Chapter 796 Persuasion
On the surface of the lake, Yang Guang's wind is light and the clouds are calm, there are thousands of weathers above his head, and above the clouds, there are countless spiritual energy roaring, falling on Yang Guang's mud ball, there is a huge vortex in the void, the momentum is frightening.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, looked into the distance, and saw auspicious clouds in the distance, a fairy flew over, Yang Guang knew that the other party was Huangfu Yueyao, and he was very curious.

"Fairy Huangfu came from afar, is there something I can't teach you?" Yang Guang stood on the clouds.

"As expected, you didn't go to Zhongzhou Academy." Huangfu Yueyao raised her brows, a little surprise appeared on her pink face.

"Why, do you think that Pindao should go to Zhongzhou Academy?" Yang Guang couldn't help asking.

"If you go to Zhongzhou, you will definitely die." Huangfu Yueyao's expression returned to indifference, and she was about to turn around and leave, as if she came here just to see if Yang Guang was going to Zhongzhou.

"Is the fairy coming here to see the poor Taoist? Is it impossible to go to the Zhongzhou Academy?" Yang Guang couldn't help asking: "According to the truth, if you want to kill the poor Taoist, you must be a member of the Wang family of the holy city, and the fairy is Wang Chong's Taoist partner." , according to the logic, you should be on the side of the Wang family, why are you trying to persuade Pindao not to go to Zhongzhou?"

"The Wang family is the Wang family, and I am me." Huangfu Yueyao's voice was cold.After he finished speaking, his feet turned into a cold radiance, and he flew into the distance, and soon disappeared before his eyes.

"It's really interesting to remind me." Yang Guang looked at the graceful figure of the other party and marveled.

Unexpectedly, this Huangfu Yueyao was not only at odds with the Wang family, but also the first family of Zhongzhou Academy.I don't know what happened here, which led to this situation.

However, what Yang Guang didn't expect was that he had just sent Huangfu Yueyao away, and there were two people coming hand in hand from a distance, with a graceful and luxurious aura and an ethereal aura. They were Ji Daozi, a disciple of Yuxu sect, and Ba Jing. Taoist Jingyang, the heir of the palace.

"I've seen Fellow Daoist Mo Tian." The two laughed and saluted Yang Guang.

"Today, Yudu Mountain is full of splendor, and we actually welcomed two fellow Taoists." Yang Guang's eyes flickered, and he pointed out with his right hand, and saw a cloud bed appearing in front of him, inviting them to sit down.

"This Yudu Mountain has long been turned into Yudu Lake. Motian Daoist friend has great powers and defeated the Northern Emperor Wang Chong. His reputation has spread far and wide, and it has spread throughout the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou." Ji Daozi sat down on the cloud bed down.

"Northern Emperor Wang Chong is also the pride of the human race. I saw it in Zhongzhou Academy back then. His talisman was so powerful that it made people fearful. I didn't expect that he was defeated by his fellow Taoists. It seems that this Dongsheng Divine Continent is the pride of the human race. Among them, Fellow Daoist's cultivation is far above ours." Daoist Jingyang looked very humble.

Yang Guang waved his hand and said, "Fellow daoists are joking. The two fellow daoists are invincible in supernatural powers. No one like Wang Chong can compare to them. Ten Wang Chong is probably no match for the two fellow daoists. This Dongsheng Shenzhou, the human race I don't know how many Tianjiao there are, but it's my turn to be famous, the two fellow daoists come from famous families, there are not many fellow daoists in the Three Realms who can compare with the two fellow daoists."

No one can say the words of flattery. Yang Guang thinks that the two guys in front of him are not good people. It may not be a good thing to come to see him at this time.He opened his mouth and blocked the two of them.

