Cthulhu Evolution from Naruto

Chapter 15 I am the only one who can tidy up Otonashi's room! (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 15 I am the only one who can tidy up Otonashi's room! (Ask for a monthly pass!)
Unable to get the desired answer, Itachi left sullenly, Otonashi returned home, washed up and went to bed.

At present, the friction between Uchiha and the village has reached a certain stage. No matter what remedy is done, it will eventually turn into a bloody incident.

The mistrust of one side, the imbalance of one side, and Danzo's obstruction, Uchiha has only two ways to go, either a coup or a defection.

It is impossible to defect. These pink-eyed patients have a lot of brains, and they value family honor more than anything else. If they want to abandon their honor and become rebellious, it is better to kill them.

The result of the coup will only be a lose-lose situation, and Uchiha will be completely defeated with a high probability. The kaleidoscope is not a panacea. Just look at Sasuke and you will know that this thing will go blind after overclocking it two or three times.

When there is no absolute power, politics is so entangled. It doesn’t mean that it can be solved by killing a Danzang, or Uchiha’s failure to hand over the power of the police department. As mentioned earlier, throwing a piece of Tang Lai has been unable to stop the intensifying situation.

There are many comprehensive factors that affect the direction of things. Uchiha can't dispel the suspicion of Konoha's high-level, and the high-level can't solve Uchiha's resentment.

As mentioned earlier, when politics cannot resolve the interest demands of both sides, then as an extension of politics, war will follow.

It is night, the land of the Uchiha clan.

In the Japanese room of Sasuke's house, Fugaku and Itachi sat facing each other.

"Throw out a piece of candy, won't the fight end..." Fu Yue murmured in a low voice with his arms folded and his head slightly lowered.

"Hey, that's what Otonashi-kun said, but I don't fully agree with it." Itachi said.

Since the last time he was bored with sound, Itachi, who realized that his thoughts were too naive, talked to Fuyue about the village and Uchiha for the first time.

"That child is right, Itachi, you are too naive." Fuyue shook his head slightly: "As the other party said, war is an extension of politics, and politics itself is born out of the appeal of interests. High-level officials cannot satisfy Uchiha. Uchiha can't dispel the fear of the higher-ups."

Fu Yue said, sighing softly: "Maybe I protected you too well. I only taught you the cruelty of war, but I never taught you the filth behind that war. A full man doesn't know if a hungry man is hungry." ? It’s really an apt description.”

Itachi blushed, "I'm sorry, father."

"Look up, Itachi, kindness is never a shortcoming, even if it may hurt you sometimes." Fuyue smiled gently: "But even so, your mother and I have always been proud of you!"

Itachi silently lowered his head, his eyes flushed: "I plan to quit Anbu."

"How to say?" Fu Yue was a little curious about his son's thoughts.

"I've had some thoughts these days. Judging from the high-level's consistent policy towards Uchiha, the high-level's thinking about Uchiha should be to divide and suppress, and the ones who are divided... are me and Shisui."

"I didn't think too much in the past, but now, judging from the past personalities of the two of us, once the conflict between the high-level and the family reaches an irreconcilable stage, we may become sharp knives stabbed by the high-level on Uchiha."

"Among the top management, the most acute and irreconcilable conflict with us is the elder Danzang. Although there are also three generations of acquiescence factors, but in comparison, the third generation is more concerned about the stability of the village."

"You mean, Danzo has other ideas?" Fu Yue asked.

Itachi was a little silent: "Although I don't want to speculate on an elder with this kind of thinking, but...Father, besides kaleidoscope, does our Uchiha's Sharingan have any powerful pupil skills?"

Fu Yue looked at Itachi in surprise: "You deduced this?"

Itachi nodded, "That's right."

"Hmm...so that's the case." Fugaku sighed, and after a moment of silence, he slowly opened his mouth: "Izanagi... If there is anything in Sharingan that can attract Danzo, Izanagi is probably the only one..."

It was dawn outside the window, and the morning birds were chirping. As the sun rose, Otonashi got up lazily amidst the sound of the doorbell.

"Who, this early in the morning..."

He opened the door with a mumble, and outside the door was Tian Tian with cute and lovely meatball heads.

"Good morning, Otonashi!"

"It's every day..." Otonashi scratched his hair, looked at the time, it was seven o'clock in the morning, one hour before class: "Come here so early, what's the matter?"

"Yesterday you said you were going to teach me how to practice." Tian Tian frowned.

"Oh, yes, that's right, that's right, but you came a little too early..." With a pair of dead fish eyes, Yin Wu casually said: "Forget it, let's sit in the room first, and wait for me to clean up."

Nodding his head every day, he entered the room and looked around curiously, seeing the leftover bucket of instant noodles and snack bags on the table, with a disgusted expression on his face: "Otonashi, your house is so messy!"

"Oh, yes..." Otonashi waved his hands, turned around to wash up: "Don't worry about it, I'll clean it up when I have time some other day."

Another day?

Tiantian was shocked.

Is there still time for this kind of thing?

How lazy is this guy?
Seeing that Otonashi went to wash up, the little girl struggled for two seconds, finally sighed helplessly, took the bag and began to tidy up the room, before Otonashi finished washing, the living room was cleaned up.

ding dong…

The doorbell rang again, Tian Tian who was cleaning the table heard the sound and ran to open the door.

The door opened, black eyes met blue eyes, the two cute little faces looked at each other, there was a moment of silence in the air, and then Ino suddenly exploded.

"Who are you?! Why are you at Otonashi-kun's house?" Looking at the girl with black hair and black eyes and a cute face in front of him, Ino was in a bad mood.

"Oh, hello, I'm Tiantian, are you Otonashi's friend?" Tiantian said politely, "Otonashi is washing up."

Ino: "???"

Nani library class? !
What's the matter with this hostess-like tone?And why did you show up at his house while he was washing up, Hun Dan!

"Eh..." Noticing the gradually distorted face and increasingly violent eyes of the other party, he smiled awkwardly every day: "I'm here to ask Yin Wu to teach me how to practice, why don't you come in and sit down?"

What, it turns out that I just asked Otonashi-kun to practice.

But even so, such a cute girl has to be guarded...

Ino breathed a sigh of relief, took off his shoes and entered the room, turned around and saw Tian Tian was cleaning the table, he was taken aback again: "What are you doing?"

"Oh, when I first came here, I saw that the house was a bit messy, so I helped clean it up." Tian Tian explained.

The house is a bit messy, can you help me tidy it up?
Ino was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Otonashi praised Aunt Qin's craftsmanship when he was at Sasuke's house, and his small face twisted again.


This woman...was that what she thought?
First approach Otonashi on the grounds of cultivation, then show off his attributes as a good wife and mother, and finally capture Otonashi's heart unconsciously?

That's it!
Ino couldn't hold back at all, and barked his teeth and roared: "Ah, bastard! Who allowed you to clean the room without authorization!!"

Tiantian: "Eh? Eh?!!!"

Ino pointed aggressively at Tiantian: "Remember you woman! I am the only one who can clean up Otonashi's room! I, Yamanaka Ino, am the only one qualified to clean up Otonashi's room!"

"Eh..." Tiantian was greatly shocked, the corner of his mouth twitched for a moment, and then he handed over the rag: "Then you come?"

Ino snorted softly, grabbed the rag with his hands, "You're smart!"

day by day:"……"

How can someone snatch things like cleaning the house?
So this girl likes Otonashi?

Wow, so precocious...

 First update today!There will be another one later!Please recommend and ask for a monthly ticket, everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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