Chapter 386 One after another

The fans quickly clicked on it, it was still the Ear Pregnancy series, it was so beautiful!

"Finally I didn't keep my loneliness,

Let the heart quietly unlock,

The heartbeat gradually came up,
Like a thawing glacier,
pear blossoms,

The geese return,
but you,
but not there,
I don't know how to find you,
The fragrance is still in my arms,
Hold your arms tightly like guarding a secret,

The host who posted the post is the singing guy who borrowed guitar equipment and places from Su Zhe. His eyes are blurred now. Oh my god, how many good songs have you written, Su Zhe?
The uncle security guard in the shopping plaza was trembling, looking at the boiling onlookers, oh my god, the scene is completely out of control!

Holding the walkie-talkie tightly, with sweaty palms, he asked nervously, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"Call all the people immediately!"

"Brothers are already waiting, should you drive him away?"

"You stupid, pig-brained, right? Drive him away, do you know how many people can't invite him as a god?"

The boss is roaring in anger.

"Call all the employees to help maintain order, and don't let the scene become chaotic, do you understand?"



The boss stopped the security guy again.

"Tell my brother to carry a few boxes of water and a few boxes of beer!"

"it is good!"

Just as he turned around to execute, he was pulled back by the boss again.

"The sound of that small speaker is too low, and the people in the back row may not be able to hear it. Tell the brothers to move a set of speakers!"

"Boss, is it the one we usually do in our warehouse?"

"You pig brain! Just carry the latest in the store, and carry the most expensive and best!"


After yelling and ordering, the boss looked at the square full of people, his whole body was shaking with excitement, and if he didn't come out to show it at this time, when to show it, he held his fist tightly.

"Sing, keep singing!"

"It's going to be on fire, we're going to be on fire!"

After singing another song, Su Zhe was about to continue when the crowd of onlookers was split by a group of uniformed security guards. It seemed menacing!

Uh, are you not allowed to sing?
Of course not, but carrying a few boxes of water, a few boxes of beer, and brand new audio equipment.

"Su Zhe, I'm sorry. Excuse me. This speaker is not very good. The sound is too low. You can't hear the people in the back row clearly. You can rest for a few minutes and drink some water. We will replace you with this set. At least the sound will be louder. .”

Su Che grinned.

"Haha, if you have a good relationship, you don't have to chase people away."

"Ha, how dare you!"

"Let's take a break and change the equipment!" Su Zhe shouted into the microphone.

"it is good!!!"

Change the device, try the microphone,
"Hey, is this much better?"


"That's why you can hear them all. Those who climbed the electric poles over there can come down, and those on the railings, yes, you guys, you are not afraid of falling to the ground, come down."


"Thank you, the boss. You are so enthusiastic. I can't drink that much. Come, take it yourself if you are thirsty."

Su Zhe shook hands with the enthusiastic owner of the shopping plaza, and thanked him constantly.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!!"

Applause and cheers filled the small square!

The boss was very proud, with a big belly, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, with a big belly, he folded his fists and retreated.

"The ones over there are all down, right? Then let's continue, Midian."

Then he played the guitar and sang again.

"March misty rain,

the swaying south,
You sit in that empty rice shop,
You hold the apple in one hand and fate in the other,

In search of your own incense,

people outside the window,
in a hurry,

Cast your eyes on the wet road,

your dance steps,

across the empty room,

The media is here!

The city management is here too!
Afterwards, the assistant police and the police from the police station all came, but they all stared blankly.

"Captain, what should we do, there are too many people, this is going crazy, do you want to clear the field?"

The captain looked at the sea of ​​people with a dazed expression on his face, and I wanted to clear the scene, how to clear the sea of ​​people?

Go up and call a stop, I really want to!
Nima's spittle drowns you, and the fans are all in a state of madness. If Su Zhe is not allowed to continue singing, there will definitely be a riot.

Not knowing what to do, I quickly asked my superiors,

"Leader, there are too many people at the scene, there may be safety hazards, do you want to stop?"

"Someone is making trouble?"

"That's not true. They are all listening to the music quietly, very peaceful and harmonious."

"Then why do you want to drive him away? Believe it or not, he can sing about the gdp of the entire Lishi. Believe it or not, be smart and watch the scene for me. If there is a safety hazard, you can eliminate the safety hazard for me. Don't let the scene be chaotic. , I’ll talk about the rest after he finishes singing, I’ll be right there.”

After scolding his head and face, the leader of the car over there put down the phone and looked at the long queue in front of him.

"What's going on, why haven't you moved for so long?"

"Leader, there are too many cars, all of them are going that way." The driver replied.

The leader hurriedly called the traffic police for assistance, our Lishi is going crazy!

the other side.

"The instructions from above have come, and all the nearby idle police forces will be transferred to support!"


"Master Qing, it's to help maintain order at the scene."

"Isn't that a bit out of order?"

"You pig, the leader said, you need to be smarter, control the scene well, as long as the scene doesn't get chaotic, let Su Zhe sing whatever you want." The captain roared angrily.

Tears streaming down my face, just now I was yelled at by the leader just now.

Immediately, some fans glared at him. What are you arguing about? Shut up quickly, um, listen to the song quietly!Su Zhe's voice is really nice.

Do you feel that tomorrow has come,

At the pier our ship is moored,

I'll wash my hair and climb the mast,
prop up our vine-like home,


In the small square, Su Zhe's singing has been floating.

How many songs have you sung?

At first, some people counted, five, six, seven.
I can't even count to the end.

I just saw Su Zhe take a sip of wine and sing a song.

From morning dew and sunrise to sunset and sunset, from youth and frivolity to introverted silence to the twilight of the age, from lofty ideals to cruel reality, from simplicity to sleek and sophisticated, from warm spring days to cold winters, from What is in front of me goes to poetry and the distance.

There are tragic dreams of broken dreams, beautiful longings, love of life, depression and depression, and yearning for sincere feelings.

It can be heart-piercing pain, decadent and dazed, warm and joyful, sentimental, and open-minded.

All inclusive!There is poetry in the simplicity, affection in the poetry, and emotion in the emotion, and this emotion actually comes from everyone's own ordinary life.

Love, family affection, friendship, and even a tree, a flower, and a grain of sand during the journey are all wonderful songs that he can't finish singing, as if the years can be turned into songs, leaving mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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