Daoist Jingyang and Daozi Ji glanced at each other, and a hint of helplessness appeared on their faces. This Taoist Motian was really difficult to deal with. He wanted to praise each other, but the other party didn't answer at all. This made them wonder what to do. answered.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Yang Guang smiled lightly and said, "The two fellow Taoists came to see the poor Taoist, they are not here to praise me, are they!" People, when they besieged themselves with Prince Zeng Qilin and other monks, but now they act as if nothing happened. Probably only these shameless people can get to where they are today.

Daoist Jingyang showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, but he quickly said with a serious face: "Fellow Daoist is right, I am waiting for the two of you this time to invite you to Zhongzhou Academy."

"Oh? Zhongzhou Academy?" Yang Guang had an extra admission notice in his hand, looked at the two with a half-smile, and said, "That's it? I don't know why Zhongzhou Academy is in such a hurry. Is it okay to go to Zhongzhou Academy to report?" Is there a time limit, or in other words, people are required to go and must go?"

"This, of course not. This Zhongzhou Academy is a blessed place built by the sages of the human race to cultivate the arrogance of the human race. The Taoist friends are supernatural and have defeated Wang Chong. Naturally, they are also among the arrogance of the human race." The embarrassment on Taoist Jingyang's face became more obvious Well, he himself is not good at words, and he has ghosts in his heart, so naturally he can't say convincing words.

"Brother Jingyang Daoist, don't talk about it. Fellow Daoist Motian is a smart person. I'm afraid you and I already know the purpose of coming." Ji Daozi stopped the persuasion of Daoist Jingyang immediately when he saw this, but told Yang Guang said: "Fellow Daoist is a person of great perseverance and great wisdom, and he also knows the meaning of Brother Dao and I coming here. Yes, it is the matter of Fellow Daoist to conquer the monster clan."

"Oh, don't the two fellow Taoists think that the poor should not attack the monster race? The two came all the way, and I believe they have seen the human race in the Northern Territory. I wonder what the two Tianjiao think about this?" Yang Guang sarcastically said.

"Fellow daoists don't have to be like this. The world knows what fellow daoists think, but it's because of the Northern Territory. Fellow daoists have taken a fancy to the Northern Territory." Ji Daozi pointed out that Yang Guang's thoughts were not for other things, but for the north. In the land of the domain, attacking the Yaozu is just an excuse.

"I don't care what the Northern Territory looks like. It's just that at this time, Emperor Sui is holding back a large number of soldiers and horses from the Monster Race in Nanzhan Buzhou. At this time, our sects in Dongsheng Shenzhou unite to attack the Monster Race." , will definitely be able to severely injure the Yaozu, such a good opportunity, why are the major sects not willing?" Yang Guang was a little curious.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that the Human Emperor is still undecided and there is no one to lead it. Fellow Daoist declares righteousness. You should know that it is impossible to solve this matter only with the help of Fellow Daoist alone, and it may even attract the monsters. At that time, the Yaozu will definitely lead the army to the south, how can Dongsheng Shenzhou resist the attack of the Yaozu?" Taoist Jingyang said with a wry smile.

"That's why Pindao made a choice for the major sects of Dongsheng Shenzhou. Put down their weapons temporarily, and all the human races will unite to attack the monster race. Pindao is willing to be the vanguard, even if he dies on the battlefield, in the At the hands of the monster race, the thousand years of cultivation will be wiped out, and it will not hesitate." Yang Guang said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist, why are you so stubborn? Fellow Daoist, not only won't help me win the Divine Continent, but will only benefit others in the end. It's better to wait until the Human Emperor is born, and then it won't be too late." Ji Daozi persuaded.

Yang Guang suddenly understood the thoughts of the various sects in Dongsheng Shenzhou, not because they didn't want to, but because the attack at this time can only help Nanzhan Buzhou, and at this moment Dongsheng Shenzhou is still fighting, and the Great Sui Dynasty has ended The war is chaotic, and the Great Sui, who is about to unify Xiniu Hezhou and loses the threat of the monster race, will definitely send troops to attack Dongsheng Shenzhou and complete the unification of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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