Chapter 410 Events

Before the "■■" event: 4 hours.

"Gunshots? How could that happen!"

In the rest area of ​​the hangar, Zhou Rui frowned.

Han Ziyin said: "Indeed, many tourists were woken up around four o'clock in the morning last night. I discussed it with my aunt and decided to take the earliest flight back to China today. We are on our way to the airport now."

Zhou Rui sighed: "It's not safe outside. Don't run outside all the time in the future. There is a confidentiality agreement."

"I only came out after applying for permission. The restrictions on me are not as strict as yours, but you are right. I have to think carefully before going abroad in the future. Who would have thought."

On the phone, Han Ziyin was a little tired. She and her aunt worked vigilantly until dawn last night before she dared to call Zhou Rui. She was afraid of disturbing Zhou Rui's rest.

"Come back quickly, I should be able to finish things here tomorrow."

After chatting for a few more words, Zhou Rui hung up the phone, sealed the phone in the cabinet, and returned to the work area.

The skin repair of "Vyron" is almost in progress.


Before the "■■" event: 3 hours.

"Need help?"

In front of the check-in line, Zhang Richeng saw two young women struggling to carry suitcases.

Well, one of them might not be that young.

Jiang Shuyu thanked him: "Thank you, it's a little too heavy."

Zhang Richeng has been exercising all year round and is in good health. He placed the luggage on the check-in conveyor belt with one hand and then returned it.

Behind Zhang Richeng, Lin Tuo's eyes were fixed on another figure in a white dress, and he was slightly startled.

He knew this girl, Han Ziyin, from Fului Technology.

But the other party probably wouldn't recognize him.

Well. In this case, there is no need to make any announcement.
Lin Tuo hid slightly behind Zhang Richeng, thinking about what happened last night.

It was clearly aimed at them.

When the opponent has just arrived, it is already the limit to find local bad guys to threaten, but there is a possibility of escalating the tactics in the future.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, they chose to set off early in the morning.
After all, their goal is to safely send these experts back to the country, not to start a battle with the opponent here, and there is no need to compete for momentary courage.

In addition to the 66 experts, there are also their family members, 4 people from the Mi family, and 10 people from the Secrecy Bureau.
The total number of people is 108 people.

Now on the soil of a third country. Neither side can take coercive or large-scale actions.

Whether it is Lin Tuo or the unknown force, they must maintain restraint.
After checking in, Zhang Richeng was on his way to the security check.

A loud whistle sounded, and Zhang Richeng turned his head to look.

Outside the glass wall, a haunting figure stood there.

Nair held up a paper sign like an enthusiastic ordinary person waiting to be picked up at the airport.

It says: "You still have a chance!"

Nel smiled and waved the sign in his hand.

This movement not only attracted Zhang Richeng, but also Lin Tuo. Lin Tuo said softly: "There is no need to be disturbed. Their local power is very limited. We have basically succeeded."

Zhang Richeng nodded and stopped paying attention.

Seeing Zhang Il-sheng enter the security check channel, Nair no longer maintained his fake smile outside and threw the sign aside.

Especially when she saw the large number of Chinese faces in the security inspection team, she felt even more urgent.

Just like Lin Tuo said, they were completely caught off guard. Their strength here was very weak, and they were strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

If she didn't scare these people, she wouldn't be able to take any further action.

After a while, she left the crowded area and made a phone call.

Soon, a roar came from the other end of the phone.

Before the "■■" incident: 2 hours and 50 minutes.


In America, an old white man threw his phone against the wall in anger.

After the old man vented his anger, he kept pacing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the windows were all the living beings in this country. From here, they looked like ants.

Bad news always comes one after another, which means that the other party is well prepared and has already planned everything. It is definitely not the spontaneous behavior of a group of "stupid scientists".

Even he had to pay attention to what it represented behind it.

But the more so, the greater the impact on "them" will be.

This is not a matter of one or two talents, but the right to speak in the next ten or 20 years.
After a while, he smiled coldly.

It doesn't matter, no account will be charged to them anyway.

