Cthulhu Evolution from Naruto

Chapter 11 The Meaning of Life, Interests and Struggles (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

Chapter 11 The Meaning of Life, Interests and Struggles (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

In the evening, Sasuke's house.

Because it was the first time Sasuke brought friends home, Fuyue and Mikoto were very enthusiastic to keep the three of them. Fuyue sent a message to Ino and Sakura's home, and Mikoto prepared a very sumptuous dinner.

A four-pound lobster is placed in the middle of the long table, the tuna sashimi is covered with washbasin-sized plates, nigiri sushi is placed on the elegant and exquisite wooden boat, and a grilled salmon is placed in front of each person. Tempura, and a small bowl of udon noodles.

"Wow——Aunt Mikoto's craftsmanship is amazing!" Otonashi looked at the delicious food on the table, and his saliva was almost drooling.

It's not that he's worthless, it's that he hasn't eaten anything decent for so long after time travel.

"Haha, is that right? Otonashi-kun can really talk." Mikoto said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Ino on the side was thoughtful: "Does Otonashi-kun like the type of good wife and mother?"

"No." Otonashi shook his head: "I like pretty ones."

"Puff—cough cough cough..." Fu Yue, who was drinking tea indifferently with the majesty of the elder on the first seat, squirted out the tea.

Mikoto also giggled when she heard this, Sasuke's mouth twitched: "Superficial..."

Ino looked at Otonashi, and gently pushed Otonashi's arm: "Hey, Otonashi-kun, do you think I look good?"

"It's beautiful." Otonashi nodded.

When watching Hokage in the past, Otonashi liked the character of Ino very much. He has a long waist and long legs, is full of aura, and is very good at taking care of people's emotions. Although he is a bit nympho, he is not blind and brainless.

Otonashi doesn't understand Kishimoto a little bit, the female characters portrayed with care are full of black fans, but the female supporting roles are all ideals in the world.

Look at the heroine again, the wayward pink-haired Sakura, and the shy Dawami Hinata, don't they have a strong sense of sight?At that time, the comic heroines were all of this type.

It can only be said that Yujie is not Kishimoto's cuisine. This guy was definitely an otaku before drawing manga, and there is a high probability that he was a young girl.

This is nothing to laugh at. Otonashi is also a young man. After all, he was only 16 years old before time travel, and he was just a traditional craftsman.

After being praised by Otonashi, Ino Shiraenen's face turned a blush.

"I am back."

A calm young voice came from the entrance. Itachi entered the room with a dagger on his back. Few people couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw Yin Wu.

"It's Otonashi." Itachi smiled gently, "This is the first time Sasuke has brought a friend home."

Sasuke snorted softly when he heard this: "It's not a friend!"

Otonashi showed a funny smile: "Yeah, it's obviously the creditor."

Looking at that hateful smiling face, Sasuke really wanted to pick up the udon noodles and splash them, but he couldn't.

Seeing this, Itachi couldn't help laughing, it seemed that his Ododo lost to Otonashi again.

"Did the task be completed smoothly?" Uchiha Fugaku looked at Itachi and asked in the first place.

"Well, it's going well." Itachi nodded and said nothing. Anbu's work requires strict confidentiality, and even family members cannot disclose it. Especially now that the friction between the clan and the village is getting worse, many things need to be done. Taboo.

And it is precisely because of this that itachi who joined Anbu was also regarded as a traitor by some radicals in the clan.

The atmosphere between the father and son was a bit dull, and Fu Yue seemed to want to ease the recent estrangement between the father and son, so he took the initiative to start the conversation, talking about Otonashi's learning of the art of dragon and fire.

Itachi couldn't help but look sideways in surprise when he heard that Otonashi had successfully released Haolonghuo just by simply learning.

"Do you have complete control over Chakra? It seems that my feeling is correct, Otonashi-kun, you are indeed a great genius." Itachi On praised.

As a ninja, especially a genius ninja, he understands the importance of Chakra's control all too well.

It can be said that for those top medical ninjas, there is no ninjutsu in the world that they cannot learn without considering the blood succession limit and chakra attributes.

Because the threshold for medical ninjas is extremely high, the first condition is superb chakra control, and conventional ninjutsu is basically not difficult for them.

And Otonashi is even more outrageous, he can completely control Chakra, what kind of concept is this?He doesn't even need a seal!

This kind of talent is too outrageous, Itachi doesn't quite believe it, Huo Dun itself doesn't have many prints, and a skilled person can release it with a single seal, so he prefers that Otono's talent is too good, and he is born with unbearable talent. Compared with shadow-level chakra control, chakra is also of the fire attribute, and this can easily release the B-level dragon fire.

