Chapter 748 Underworld
In the past, these ghosts and gods didn't care about human nature. They were just ants. He is domineering in front of the emperor, but now he knows how powerful the human race is.

The general trend of humanity is overwhelming. Didn't the great catastrophe of Conferring Gods start with humanity?Sweeping the Three Realms, I don't know how many monks were involved in it, thousands of years of cultivation were reduced to dust, and finally only a little true spirit was listed on the list of gods, lingering in the heavenly court.

The same is true now, with the coming of the battle between the emperors, Dongsheng Shenzhou, which used to be quiet and inactive, and countless places of true cultivation, are now shrouded in disaster. wipe out.

"Fortunately, we are in the underworld, even if there is a fight, we will not come to the underworld." The city king sighed.Even the lineage of saints is in danger of being wiped out, and I don't know how many gods have suffered catastrophe. The magic power of these people is far superior to their own.

But if you can't provoke it, can you still not hide it?
After hearing this, King Qin Guang sneered and said: "The dynasties in the world rise and fall, and the dragon courts in the underworld disappear. Look, how many dragon courts still exist in the underworld. Some time ago, the Cangming and other dynasties were destroyed by people, and the dragon courts in the underworld lost their vitality. Supported by luck, it was destroyed by people in an instant, the dynasties of the world changed, and the dynasties of the underworld also changed."

As soon as King Qin Guang's words fell, there was a roar in the underworld, and a thunderbolt was generated from the void, and it struck a place, splitting the sky in an instant, which was very obvious in the underworld, and faintly, there was the sound of a dragon chant , full of sorrow and despair.

"Hey, another dynasty has been replaced by people. The dragon courts in the underworld have become many, and the people in the blessed land have lost their shelter. I am afraid that there will be ghosts born again." King Yama looked to the northwest, with a worried look on his face.

"Go and see which dynasty has been wiped out." King Equality hurriedly sent a judge to investigate.

"Returning to King Hades, it is the Eagle Dynasty in the northern region of Dongsheng Shenzhou, which was annexed by the Mingyue Dynasty, and now the blessed land has been destroyed." Soon, Judge Cui told the news he had received.

"Mingyue Dynasty? He is also an ambitious man! Over the years, the Mingyue Dynasty has annexed many dynasties. I am afraid that they will unify the Northern Territory in the near future. Several great religions will not let this happen." Yan Luowang looked flashing.

"Everyone is like a dragon, and everyone fights for the dragon. Generally speaking, Nanzhan Buzhou is a little more stable, but this stability may be broken soon." King Chu Jiang shook his head.

"Where is the King of Chu Jiang?" At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and a Taoist was seen wearing a Tai Chi Taoist robe, behind him was shining like a rainbow, and his aura was like a rainbow.

King Chu Jiang looked at the other party's aura, his face tightened, and he hurried forward and said, "Dare to ask where is the real friend?"

"Su Xu, a true disciple of Nine Immortals Mountain, is ordered by the head teacher to come to the underworld, and ask the king of Hades to make it easier for him." Su Xu's body was enveloped in jade emptiness, and his immortal aura fluttered, but his expression was a little arrogant, but he was a disciple of a saint, after all, Nine Immortals Mountain It is the ashram where Chanjiao strikes Zhong Jinxian Guangchengzi, who is the direct descendant of Chanjiao.He is indeed qualified to be rampant.

After King Chujiang heard this, his complexion changed slightly, and there was more disgust in the depths of his eyes.He naturally knew the meaning in Su Xu's words. After the death of a great disciple, in order not to go through reincarnation and not be affected by the mystery of the womb, he used other means to interfere with reincarnation, or directly snatched the true spirit, or Don't drink Mengpo soup, or play tricks on the true spirit.

After all, in the place of samsara in the six realms, this kind of reincarnation is also uncertain, whether it becomes a human or an animal, etc., once the disciple who wants to explain the reincarnation, he must not become an animal!Even reincarnation, you have to choose a good family.

This situation was not obvious at the beginning, but since Huang Feihu was the emperor of Mount Tai, the two religions of human interpretation and interpretation began to intervene in the cycle of reincarnation. Later, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came, and Buddhism also began to intervene in reincarnation. Later, Monkey King made a big fuss in the underworld. After deleting the name taboo of monkeys with names, so that there are many monkey elders, the prestige of the underworld is greatly reduced. Now even a cat or a dog can come to the underworld to go through the back door for the benefit of their sect.

"But which Tianjiao from your faction fell into reincarnation?" King Chujiang suppressed the anger in his heart.

"True disciple Luo Qing was killed, his body collapsed, and he only has a little real spirit. The head teacher holds the Yuxu talisman, please let the king of hell do it for you." Su Xu has an extra talisman in his hand, which is huge and majestic. In the talisman, a little bit is faintly visible The true spirit floats in it.

King Chujiang took a deep breath, and then said: "Since there is still Yuxu Talisman, then the little king should obey it, Shangzhen, please follow the little king." King Chujiang didn't stop it, and he couldn't stop it. Simply fulfill the other party and lead the other party to the place of reincarnation.

"Damn it, hate it." Yan Luo Wang couldn't help shouting with a gloomy expression.He was interfered by people in the place of qi reincarnation, and it is really abominable for him to explain and teach in qi. A true disciple dares to come to the underworld to show off his power, holding a talisman in his hand, and he can order Yama.

"Hmph, these sects are really disgusting. Do you really think we are easy to bully?" King Ping's complexion was even worse. A glimmer of life is originally the most just place, and all karma in the yang world will be liquidated in the underworld.

The good ones are human beings, the evil ones are beasts, and the heinous ones go to hell. All living beings in the three realms should be like this. The underworld should be a sharp sword suspended above the heads of all living beings, making people cautious and afraid to do evil. This is what Empress Houtu sacrificed her life back then. fundamental.

But what is it like now, the Zongmen arranges it arbitrarily, so that the good will not be rewarded, and the evil will not be rewarded. If things go on like this, will the hell still be the hell?

After a while, King Chujiang came back with a gloomy face. He snorted coldly and said, "Although he is a disciple of a great sect, he has very little merit in his life. According to the principle, he should be reincarnated as a bird. Now it's all right. In the next life, he will be reborn as a human. It's still a good one." People."

"Damn it, if things go on like this, will our underworld still be the underworld of the Three Realms? I'm afraid it will become a pawn of the Great Sect!" Yan Luowang snorted coldly: "Sun Wukong shouldn't have agreed to Buddhism back then. Let's see now, what should we do? "

It doesn't matter if you become a pawn, you big teachers can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't affect yourself.

But not now, as the manager of the underworld, enjoying the convenience and merits brought by the underworld, but now destroying the balance of the underworld, the heavens will backfire, and all these karma will be counted on Yama, and they will not be able to escape even if they want to escape. the most important.

"I can't help it. I'm going to see my mother. If this matter doesn't change, we will be the ones who will be unlucky in the future." King Chu Jiang said fiercely.

A group of Hades looked at each other and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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