Chapter 289 Provoking Discord
In the imperial palace, Yang Guang met Zhang Zhengci, the contemporary celestial master of Longhu Mountain in the main hall, not only Zhang Zhengci, but also Ge ​​Xian, the head teacher of Maoshan, Xu Cong, the head teacher of Taoist Palace of Laoshan, and the real person of Qinglingguan Sa Dingjian in Nanhuashan.

The reason why Yang Guang chose the four was not because of the profoundness of the four. In fact, the four were similar to himself. He chose the four because of their backstage.

And these four people brought a lot of gifts to themselves. They got the Heavenly Master's righteous method from Longhu Mountain, the alchemy secret technique from Maoshan Mountain, the Inviting God method from Laoshan Taoist Palace, and the heaven and earth Qingling from Nanhua Mountain. The general outline of the rune.With these four things, Yang Guang can invite four people to come here.

"Most monks are suspected of hiding filth. I want to get to the bottom of it. The four of them are masters of the Tao, and the Patriarchs of the Four Mountains are even the celestial masters of the heavenly court. I think they are the best person to take charge of this matter." Yang Guang smiled. .

Zhang Zhengci and others felt helpless, the four originally thought that Yang Guang had summoned everyone to discuss the method of the Taoist assessment, but unexpectedly, Yang Guang actually asked him to talk about Buddhism, which made the four of them not know what to do.

"Your Majesty, Pindao has dabbled in Taoist classics, but I'm afraid he doesn't know much about Buddhism!" Zhang Zhengci suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Not bad, not bad." Ge Xian and the others shook their heads again and again.

"Actually, there is no need for the three head teachers to refuse. To put it bluntly, the examination of the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism is just a joke. I don't know how many people come down to the earth every year from the Buddhist and Taoist sects? Is it possible that I can pass the examination? It's just that I heard that Buddhism The best thing is to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot. What's more, I always think it's inappropriate to open the door of convenience and save all living beings. That's why I made such a decision to expel those who sell dog meat. Purging the Buddhist gate It's just a scum." Yang Guang smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty, this matter should be referred to the great master of Buddhism!" Sa Dingjian couldn't help but said.

"Buddhism will conduct an assessment on Xuanmen." Yang Guang thought for a while, and then smiled bitterly: "Originally, the imperial court did not want to assess Xuanmen, but the Buddhist master said that there are such people in Xuanmen. It should be mutual, and Master Fa Hai even asked to monitor the Taoism, so I invited four of you to come here."

"Your Majesty, is that really the case?" Xu Cong, with a beard and eyes like copper bells, couldn't help but said loudly.

The other three were also suspicious, but there was no way, Yang Guang's words were too obvious to provoke.

"You don't think I'm trying to sow dissension, do you? To be honest, Buddhism is about to enter the east, and the relationship between Buddhism and Taoism still needs me to come and sow discord!" Yang Guang glanced at the four of them indifferently. .

The four of them nodded after listening. The current situation is really like this. There is no need for Yang Guang to provoke dissension. The matter is right in front of us. The hand of Buddhism, what Buddhism needs to do now is to connect the route from Xiniu Hezhou to Nanzhan Buzhou, so that the luck of Buddha will be greatly increased, the reputation of Buddhism will spread far and wide in Nanzhan Buzhou, and a large number of Buddhist monks will enter Nanzhan Buzhou.

And if Xuanmen does not want to be replaced by Buddhism, it needs to resist, and Yang Guang sent a knife at this time, it depends on whether you can accept it or not.

"Wuliang Tianzun, this matter is of great importance. We still need to discuss it for a while before reporting back to Your Majesty." Zhang Zhengci and the others looked at each other before replying.

"It's so good." Yang Guang knew that this matter was of great importance to the future situation of Nanzhan Buzhou. The few people in front of him could only be regarded as executors. The final result depends on the big shots behind him.

However, the current situation is such that no one can change it, so what if they know their own strategy?In the end, it will be carried out according to its own plan.

It is impossible for Xuanmen to give up such a large territory without a little anger in my heart. Now that I can openly make trouble, how can I let go of such an opportunity?
Sure enough, on the third day, Zhang Zhengci and others entered the palace to meet Yang Guang, agreed to Yang Guang's request, and decided to start the assessment of the major Buddhist temples in Guanzhong after half a month.

After the four people left here, the four great Buddhist masters, Kumarajiva, Fahai, Shenxiu, and Hongren, also came to Chang'an City to meet Yang Guang.Among them, Kumarajiva is a disciple of Tucheng, and Shenxiu and Hongren are eminent monks of the northern and southern Zen sects respectively, both of whom have the cultivation base of Arhat.

"Contemporary celestial masters in Longhu Mountain once discussed Taoism with me, saying that it was a good talk for Lao Tzu to transform Hu. Maoshan Ge Zhenren also said that Buddhism is Tao. Nanhua Shan Zhenren said that all things return to oneness is Taoism. They suggested Buddhism The evaluation will be held half a month later, and four real people will come up with questions to evaluate. I practice the supernatural powers of the Wu clan, and I don’t understand the reason behind it. Huoshan Commander Yuan Shoucheng also agreed to this arrangement, so I agreed.” Yang Guang The four eminent monks, with disdain in their hearts, looked at the Taoist sect, and when they came to see me, they brought various manuscripts of the sages to make themselves better, and the Buddhist sect was still a bit stingy.

"Amitabha, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has existed since ancient times. There were debates back then, and finally my Buddhism won." Kumarajiva looked very disdainful.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for Taoism to evaluate Buddhism." Hongren smiled wryly, "Although some monks in my Buddhist school do not abide by the clear rules, is it true that Taoism is clean? Let these people evaluate Buddhism, and our Buddhist school will suffer great difficulties."

"That's right, I thought the same way. Originally, I disagreed, but the Huoshan Order said that since the Taoist sect inspects the Buddhist sect, it is better for the Buddhist sect to investigate the Xuanmen. I think, since this matter has been handed over to the Huoshan Order Let Yuan Shoucheng try it." Yang Guang said indifferently: "The so-called real gold is not afraid of fire, whether it is Taoist or Buddhist, as long as you are real gold, you can take a test, everyone. What does the monk think?"

Kumarajiva and the others had bitter expressions on their faces.Yang Guang has reached this point, what else can he say?

"The imperial court will send a volcanic decree as a supervisor. The content of the assessment is also the basis of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. Moreover, the target is only ordinary people. It does not involve monks." Yang Guang said indifferently: "If a monk breaks the law, there are five internal guards Solving, or killing, or imprisoning, etc., has nothing to do with the assessment."

The four eminent monks felt even more bitter after hearing this. These words were more serious than the assessment, which showed that the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty directly used the national law to deal with Buddhism and Taoism with the method of the practice world when the monks violated the law.

"Your Majesty, the poor monk is ashamed, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Taoist classics." Monk Shenxiu said hastily.

"Master Shenxiu was joking. The person who knows you best is often your enemy. This is true for Buddhism and Taoism. If the four masters should not fight, I will not say anything. I don't know what will happen afterwards." Yang Guang looked calm.There was a hint of threat in the words.

"Amitabha." Kumarajiva and the others had no choice but to shout the Buddha's name.

(End of this chapter)

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