Cthulhu Evolution from Naruto

Chapter 49 The Exam Begins (2 in 1, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 49 The Exam Begins (Two in One, Ask for a Monthly Pass!)
There was a silence in the examination room, and occasionally someone would whisper something to each other, and from time to time, some people would glance at Otonashi, and the atmosphere was a little tense for a while.


Finally, the door was pushed open again, and Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji pushed the door open and entered.


Ino glanced around, cheered when he saw Otonashi, ran a few steps towards Otonashi's direction, then stopped slowly after feeling the increasingly strange gazes from the people around him, turned around and left silently.

"Sorry for the wrong person..."

"Come back to me!" Otonashi's face darkened.

"Hey~" Ino stuck out his tongue, and sneaked up to Otonashi's side: "Why do you feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere? They seem to be peeking at you..."

"Yeah, I feel it too." Otonashi nodded.

"Did something happen just now?" Ino asked softly.

Otonashi explained in a low voice: "It's nothing, I just killed someone..."

Ino's face turned pale, and his small mouth twitched.

Shikamaru walked over with his hands in his pockets: "You get tired of being together as soon as you enter the house? What are you talking about?"

Ino was expressionless: "Let's talk about him killing someone just now."


Are you sick?
There must be something serious, right?

What kind of good guy kills when he enters the house for the first exam?

Well now, everyone is a guy with a relationship with a dangerous person!It will definitely be targeted, right?

Soon, as other people also entered the classroom, the classroom quickly became overcrowded, Otonashi also saw a gray-haired pharmacist pocket.

Speaking of which, in the original book, Orochimaru became obsessed with Sharingan because of Itachi.

However, due to his own reasons, Uchiha Itachi did not defect, and the Uchiha clan also took a sharp turn and stepped into the political arena. In theory, he should not be so interested in Sharingan, so why did he send the pharmacist here? ?
While Otonashi was in deep thought, Naruto's group surrounded him and made noises. Although the surrounding people were not happy about these newcomers being arrogant and domineering here, they still didn't dare to come forward to find fault.

No one wants to die for no apparent reason like the guy from Caoyin Village just now, after all, theoretically speaking, before Yinwu is cleared from the examination room, he can kill another...

Pharmacist pushed his glasses, glanced vaguely at Otonashi from the corner of his eye, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

In this Chunin exam, in addition to Konoha's collapse plan, Orochimaru also gave him an important task, which is to find out the bottom of Otonashi.

That child...is a high-quality container that Oshemaru-sama likes!

Although Xueji looks nothing special, he has a spiritual power that even the Uchiha clan can't resist. He usually doesn't pay much attention to his image, but his appearance is extremely handsome... (Oshemaru's selection of people is very face-controlled...)
It just doesn't seem like it's something to provoke.

Killing people if they disagree with each other, and the method is extremely strange, and its powerful spiritual power is not a good target for reincarnation, but it is precisely because of this that Master Orochimaru expects so much, right?

Compared to Yakushidou's playfulness, the mood of the trio of Otonin, who are also under Dashemaru, is not so beautiful.

"Hey, are we really going to fight that kind of monster?" Sak's forehead was filled with cold sweat. After seeing the ability displayed by Otonashi, he felt uncertain for a while.

It can be said that the abilities of the three of us are all related to voice ninjutsu. For most ninjas, as long as they are not as fast as voice, they will be restrained to a certain extent.

But when the opponent killed the ninja of Caoyin Village just now, he just gave him a look. This kind of ability to stare at anyone is too weird. Even if he is very confident in his own strength, he doesn't think he will be Otonashi. opponent.

"The existence of a ninja is to complete the task. Although it is tricky, all ninjutsu will eventually show its flaws. Don't be impatient." Toss, who was covered in bandages like a mummy, said in a low voice, "Don't mess with that guy for now."

A cluster of smoke suddenly exploded on the podium, and the burly Yibixi appeared on the podium with a group of examiners.

"I've been waiting for a long time, everyone. I'm the chief examiner for the first round of Chunin selection, Ibiki Morino! Now the first selection test for Chunin selection begins! Submit your application form and receive your number plate!" Looking at the students in the classroom, Everyone, Yibixi said in a deep voice.

"That..." A man wearing Kusanagi's forehead guard stood up, and looked in the direction of Kanonai with some fear: "My companion was just killed by a ninja from Konoha, so there are only two people in the team now ..."

"Except for individual contestants who have specially applied, each team must gather three talents to participate in the competition. Those who do not have enough numbers will lose their qualifications for the exam." Yibixi said coldly, without showing any mercy.