They have mastered too many things, and many things are prefixed with "country", but in fact they are all the will of interest groups.

And the cost will be shared among everyone

will prosper forever

Before the "■■" event: 2 hours.

"Welcome to fly with our airline. This journey lasts four hours. We will provide it for you with our most sincere enthusiasm."

While waiting for takeoff, Zhang Richeng couldn't help but look back.

The cabin is almost full
Most of them are my own group of people.

Due to Lin Tuo's decisiveness, last night's incident has not yet fermented among the expert group, so no one regretted falling behind.

All beards and all tails.

In order to facilitate the discussion of some matters, he did not sit with his wife, but sat in a row with Minengwen and Lintuo.

Linto didn't hang up the phone until the flight attendant glared at him several times, pretended to turn on airplane mode, and said, "Everything is normal now."

Zhang Richeng breathed a sigh of relief: "We've already boarded the plane, so I should have given up."

Lin Tuo said: "We can't be blindly optimistic. We still have to wait until it takes off before we can rest assured. We don't rule out the possibility of not being able to take off smoothly."

However, things seemed to be developing on their side. Less than 10 minutes later, the plane took off smoothly.
Zhang Richeng wiped the sweat from his forehead
at last
Lin Tuo was always watching his mobile phone. The situation was not as leisurely as he just said. Their power in the outside world gradually gained some feedback.
The other party seems to be making some moves
His colleagues are still working hard outside to explore all possible information.


Before the "■■" event: 1 hours.

On the sea, on the island of a certain big fish, in a dark conference room, a pilot was standing at attention with his hands behind his back, accepting a strange order.

"You need to take off immediately to perform a secret mission. There is no take-off record, no tower dispatch, radio silence throughout the entire process, and there is not even permission to leave the ship, but the deck squad will let you go. Do you understand?"

The fingers on the pilot's back pinched nervously, but he didn't hesitate to answer.


He had already received too many benefits from the chief, and the other party also had all the leverage he had. He had no confidence to refuse the other party.

But when the other party revealed the contents of the secret mission.

He still felt cold sweat pouring from his back.


Before the "■■" incident: 40 minutes.

On the flight, Linto was restless.

Just now when the plane passed over the "Slow Valley", there was a brief signal.

And he received a text message from a colleague.

Tell him the danger is not over come!
They're already on the plane!
Could the other party allow the plane to return?

He paid careful attention to the cabin broadcast.

but nothing seems to happen
After a while, he stood up and walked around the cabin several times to familiarize himself with the locations of various emergency rescue supplies.
But he himself finds it ridiculous
Finally he sat back down.

Eyes looking out the window.

Mi Nengwen and Zhang Richeng on the side all felt the uneasiness of this "security consultant".

Asked: "What's wrong?"

An idea flashed through Lin Tuo's mind.
On the plane, 80% are
There was a hint of haze in his eyes.

It shouldn't be that crazy.

Before the "■■" incident: 30 minutes.

In the hangar, Zhou Rui was doing the final operations.

Suddenly, a group of people rushed in, more than ten of them, and they didn't look like engineers at all.

Zhou Rui even saw a heavily armed pilot.

The leader was none other than Yang Rubin, who arrived here because of an injury to "Dyron."

But he came to ask about another thing.

"Mr. Zhou, does 'Vyron' have the conditions to take off?"

Zhou Rui frowned slightly and said, "The plan I submitted is to be completed tomorrow. Is it urgent?"

Yang Rubin took a deep breath and said seriously: "There is a special situation that requires an emergency takeoff. But... you have the final say."

His eyes are very serious.

Although the situation there is also very special, "Vyron" cannot afford to lose anything.

From the perspective of final assembly, Yang Rubin would rather choose Veyron
Because that side is just an ambiguous guess after all.

If Zhou Rui believed that the "Vyron" was not ready to take off, he would stop the mission at any cost.

Zhou Rui said calmly: "It depends on you. What mission do you want it to perform? Test flight? Transfer?"


"Live fire escort."


Before the "■■" incident: 3 minutes.

The plane has entered over the sea.
Lin Tuo received no more messages from his colleagues, but his nerves were stretched to the limit.

