Cthulhu Evolution from Naruto

Chapter 22 Is there such a solution? (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 22 Is there such a solution? (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Hiruzaru Sarutobi behind the desk was also laughing with a pipe in his mouth, watching with great interest the scene where the two girls were jealous.

"Did you see? Danzo, Otonashi has established his bond, this is an unchangeable fact." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said cheerfully.

"Meaningless things..." Danzo's face was sullen, and his gloomy eyes swept across the faces of the two girls, as if threatening.

"What are you looking at? Old guy!" Ino held Otonashi behind him, "As long as my house in the mountain is still alive, you don't want to take Otonashi away from me!"

"Family in the mountains..." Tuanzang's mouth twitched with sarcasm: "Zhuludie has always advanced and retreated together. Although you are the daughter of that kid Haiyi, I'm afraid you can't be the head of the three families."

"I can do it!" Ino said angrily, "If they don't help me, I'll kill Choji and Shikamaru!"

Otonashi: "???"

You don't have to, girl!
Choji Shikamaru is so innocent!
What's more, it's not unacceptable for me to join the root...

Of course, this kind of thinking must not be shown, otherwise anyone can see that there is a problem, and Otonashi can only show a calm look, although it is dead fish eyes in the eyes of others.

"That's right!" Tian Tian took a step forward and stood side by side with Ino: "Tomorrow, I will ask my mother to buy Otoshi a noble title! If you dare to make an attempt on Otoshi, you will be treasonous!"

Kakashi: "..."

Sarutobi Hiyazaki: "..."

Today's children are so precocious!
But it's not a bad idea!
Ninjas can’t attack domestic nobles without authorization, let alone let the nobles serve as their own subordinates. This is no joke. As a knife in the hands of the noble class, the ninja suddenly aimed the knife at the knife holder. I can't accept any name change.

Politics is the appeal of interests, and it is related to the maintenance of class, and it does not mean that it can be solved by simply relying on force.

Leaving aside other aspects, for Konoha alone, cutting funds, withdrawing missions, and economic blockade, after this set of combined punches, not to mention Danzo, even Sarutobi Hiruzen will have to peel off the skin, at least one If you take the blame and step down, you can't escape.

Konoha does not have the absolute strength to break through the ranks, at least not at this stage, so there is no need to think about this kind of thing. If you do it one day, you will be punished by the ninja world the next day.

Sarutobi Hirizhan exhaled smoke rings, and took a look at Tiantian, this girl has a keen sense of politics!It looks like it is still taught at home!
And when Hiruzaru Sarutobi was amazed at Tiantian's thoughts, a gleam of light flashed in Fuyue's eyes on the other side, and he couldn't help looking at Itachi beside him.

Itachi looked at Tiantian with a dazed expression, isn't there... is there such a solution?
Danzo didn't pay attention to the expressions of Uchiha and his son, at this time his mood was extremely bad.

First he was scolded by Fuyue, then repeatedly rejected by Ri Zhan, and then he was scolded by Fuyue again, and now two yellow-haired girls popped up to question him, and he was already furious.

What happened to joining the root?
What's wrong with the darkness?
I'm not at all going to be brainwashed, okay?

Although Danzo's character is hard to trust anyone, so far, there are not many members who have been completely brainwashed and eliminated themselves. Most of them are orphans who have been cultivated since childhood.

He will still treat people with talent and family background like Shanzhongfeng and Younv Qugen. Although they must be loyal and domesticated, they still have certain personal emotions.

Humans are extremely emotional creatures, and even the roots cannot be brainwashed. This point is also very clear to Danzo, so for those members who are too old, or recruited into the roots from the dark side, it is at most a curse of the tongue Absolutely.

As for someone like Yinwu who smells like salted fish, it's not that he hasn't met him before. The white-haired salted fish next to him used to be under his hands.

Is Kakashi genius enough?Konoha Technician, an internet celebrity in the ninja world, and the name of copy ninja Kakashi has spread all over the five major countries, isn't that also a good place to stand here?

