Chapter 79 City Survival 19
A bullet was shot, and the girl closed her eyes in despair. The bullet missed, but flew to the wall beside it, and then fell with a crisp sound.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... Woohoo." The girl's cry was very obvious, her voice trembling slightly, it could be seen that she was extremely scared.

"Xiaodie, quickly tell me where you put that prop, and if you tell me obediently, I will spare your life." The man's voice was hoarse and he said maliciously.

"I told you, will you really let me go?" Xiaodie hesitated, looking at the man's not-so-friendly expression, she hesitated even more.

"Of course." The man put a bottle of mineral water in her hand.

She opened the bottle cap in surprise and took a big gulp, moisturizing her chapped lips.

Xiaodie looked up at the man, hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking: "It's... in the bank cabinet."

"Cabinets? There are so many cabinets, please explain clearly!" The man became a little impatient, and his tone became bad.

Jiang Yuan and the others were also anxious on the other side of the wall, what kind of treasure made this man coerce and lure him for so long to get an answer.

Xiaodie seemed to have changed her mind again, and became hesitant: "It seems that I'm not in the closet again, let me think about it..."

"Think, you have to have time to think, let me tell you, either I will kill you now, or you can tell me honestly!"

As a gesture, the man looked ferocious, and fired impulsively, Xiaodie's health was less than 10 points.

"I said, I said, please let me go! That prop is in the second cabinet in the third row. I put a lot of gravel in it, and you can see it after you remove it." Xiaodie said it all in one go. , and finally looked at him expectantly: "I... I can go."

"Of course, we agreed before." The man lowered his head without looking at her, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be restrained.

"Thank you, thank you!" Xiaodie walked forward quickly.

The "bang" bullet passed through her shoulder, and then fell to the ground.

Jiang Yuan and the others on the other side of the wall had already guessed the ending of the girl, and when they were about to kill the man through the small window, something happened.

"As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows." A familiar voice came, it was Chu Yijun.

Chu Yijun didn't talk nonsense with the man, and solved him in twos and twos.

"The supplies of these two people are really low, and I don't know how they got here..." The team members beside him complained, and put the supplies into the bag slowly.

Fortunately, they didn't seem to know the relationship between the man and Xiaodie, they only saw the scene of the man shooting and killing.

"Let's go, find a place to spend the night." Chu Yijun didn't care, and he didn't realize that Jiang Yuan and the others he was trying to find were on the other side of the wall.

The farce is over, and the place where the props are placed is relatively biased. Generally, no one will look for them in the cabinet one by one. Therefore, Jiang Yuan plans to take the props out of the bank tomorrow morning. I don’t know if the girl cheated just now. man.

After drinking the mid-level health booster, everyone's health increased more or less. Jiang Yuan and Geng Jie, as talented people, drank the portion that increased their health by 8 points, and the other two increased their health by 7 points.

At night, Weihai City is still surrounded by a layer of white mist. Players who have not found their homes are lost here, and soon the mist leads them to death.

The seventh day

The time is about to pass halfway, but the death toll is far more than half. At present, the two camps are black:white=211:187
The total number of people is actually less than one-fifth of the original.

In order to prevent the props from being found and taken away in advance, Jiang Yuan and the others went out as early as dawn.

There are ruins everywhere, dead silence, because it is early in the morning, there are no people here, walking in the central area is like walking into a ghost town.

According to the conversation between the two people last night, the bank where the item is located is most likely in the central area, otherwise the two would not be entangled here.

The central area of ​​Weihai is very large, and they searched from the entrance, which should not be too far away. Fortunately, the bank is more eye-catching, especially in the ruins.

"Wait a minute, there are people in the bank." As he got closer to the destination, Geng Jie heard it more clearly.

That's right, a bank is such a good building, naturally many players will choose to spend the night here.

The hall was messy, the glass around the counter was broken all over the floor, and the vision in the dim room was not very good, only a few rows of cabinets could be vaguely seen standing in the corner.

Looking around, Ning Yiqian whispered, "They're not in the hall."

Jiang Yuan and the others planned to take the props without attracting their attention as much as possible.

According to Xiaodie's instructions, a group of people found the cabinet. The harsh sound of the dilapidated cabinet was especially obvious in the silent air.

It's not bad since it has already made a striking sound. After pushing away the gravel, a pendant-like thing appeared.

After decisively putting the pendant into the space, several people quickly left the bank.

【Life Jade】

After wearing this item, the upper limit of HP +50.

Items that increase health!

This can have a very good effect in this game, the only trouble now is who should give the pendant?
Usually, those supplies are good points, but now this item that can provide players with half life, who would not want it.

Of course, the humility is false. The four people in the team are not relatives, and the friendship is not that deep. Usually, it doesn’t hurt to randomly distribute some small things, but when encountering such a "treasure", everyone is so greedy. very.

They really couldn't figure out how to deal with it, so everyone made a decision to put it in the space and divide it up after collecting other good things.

At this time, the sky in Weihai City was bright, about seven or eight o'clock.

The number of players on the street gradually increased, but Jiang Yuan and the others did not meet them, but the occasional gunshots proved this.


"Do you know what happened to the person who confessed to me last time?" Cong Wei looked at the dull man in front of her with a smile.

"I killed him." As she spoke, Cong Wei nimbly turned the gun in her hand, with a frivolous tone.

The man's expression changed immediately, and then he smiled again, denying, "You must have lied to me!"

"Don't believe me? You can ask Luo Hang, I think...he will give you the answer." The man left suspiciously, and soon, after talking with Luo Hang, he didn't dare to come to Cong Wei again.

"It's hard to survive. Still talking about love here? Boring." Cong Wei looked at the players who were far away from her and continued to spin the pistols one after another.

They are afraid of themselves, but they have to need themselves, which is really funny to say.

(End of this chapter)

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