Zhang Richeng and Mi Nengwen on the side were affected by Lin Tuo's inexplicable state, and they also frowned and looked serious.

Sweat broke out on Linto's forehead and his fingertips tingled, a feeling he had only experienced on one occasion before.

A gun was pressed against his forehead.

But even if he is held at gunpoint, he still has the courage to fight and has the professional skills that have been honed over time.
But now, he can only wait anxiously.

He believed in his sixth sense. But he had no idea what he was waiting for.
"Is it possible? Are they all crazy?"

Lin Tuo suddenly remembered that there was a telescope in his backpack that he used to observe the situation at the resort, so he got up to look for it.
He was a little funny, looking out with a telescope.

There seems to be nothing but the clear sky.

There is no limit to the visual distance of the human eye. Even stars tens of thousands of light years away can be perceived.

But there is a limit to being able to distinguish shapes. It is only 7 kilometers at zero altitude. This is determined by the curvature of the earth. On mountain tops or high places, this number can soar to 200 kilometers. For example, you can see another person hundreds of kilometers away. a mountain.

In the air, what limits the field of view is not distance, but resolution. Most targets are just a small dot hundreds of kilometers away.

If you want to observe an aircraft with the naked eye in the air, firstly, it must be close enough, and secondly, the height of the two planes must be basically the same, and they will not be interfered by the color difference between the ground and deep space, and the relative speed difference is not large.

Even so, it is an extremely unlikely event, otherwise there would be no concept of fifth-generation aircraft capable of beyond visual range strike.

99.99% of the time, Linto shouldn't have discovered anything.
But fate seems to want to reveal its cruelty at the last minute.

When he looked through the telescope and saw a fleeting, tiny gray dot.

His heart stopped beating

Before the "■■" incident: 1 minutes.

In the vast sky, a "Lightning II" was shuttled between the clouds.

The huge clouds are like a profound mystery, revealing the birth of a mysterious case.

There is no takeoff record, no route preset, and the whole process is silent.

The pilot's hand was firmly on the control column.
The thumb is already hovering over the red button.

But he couldn't press it.

In a few minutes, the target will fly out of the "safe" area, which is not on any flight path.

Leaving this sea area, his actions will have unpredictable consequences.

Finally, he took a deep breath and opened the weapons compartment
At this moment, hundreds of kilometers behind him, a huge aircraft with a dazzling face shuttled out of the sea of ​​clouds.

But for the "Lightning II", which is also a fifth-generation aircraft, there was no response from the radar.

The radars of countless surrounding military bases did not respond.

There is no radar response to the big fish in the nearby waters.

Instead, the opening of someone's weapons warehouse changed the radar reflection area, and the mirror-colored guardian noticed that the matter was inevitable.
Invisible communications passed through the air, and Dragon was given the order.

It's time for dawn.

It’s time to shine the sword.

A modified air-to-air PL-14 missile left the cabin instantly.


With a wisp of white smoke, it shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds at supersonic speed.

The body of the missile also shines with mirror-colored light, which is the product of the "Whetstone" project.

It has unique stealth capabilities that are completely different from today's mainstream technology.

The blond pilot did not receive the warning feedback from the aircraft system under his seat until the last second.

Then, it turned into gorgeous fireworks in the sky.

The mirror-colored guardian, after thoroughly confirming that his opponent had turned into a wreckage, closed the weapon warehouse again.

With a "buzz" sound, a body rolled sideways, full of science fiction feeling, and disappeared into the vast sky again.

Continue to silently protect the future of many people.

An expert team composed of 66 semiconductor-chip talents, together with their families, finally arrived safely at their destination in Shanghai.

ushered in their magnificent new beginning.

They will write new stories in their hometown and change the world structure.

Although they didn't know what kind of narrow escape they had experienced.

But the rewritten destiny is destined to be more brilliant.

Internal incident codename: "Falcon".

No one noticed that it had ever been there.

No one will know what it shot down.

Everything will become an eternal mystery.
On the high seas.

God knows what you did.
(End of this chapter)

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