Rebirth 09: Synthetic Male God

Chapter 470 The Ins and Outs

Chapter 470 The Ins and Outs
When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the sea.

A group of unidentified people on the shore had also been pulled away in small cars.

First of all, eliminate one wrong answer, this is not a bus to kindergarten.

Zhou Rui drove his own car, with Bai Xiaoying sitting in the passenger seat and Zhang Cheng in the back seat, following the police car and ambulance, driving along the coastal road.

After driving it open, Zhou Rui turned his head and saw that the rising sun and the sea outside the window formed a beautiful picture. He had just experienced a dangerous shore, but it was still very beautiful on weekdays.

Well. Bai Xiaoying is also pretty good-looking. Zhou Ruicai discovered that compared to the front, Bai Xiaoying's profile is more stunning. Her jawline is soft and delicate, and her delicate facial features have a bit of capable heroic spirit.

Zhou Rui said while driving: "Uncle Zhang, are you hungry? Let's go have breakfast later."

From last night to now, it can be said that Zhang Cheng has not eaten a drop of water. The cup of coffee in KFC is the only energy he consumes.

However, no one responded to him. Zhou Rui glanced through the rearview mirror and saw that Zhang Cheng had already grabbed the seat belt and fell asleep deeply.

Only then did he remember that apart from not eating, Zhang Cheng had not slept much for 48 hours.

Zhou Rui lowered his voice and said to Bai Xiaoying: "Will Zhang Xin be sentenced in this case?"

Bai Xiaoying said: "I'm not a judge, I don't know, and Zhang Xin's confession hasn't been obtained yet. How to distinguish it depends on what he did."

Zhou Rui nodded, it was already rare to come back alive.

About an hour later, everyone arrived in Wenzhou, but Zhou Rui and the others did not enter the police station, but went to the hospital.

There were a total of 16 people in the boat, and all of them were badly injured by tear gas. Zhang Xin, among others, was beaten and suffered many injuries, which required treatment first.

Zhou Rui took Zhang Cheng to have breakfast near the hospital, and he clearly felt that Zhang Cheng had become more at ease, with a sense of magnanimity of "confessing guilt and accepting punishment."

The 50 can be returned, and it doesn't matter how many years Zhang Xinguan has been away. His son is only in his early 20s, so there is still a chance for everything.

He has spent most of his life in Qinghe County and is still a grassroots civil servant. A large part of the reason is his personality.

I never dare to do anything that goes against the rules, I just want to live a peaceful life.

After eating, Zhang Cheng rushed to the hospital, rushing back and forth, asking where he needed to pay, thanking the doctors and nurses, and the police.

Zhou Rui and Bai Xiaoying sat on the bench in the corridor, looking at Zhang Cheng's tireless back.

Zhou Ruidao: "Will those who are only affected by tear gas be dealt with faster?"

Bai Xiaoying said: "The trial should have already started in the ward."

Zhou Rui asked curiously: "Du Quan hasn't been tried yet, so Xia Mei is probably more stubborn, right?"

Yes, one night passed, and Du Quan was still uncooperative.

In a society governed by the rule of law, torture and torture are no longer allowed. At most, "little tricks" such as deprivation of sleep are used. However, Du Quan seemed to have received professional training and kept his mouth shut without saying a word.

Bai Xiaoying said: "There are more than a dozen people. The woman is difficult to interrogate, but the sailors on the ship are not difficult to interrogate. Believe us, the interrogation skills are not just forced questioning."

Around noon, Zhang Xin had received preliminary treatment and his condition had stabilized, and they could enter the ward.

There were two policemen sitting in the ward. Zhang Xin was wrapped in bandages and had gauze on his face, looking out the window absently.

Hearing the noise, Zhang Xin turned around and said weakly: "Where's my dad?"

"You should line up and pay in the lobby."

Zhang Xin was silent.

Zhou Rui said: "Can you explain it? What happened?"

Zhang Xin moved his lips and said tremblingly: "I have a friend who was dragged into the water by me. His name is Wu Tao. He was beaten to death by those people."

Zhou Rui and Bai Xiaoying looked at each other, and then said: "Wu Tao is not dead."

Zhang Xin turned his head suddenly, then touched the wound, and asked with a grin on his face: "Wu Tao is not dead?"

"I was found on the coast last night. I was shot in the shoulder, but there was no critical injury. Otherwise, how do you think we locked the pier?"

Zhang Xin trembled and covered his face: "I'm not dead. That's great. That's great."


From the time Du Quan asked Zhang Xin to register for "American and Japanese Fresh Vegetables", Zhang Xin had already started to be wary of his elder brother.

He didn't know what the investment of his eldest brother, Dong Yi Bang Tou and Xi Yi Bang Zi, was for, but he may have inherited Zhang Cheng's cautious character and had been secretly inquiring and recording secretly.

