Chapter 970 Three Emperors
The little ghost was terrified. In the past, Emperor Zhuanxu was still in the human world. The three brothers also caused disasters for the Three Realms, but they are still alive and well, and there is no danger. The great supernatural powers of the Three Realms look at Zhuanxu's face and dare not look for them. Settle the bill, unexpectedly, when Yang Guang came here, everything would not work. The malaria ghost was wiped out by the other party without even a chance to beg for mercy, completely breaking the fluke in Xiao Ergui's heart.

"Go? Where are you going? Kill countless people of our human race, do you still want to go?" A cold snort came from the void, and saw the Zhantian Sword shaking, one turned into two, two turned into three, three gave birth to all things, and countless things appeared in the air A flying sword with a handle, the shadows of the sword are densely packed, making people daunting.

The sword qi slashed across the sky, slashing towards the sprite ghost and the child ghost, mighty and mighty, countless sword qi made a screaming sound in the void, just like a real galaxy, sweeping towards and involving the two ghosts.

"Yang Guang, you can't kill me. I'm the son of Emperor Zhuanxu." The spooky ghost looked flustered and shouted loudly, and saw his figure shaking, and one figure after another fled in all directions. How many, these are his clones, able to escape at critical times.

"Yang Guang, if you kill me, my father will not spare you. He will definitely depose your throne." There are also countless babies appearing in the children's ghost long streamer, each of them is very cute, and there are bursts of laughter in the mouth. With a creaking smile, he also fled in all directions.

"Hmph, you look like this, how can you look like a great sage of the human race? For thousands of years, I don't know how many human races have died at the hands of you. Emperor Zhuanxu sent his son to commit murder and broke the covenant. How can this person be the Five Emperors? It's a big joke." In the long river of sword qi, there was the sound of tides, which was the sound of countless sword qi tumbling.

Whether those shadow clones or countless babies were involved in it one after another, they were strangled by the sword energy, turned into flying ash, and disappeared without a trace. In the sky full of sword energy, only two ghosts were struggling, and countless Sword Qi surrounded them, as if they were about to kill them, blood and flesh flew everywhere, it was horrible.The two ghosts let out screams.

"Emperor Sui, I realized my mistake, and because my father is a great sage of the human race, he spared my life."

"I also ask the Emperor Sui to be merciful. I will never return to Honghuang again, and I will stay in Huoyun Cave to practice from now on."

The two ghosts were really scared this time, and it was fine if they didn't see Yang Guang's mercy. They were executed by Wan Jianling Chi. This method of death was too cruel. Plead without hesitation.

"How innocent are the people in Yunzhou City? When you killed them, didn't you think about today? If you are spared, how will the millions of people in Yunzhou City rest in peace?" A thick voice came, and sword qi The two ghosts passed through, and screams came, and green blood spurted out one after another.

The figures of the two ghosts have been fixed by a vast force, and they can't move at all. They can only watch thousands of sword qi pass through their chests, and they let out bursts of screams.

"Amitabha." Seeing this, Monk Jianzhen couldn't help chanting the Buddha's name, with a look of compassion on his face.

"Killing is nothing more than nodding, this Yang Guang is really too cruel." Zhuan Xu's eyes were filled with angry flames, he knew that the reason why Yang Guang was so cruel, besides punishing the sins committed by the three ghosts, was more important. deterrence.

To deter those who disagree with the human race, they even killed the sons of the ancient sages if they wanted to, and they still tortured and killed them. Do you care about other people?Whoever dares to attack the human race will face the Sui Emperor's Thunderbolt method.

"This Emperor Sui's methods are really cruel." Di Ku couldn't help but shook his head.

"Use extraordinary means in extraordinary times." Xuanyuan agreed with the other party's means, and said lightly: "People have come to kill them. If they don't fight back, more people will come to kill them in the near future. The only way is to use the thunderbolt method." Only by killing everything can those enemies dare not be presumptuous, Yang Guang is killing chickens to frighten monkeys, and the three ghosts are that chicken."

After hearing this, Zhuan Xu's face was cloudy. As one of the five emperors in the past, he also knew the reason why Yang Guang did this, but he was even more dissatisfied when he thought that it was his son who was killed by the other party.

"You go to him, and if he kills your son, it's considered the end of karma. You practice in the Fire Cloud Cave, and you won't get involved in karma, but if you leave the Fire Cloud Cave, you will be entangled in karma, and no one will be able to save you." Fuxi said calmly. Taking a look at Zhuanxu, he could see that Yang Guang was not a good tempered man. Once Zhuanxu provoked him again, the other party might really kill him in Huoyun Cave. At that time, the reputation of humanity would be ruined.

"Junior understands." Zhuan Xu clenched his fists and retreated slowly, not even watching the final outcome of the two ghosts, thinking that the two ghosts would definitely die, and the death was very miserable.

Di Ku also stepped back, with a hint of vigilance in the depths of his gaze.

The three emperors were sitting on the cloud bed, Shennong couldn't help sighing, "Even though the Sui emperor's move was to frighten the heavens, but in the end it was a bit louder, and Zhuanxu's son would be killed if he said so, it was too risky. "

"This kid is a sensible person, Brother Huang. Look at how cautious he was before, but now he probably sees the changes in the situation and thinks he doesn't need to be careful. This guy is very old and cunning." Xuanyuan said disdainfully.

"The chaos in the Three Realms is imminent, the Buddhism is undergoing drastic changes, there is no time to take care of him, there are demons in the heavenly court, and my own strength is not enough, so I can only watch him develop. Continent is in the process of splitting, Sui Emperor already has enough strength." There was some strangeness in Fuxi's voice.

Xuanyuan pointed out with his right hand, and Hong Huang suddenly appeared in front of him, and he saw countless divine lights rising into the sky, which was magnificent. Connected together, there are dragons surrounding each city, and the sound of dragons singing from time to time is a manifestation of the luck of the Sui Dynasty, like a fire cooking oil, including the entire prehistoric period.

"Two imperial brothers, look here." Xuanyuan seemed to have discovered something, and with a smile on his face, he pointed to the two places on Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"The Great Void Teleportation Formation? Why did it appear in Dongsheng Shenzhou?" Shen Nong exclaimed in surprise: "Could it be that the people in Dongsheng Shenzhou also discovered the function of the Great Void Teleportation Formation, so they introduced this formation to Dongsheng Shenzhou? "

"Brother Huang, these two places are the territories of Dongsheng Shenzhou Mingyue Sect and Dahuang Sword Sect respectively. Whether it is Taoist Motian or Master Dahuang, they are all opponents of Emperor Sui." Xuanyuan suddenly laughed.

Fu Xi stroked his beard, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face, as if he had also discovered something.

"Humanity, maybe it's time to rise up."

(End of this chapter)

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