In fact, Fugaku thinks so too, but it doesn't affect his praise of Otonashi's talent. After all, Otonashi is a guest, and he is also a talented junior. His future achievements will definitely not be too bad. A good relationship will be beneficial to Uchiha. Harmful.

Itachi naturally also noticed Fu Yue's thoughts, his eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The host and guest had a good meal, and after the meal, Yinwu saw that it was getting late, so they bid farewell.

"Itachi, go and see Otonashi-kun and the others." Fuyue folded his arms and sat cross-legged on the tatami mat: "The clan site is still some distance away from the village, remember to send the children home before leaving."

"I see." Itachi nodded, looked at Yin Wuji and the others: "Let's go, Otono-kun, I'll see you off."

A few people left the Uchiha clan and walked towards the village. When they were about to reach the Konoha Security Department, Itachi suddenly stopped: "Otonashi-kun, is it convenient to chat?"

Otonashi was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Ino, who smiled and took Sakura's hand, and ran away to play.

"A very sensible girl." Itachi looked at Ino's back and smiled gently.

"Hey..." Otonashi gave Itachi a slanted look: "Loricon? That's what you want to say?"

"That's not it, I have something important to tell you..." Itachi couldn't help laughing, and after a moment of silence, he spoke again: "Otonashi-kun...don't come here again."

"Is this... Uchiha's way of hospitality?" Otonashi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Your intelligence, Otonashi, shouldn't be so simple, right?" Itachi shook his head helplessly. This little guy has a good way of going online. Although I don't want to say more, I still have to explain: "Uchiha The situation is not good, if you get involved, I’m afraid it will bring you trouble, you are a genius of Konoha, I don’t want to affect your future because of Uchiha’s relationship.”

"Of course, I don't want to affect your friendship with Sasuke because of the clan relationship."

"Friendship?" Otonashi picked his nostrils, with a heartless look: "Is there such a thing?"

Seeing this, Itachi couldn't help but feel a little helpless. He was a little unpredictable about Otonashi, but he felt that the other party was not as innocent as a child of this age group. Even the most intelligent Nara family junior did not give him this feeling.

Otonashi bombarded himself with boogers, and joked casually: "But you are also very strange, knowing that Uchiha's situation is not good, it's fine if you don't improve it, but you even isolate your own family in turn, don't you think that Are you smart?"

"What do you mean?" Itachi frowned slightly when he heard that, Otonashi's words made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well... let's just accept Uchiha's favor for a meal." Otonashi looked up at the sky, but he still couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart. Sure enough, he shouldn't have talked to the pair of laughing brothers in the first place.

"Uchiha is being squeezed out by the village's high-level right now, right?" Glancing at Itachi casually, Otonashi said casually: "The construction of the clan seems to be very new, it should have been moved in the past few years, right? Except for The Ministry of Security is a prison, only psychopaths are willing to live in this kind of place."

"And many buildings inside Konoha have similar situations, um... think about what disaster happened before, and Uchiha... maybe there is some subtle connection with this disaster?"

Itachi's originally frowning brows relaxed, and he looked at Otonashi in surprise: "It's really unexpected to me. It's just such a trivial thing, Otonashi-kun, you can deduce so many things."

Otonashi shrugged: "Some people read "War and Peace" and treat it as an ordinary adventure story, and some people read the ingredient description on the chewing gum wrapper and solved the mystery of the universe."

War and Peace?Is it a famous book?

Although I haven't read it, Itachi still understands Otonashi's meaning. He is very sensitive to words like 'war' and 'peace': "Then Otonashi-kun must be the latter?"

"No, at best, I'm the one who watched "War and Peace" and solved the mysteries of the universe, and you, my friend..." Otonashi smiled mockingly, and pointed to Itachi in front of him with both hands: "Are you looking at the chewing gum package? The ingredients stated on the paper, take it as War and Peace Man."

Itachi frowned again: "You mean I'm... narrow?"

"No, I just think you are more...naive." Otonashi shook his head: "What is the meaning of life? Why do humans fight each other? What does war exist for? What does our existence mean to the world? What?"

Every time Otonashi said a word, Itachi's eyes trembled a little, he looked at the boy in front of him in astonishment, and lost his mind for a while.

Otonashi sighed: "Don't look at me like that, I'm still a little smart, and occasionally think about the philosophy of life."

