Shock!After the flash marriage, she became a billionaire

Chapter 17 Really think he is a display?

Chapter 17 Really think he is a display?

Lu Man smiled: "Didn't you say you were going to leave?"

Tang Yu: ...

"However, before the divorce, I still have to tell you something clearly. Tianyi and I are innocent. It is not an exaggeration to say that I watched him grow up. Don't think of your thoughts on me and him, otherwise this I'm not sure about the marriage!"

Seeing Lu Mann's frankness, Tang Yu felt a little embarrassed.

Thinking about how Lu Mann took care of her drunken self last night, she didn't feel so angry anymore.

He coughed lightly: "Last night, I... was also a little impulsive."

But if asked to apologize, he really couldn't do it.

Besides, he really can't blame him for this.

Seeing that Tang Yu was dying to save face and suffer, Lu Man was too lazy to expose him.

It was reasonable for him to misunderstand last night. She was angry that he didn't listen to the explanation and didn't understand the matter, so he deleted WeChat and divorced again. It made her seem to have really cuckolded him a lot.

"Eat breakfast, don't be late for work."

Tang Yu nodded, hummed, thinking about Lu Mann's good performance last night, he tentatively said, "Your car is not at home, I will take you to the clinic later?"

Lu Man rolled her eyes and thought for a while, but she was not stingy, and nodded: "Then I will trouble Mr. Tang."

The matter of divorce was over just like that, and neither of them mentioned it again.

Although the breakfast this morning was simple, it was quite to Tang Yu's liking. It was much better than yesterday morning's. With the principle of not wasting anything, he ate it up.

Lu Man raised her eyebrows. It seemed that the breakfast brought back yesterday was quite difficult for Tang Yu to swallow.

After eating, Tang Yu also helped clean up the dishes. Seeing that Lu Mann was still wearing home clothes, he said, "Go and change your clothes and I'll do the laundry, so we won't waste time."

Lu Man was quite surprised at Tang Yu's performance, but she didn't refuse, and nodded, "Then it's hard work for you."

Isn't that how the two live together?
It is like a husband and wife that two people share and do everything at home together.

She also didn't want Tang Yu to be like her brother-in-law Chen Lin, who didn't care about other family affairs except going to work, and when she got home, she let her sister take care of her like an uncle.

In fact, what she didn't know was that although the Tang family was a top wealthy family, the Tang family's family rules did not allow the young men in the family to stretch out their clothes and eat their mouths like other nobles.

In the last three generations of the Tang family, they only had boys but not girls. Up to Tang Yu's generation, there are seven brothers in total, but there is still not a single girl.

Therefore, Mrs. Tang and Mr. Tang have raised their sons and grandchildren since they were young, so that they can go to the hall and go to the kitchen.

Tang Yu not only knows how to wash dishes and do housework, but also has first-class cooking skills.

In addition, he has been in the army, so he has a particularly strong ability to live independently.

However, since he officially took over the Tang Group, he has been so busy with his work that he hasn't done housework or been in the kitchen for a long time.

Tang Yu cleaned up the kitchen, and Lu Mann also changed her clothes and came out.

At this moment, the phone on the dining table rang, and it belonged to Lu Mann.

Tang Yu, who was passing by the dining table, subconsciously lowered his head and took a look. It was okay not to look at it, but his handsome face suddenly turned cold.

It's Fang Tianyi!

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Lu Mann stepped forward to take a look, and understood.

She picked up the phone, and after connecting it, she pressed the speakerphone directly: "Tianyi, what's the matter?"

Fang Tianyi's voice came from over there: "Sister Manman, you didn't ride the tram back yesterday. I got up early for work and wanted to come over to see you off. Have you packed it?"

Tang Yu narrowed his black eyes.

This Fang Tianyi, do you really think he is a display?

Thinking of coming to pick someone up early in the morning? !
Lu Mann was also quite surprised, but she clearly refused.

"Tianyi, thank you. I don't need to trouble you. Your brother-in-law also has a car. We will go out together later and he will take me to the clinic. You should go to the company and do your work."

When Fang Tian heard this, he felt a little disappointed.

But Lu Mann had made it so clear, he couldn't force it, so he nodded, "Okay, Sister Manman, then I'm going back to the company."

"Well, when I'm free, let your brother-in-law buy you two drinks, and then call your cousin, and let's have a meal together."

Fang Tianyi said bitterly, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Man looked at Tang Yu: "Did you hear clearly? Tianyi and I are innocent."

Tang Yu didn't feel so bad after hearing Lu Man call him brother-in-law in front of Fang Tianyi.

But he still reminded Lu Man: "Anyway, that kid has bad intentions for you, so stay away from him in the future."

Lu Man was suspicious, right?
She is two years older than Fang Tianyi, and has always regarded him as her younger brother.

Is it true that as Tang Yu said, Tianyi has that kind of thought for her?
"Let's go, we're going to be late."

Tang Yu helped Lu Man take her bag off the coat rack and handed it to her.

She nodded her thanks, and the two went out and went downstairs together.

On the way to the clinic, Lu Yun called Lu Man.

"Manman, it's Saturday tomorrow, is Tang Yu resting? Or the day after tomorrow, you can bring him back for dinner and let my sister meet him."

Lu Yun was always worried about Lu Mann and Tang Yu, and she was really worried if he didn't see Tang Yu.

Lu Man glanced at Tang Yu who was driving the car, and nodded, "Okay sister, let me ask him to see if he rests, and I'll call you back later."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Man asked Tang Yu: "My sister wants to meet you, are you free this week?"

Tang Yu is actually very busy every day, never distinguishing between working days and weekends.

But there are fewer things to do on weekends than on weekdays.

He and Lu Mann received their certificates, but neither of them had met their parents yet. I heard from grandma that Lu Mann had no parents, but only one sister. The Tang family paid attention to etiquette, so they should meet.

"Yes." He nodded.

Lu Man thought for a while, "Then...tomorrow?"

Tang Yu nodded again: "Yes."

"Then I'll call my sister back."


Tang Yu agreed so simply, Lu Man was actually quite happy in her heart, after all, she didn't want her sister to worry about her all the time.

As soon as the two of them agreed to go to Lu Yun's house tomorrow, Grandma Tang called Lu Man.


Because Tang Yu was there, she turned on the speakerphone so that Tang Yu could hear it.

"Manman, it's been three days since you and A Yu have obtained the certificate, and you haven't been officially introduced to your family. Everyone is usually busy. Tomorrow is Saturday. Grandma thought, and took the family to your and A Yu's new house Look, do you see it?"

Lu Man paused, and Tang Yu said, "Grandma, we are going to visit tomorrow... Sister Man Man, come back the day after tomorrow."

Tang Yu has always called Lu Man Miss Lu, but now he is calling Man Man so suddenly, he is really not used to it.

Lu Man himself was not used to it, so when he glanced at Tang Yu, Tang Yu felt a little embarrassed when he noticed Lu Man's gaze, but he could pretend. From Lu Man's point of view, he was still very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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