Chapter 372 Yin Fire
The sky thunder catastrophe seemed to be over, the dark clouds in the sky were slowly disappearing, and the destructive force pressing on everyone seemed to be disappearing, but Yang Guang didn't relax, and there seemed to be a great horror coming.

I haven't practiced for 500 years, and I haven't entered the immortal way. In this case, there is a thunder calamity coming, but the thunder calamity is one after another, very powerful. If I don't have some means, I am afraid I can't escape. This can only show that his catastrophe is not in line with common sense. Since it is not in line with common sense, anything can happen.

The two old antiques on the opposite side could see clearly, and there was a hint of embarrassment on their faces. They glanced at each other, and soon became kind. , I have met fellow daoist, but I don’t know that fellow daoist came from Guixu.”

"Yes! I don't know what's in the ruins?" Another old Taoist asked impatiently.

"There are monsters in Guixu, and those who enter will die." Yang Guang glanced around, always feeling that something was wrong between the heaven and the earth, a little irritable in his heart, and suddenly snorted coldly: "You two seniors, it is better not to return to Guixu."

The corner of Luo Mu's mouth twitched when he heard it, and his face suddenly became a little ugly. There is a great horror in Guixu. He believes that there are countless treasures in Guixu, and he also believes that there are demons in Guixu. Will it fly out countless magic weapons?
What an inappropriate person, bullying the elderly, damn it.

"Why do you have to do this, little friend? I just wanted to ask about the situation of Guixu, and it's enough for Taoist friends to tell us. Why lie to us? If this is the case, then we can only follow Pindao and go to Qingfuling." Luo Mu's face was gloomy, and he grabbed Yang Guang with his big hand.

He thinks that Yang Guang is deceiving himself, thinking that this matter is related to his life span, whether he can live for thousands of years, so as to hit a higher level, although he knows that Yang Guang's talent is not bad, and his background is not simple, and he even crossed the border. After the robbery of the sage, but how important is your own life.

At this time, a little flame suddenly appeared in the void. The flame was born out of thin air, and the flame came out of nowhere. It came out of the spring under the feet, passed through the eight extraordinary meridians in an instant, and penetrated to the soul.

"Yin fire robbery."

Old Antique exclaimed in surprise, with a look of horror on his face. According to the theory, there should be an interval of 500 years between the thunder disaster and the wind disaster, but he didn't expect that Yang Guang's disasters would be one after another.

He was surprised, and his right hand slowed down a bit. When he looked again, he found a pain in his palm, and Yin fire burned along his big hand instantly.Yinhuo thought that Luo Mu was helping Yang Guang, so naturally even Luo Mu would not let him go, the fire ignited instantly, and Luo Mu let out a scream.

He was just a casual cultivator, and he did not practice the method of avoiding the three disasters. He survived the thunder calamity by chance, and has not yet experienced the fire calamity. At this time, this evildoer unexpectedly has Yinhuo come to his door.

"Help me!" Old Antique's aptitude is mediocre, he has practiced for so many years to achieve what he is today, but in front of Heavenly Tribulation, everything is false.What should come is still coming.

There is no way to avoid the catastrophe that comes from the sky.

A little yin fire burns the bones, burns the bones clean, enters through the meridians, burns the meridians, uses mana as firewood, penetrates everywhere, burns all internal organs in an instant, and finally enters the primordial spirit and enters the sea of ​​consciousness , Burn people alive.

"Boom!" Old Antique turned into a big torch, burning the other party clean in an instant, not even leaving his soul behind.

But in the blink of an eye, an old antique disappeared like this. He Qing and the others turned pale when they saw it. Old Antique's cultivation was far superior to that of himself and the others, and he was well-informed, but he was burned alive in a careless move.

It's no wonder that in the Three Realms, everyone who hears of the three disasters is frightened, and the way of practice is frightening every step of the way, and there is no chance of reincarnation if one is not careful.

The longer the life span, the more afraid of death. I have lived for more than a thousand years, it seems that I have lived longer, and I still want to live forever, but if it is not for Daluo, how can I live forever?Even when the catastrophe comes, Da Luo is nothing, among the Conferred Gods, Da Luo is not absent.

Seeing this, the other Old Antique was horrified, he didn't dare to stay here, without even thinking about it, he turned around and turned into a long rainbow, disappearing in place.Opportunities can be found slowly, but there is only one life.This guy thinks very clearly.

As for Xu Yuncong and others from Laoshan Taoist Palace, their faces also showed horror.They are from a great religion, and there are ways to avoid the three disasters, but sometimes, the world is impermanent, the three disasters come suddenly, or they are not prepared enough, and the three disasters come to them. This kind of thing is not uncommon.

Seeing the appearance of Old Antique, these people didn't dare to get close, they could only hide far away. As for the pursuit of He Qing, they had long been put aside.

Yang Guang didn't have the heart to pay attention to these guys at the moment. He still wanted to ask Lishan's old mother how to avoid the three disasters when he returned to Chang'an, but he didn't expect that when he was about to break through into Taiyi Golden Immortal, the three The disaster came, and it came two times at once.There might even be three.

However, if you think about it now, if you go against the law, you will become a fairy. To be a fairy is the creation of heaven and earth. It is impossible to compete with the gods without passing the test. If you want to be recognized by the gods, you must pass the test of the gods. what's the function?
If you have avoided the three disasters, there must be other disasters waiting for you. In the dark, it is impossible for you to avoid them if you want to.That is to say, when the way of heaven is incomplete, the practice of innate souls is unimpeded, but there are also disasters and catastrophes.

The test of going straight to the sky is not necessarily a bad thing, misfortune and good fortune are all relative, and maybe an opportunity is right in front of you.

However, Yang Guang has no time to think about these things. The Hongmeng Scripture is running crazily at the moment. This is the only thing that can be done. Unfortunately, there is no way to do all this in the face of Yinhuo. What should be burned still needs to be burned.

He Qing looked at the flames in the void, but there was no scream, and the human figure disappeared without a trace, only a huge fireball was suspended in the air.She knew that that was where the head was. After burning the body, the soul was next.

At this moment, the void was brightly lit, and the universe was filled with colorful divine light. The divine light was about the size of an acre of land, illuminating the sky, and the fireball was suspended in it, like a huge sun.

"Who is this person who has so many merits and virtues? Why does God still send disasters?" Xu Yuncong looked at the immeasurable merits in the void and was very envious in his heart. not a thing

(End of this chapter)

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