The man's face froze, a little unbelievable: "Why is this? It's obvious that you Konoha ninjas broke the rules and shot..."

"Hmph, naive little brat..." Yibixi sneered, "Although it is in the name of promoting friendly exchanges that countries have jointly held this exam, don't you naively think that you are really here for a friendly exchange?"

"I might as well tell you that the exam has already begun in a sense since you entered this room, and every move of each of you will be recorded by the invigilator, and this is just the place where everyone is tested. It is itself a kind of arena that promotes your sense of struggle."

"So although killing people is not encouraged in principle, the leaders of each village should have told you before coming here—be prepared to risk your life!"

"Damn..." Kusakashi Ninja lost his timidity and didn't dare to say any more.

"Take your teammates and leave the classroom." Ibixi said coldly.

After the words fell, the Kusanagi ninja curled his lips and casually kicked the red-haired girl next to him: "Hey, let's go, bastard..."

The red-haired girl stood up with her head down, followed him obediently, and walked out of the classroom.

"Bridge bean sack~"

Just as the two were about to leave the examination room, Otonashi suddenly smiled and called them to stop.

"You... what are you going to do?" Seeing that Otonashi opened his mouth, the Kusanagi ninja changed his expression, showing no confidence.

Yin Wu ignored the other party, looked at the red-haired girl next to her, and asked slowly, "You...are from the Uzumaki clan? What's your name?"


All the people around were taken aback, looking at Naruto one after another.

"Is that child... a member of Naruto's clan?"

Naruto was also taken aback, his exquisite brain structure was not enough for him to react to what was going on right now.

"My name is Xianglin..." the girl said timidly, her hands were at a loss.

Otonashi tilted his head: "As a descendant of Konoha's allies, it seems that your life in Caoyin Village is not good."

look what i found
A walking mobile spring!Naruto's Biggest Boobs!

Although she doesn't know much about medical skills, but purely in terms of healing, this girl has a more efficient first aid ability than Tsunade. During the Fourth World War, Tsunade's body was cut into two pieces, and he took a bite and connected it on the spot. , the kind of seamless connection.

It's decided, grab it, and be my wife's full-time nanny from now on!

Although the behavior is a bit domineering, the other party probably won't care.

As for diplomatic conflicts, that is something that three generations need to worry about. What does it have to do with me?Otonashi was very open about this.

"Come to us, Konoha." Yin Wu was speechless, shocked everyone present with one sentence.

This guy... Seriously?

Killing and robbing someone before the Chunin exams even started, isn't it too much of a bully?Are you really a person who has no temper in Caoyin Village?

Sure enough, the Ninja next to Xianglin could no longer hold back. There was no examiner before, and he could only swallow his anger when his teammate died. Now that the examiner has arrived, and under the watchful eyes of ninjas from all over the world, he does not believe that Otono dares to kill in public again .

"Impossible! This guy belongs to us Caoyin..."


Before he finished speaking, Kunai in his hand had already stabbed into the main artery in his neck.

"Not anymore..."

There was a deathly silence in the classroom, and Yao Shidou suddenly opened his eyes wide.

No seals, no chakra fluctuations, not even a hint of omen!How the hell did this guy do it?
On the other side of the classroom, Gaara's face was gloomy, and he couldn't figure out what method Otonashi used.

Although he really wanted to have a fight with Otonashi, but he would not be so reckless until he figured out the opponent's ability.

Beside Otonashi, Ino and Tiantian looked calm, but Naruto and Sakura looked in disbelief, as if they felt that Otonashi's methods were too cruel.

Yibixi looked at Otonashi with a stern face, and said in a serious tone, "Should I have said it before? If there is a second time, you will be deprived of the exam qualification."

Otonashi scratched his hair: "Well... According to the rules, fights between candidates are not allowed, but he has already lost his qualifications for the exam, hasn't he?"

"Hmph, you will take advantage of loopholes...but this is a diplomatic incident, and I don't care what the consequences will be." Yibixi snorted and motioned his subordinates to collect the corpse, and then glanced around.

"Okay, from now on, whoever causes any trouble will get out! The exam has begun!"

The next step is to get the number plate, distribute the papers, and explain the rules.

As in the original plot, there are only nine questions on the test paper, and the tenth question has not yet been announced, but the cheating player Otonashi already knows.

Otoshi glanced at the paper, and found that he couldn't understand it at all, so he lay down on the table with a relaxed face, and fell asleep in seconds.