How did it get into the roots and ruin the whole life?

Everything we do at the root is for Konoha!
Two yellow-haired girls, what do you know? !

Thinking of this, Danzo snorted coldly, and turned his head to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Hirozaku, I promise you that I will never train this child to destroy himself, and only plant the seal of eradicating tongue troubles on him. So you should be at ease, right?"

"Huh?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was stunned for a moment, as if he suddenly realized something, after thinking for a short two seconds, he suddenly snorted: "If this is the case, it's not impossible..."


Otonashi: "..."

Sarutobi Hiyazaki: "..."

Not far away, the Uchiha father and son looked at each other, and after noticing each other's gaze, they both turned their heads in embarrassment.

Hey, both of you are mentally retarded, so don't make fun of the other...

As for Danzo, he was so emotionally broken at this moment!
Is the old man's reputation so bad?

Who the hell is spreading bad things about this old man? !
Shikahisa Nara, right?I remember you!

However, Hokage has agreed, and Danzo has no worries. He glanced at Ino and couldn't help but chuckle: "Hmph, how could Hokage's government order be changed at will because of a little girl like you?"

"Wow... Hokage-sama is a villain!" Ino burst into tears: "My father is right, you are a muffled old man who likes to peep!"

"Karma—" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was embarrassed, and almost dropped the pipe from his mouth: "Oh, Xiao Ino, you misunderstood Grandpa!"

"Cough cough..." Fuyue coughed lightly: "Is there something wrong with the third generation's move?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was shocked: "It's not what you think, Fugaku, you trust me! I'm just routinely inspecting the security of the village..."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Fu Yue coughed louder: "What I'm talking about next is about Otonashi."

"Oh, sorry…"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was a little dazed, wondering if he hadn't had a heart-to-heart with Haiyi for a long time?

Forget it, there are more important things right now, let's talk about it another day...


Taking a long breath, Hiruzaru Sarutobi returned to his calm and breezy appearance again, and everyone watching couldn't help but secretly curse.

"Otonashi can join the root, but his blood successor is a bit special, it depends on Danzo if you are willing to accept it." Sarutobi Hiruza said flatly.

"Hmph, old man, what kind of bloods have been confiscated?" Danzo dismissed Hiruzaru Sarutobi's words. He knew about most bloods in the ninja world. Even if they had been confiscated, he had studied them.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded his head after hearing the words: "That's good, I was still thinking that Otonashi's Ketsutsu could devour ninjutsu..."

"Hehe, is it a variant of Mingdun? The old man has known about this for a long time..." Danzo smiled lightly.

"From the point of view that Otono can devour the pupil technique, it seems that it has nothing to do with Mingdun. Mingdun absorbs the opponent's ninjutsu and releases it again, while Otonashi can completely devour the opponent's ninjutsu, turning it into its own chakra opponent. Bar?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said, turning his gaze to Otonashi.

Otonashi nodded: "It's not limited to chakra, it can also be simply converted into energy."

"I remember that this devouring ability doesn't seem to require the activation of Chakra?" Hiruza Sarutobi continued to ask: "Things that can be devoured are not limited to ninjutsu, right?"

Otonashi nodded, but he didn't hide it. After all, he had told Sasuke before that as long as the phagocytosis evolution was not discovered, it didn't matter if he was stronger in other aspects. Maybe he could get better resources.

Although he doesn't have lofty ideals, it's one thing to want something like resources, and another thing to have them.

"Whether it's energy or elements, everything that exists can be devoured, even air."

"Is that so..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was thoughtful, no wonder this child could live to be three or four years old in the wild mountains and forests after being abandoned.

"Enough, what do you mean?" Danzo looked a little unhappy, what are you flirting about?This kid is my root!
"Don't you understand? Elder Danzang..."

Fuyue smiled happily, and refused to let go of this opportunity to attack Danzo.

"It means that Otonashi's blood successor cannot be sealed, and because of the existence of that blood successor, the root of tongue trouble can't affect Otonashi."

 The second update today!Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a reward, everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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