Chapter 6

Grandma Tang also knew that she couldn't push her eldest grandson into a hurry, otherwise, this brat would have given her a hard time.

"Hmph! Then you have to keep your promise, and don't let Manman be wronged!
Also, today is Valentine's Day, and it's also the day you get your certificate. When you go back, remember to bring a bouquet of flowers to Manman and buy two gifts to express your gratitude! "

Tang Yu nodded perfunctorily: "Understood."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Yu immediately called Mingming who was waiting in the car: "Send me the exact location of the house you bought in Binhedi City."

Mingming hastily edited a message and sent it to his boss: [Room 12, Unit 901, Building [-], Binhedi City]

After reading it, Tang Yu directly copied and pasted it to Lu Man, and only then did he see the message Lu Man sent him before the voice call.

But he didn't say anything superfluous, anyway, Lu Mann's current position in his mind is 'vanity lover' and 'complaintist'.

After receiving the message from Tang Yu, Lu Mann didn't say much, found the building where she was located, and took the elevator to 9 on the ninth floor.

The house is one ladder, one household, and the space is very spacious.

She took out the key and opened the door, turned on the light of the mobile phone and found the switch to turn on the light. In an instant, the room was bright.

The decoration style is simple and modern, with large furniture and home appliances, three bedrooms and two living rooms, and a large balcony. It is about [-] to [-] square meters.

The master bedroom and the second bedroom have furniture and beds, and there is a smaller room that is vacant.

She thought, she and Tang Yu had just received their certificates today, and they didn't know each other before that. Even if they got married, they couldn't live in the same room right away.

So, she dragged her luggage to the second bedroom, took out her clothes and daily necessities and arranged them.

Because she hadn't eaten at night, she wanted to make something to fill her stomach, but she went to the kitchen to see that it was clean.

When I opened the refrigerator again, the electricity was not plugged in, let alone there was food in it.

But it's so late, it's impossible to go shopping. She pays more attention to safety when she is alone at night.

After thinking about it, she first ordered a portion of snail noodles online, and then started shopping online for daily necessities at home.

She just looked at it, and there were no pots and pans in the kitchen, and there were no cleaning and toiletries in the bathroom. Anyway, Tang Yu probably hadn't lived here before today.

It really is a new house.

Tang Yu finished the dinner at about ten o'clock, and then drove the newly bought Volkswagen to the Binhedi City.

Tang Yu had been in the army, so he didn't need to take bodyguards with him everywhere. If something unexpected happened, he could fight better than the bodyguards.

But if he goes to a business banquet, he will choose to bring a few personal bodyguards, in order to stop those daughters who admire him.

On both sides of the road, there are many neon lights and signs of Valentine's Day, and there are vendors selling roses on the roadside.

Tang Yu couldn't help but think of what his grandma said when he asked him to buy flowers and bring gifts for Lu Mann. He snorted disdainfully, she is not worthy now.

When he arrived at Binhe Emperor City, according to the address of the new house sent by Mingming, he took the luggage that the housekeeper helped him pack and found his small home.

Across the Taoist door, thinking that there was a woman living inside, who was also his legal wife, he felt as uncomfortable as a needle prick in his heart.

Originally, life was good, but his grandma insisted on giving him a woman as his wife, and she was a vain accuser, so she was really cheated by his grandma.

He took out the key and opened the door. In an instant, an indescribable smell came to his face, penetrated into his nostrils and inhaled into his lungs.

At that moment, he seemed to think that he had eaten a mouthful of Xiang, and he was so disgusted that he almost vomited!

The first thought in his mind was that the upstairs toilet had caved in and leaked those things into his house.

"Mr. Tang, are you back?"

Suddenly, a crisp and pleasant, slightly familiar voice disrupted his thoughts.

He frowned, took a step forward and held his breath to look inside, and saw Lu Man lying on the dining table eating something, and the smell seemed to come from the disposable lunch box in front of Lu Man.

He is going crazy!

Suppressing the anger in my heart, I asked in a cold voice: "What did you eat?!"

It was only then that Lu Mann realized that her newlywed husband didn't seem to like the taste, so she quickly got up and took the snail noodles in front of her into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, you may not like this, I'll open the window wider to let in the air."

As Lu Man said, she trotted to the balcony to open the window wider.

Tang Yu snorted coldly with a calm Zhang Jun face: "If you want to eat, you can't make it yourself? Call those messy junk food!"

Lu Man felt that Tang Yu was disgusted by his bowl of snail noodles, and explained, "I wanted to make it, but there was nothing in the kitchen, so I ordered some snail noodles to deal with it."

Tang Yu was very irritable: "You are a girl, what will happen if you miss a meal at night?"

In Tang Yu's impression, the women around her usually don't eat staple food at night, one is for their figure, and the other is for health preservation.

Like his mother, his second and third aunts, and even his grandma, they ate very little at night.

How does it look like Lu Mann?

It's past ten o'clock, and I still want to order takeaway to eat that kind of noodles!

Did she escape from starvation?
At this moment, Tang Yu put another label on Lu Man: delicious and lazy.

Lu Man was embarrassed. Most girls like to eat less to lose weight at night.

But she was already very tired at work, and she didn't even have time to eat snacks. After finally getting off work, is it wrong to eat something?

"I'm sorry Mr. Tang, I shouldn't eat this at home, but I have to eat at night. Don't you eat anything at night?"

As long as she goes to work, she doesn't believe that he doesn't eat at night.

Tang Yu was left speechless by Lu Mann's teasing. Didn't he just come back from the wine table after eating and drinking?

But he would never admit that he was wrong, he straightened his neck and snorted coldly: "I lose weight and don't eat after nine o'clock in the evening."

Tonight is a special situation. If it was normal, he would not be so intemperate.

Lu Mann stared at Tang Yu's figure wrapped in a suit, and it was indeed a golden ratio.

Jokingly said: "Mr. Tang's figure is really great."

Tang Yu was stunned. She didn't expect Lu Man to brag about his good figure so blatantly. Could it be that she had other ideas?
Before the two have no feelings, he will never touch her with a finger!
Also, if she fails to stand his test, she will break up immediately.

Tang Yu didn't want to talk to Lu Man any more, he turned around to search, but he didn't see any slippers.

Lu Mann seemed to understand what he was looking for. This house didn't have any daily necessities, including slippers. When she came, she brought a pair of slippers, which happened to be changed.

"I haven't had time to buy slippers, and I don't have any daily necessities. I'll find time to go to the supermarket to buy them tomorrow."

After all, he bought the house, and she moved in with her bags. She should take care of what needs to be added to the house. Today is too busy, so I didn't arrange the time well.

Tang Yu was so dizzy that he didn't bother to talk to Lu Mann, so he dragged his luggage and walked straight into the room.

Seeing that Lu Mann had vacated the master bedroom and lived in the second bedroom by himself, the anger in his heart subsided a little. He felt that Lu Mann still had a little self-knowledge, knowing that he had no interest in her now...

(End of this chapter)

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