Chapter 932 Suppressing Demons
Everyone was silent for a while, this was the first time Yang Guang used the Immortal Judgment Order to enlist major sects, whoever dares to resist, the result is conceivable.No one dares to bear the consequences.

"Then we have to go." Yushuangzi let out a long sigh.

"Let the disciples of the Zongmen prepare and go to Chang'an." Yu Jizi finally made a decision. He knew that once the order of gathering immortals came out, all the sects in the Sui Dynasty would gather in Chang'an City. , not only the soldiers and horses of the Sui Dynasty, but also those sects will come to attack Kunlun.

"Boom!" A loud noise woke up all the immortals in the Yiyuan Palace. Eroding the aura of heaven and earth in the cave.

"Suppressing Demon Peak!" He Zudao spat out three words, with a look of horror on his face.

Zhenmo Peak is a forbidden area in Kunlun. It is rumored that there is a Zhenmo Well, which leads directly to the Demon Realm. Kunlun chose this location because on the one hand, there is enough aura in the world, and on the other hand, it is also because it is connected to the Demon Realm, and it is one of the passages for the Demon Realm to enter the prehistoric world.

"Didn't the ban on Zhenmojing be sealed just now? Why did something go wrong at this time?" Yu Jizi showed a worried look on his face.

Both the prehistoric and the demon world are actually in chaos, the distance between the two sides is not far, and they are connected by their own channels.Dongtian Blessed Land is actually a node attached to the prehistoric, absorbing the aura of the prehistoric world, it is a blessed land.

But everything has two sides, and the same is true of Dongtian Paradise. Although the benefits of the prehistoric are obtained, there is also a price to be paid, that is, blocking the passage between the prehistoric and the demon world, and blocking the possibility of the demon world entering the prehistoric world.

The power of the cave is very powerful. Usually, it can suppress the passage, but now that the magic path is flourishing, the powerful magic power is constantly destroying the restriction, and the power of the demon suppression well can hardly resist the invasion of the demon world.

"It is rumored that the Demon Realm is merging with the Primordial Realm, and the passage between the two realms has become very unstable, causing turmoil in Zhenmojing Well." Yu Zhenzi thought for a while and explained: "This situation is not impossible."

"Roar!" There was a roar, the Zhenmo Peak shook, and the demon energy filled the air. It seemed that a big demon appeared, and the magic energy turned into a skeleton in the air, with a hideous expression on his face.

"The demons are ready to get out of trouble." Yu Jizi's face was heavy, and the jade-clear fairy light shrouded the Zhenmo Peak, blocking the skeletons. The fairy light was strong, but the magic flames shrouded the entire mountain, only one The thin fairy light suppressed it, and on the Zhenmo Peak, one after another divine patterns appeared, and the large formation on the Zhenmo Peak automatically operated, receiving the aura of heaven and earth in the cave, submerging it into the Yuqing Immortal Light, and used it to suppress the demons. flame.

"Brother, I'm afraid the Demon Suppressing Formation won't last long!" Yu Qingzi said loudly, his expression anxious and flustered.

The house leak happened to be raining all night. I didn't expect that at this time, there would be a disturbance in Zhenmo Peak. If you don't pay attention, the whole Kunlun is in danger of being destroyed. Who let the demon world riot at this time!

"Wuliang Tianzun, what Pindao is worried about is that this matter is not just me in Kunlun, but it is happening in other sects." Yu Jizi was a little worried. Other sects may not have such abilities. Once something goes wrong in Zhenmojing, it will be difficult to resist.

The immortals turned pale when they heard this. Kunlun is a sage lineage and has its own spirit treasures to protect it, but some sects don’t even have spirit treasures, and they don’t even have masters. , It also needs spirit stones. Once there is a problem with the master of the sect, there will be loopholes in the cave, and it will become the target of the invasion of the demon world.

"I'm afraid we can't send troops, and we even need the help of Emperor Sui. Only in this way can we defeat these devil invaders and protect our sect." Yu Qingzi suddenly laughed.There is a little more pride in the depths of the eyes.

The immortals also nodded. Although Yang Guang didn't treat the Zongmen too much, but thinking that the other party was overwhelming the Zongmen, it made people very uncomfortable. Secular, even the appointment and removal of the emperor is controlled by the sect.But in Nanzhan Buzhou, the power of the sect makes people feel humble.This Emperor Sui was really domineering.

"But the monster clan invades, and we have to guard against it! The demon world and the monster race are the enemies of our human race. The other sects can't do nothing!" Yu Jizi shook his head.

"Do you want to send people to other sects?" Yu Shuangzi didn't like it, there might be danger on his own side, how could he send people to help other sects!
"Boom!" At this time, Zhenmo Peak trembled and let out bursts of roaring sounds. The entire mountain peak seemed to collapse, and the entire Kunlun Immortal Sect was alarmed. In the direction of Zhenmo Peak, there was a hint of panic in both eyes.

"Wuliang Tianzun, please help the patriarch." Seeing this, Yu Jizi bowed towards the back mountain with a solemn expression.

As soon as Yujizi finished speaking, the back mountain was brightly illuminated, a bright pearl flew out, illuminating the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, golden lights fell on the Zhenmo Peak, and thousands of sword qi flew out of the pearl, submerged in the thick black mist In the middle of the mountain, one could faintly hear screams coming from it. Apparently, some monster had already entered the Zhenmo Peak, but was surrounded by the restriction. Otherwise, it would have broken out of the restriction long ago and started to wreak havoc in Kunlun.

"Canghaizhu! Taoist Canghai, you are not dead yet!" A gloomy voice sounded, and Yu Jizi and others heard it, feeling panic in their hearts, and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Blood Night Demon Lord, you are not dead, how could the old man die? After such a long time, you still want to attack my Kunlun, why bother?" An old voice sounded in the void. An old Taoist with a thin body, his whole body is filled with a decadent aura.

It's just that he has a peaceful face, and he doesn't care about this situation at all, as if the five declines of heaven and man can't affect the other party at all.

"You kill my Taoist companion, how can I spare you? Taoist Canghai, you won't be proud for long, the demon world is about to attack the prehistoric world, you can't stop us." Xue Ye Demon Venerable laughed chatteringly.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Demon Venerable, let's go back!" Taoist Canghai waved his right hand, the Canghai Pearl shone in the sky, a powerful force descended from the sky, and fell into the Demon Town Peak. After a scream, the demonic energy in the sky disappeared without a trace , and instantly returned to its original appearance, but the vegetation on Zhenmo Peak was withered and pitch-black, which was enough to explain the tragedy just now.

"Patriarch." Yu Jizi looked embarrassed.

"The invasion of the demon world is imminent, and Kunlun alone cannot resist the general trend." Canghai Taoist looked indifferent, shook his head and said: "Defend the Zhenmo Peak, keep Kunlun, that's enough."

(End of this chapter)

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