Chapter 108 Su Zhe Fights Fans Again
Seeing Su Zhe's insistence, not only Cai Rong had a headache, but Li Jian was also speechless.

"It's useless to say these things now. I will be on stage in a few hours, and it's too late to change."

Su Zhe nodded and didn't talk about him any more, he just asked a casual question.

"Brother Li, which song are you singing this time?"

"You do not know?"

Li Jian was confused by his question.

Cai Rong complained angrily: "This guy has been sleeping since last night, and he doesn't even know the program list updated on Shonan TV's Weibo."

Li Jian couldn't laugh or cry, and then he sighed again.

"It can still be that song, except for the song you wrote for me, if I sing anything else, I think netizens and fans will scold me to death."

"Brother Su, write two more songs for me when you have time. Now the fans are getting more and more hungry. I'm afraid they will get tired of listening to this song that I just released for a long time."

Su Zhe had a good impression of Li Jian, "It's nothing more than exchanging two songs from the system for the other party. Naturally, he would not refuse such a simple request."

"The song is fine, but I have to wait until I finish editing the TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms."

"Okay, I'll take it as your promise to write it down, and don't ask you to deny it."

Seeing that Su Zhe had finalized the songwriting matter in a few words.

Cai Rong rolled her eyes at the side.

Fortunately, I agreed to write it to Li Jian. If I agreed to others so casually, it would be a big loss.

Time passed quickly while everyone was chatting, and they didn't react until the staff came to inform them that they had to go to make up and familiarize themselves with the venue for rehearsal.

When they came to the backstage and saw independent dressing rooms, many artists couldn't help but feel the wealth and power of Shonan TV.

For this evening show, Shonan TV invited a lot of performers, and each artist has a separate dressing room regardless of their location.

in the room.

Su Zhe didn't have much demand for makeup, so he just put it on casually and sat aside to chat with Cai Rong.

"What are your plans for the TV series?"

Cai Rong turned her head and looked over. Although she has been an agent in the industry for many years, she puts more energy into the field of singing, and Cai Rong doesn't have much experience in the film and television sector.

"Sister Cai, do you dare to play bigger?"

A gleam of excitement flashed across Su Zhe's face.

Cai Rong was confused by his rhetoric.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Zhe was not polite, he told the most popular gambling agreement in the entertainment circle of the earth world.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cai Rong took a deep breath.

"Are you crazy? You dare to think of such an agreement."

"Impossible. We can't achieve such a high ratings. Not only will we not be able to get money, but I'm afraid we will lose all the costs we invested in before."

She shook her head while talking, she didn't like what Su Zhe said at all.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance. If you want high returns, there must be certain risks."

Su Zhe is still very confident about the ratings of the TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms".

Seeing Su Zhe's confident appearance, Cai Rong fell into a tangle again. After all, the cost of the TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is not low.

"Oh, it's useless to say it now, let's chat with Yanran after the party is over."

Cai Rong took a deep breath. The investment in this TV series is basically all the money from the other party.

Su Zhe naturally understood Cai Rong's mood, so he didn't continue talking on this topic.

After changing the style of painting, after suddenly thinking of something, a teasing smile appeared on Su Zhe's face again.

"Sister Cai, don't you plan to tell us about the matter with Master He?"

"What do you ask for this?"

Cai Rong was stunned, she would have thought that the other party's topic would inexplicably shift to her and He Han.

Cai Rong stared at Su Zhe speechlessly.

"Little kid, you haven't taken care of your own affairs, so ask me what I'm gossiping about!"

Fearing that Su Zhe would continue to ask questions, she quickly stood up after speaking this time.

"You wait here, I'll go out and see what's going on outside."

Seeing the other party running away in despair, Su Zhe rolled his eyes.

Bored, he could only take out his mobile phone to pass the time.

At this time, netizens were still arguing.

More voices were complaining about the main theme song sung by Su Zhe and Mu Yanran.

Turning his eyes to Mu Yanran who was putting on makeup not far away, he didn't know when the other party would get it. Seeing what netizens were complaining about, Su Zhe couldn't help but log in to Weibo to edit and post it.

"You really despise the theme song so much?"

"I'll go, this guy is alive."

"Damn you, you're finally online!"

"Sneakily ran to participate in the Shonan TV show, and didn't make a sound."

"Damn you, you're messing around! Why are you singing the main theme song?"

"555555, my Goddess Yanran has also been misled by this bullshit."

"Hurry up and change the song back for me."

"Yes, I want to listen to the song "Because of Love"."

Su Zhe's Weibo was updated in less than a minute.

Shocked and excited netizens have already swiped under his Weibo.

A faint smile rose from the corner of Su Zhe's mouth.

The voices of netizens complaining, but aroused his competitive spirit.

He posted another sentence on Weibo: "It's impossible to change to a new song!"

"Damn it, this guy is provoking us!"

"Floating, this dead bastard has become more and more floating since he filmed a TV series."

"We've got to teach him a lesson."

"Hmph, I won't watch the Shonan TV show tonight."

"Count me in, I don't watch it either."

"+2, anyway, all major TV stations have evening shows tonight, so watching that station is not watching."

"Suddenly I had an evil idea. I'm going to increase the ratings of Shanghai TV Station where Lin Shiyin participated."



Netizens already had great opinions on his singing and composing melody songs. After being stimulated by what Su Zhe sent out, the group of people screamed again.

One by one shouted on Weibo to boycott the TV show in Shanghai, and to teach Su Zhe to be a man.

Seeing the sound of people swiping and complaining, Su Zhe couldn't laugh or cry, but the smile on his face grew stronger.

He is very clear about the pissing behavior of the netizens. On the surface, they are screaming and shouting. When he and Mu Yanran take the stage, he can't believe that this group of people really can't hold back their eyes.

During the live broadcast of the program, He Hanzheng directed the staff around to busy with the arrangement.

When he accidentally saw Cai Rong's figure, he ran over excitedly.

"Rongrong, are you looking for me?"

Cai Rong didn't want to be entangled by Su Zhe to ask about the past, so she wanted to go out and look around. She didn't expect to run into this guy just after walking two steps.

"I'm bored in the room and come out for a walk, you don't have to worry about me, just go about your business." Cai Rong said impatiently.

At this time, she was feeling irritable and didn't want to talk to the other party.

"No, please check Su Zhe's Weibo."

"This guy is too fierce!"

"It's over, he quarreled with fans on Weibo, what should we do if everyone shouted to boycott our show?"

"What exactly is Su Zhe thinking? He was invited to the stage to increase popularity and traffic, not to quarrel with fans and netizens."


(End of this chapter)

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