Chen Lin was stunned at first, then raised his hand in confusion and pulled at it. He was stunned for a moment!
The scattered things in front of me turned out to be photos and receipts!

And they were all taken when he and An Keke were together, as well as the jewelry and bags he gave An Keke, and even the receipts for every meal at Haicheng Hotel.

"Lu Yun! You're following me!" He now looked completely confused and slapped the table angrily. It seemed that only slapping the table away could relieve the shock and anger in his heart.

After all, he thought that Lu Yun didn't know anything about him and An Keke at first, but he didn't think so. When he and An Keke first started to get together, she took photos with evidence!
Could this not surprise him? !
"It's not illegal for me to take my child to find my husband, right? I just happened to see you having a mistress outside. Don't make such a fuss. Now that you've done everything, why are you afraid of being investigated?" Lu Yun sneered.

Chen Lin checked again and saw that there was no transfer record of his transfer of property. He felt calm again and looked at Lu Yun through gritted teeth: "What's the use of taking these pictures? At most, I can judge whether I am in this marriage or not." You are at fault, but Haohao’s custody rights will never be given to you!”

What Chen Lin said was true, so Lu Yun felt that women were particularly sad.

Even if the man is at fault, if the woman wants a child, it still depends on her ability to fight for it.

"I have a job now and can support myself and Haohao. Why do you think I don't have the ability to compete with you?"

Chen Lin: ...

"Besides, I have more than this..."

As Lu Yun said this, he lowered his head and took out a small pile of information from his bag and threw it in front of Chen Lin like trash.

Chen Lin looked disdainful, snorted, and raised his hand to pick up one disapprovingly.

He thought it was another ticket for him to invite An Keke to dinner or a date. Unexpectedly, this sight almost scared him out of his soul.

This turned out to be a receipt for the kickback he secretly received in the hospital, and the amount was quite large!
Seeing Chen Lin's eyes so wide that they wanted to fall out of their sockets, Lu Yun couldn't help but smile: "This is only a small part, I still have a lot in my hand."

Chen Lin's eyes were red with anger now, and he raised his eyes and glared at her: "Lu Yun! I really didn't expect you to be so vicious-hearted!
I'm not doing this just to support you and Haohao!

Now you are threatening me with these things! "

If these things were leaked, it would be extremely harmful to him. The worst case would be to return them in full, or the worst case would be to drink porridge in the bureau.

So he did these things extremely secretly. How did Lu Yun get these things? !

He was puzzled.

"Promise to the conditions I mentioned, I can leave all these things to you, and I won't leak them out. Which is more important? You are so smart, you must have made a decision in your heart."

After Lu Yun finished speaking, he took the tea cup and sipped it slowly.

Chen Lin looked at Lu Yun, who was sitting across from him with a calm face, and was so angry that he just wanted to slap her twice!

These things are related to his future. Didn't he work so hard all these years just for the iron rice bowl in his hands?

And now that Director Wang is still in there, he can't make any mistakes.

But these conditions mentioned by Lu Yun are really...

"Chen Lin, actually you don't like Haohao that much. Even if you win Haohao's custody rights, you won't have time to take care of him. At most, you will leave him to your parents.

But have you ever thought about his feelings?

He has been with me since he was a child. I know his preferences, habits, and temperament. Will he be happy if he follows your parents?
When you and An Keke get married, you will have your own children, one or two, and your parents will also turn their attention to your children, and then Haohao will be even more pitiful.It is said that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. This saying is not groundless.

I fought so hard for Haohao's custody just so that Haohao could live a better life and grow up healthier and happier. If you really think about Haohao, you shouldn't fight with me. "

Lu Yun spoke earnestly and calmly to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin seemed to be struck by what was said, and clenched his hands tightly.

"Your unwillingness to give up Haohao's custody rights is nothing more than an old idea. You don't want the blood of your Chen family to live outside. But Haohao is with me, his biological mother. I will do my best to give him good life.

Furthermore, have you ever asked An Keke if she is really willing to be Haohao's stepmother?

She is a little girl in her early twenties and has no children of her own, so she wants to come over and be the mother of your child. Is she really willing in her heart? "

Chen Lin frowned.

After Lu Yun reminded him, he slowly recalled that An Keke did not show a strong desire to be Haohao's stepmother.

It was just a perfunctory statement about how Haohao would be treated.

"Haohao being by your side will only increase conflicts between you, but it's different when Haohao is with me. You only have your own children around you, and there is no Haohao to rob your father's love.

If you miss Haohao one day, you can come and see him. We won't disturb each other. Isn't that good? "

Chen Lin's frown deepened, he glanced at Lu Yun, and said in a deep voice, "Wait for me to make a call."

Seeing this, Lu Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Chen Lin was shaken.

"it is good."

Chen Lin walked out with the phone and stood by the door for a while before dialing An Keke's number.

"Arin, how's it going? Is the divorce settled?"

An Keke has been annoyed to death in the past two days, because what happened at Haicheng Hotel made her become the mistress. She is really going crazy, okay?
In what way is she inferior to that fat woman Lu Yun?

She's fat and ugly. She deserves to be disliked by Alin!
After hearing An Keke's urgent words, Chen Lin couldn't help but smoke a cigarette from his pocket and light it.

An Keke heard the lighter and Chen Lin sighing, and secretly screamed that something was wrong. Was this because things were not going well?
"Alin, tell me quickly? Does Lu Yun agree to the divorce?"

Chen Lin paused deliberately and then said: "She said that as long as I agree to the seven conditions she raised, she will divorce me immediately. But Keke, you know, regarding Haohao's custody rights, my parents can't live without her." Haohao.”

When An Keke heard Chen Lin mention Haohao, her face wrinkled tightly, but Chen Lin couldn't see it through the phone.

"Alin, although I don't want you to give Haohao to her, but she has to get divorced now, so dragging us along like this is not an option.

We are still young and we will have children of our own in the future, don’t you think so? "

Chen Lin already understood the meaning of An Keke's words.

It seemed that what Lu Yun said was right. Keke really didn't want to be Haohao's stepmother, but it was true that she was already wronged enough for a young girl to follow him, and she had to be a stepmother. She really couldn't forgive her.

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