Rebirth 09: Synthetic Male God

Chapter 795 It’s a dream anyway

Chapter 795 It’s a dream anyway

Zhou Rui held Gan Yuan in his arms, his face as deep as water. Without any special abilities, he could roughly judge that the tibia and fibula were both fractured, and the lower leg was bent at an unnatural degree, just by relying on his familiarity with the human body and Gan Yuan's legs.

It's lucky that there is no open fracture, but it is still a serious condition.

Under the dress, the delicate collarbone was scratched, and there were also some wounds on the arms.

Gan Yuan was in the co-pilot. Without the extra actions and the protection of the seat belt and "physical touch", this would not have been the case.

But she wanted to protect Zhou Rui at the last moment, and that's why she became like this.

Because of the pain, Gan Yuan woke up slowly, her eyes were a little dazed, she seemed to have a slight concussion, and she said unconsciously: "Boss, it hurts so much."

Zhou Rui picked out a few glass shards from her hair, but found that his palms were also full of blood, which was caused by broken glass.

He could only give up and said softly: "Just bear with it, the injury is not serious and it will get better."

Gan Yuan's lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but there was no sound.

Gan Yuan woke up again in the middle. The surrounding hospital environment and being pushed around made her panic. Any modern person would be afraid when encountering this situation. It was an instinctive fear of surgery.

Zhou Rui leaned close to her, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Zhou Rui refused to lie on the hospital bed, but walked along Gan Yuan's bed.

The medical staff came down and arranged a fight between Zhou Rui and Gan Yuan, while the attacker was taken away alone.

About ten minutes later, violent propeller sounds were heard from the horizon. Two helicopters painted in red and white came from the direction of the rising sun and landed directly on the wide road.

But when I saw the boss next to me, my heart dropped again.

All the vehicles formed a circle and were extremely vigilant on the uninhabited highway at dawn. The security personnel directly displayed their firearms.

They did not wait for an ambulance. This was Baopu Industrial Zone, not close to a large hospital with excellent conditions, and the possibility of another attack could not be ruled out.

Zhou Rui doesn't plan to care about the commotion here anymore. The most important thing now is to send Gan Yuan to the hospital. Gan Yuan's calf has become swollen.

The security personnel subdued the truck driver who was also badly beaten, a middle-aged man in his forties with a Chinese face. Because of the emergency stop that violated the laws of physics, he was more seriously injured than Gan Yuan.

Zhou Rui:.
It seems that the concussion is not serious.

Unexpectedly, Gan Yuan raised her slender neck and kissed him on the cheek.

When the helicopter took off, Zhou Rui and Khalid on the ground looked at each other, did not speak, and just waved.

Zhou Rui gave his little secretary a strange look.

"Boss, are you okay?"

However, within seven or eight minutes, the helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital, and the medical staff who had been preparing for a long time took Gan Yuan away directly.

This is the last chance and the last chance.

Gan Yuan smiled miserably: "It was just a dream, hehe."

Then he passed out again.

Even the tip of the tongue was frivolous, leaving a trail of moisture.

Fortunately, this long night is finally over.

Zhou Rui patted Gan Yuan's hand: "I'm fine. Take good care of yourself. I'll take care of other things."

Gan Yuan said in a daze: "I have an itinerary in my little notebook."

Still thinking about work.
Gan Yuan was pushed into the MRI room, and Zhou Rui stopped outside.

The medical staff asked Zhou Rui to undergo a series of examinations, and repeatedly emphasized that many injuries such as internal bleeding and concussion were invisible to him. In particular, the wound on his left hand must be cleaned immediately to avoid infection.

Zhou Rui raised his palm and stared for a moment.

At that time, he activated "Physical Touch" and borrowed the characteristic of "immunity to physical damage when used" to complete extreme danger avoidance.

At that time, he was not sure whether it would work. In the worst case, he could only waste the second life of the [Chosen One] entry, but judging from the results, it should be a success.

He was exposed to the complicated situation at the moment. He didn't know how the system judged it. He couldn't explain what the interaction of forces was interfered with. His hand was pressed on the driver's glass. After the impact, the glass shattered and his hand touched Use it when you get to the truck.

If the timing is slightly wrong, you may perform a "mantis' arm acting as a cart" and your arms will turn into meat.

However, before activating the ability, his hand still suffered many cuts from the glass.

Zhou Rui was not stubborn and cooperated with the doctor's treatment and testing requirements, but he required debridement first.

The wound will be healed later, so it is not appropriate to wrap glass shards in it.

When Zhou Rui underwent a comprehensive examination in the hospital, the reaction from the outside world could be described in one word.

Shocked and angry.

I thought that the chaos of the night was completely ended, but the most fatal blow came out.

The news of Zhou Rui's attack went up all the way and woke up many people in the early morning.

Omissions are inevitable, including the three commotions in the first half of the night. One of the reasons was that we thought too carefully about the enemy.

It is undeniable that this level of action exceeded many people's expectations and was the most excessive and rampant in history.

We are all human beings. People in many departments are not even as aware of the dangers of the enemy as Zhou Rui is.

Although it is impossible to reverse time and space to make amends, it still needs to be done.

The theoretical person in charge, Zhang Yu, was immediately controlled and put under review. Lin Tuo and many of the original team members were transferred back overnight. The ward of Zhou Rui's hospital was filled with police officers.

The three locations of the smart building, smart town, and Wanhu Base were completely blocked, and SWAT police with live ammunition were hidden in them.

There was no notification, no explanation. The only thing known to the public was that the smart town caught fire last night.

But it seems that normal fire conditions will not cause such a level of ripples.

For a time, this abnormality caused speculation from all parties.

With Zhou Rui's popularity, it would be easy for everyone to focus on him. It is most likely that something happened to Master Zhou.

Some people say that Leader Zhou was attacked, others say that Leader Zhou committed a crime and needs to be controlled.

Some people even said that Master Zhou was doing experiments in the smart town and accidentally caught fire and burned himself. It was said that he had noses and eyes, as if he was handing a lighter next to him at that time.

If Enlightenment Intelligence were a listed company, the stock price would probably fluctuate dramatically.

Many news media inquired in a roundabout way, such as contacting enlightened and intelligent employees, but don't tell them that the employees don't know, and even if they do, they won't disclose it.

Someone began to leave messages under Zhou Rui's account, calling on Zhou Rui to come out and make a noise, but there was no response. Even the official account of Kaizhi Smart remained silent.

So the suspicion became even greater.

Thousands of miles away, on the other side of the Pacific, people are also waiting for the results.

One night's hard work, several years of accumulation, huge losses, foreseeable counterattacks and troubles in the future also require a result.

(End of this chapter)

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