Ino, who was quietly observing Otonashi: "..."

Is this guy planning to kill all the examiners if he fails the exam? !
No, no, really, what am I thinking?

With that guy's character, he must have found some clues to make this happen... Of course, it can't be ruled out that it's just a mess.

Looking at the test paper in front of him, Ino frowned slightly. The paper was full of super-class questions, at least not something that Shinin could answer. Of all the people present, probably only Sakura could answer all of them, right?
So, these nine questions are not the key?

Glancing at the other examinees from the corner of the eye, he realized that some of them had already started cheating with ninjutsu, and Ino realized it instantly.

That's how it is, intelligence gathering...

What about the tenth question?
The key point should be on the tenth question, right?
Answered the tenth question correctly, the first nine questions are not important at all?

After thinking about it, Ino finally decided to cheat seriously...

Although Otonashi fell asleep with a heartless look, but she still has teammates, and she is somewhat responsible for them.

On the other side, Tiantian also had the same idea. In her eyes, Otonashi could pass the examiners' beating once, but she couldn't...

In the front row of the examination room, Naruto looked trembling, wondering if he was going to cheat or not, Sasuke glanced in the direction of Yin Wu and snorted, then lay down on the table and fell asleep on the spot.

Sakura: "..."

Taking the Chunin Exam together for the ideal of two teammates... After all, it was my wife who paid by mistake!

At the same time, just after the first round started, in a certain lounge, the leading teachers of the three rookie classes gathered together.

"Well...the subordinate is not around, it's really relaxing..." Kakashi fiddled with his fingers, his tone was leisurely.

With a cigarette between her fingertips, Asma smiled and said, "I'm sure I'll be busy soon."

Kakashi raised his eyelids: "How?"

"The examiner for the first exam this year is that Morino Ibiki." Asma flicked the cigarette ash and said calmly.

"That guy..." Kakashi looked up at the sky and leaned back in his chair: "To be honest, I'm not too worried, even if the other party is that sadist..."

"It seems that you are very confident in your subordinates, Kakashi." Asma smiled: "But yes, after all, the two most talented guys in this year's rookies are in your class, and there is another Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, this lineup is truly luxurious."

"Your subordinates are also very good. Zhuludie is an old family. I heard that the three brats are also very strong." Kakashi said.

"Speaking of it, it still has to be attributed to your vice-captain."

Asma was smoking a cigarette, recalling the scene of the first training session of the tenth class, she couldn't help but smile: "It's hard to imagine that the little ghosts who just graduated have mastered the changes in the nature of Chakra to a certain extent, and I almost overturned gone."

"I heard that they had a good relationship when they were in school, and the situation with Red is similar, right?" Kakashi looked at Kureni Yuhi who was wandering away.

"Hmm? Hmm..." Hong tilted her head, looking absent-minded.

"What? The students are too nervous about the exam, why don't they take a break?" Asma joked.

Hong shook her head, to be honest, she didn't have a good rest these days, she slept until she woke up naturally every day, she ate whatever she wanted, she got high when she was full, and fell asleep when she was done...

As far as the only troubles are concerned, it's that I'm too angry and I change my underwear too often.

Speaking of which, after passing out that day, that guy even took a bath for himself...

Her cheeks turned rosy, and she realized that something was wrong again, so she hurriedly got up and left: "I still have something to do, let's get together another day."

"Um, oh..." Asma looked at the back of the other party with a blank face, and couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong with her?"

"Sa...who knows?"

Kakashi glanced at the direction where he left with jealousy, silently took out the little emperor uncle from the ninja bag, and blocked his contemplative gaze: "Speaking of which, have you made any progress recently?"

Asma heard this, and smiled embarrassedly: "Not at all, I wanted to invite you to dinner a few days ago, but I was rejected very coldly."

"Obviously a childhood sweetheart, but not close to the water..." Kakashi raised his eyelids, quietly observing the other's expression.

"Based on Hong's character, maybe I really have no chance." Asma laughed helplessly.

"Hmm..." Kakashi's eyelids drooped, he thought the other party would be more disappointed...

In fact, yesterday afternoon, he met Xi Hihong on the street, who was picking out clothes in a men's clothing store.

And judging from the size of the clothes - Otonashi also happened to be wearing a new dress today...

That kid can really make trouble...

Whether it's the graduation class or the assignment of tasks, or the current leadership of Shinobi, anyone can tell that that is Hokage's default daughter-in-law...

 Today's update!Please recommend and ask for a monthly ticket, everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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