Shock!After the flash marriage, she became a billionaire

Chapter 33 His eldest grandma touched porcelain?

Chapter 33 His eldest grandma touched porcelain?
But not in the future.

She will never let them do whatever they want in the future!

Chen's mother is used to being strong, and today she was bullied by Lu Yun, can she swallow this in her heart?

"Lin Lin, we've raised her sister for so long, it's fine if she doesn't know how to be grateful, but she provoked us, right?
It's as if you didn't spend the money you earned on her! "

Chen Rong also snorted coldly: "That's right, she doesn't earn a penny at home every day, so why don't we ask for the bride price for your family, to lighten your burden?"

"She just doesn't know what to do, she just helps her cheap little sister!" Chen's mother was almost pissed off.

Although Chen Lin was a little dissatisfied with his parents' favoritism, when he mentioned Lu Yun's love for his sister, he also became angry: "Last year, that damn girl Lu Man didn't have the money to open a clinic, and Lu Yun gave her [-] yuan." .”


Chen's father and Chen's mother exclaimed, and Chen Rong was also stunned: "Fifty thousand? Where did she get the money?"

When Chen Lin mentioned this, he became angry: "She saved the money from her own house."

"How can it be done! Since she is married to you, it is our Chen family's money. How can she just give it to her sister? Lu Mann must get the money back! Not even a penny less!" Mother Chen Furious, he was about to stand up and find Lu Yun's theory.

Chen Lin hurriedly stopped her: "I've asked Lu Mann for the money back."

Chen's mother was stunned, a little suspicious: "You really want to come back?"

Chen Lin nodded: "Only two days ago, she got the certificate and brought it. It is estimated that Tang Yu gave her money."

Chen Rong scolded angrily: "Tang Yu must have given the dowry money to that damn girl Lu Man. That girl is so shrewd that she swallowed the dowry money by herself, and she couldn't bear to use it to give some flowers to her sister!"

The whole family gathered together and complained all kinds of things, all about the two sisters.

Chen's mother and Chen Rong even suggested to Chen Lin that in the future the AA system should not be allowed to give Lu Yun any more money. Doesn't she have private money?

Let her spend her own money, or else, let her ask Lu Mann for it!
Chen Lin thought this suggestion was good, so he had time to mention it to Lu Yun.

Lu Mann and Tang Yu returned to Binhe Emperor City first. Lu Mann felt that Tang Yu performed very well today, so she gave her a good face.

"Mr. Tang, thank you today."

Tang Yu nodded lightly: "It should."

The image of Lu Man saying that she and him were in love could not help but pop up in his mind.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like when she was in love with him.

"Well, today, I made you laugh. You don't have to pay attention to what my sister-in-law's family said, just treat it as air."

In fact, Lu Mann was so angry that she wanted to say that they were farting, but she felt that it was too rude to say that.

Tang Yu hummed: "Don't worry, what they said won't affect me in any way, but my sister's situation doesn't seem to be good."

He could tell the face of the Chen family as soon as he saw it. As a man, he looked down on Chen Lin.

All the Tang family men are responsible and responsible, and they treat their wives better than each other. Even the family rules stipulate that only marriage is not allowed and divorce is not allowed.

Lu Man was helpless: "My sister hasn't had a good day since she was pregnant and gave birth to Haohao, but it will be much better when Haohao enters preschool education in the next six months."


"Then you drink, you can take a rest, I have to go to the clinic."

As Lu Man spoke, she picked up the tram key that was on the cabinet.

Tang Yu nodded: "Okay."

In fact, he will go to the company to work overtime later.

Lu Mann rushed to the clinic, Si's mother was sitting on the consultation table for consultation, Si Nuoyan was dispensing medicine for patients, and there were several patients in the infusion area.

Although Mama Si is in her 50s, she is well maintained, elegant and elegant, and looks like she is in her early forties.

Seeing Lu Mann's return, Mama Si took the time to say hello to her: "Manman is back."

"Auntie has worked hard for you."

Mama Si smiled and said, "I'm also idle when I'm at home."

Si Nuoyan from the dispensing area waved to Lu Man, who walked over with a smile.

"Manman, how is it? Sister Lu Yun is still satisfied with Tang Yu?"

Lu Man nodded, "Satisfied."

It can be seen that her sister is very satisfied with Tang Yu.

"Let's just say, Tang Yuchang is so handsome, and he can be admired under normal circumstances. You have found a treasure."

Lu Man laughed and joked, "Why didn't you say he picked up the treasure?"

"That's right, that's right, he also picked up the treasure, we must be asked to treat us to a wedding wine."

"Okay, wedding wine is indispensable."

Lu Man changed into a white coat, put on gloves and a mask, and just sat down at the consultation desk for 5 minutes before receiving a call.

An old lady in her 70s was infected with the flu some time ago, and the medicine she took at their place was cured.

This time she was infected again. It was inconvenient for the old lady to go out and her son was not at home, so the daughter-in-law called her and asked her if she could come and have a look, and paid 200 yuan for the visit.

It happened that Si's mother was here to help today, so she walked away, talked to the two of them, and went out with the medicine box on her back.

But she didn't know what kind of luck she had today. When she reached a crossroad, she accidentally scratched a luxury car. It was super luxurious.

The situation at that time was that the red light turned green, and the battery cars and bicycles on the non-motorized lane were crowded to cross the road, and she was squeezed away somehow.

The cars on the motorway were also driving across the road, but the distance was too close. The left mirror on her little eDonkey scratched the paint of the car. A white mark about 3 cm long was very obvious on the shiny black body.

She was dumbfounded.

Pedestrians around also stretched their heads and talked a lot.

"Oh, this little girl has suffered! This is a Rolls-Royce! Who can afford it!"

"Can't you afford to hide? Anyway, I see luxury cars on the road far away."

"I'm afraid it won't work if this small one is not as big as tens of thousands."

"How many tens of thousands? This car costs tens of millions, how many tens of thousands are you living in?"

Lu Mann's mind went blank, the driver of the car also got out of the car to check, and the people around him didn't leave either, they gathered together to watch the follow-up, wanting to know how much money they would have to pay for a Rolls-Royce being damaged.

The driver was wearing a black suit and a pair of black sunglasses. He looked like a rich man.

Lu Mann was also shocked. Seeing the person coming down, she quickly apologized to him: "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. This is my responsibility and I will never shirk it."

They were all dumbfounded.

Tang Yu who was sitting in the car was also a little confused.

He couldn't drive after drinking, so he called Mingming and asked Mingming to pick him up in the car. Who knew that just now he was resting with his eyes closed, when the car bumped, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his little Jiao. His wife was stunned. Standing next to his car.

For a moment, he lowered his head, afraid that Lu Man would see him.

But thinking about it again, he was sitting in the back row, and through the glass, Lu Mann would definitely not be able to see him from outside.

And he was obviously sitting in the driver's seat, a little far away from Lu Mann on the right. Lu Mann was still wearing a mask and helmet, so he didn't even realize that it was their eldest mistress before getting out of the car.

After getting closer, Lu Mann apologized, and pulled off his mask out of politeness, and he immediately let out a groan in his heart.

Isn't this his eldest grandma? !
(End of this chapter)

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