In the office, in the car, on a cool night out with my eldest brother, or when I go out with Xia Mei to handle various matters.

Gradually, he guessed that the other party's purpose was the "God of Agriculture", and he was preparing to transport it by sea and land for study.

He inquired with the people at the Agricultural Machinery Club and found out that this item was explicitly prohibited from leaving the country.

At that time, Zhang Xin concluded that the eldest brother was obsessed with money and colluded with external forces to make extra money.

Zhang Xin, who knew this secret, was very confused.

He didn't want to be involved, and he couldn't bear to live his current life.

His ability to live such a prosperous life is all due to Du Quan, so Du Quan will never fail.But he didn't want Du Quan to really do it, because it was equivalent to a time bomb that would be detonated in the future, and he, as a legal person, would be the first to explode in the face.

So Zhang Xin’s idea was
1: Find a way to mess up this matter.

2: Don’t let Du Quan know that he did it.

3: Don’t let the police know, otherwise Du Quan will fall.

Then a foolish conclusion emerged.


"You asked Wu Tao to pretend to be a policeman? To drive away the handover person?"

Bai Xiaoying felt incredible.

Zhou Rui couldn't help but said: "It's really stupid."

Zhang Xin closed his eyes in pain, feeling ashamed of his stupidity.

A student from a small town, even if he has seen a lot of "the world" in the past two years, still can't tell how dangerous the world is and how deep the water is.

He misjudged the role of "Du Quan" in it, and misjudged the composition of Xia Mei and others. Most importantly, he never imagined that the crew members who were just transporting a truck would actually have Q in them.

While Zhang Xin was narrating, the policeman next to him kept recording.

"I know it's stupid, extremely stupid, but even if I had imagined the worst possibility, I would never have guessed that they had Q and used it so decisively."

This thing is too unfamiliar to him
Zhou Rui pinched his brows and said, "What next?"

Zhang Xin exhaled a breath: "I bribed a driver from the Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd. and asked him to place a position in the Shen Shen's car. Wu Tao and I changed into security uniforms. I thought that we could just call out and wave the flashlight. ."

His lips trembled a little:

"Wu Tao was shot down. I watched him get shot in the chest and fall into the dark sea. I thought he would definitely not survive."

At this time, Bai Xiaoying looked strange and said:

"Wu Tao only floated at sea for two hours, and was finally washed back to the shore, but the location was on a small "peninsula" extending out of the sea. He was seriously injured and did not investigate clearly. He thought he was on an "isolated island" and was killed by fishermen. He was trying to drill wood to make fire when he found it."

Apparently this young man from Yu Province was very unfamiliar with the sea. After he woke up, he thought he was going to survive on a desert island.
"Is he seriously injured?"

"The Q injury is considered minor. The opponent used a homemade Q weapon with average power. He just smeared the wound with plant ash, which caused a secondary infection."

Zhou Rui: .
Zhang Xin relaxed completely: "That's great."

Bai Xiaoying said: "You continue to talk."

It was originally just a pretense to stir up trouble, but it turned out to be a jump on the spot. After Wu Tao was shot, Zhang Xin knew that things were far from what he thought, so he could only give up resistance.

But he wanted to survive, so he brought up the matter of the recording. He only said that the recording was placed with a friend, and if there was no news from him for a long time, it would be sent out.

Xia Mei didn't know what was fatal in the recording, so she could only spare his life, and contacted Du Quan in Shanghai to search his residence, office, etc.

Later, Zhang Xin was locked in the broken dock and watched by one of Xia Mei's men.

"Things were fine for the first two days, but last night they suddenly started torturing me, so I guessed that the recordings had been sent out, causing some changes in the outside world."

Zhou Rui asked curiously: "So who did you record the recording for?"

Zhang Xin was obviously taken aback: "You didn't receive the recording?"


At the same time, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Dormitory Building 12, Room 401.

After class, the four boys returned to their dormitory, seamlessly opened their computers, and began their CF journey.

Amidst the crackling sounds of gunfire, a boy took off his headphones angrily.

"Damn, the other side is definitely cheating!"

I glanced sideways and saw a courier bag at the door of the dormitory, and I became irritated: "Whose is this courier? It has been here for several days."

Another person said: "The buddy before you was the one you changed to when you changed dormitories. The dormitory manager said there was a courier, so I brought it up."

"Then you won't tell him? They have been piled on my bedside."

The other three people were silent. After all, that person changed dormitories because the three of them often stayed up late playing games and made a lot of noise.

Moreover, the buddy named Lu Xubo was a bit difficult to deal with. There was a bit of a quarrel at that time, so they would not contact each other.

"Forget it, it's not important."

"Yes, yes, it's not important."

"Change to Warcraft. I will take you to PVP with the Punishment Cavalry."

(End of this chapter)

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