Chapter 709 Divine Thunder
The white paper in front of them is increasing. Brother Guo and others are curious, but they don't pay attention to it. Their targets are all on the top of Yang Guang's head. In the colorful cloud light, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly, there is another A vortex appears.

And a Taoist palace in Yang Guang's sea of ​​knowledge was lit up, and a god haunted the palace, with a beast body and a human face, ears pierced with fire snakes, riding two fire dragons, it looked like Zhu Rong's ancestor witch.

Yang Guang, who was watching the introduction of the Taixuan Sacred Sect, stopped. Time, space, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth should be the appearance of Gong Gong Zu Wu, but now it is Zhu Rong Zu Wu's Dao Palace. It was obviously unreasonable, but Yang Guang was just taken aback, and didn't take this matter to heart.

In fact, he didn't even understand the reason why the Twelve Dao Palaces appeared in front of him. Pan Wang's supernatural powers vary from person to person. His mana is obviously not as good as his own.

Now that there are twelve Taoist palaces, how does Yang Guang explain this?The only thing you can do is to let it go, strengthen your mana, and make your mana stronger.


With a soft sound, another vortex appeared, and six vortexes were shining in the void. The aura of the entire Taixuan Mountain sank into the vortex one after another, and there was a soft howl in the void.

There are more similarities between Yang Guang's eyebrows. In the Dao Palace that was just lit up, there is a ancestral witch with a face of a tiger and a body of eight heads and ten tails. It is Wu Tianwu, the ancestor of the wind.That is to say, among the ancestor witches with the four attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the ancestor witch Gonggong of water and the ancestor witch Houtu of earth are missing. However, these two ancestor witches still exist in the world. This cannot make Yang Guang think of a certain possibility .

I have awakened the Twelve Dao Palaces, which correspond to the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Now the two palaces of Gonggong and Houtu will not be lit up. Whether this will affect my future makes Yang Guang feel a little worried.

There are two Taoist palaces between ten and twelve. According to Yang Guang's current size, each Taoist palace can get a minimum of 3000 years of mana, which means that Yang Guang has lost 6000 years of mana. , the two Dao Palaces lost more mana.

The loss of mana is a trivial matter, but the incompleteness of the Dao is the most important thing.

"Immortal Master." Seeing Yang Guang's stern face and a hesitation flickering in his eyes, Senior Brother Guo was stunned and couldn't help asking.

"It's okay." Yang Guang shook his head and continued to browse the introduction of the characters in front of him. Everything else is nothing, and mana is the foundation. Zong's supernatural powers and secret books are completely read, so he used the system's ability to harvest a large wave of mana, lighting up three Taoist palaces in one go, and he believed that he could harvest more mana.

Brother Guo and the others were already in despair. When three vortexes appeared on Yang Guang's Niwan, no one in the entire Taixuan Sect could resist. Now that Yang Guang has six vortexes, who else can resist?
It is even more difficult for the immortals to resist Yang Guang.Could it be that all the immortals will live under the pressure of Yang Guang in the future?If the Taixuan Sacred Sect wants to rise again in the future, it may be impossible to take charge of the Southern Region.

Yang Guang didn't care about this, the Taixuan Sacred Sect in front of him was providing him with huge mana. Of course, as the largest sect in the southern region, it was also the focus of the infiltration of the demons, and all the major demons in the demon world had pawns in it.

"Guo Qi, Zhuge Dan, find these people and kill them all." A stack of papers flew out of Yang Guang's hand, and he said with a sneer, "I don't know what they think as a person in the prehistoric world, but he seeks refuge in the Demon Realm. Master Xin Yuan, Master Liu Ying, and Master Dou Jing, can you tell Pindao?"

The expression of the peak master who had been named by three names changed drastically. They never thought that Yang Guang knew his details, and a look of shock appeared on his face. He sat there quietly and didn't react all at once.

"Immortal Venerable, this junior doesn't know what the Immortal Venerable is talking about?" A Taoist in the crowd couldn't help retorting with an innocent look on his face.

"Pimpedao is born with insight, and he has the art of looking at the qi of the emperor, which can see the good and the evil. Although the poor Taoist has said that he does not care about the Taixuan Sacred Sect, but as a spy in the devil world, he is naturally punished by everyone." Yang Guang's eyes Like electricity, it turns into black and white.

"Junior Brother Xin Yuan, you, why did you betray me, Honghuang?" Guo Qi shouted loudly, his face was full of anger, and even more of regret.He didn't expect that Taixuan Shengzong actually had spies from the devil world.

"If you want to kill me, don't even think about it." Xin Yuan cast a disdainful glance at the immortals, only to hear a loud noise, Taoist Xin Yuan's body collapsed and turned into blood mist, and countless blood shadows faintly escaped into the void.

The other two peak masters also found that something was wrong, their bodies were swaying, and their movements were very strange. In the main hall, there were dozens of roads, and there was a roar, and they couldn't see clearly what was real or not. The appearances in it flew towards the outside of the hall one after another.

"Want to leave? Stay!" Yang Guang's indifferent voice came from the hall, and then there were countless purple-black lightning flashes in the hall, which instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder. Thousands of divine thunders descended from the sky, densely packed, covering the entire hall It's all included, as if the end is coming.

There were bursts of screams, and suddenly, three figures fell from the void in the hall and turned into coke. It was Xin Yuan and the other three immortals who were killed by Yang Guang with just one move, and died instantly. can't die anymore.

Guo Qi and the others looked at the situation in front of them, the corners of their mouths twitched, and there was some worry and fear in the depths of their eyes. The Taoist in front of them was really too powerful. The three golden immortals resisted even one move and were killed on the spot.

Although people like Xin Yuan had mediocre aptitudes, they would have reached the end if they could reach the Golden Immortal, but they were still Golden Immortals after all.He is also a powerful figure in the Three Realms, especially in the Taixuan Sacred Sect, and now he has not even taken a single move from the opponent. How powerful is this guy in front of him.

"The magical powers of the demon world are weird, and they are very different from the prehistoric world. When fighting with each other, you must be careful." Yang Guang's voice was indifferent.

"I would like to follow the instructions of the immortal." Guo Qi and the others responded one after another. At this time, all the immortals believed in Yang Guang's words.They didn't expect that the brothers of the same school who had been with each other day and night betrayed Honghuang and colluded with the demon world.

"It's also expected that the Demon Realm penetrated into the Great Desolation. Not only the Taixuan Sect, but also other sects, but the Demon Realm is the Demon Realm. Daozu Hongjun was able to defeat Luo Hu back then, and he will definitely be able to defeat him a second time. As long as you uphold the way of heaven and obey people's hearts, you don't have to worry about mere devils." Yang Guang persuaded.

The immortals nodded again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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