Chapter 787 Treasure Box
In the endless starry sky, shrouded in golden light, one after another divine talisman turned into black dragons, and slammed into the golden light fiercely. Yang Guang's face was calm, and above his head, the five energies turned into a long river, mighty and mighty, supported and blocked by the pure magic power. opponent's attack.

At this moment in the outside world, countless stars burst out suddenly. In the Ziwei Imperial Palace, the power of endless stars poured down, submerged into the big formation, absorbed by the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Banner, and the supplemented Zhou Tian Xing Dou Banner sparkled with aura, and the starry sky bright.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the singing and dancing are uplifting, and the Heavenly Emperor is majestic, but the gods all have smiles on their faces, but there is not much joy in their eyes. After watching the singing and dancing in the Heavenly Court for so many years, they have long been tired of watching them.

It’s just that the gods are different from the immortals. Immortals swallow the aura of heaven and earth to increase their own cultivation, while the gods can only circulate the stars to maintain the operation of the heavens, or they can manifest themselves in the world to increase their own incense, thereby accumulating their own divine power.

It's just that the Emperor of Heaven likes to watch songs and dances, and these gods are naturally by his side.

Suddenly, the emperor's expression changed, and he snorted coldly: "Who opened the Ziwei Emperor's Palace and leaked the power of the stars?" The forces can get what they want, unless they get the permission of the heaven, they can get a passage.

But now the power of the stars flew down and fell into the wilderness. This is a big event, and the expressions of the gods who were watching the song and dance changed drastically. ,

"Your Majesty, after the death of Emperor Ziwei, Empress Sanxiao has led the army to Yinyang Pass. The Emperor Ziwei Palace is unguarded and has been sealed. There should be no gods to open the palace and release the power of the stars." Zhang Tianshi quickly explained. road.

The gods nodded after hearing this. The Ziwei Emperor's Palace has been closed. Apart from the Heavenly Emperor Fu Zhao, no one dares to open the Emperor's Palace without authorization, and it is impossible for the power of the stars to leak out.

"Your Majesty, there is no change in the stars in the sky." Ge Tianshi said again.

The Emperor of Heaven seemed to have thought of something when he heard it, and he clicked it with his right hand, and saw the Haotian Mirror appearing in the Lingxiao Palace. The mirror surface was shining with brilliance, and it swept across the Three Realms in an instant. The Emperor of Heaven wanted to use this to find the place where the power of the stars fell.

It's a pity that after the mirror swept across the Three Realms, nothing abnormal was found. If it wasn't for the induction just now, there wouldn't be any problems, and the Heavenly Emperor thought that the scene just now didn't happen.

"Your Majesty." Seeing this, Wu Dexing Jun couldn't help shouting.

"Forget it." The Emperor of Heaven pondered for a moment, and finally put away the Haotian Mirror, but he was thinking about other things.

Being able to mobilize the power of the stars, apart from myself and those saints, there is another possibility, that is the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, but did the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation really appear this week?
"Where is Yang Guang now?" Heavenly Emperor asked suddenly.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I will still supervise the war between the Great Sui and the Yaozu at Yanmen Pass." Taibai Jinxing said quickly.

"Isn't my talisman not working? Why hasn't Yang Guang gone to Yinyang Pass until now? The underworld is in a hurry. Does he still think about his own one-acre three-point land? Won't he go to the underworld to support?" Tiandi Hui's eyes are full of With a trace of anger, the sky changed color, with dark clouds covering the top, lightning and thunder, as if the end was approaching.

"The Demon Emperor hasn't retreated for a day, I'm afraid Sui Emperor won't go to Yinyang Pass." Taibai Jinxing said quickly.

"Hmph! I ordered Yang Guang to go to Yinyang Pass immediately." The Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves, and left the hall.

Taibai Jinxing didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly complied.

In the flood, at the foot of Yudu Mountain, Yang Guang didn't know that his actions had been noticed by the Emperor of Heaven. He was waving his palms, and one round after another of the sun reflected the void. It was transpiring, and there were seven waves shining brightly. The powerful mana shook the starry sky, and the scorching sun was transpiring, and the starry sky was ignited.

Before those talismans came within a hundred feet of Yang Guang, they were burned by the powerful scorching sun, and a destructive aura spread in all directions. Although powerful, they couldn't hurt Yang Guang.

"Dari supernatural power. This is the supernatural power of the Golden Crow tribe back then, how did you learn it." Wang Chong's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's a joke. After a few rounds of the Great Sun, it is said that it is the supernatural power of the monster race? In the prehistoric times, the human race was able to observe the sun, created the Great Sun Scripture, and was honored as the Sun Emperor. You are a famous teacher, don't you?" Do you know? How many years have passed since the sages of the human race, after you become a human race, you don’t know the supernatural powers of the sages of the human race?”

How could it be possible for Yang Guang to admit that the supernatural power of the Great Sun is the supernatural power of the monster race?The Wang Chong in front of him is the disciple of Immortal Fu Yuan, and he must have a life-saving magic weapon on his body. It is not an easy task to kill him.

"Sun Emperor?" Wang Chong was taken aback for a moment. He really hadn't heard of the Sun Emperor.

It's just that he watched round after round of big suns appearing in the starry sky. The powerful power seemed to burn the void. Even though he was far away, he could feel that his soul seemed to be burned.

"I'm ignorant and ignorant, and dare to call myself the Northern Emperor?" Yang Guang gave birth to a sword light, and the number of big suns became nine again, and the nine big suns merged into one, about the size of an acre of land, shining on the sky, and ruthlessly facing the sky. Wang Chong pressed over.

Wang Chong felt the huge energy contained in that round of great sun, and he was horrified in his heart. He didn't dare to neglect. The talismans in his hand flew out. These talismans shone with multicolored light, and it was faintly visible that there were sacred mountains appearing and disappearing in the talismans. Seeing the immensity of the sea, you can also see thousands of swords flying across the sky, and all kinds of visions are printed on the talisman. This is the magical function of the talisman.

These runes sank into the sun and killed them, but before they got close to the sun, they saw bursts of explosions from the runes, which were obviously destroyed by the sun. The temperature of the sun's fire was so high that it was unimaginable that these gods Although the talisman is very mysterious, it is difficult to resist the power of the sun.

The big sun in the sky was slowly falling, and with the sun and wind blowing, Wang Chong felt his blood was boiling. The god banner that once swept across the Northern Territory seemed unable to resist the opponent's attack at this moment, and even had a tendency to melt.

"Wang Chong, it seems that your god banner is not good enough!" Yang Guang looked at the god banner in the opponent's hand. With the stimulation of mana, the god banner shone brightly, and countless talismans flew out from the depth of the god banner. Talismans came out one after another, endlessly, and I don't know the reason.

Wang Chong also noticed that his god banner was facing the real fire of the sun, and he was anxious. Suddenly, a divine light rushed out from the mud pill, and a black treasure box floated in the void, surrounded by innate The immortal aura flickered, exuding an ominous aura.

Yang Guang thought for a while, and immediately turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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