All Heavens Film and Television: I became a god by brushing my proficiency

Chapter 19; Shahe follow-up (2 updates, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets)

Chapter 19; Shahe follow-up (2 updates, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets)
In the afternoon, Jiang Hao brought Liang Kuan to Hesheng Building.

The two also quickly learned about the Shahe Gang from other people.

The news that the Shahe gang was wiped out spread in Foshan. It was said that the policemen and yamen servants who went there vomited immediately after seeing the dead bodies at the scene.

And when Jiang Hao heard others say that all the members of the Shahe Gang had been killed.

The expression on his face was one of surprise, as if it had nothing to do with him at all. .

Liang Kuan at the side saw all of this, and there was nothing to say about his senior brother's acting skills.

Even if he, an insider, saw Jiang Hao's expression, he would subconsciously think that this matter really had nothing to do with him.

As for Liang Kuan!

No one paid attention to him at all.

Jiang Hao's skills are very good. Many people saw this with their own eyes yesterday. After all, he beat [-] members of the Shahe Gang to the ground by himself.

No, not only were they beaten to the ground, many of them were also disabled by Jiang Hao. The worst one was Zhao Erhe, the deputy leader of the Shahe Gang.

Although the others were not as miserable as Zhao Erhe, most of them probably needed a lot of time to recuperate.

As a result, I thought that was the case.

But no one expected that after the night passed, when they got up again, they heard the news that the Shahe Gang had been destroyed and more than 60 people had died.

It's hard for people not to think of Jiang Hao about this matter.

One, because the two sides have enmity, Jiang Hao has a motive.

Second, Jiang Hao is very skilled, he has that ability, of course, it is too exaggerated to kill more than 60 people by himself, but Jiang Hao is so powerful, it is not impossible to find some equally powerful helpers.

So after hearing that all the members of the Shahe gang were dead.

The person that immediately came to their minds was none other than Jiang Hao. .

So much so that after Jiang Hao came to He Sheng Lou, many people would secretly take a look at Jiang Hao.

But think about it, doubt about it.

No one would be foolish enough to ask Jiang Hao if he had anything to do with the Shahe gang.

Not to mention that Jiang Hao is one of his own, one of the owners of the restaurant, and from their side, let's just talk about the skill Jiang Hao showed yesterday.

For Shahe to help ordinary dead people to offend Jiang Hao, there is nothing wrong with their brains.

"Ah Hao, are you here?" Seeing Jiang Hao, Li Ming greeted him immediately with a smile on his face.

Compared with before, his attitude towards Jiang Hao is obviously more polite now.

"Uncle Li, here we come. This is my junior brother Liang Kuan. I plan to let him work in Hesheng Building in the future. First, he will help the kitchen. What do you think?"

"Of course it's no problem, Liang Kuan, right? From today on, you'll be our and Shenglou's assistant cook. The salary is eight taels of silver a month, how about it?"

Li Ming looked at Liang Kuan with a smile and asked.

Liang Kuan was naturally overjoyed when he heard the words.

Eight taels of silver a month is a little more than one tael a month when he was doing odd jobs in the troupe, not too much better.

A month's wages for the chefs in Hesheng Building are basically set at six taels.

As for why Liang Kuan is [-] Liang.

Naturally, it was because he was Jiang Hao's younger brother.

It's just two taels more, just because he is Jiang Hao's junior, he still has to give this little face.

"Then thank you, Shopkeeper Li."

"It's okay, it's okay, you and Ah Hao are senior brothers, he calls me uncle, you can call me uncle too, call shopkeeper or something, it's too different."

"Then what Ahao, I have something to tell you, can you come to the backyard with me?"

Jiang Hao nodded.

"Ah Kuan, you go to the back kitchen first to familiarize yourself with the environment, I'll come over later."

"Anan, take him to the back kitchen."

"Okay, Brother Jiang."

After Jiang Hao left, the waiter who was called Anan by Jiang Hao came to Liang Kuan with a smile.

He is about 1.7 meters four, about the same height as Liang Kuan.

