earth energy surged inward like crazy.


Two more red-gold beams emerged, domineeringly drowning out the two colorful lights, so that the big spear and giant palm only emitted red-gold colors.

Zhang Xuanchong's eyes moved slightly, he was a little curious, to what extent he could finally temper and hammer the five qi.

Immediately, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, and he entered the deepest level of concentration.

Refining the essence, refining the spirit, and eating the sun, the three methods go hand in hand!

(End of this chapter)

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