"Can you give me an answer to what Otonashi-kun said?" Itachi asked after being silent for a while.

"Yes." Otonashi nodded: "Life itself is meaningless, and the so-called meaning itself is only given by humans. Our existence is also worthless to the world, but the world has immeasurable value for us. the value of."

"As for war, war is an extension of politics, politics is the pursuit of interests, and fighting also comes from interests, just like the eyes of girls in ninja school can arouse jealousy among boys."

Itachi opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute, and finally he could only laugh helplessly: "So it's so meaningless... The world Otonashi-kun said is particularly ugly."

"Hey, hey, I think you are a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry." Yin Wubai glanced at the other party: "You are lofty, you are amazing, you have a high status and don't worry about food and clothing, I really think that the whole world is just like you ? I have to struggle for a long time to eat a bowl of ramen, okay?"

"Um, that's not what I meant..."

Itachi waved his hand quickly, but was interrupted by Otonashi waving his hand when he wanted to explain.

"Okay, it's getting late, and it's time for someone to come to the girl's house later."

"I have one last question, Otonashi-kun, please answer it for me." Itachi quickly grabbed Otonashi's arm, with a serious expression on his face: "If Otonashi-kun were me..."

"Sorry, I don't even know anything about you. In fact, I don't want to know." Otonashi raised his hand and interrupted the other party again: "I'm not interested in Uchiha."

"Please wait a moment." Itachi quickly stood in front of Otonashi: "What if this matter has an interest with Otonashi-kun?"

Otonashi glanced at Itachi in surprise: "Not bad, did you learn quickly? But I refuse, I don't think you can come up with what I want."

As he spoke, he turned slightly to the side and brushed past the other party.

"Otonashi-kun concealed Xueji's ability, right?"

Itachi's voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Otonashi's face remained expressionless.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm just a pure child."

As he said that, Otonashi called Ino, and they left the Uchiha tribe together. Itachi didn't say anything more along the way, but he was quietly relieved in his heart. Fortunately, there was still communication...

The brief conversation just now broadened his mind a lot, at least made his vision jump out of the shackles between the village and the family, and stand on a more open height.

The friction between the village and the family is also a struggle.

According to Otonashi-kun, the struggle is also a dispute of interests, so where is the conflict of interests between the village and Uchiha?

Speaking of which, the establishment of Konoha was jointly created by Uchiha and Senju.

As the descendants of the founders, they are now forced to marginalize. In the past, I always thought that it was the narrow vision and desire for power of the tribe that caused this, but...

A full man doesn't know a hungry man hungry?

It's really an apt description.

In the past, I always thought that I jumped out of the clan's opinion, stood at the height of the village's high-level, and despised the ridiculous temperament of the clansmen like summer insects, but now it seems that I am just a frog at the bottom of the well.

Politics is the appeal of interests...

It seems that I... didn't even understand the demands of the clansmen.

From this point of view, it seems that Uchiha was forced to relocate the clan, not simply because of the Kyuubi Rebellion.

But in this way, what benefits can the village gain?
No, ninjas are not rich.

Then it can only be... the blood succession limit.

Uchiha's Blood Succession Boundary - Sharingan!

Sharingan, Nine Tails...

This doesn't seem to be any different from the previous answers?
Itachi was a little puzzled, Uchiha was excluded because of the fact that Sharingan can control Kyuubi, he already knew this.

But according to Otonashi's theory of interests, this problem seems to be an endless loop...

Thinking so, suddenly, Itachi's scalp went numb, and he suddenly realized a problem.

The so-called interests should be in your own hands!

But the village's senior management doesn't trust Uchiha, that is to say, for the senior management, the interest in their eyes is not Uchiha - but Sharingan!
This is the interest appeal of the three generations?

Itachi's pupils trembled for a moment, and then he regained his composure in an instant, shaking his head slightly.

No, not the third generation...

Even if he doesn't get involved in the disputes between the village and the family, he still knows something.

The most severe family suppression has always been the leader of the root, the elder Shimura Danzo.

As if a tight knot was suddenly loosened, Itachi felt his mind suddenly open.

Speaking of which, when Aunt Kushina was chatting with her mother, she also said that that guy had been trying to control Kyuubi, and he didn't calm down until the fourth generation succeeded to the throne...

Thinking of the other party's bandaged right eye and right arm, Itachi suddenly shuddered, as if being watched by countless sharing sharing eyes, which made him feel uneasy...

 Two-in-one [-]-word update!Give me a follow-up! Ball ball!Please recommend and ask for a monthly ticket, everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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