The person is relatively thin, with a smile on his face, and looks a little shy.

But there was wit in his eyes.

"Brother Kuan, my name is An Nan, you can call me An Nan, I am a waiter in the shop, follow me, I will take you to the back kitchen."

Hearing An Nan call himself Brother Kuan, the smile on Liang Kuan's face became wider.

Once upon a time, Liang Kuan was so highly regarded by others.

He hadn't heard anyone call him Brother Kuan for many years.

I can't help it, I can't mess around, I don't have money, even dogs look down on me.

Who called him brother wide.

When Jiang Hao took Liang Kuan back to the courtyard last night, Yan Zhendong was still up.

Jiang Hao didn't hide anything from Yan Zhendong, and told Yan Zhendong why he went back so late.

Including the matter of killing all the members of the Shahe Gang.

Yan Zhendong was surprised at how powerful his apprentice was, and also at Jiang Hao's character.

As for blame.

Of course not at all.

When he walked the rivers and lakes, he also took a lot of lives on his hands.

What Jiang Hao killed was not ordinary people, but the Shahe Gang.

Who is the person in the Shahe gang? He has been in Foshan for more than two months, and he probably came earlier than Jiang Hao.

How could it be possible not to know what the Shahe gang is all about.

To kill is to kill.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Hao who wiped out all the members of the Shahe gang by himself, which shocked him even more.

Later, it was Jiang Hao who asked Yan Zhendong to take Liang Kuan as his apprentice.

After Jiang Hao said two good words for Liang Kuan, Yan Zhendong did not refuse.

Naturally, Liang Kuan knelt down and kowtowed to worship his teacher, confirming the status of master and apprentice with Yan Zhendong, and then formally became Jiang Hao's apprentice.

In the morning, Yan Zhendong had already taught Liang Kuan the Eagle Claw Kung Fu.

But he doesn't have Jiang Hao's talent, and he hasn't been able to get started all morning.

It is estimated that it will take a few days before the eagle claw skill can be officially started.

Bringing him to Hesheng Building today is also to find him a job and support himself.

Jiang Hao raised Yan Zhendong because Yan Zhendong was his master and elder.

But he has no reason to support Liang Kuan.

The courtyard where Jiang Hao and the others live has already been bought by Jiang Hao.

Including some of the surrounding land, he bought it all.

He planned to tear down the outer earth wall.

Expand the yard and build a few more houses at the same time.

As for directly buying a good yard and moving there.

Jiang Hao didn't think so, because he thought the place he lived in was pretty good.

It's not in the center of the city, it's a little bit off, there are few people, and it's quiet, there's not much right and wrong.

"Okay, Anan, then I will trouble you."

"Don't bother, don't bother, you are Brother Jiang and Junior Brother, I need Brother Kuan to take care of you in the future."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Liang Kuan said with a smile.

Neither refused nor agreed.

He knew that he was respected now because he was Jiang Hao's junior.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

The experience of last night made him admire Jiang Hao very much now.

This morning, he also saw the power of his master Yan Zhendong.

Definitely a master.

But in Liang Kuan's view, Yan Zhendong is not as good as Jiang Hao.

Although Yan Zhendong is also powerful.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to kill more than 60 adults and young adults by himself.

And it only takes a little over 3 minutes.

Although he didn't see the picture of Jiang Hao doing it himself.

But he had seen the wrecked body on that side.

My senior brother is definitely the kind of ruthless person who is really fierce and can't be more fierce.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to find another person like this in the world.

Therefore, he admired Jiang Hao very much and was in awe of Jiang Hao.

Naturally, it is impossible to be dissatisfied with Annan's two words.

the other side.

Jiang Hao and Li Ming have arrived at the backyard of the restaurant.

In the backyard, apart from Jiang Hao and Li Ming, there was no one else.

This is where Li Ming rests every day.

Of course, he went home to live at night.

But there will also be people living here at night, responsible for watching the restaurant.

Avoid restaurant burglars.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket

(End of this chapter)

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