Chapter 990 Western White Tiger
In the endless starry sky, Yang Guang is fully fired at the moment, the starry sky is infinite, except for those saints, even the Haotian mirror can hardly find Yang Guang's trace, facing the big Luo Jinxian in front of him, Yang Guang has no need to hide Own.

The Twelve Divine Palaces were opened, and a powerful aura emerged from his body. Tens of thousands of years of cultivation erupted together. His physical body was strong, and the divine pattern was carved on it.

Above the head, the five-color canopy is mighty, and the power of primordial power appears behind it. There is a purple light haunting it, and a green lotus haunting it, as if it is gestating something.

"You really are not simple." The void vibrated, and a strong man came out. His eyes were shining with gold, and there was a trace of aura around his body, which was faintly visible and very sharp.Although he hasn't shot yet, the surrounding space seems to be pierced by a sharp knife.It caught Yang Guang's attention.

"Aura of sharp gold, western white tiger. Why, the Four Kaitian Clans are also involved." Yang Guang couldn't help asking: "No matter how the world changes, your Kaitian Four Clans will not be affected, why bother to get involved?" Woolen cloth?"

"How noble is the White Tiger Clan, how can I be the White Tiger Clan? Sui Huangxiong is a great man, and his ambition is to be the Emperor. This has nothing to do with my Monster Clan. Why does the Sui Emperor attack my Monster Clan? He also beheaded my Monster Clan. Absolutely, it’s better for the Sui Emperor to return to Yanmen Pass, the two sides are still bounded by the Great Wall, how about I persuade the demon emperor that the two sides will not invade each other?" The tiger demon’s voice sounded in the starry sky.

"Fellow Daoist can decide?" Yang Guang was curious.

"Although the lineage of the Demon Master Palace does not belong to the Demon Emperor, it is also a member of the Demon Clan. I believe that the Demon Master Palace's suggestion, the Demon Emperor will take it to heart." The tiger demon seemed very confident.

Only then did Yang Guang realize that the demon in front of him came from the Demon Master's Palace, no wonder he didn't take the Demon Emperor to heart, but that's all, no matter if it was the Demon Emperor's Palace or the Demon Master's Palace, anyone who dared to block him was his enemy.

"Fellow Daoist, the Demon Master's Palace sits in the North Sea and has nothing to do with the world. Now that the demons are about to invade, the demon emperor is colluding with the demons and causing harm to the wilderness. Anyone with lofty ideals should kill them with their swords. Fellow Daoists have great powers, why don't you join me How about beheading the Demon Emperor?" Yang Guang held the Heavenly Sword in his hand.

"Emperor Sui, what your human race likes the most is the sharpness of the tongue. If so, I am not your opponent, but although Honghuang is big, the biggest thing is the fist. If your fist is big, then I have to listen to you." Between the opening and closing, the light flickered.

Yang Guang let out a long sigh when he heard this, he would be offended if he offended the Demon Master Palace, but the Four Spirits of Kaitian were different. Bloodlines, Kaitian Siling's bloodlines are scarce, and the White Tiger Monster Saint in front of him has a sharp golden aura, so he should be a direct descendant of the White Tiger Clan, and he doesn't know why he was exiled in the prehistoric world.

However, in today's battle, Yang Guang has no choice.

"Kill." A cold light shot out from Yang Guang's eyes, and the Heavenly Emperor Law was cast, and his whole body merged into the endless starry sky. With one palm, the starry sky vibrated, the stars were bright, and the endless starry sky was full of light. in hand.

Seeing this, the White Tiger Demon Saint's face immediately changed. From his point of view, Yang Guang was just a Taiyi Golden Immortal, not his opponent at all, but now he knew that although Yang Guang's realm was lower than his own, his magic power Vigorous, no less than himself.

"Bang!" The powerful magic power destroyed everything in front of him. Thousands of miles away, a star was hit by a vast force, turned into dust, and disappeared into the endless starry sky.

The two figures flew backward one after another, and stopped after hundreds of miles away.Both of them had serious expressions on their faces, but compared to Yang Guang, there were more White Tiger Demon Saints.

Everyone in the world knew that Yang Guang was just a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but now the strength shown by the other party was no less than that of Da Luo.

Yang Guang's spirit has not yet been condensed into three flowers, but he can't help being powerful against the method. With just a wave of his hand, he can drive the power of heaven and earth. The twelve gods' palaces are opened, and the magic power stored in them can destroy the world and destroy the earth. Fighting with the White Tiger Monster Saint, in a short period of time, it may not necessarily be a disadvantage.

On the contrary, the power of the White Tiger Demon Sage was within Yang Guang's guess. His mana was strong and pure, with a trace of evil spirit. The sharp gold power in it could easily penetrate the flesh of the enemy. This is the supernatural power of the White Tiger Clan.

But Yang Guang is not bad, although the physical body is not as good as the ancestral witch, but it is better than the general great witch, the power of the five elements circles around to protect the physical body, and the power of the primordial spirit evolves into thousands of phenomena.

After a blow, the two sides quickly knew the strength of the other side. In terms of mana, the difference between the two sides was not too big. In terms of Taoism, the White Tiger Demon Sage naturally surpassed Yang Guang, but Yang Guang used the Heavenly Emperor Law to temporarily integrate the primordial spirit. In the way of heaven, display powerful supernatural powers.

"The Emperor Sui is the Emperor Sui." The White Tiger Demon Sage sighed, "How lucky the human race is to have someone like the Emperor Sui." With just one strike, the other party knew how powerful Yang Guang was, so it's no wonder that this person can fight against the demon race , forcing the Yaozu to fight.

"It's been a long time since I killed Da Luo. I didn't expect to be able to kill Da Luo again today." Yang Guang's face was indifferent, and a cold light shot out from his eyes, cold and ruthless.

The Great Sage White Tiger saw it clearly, and couldn't help fighting a cold war. He felt that something was wrong. Yang Guang killed the Da Luo Jinxian. When did this happen? The death of a Da Luo Jinxian must have spread throughout the three realms. When did Guang have such a record?

"I'll kill you today." The divine light burst out from Yang Guang's Niwan, reflecting the void, which was magnificent. Under the astonished eyes of the Great Sage White Tiger, the divine light suddenly disappeared into the starry sky.

When the White Tiger Demon Saint was wondering, suddenly there was a loud noise in the starry sky, and he saw five beams of smoke rushing out from behind the head of a Taoist, turning into a canopy, roaring towards him, and came out with a sword in his hand. It poured down, submerged into the sword light, and destroyed everything in front of it.

The white tiger demon sage was stunned for a moment, and was about to be slapped to death, when a big seal was thrown down on the top of his head. The humane aura on it was strong and powerful, wanting to suppress evil.

A ray of multicolored rays of light flew over, trying to absorb the White Tiger Demon Saint into it. The White Tiger Demon Saint felt the power of it, and quickly hid aside. Looking back, he saw a strong man appearing in the starry sky, with five colors of rays of light appearing behind his head, surrounding him Surrounded by divine dragons, they didn't know where they jumped out of, and they wanted to kill him.

"Bai Hu, today is your death day." Another scholar came out with a handsome face and a jade seal in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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