Chapter 205 Farce
In front of the main hall, countless officials stood on the square, from the red and purple to the green in front, showing the power of the Sui Dynasty, and above the heads of the people, there were either flashes of aura, or smoke of energy, all of which explained that the scene Everyone is a person with self-cultivation.

Wei Yuancheng is very happy today. Although there are several clan ministers in front of him, he knows that all this will be in the past tense. His grandson is about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. He is the head of the country and holds great power. Generally good.

"The Great Sui will rise in my hands." Wei Yuancheng looked back, and saw the officials standing obediently under the steps, but the grand ceremony has not yet started, so they are discussing in twos and threes.

Wei Yuancheng knew what these people were talking about, but it was because he hadn't got accurate news from the front line, or in other words, he hadn't got accurate news about Yang Guang's death. From the front line, there was only news that Yang Guang was missing.

Wei Yuancheng didn't believe that Yang Guang could escape his life under the hands of the big demon.

Lu Miaozi, the chief assistant minister, did not appear, not only him, but also other ministers, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and others did not appear, it is not surprising, these people are all Yang Guang The personally selected ministers may not have absolute loyalty to Yang Guang, but they can't understand Wei Yuancheng's actions.

"Haven't Lu Miaozi and others arrived yet? The new emperor ascended the throne, and these people didn't come to the ceremony to scream. This is the rhythm of not wanting to be my courtiers of the Sui Dynasty!" Wei Yuancheng thought of Lu Miaozi, his face was gloomy, and he called A small official asked.These guys don't pay attention to the new emperor at all. Under such circumstances, there is something wrong with not participating in the grand ceremony.

"None of the adults came." The officer lowered his head and said hastily.

"Hmph, these people are just stupid. The former emperor has passed away, and the new emperor's enthronement is the general trend. At this time, they don't know to come to see the new emperor, and they still guard the glory of the past. It's a big joke." Wei Yuancheng said. With a look of disdain, he glanced at the viewing platform in the distance, and his complexion became even worse. There was the seat he left for the sect.

In his opinion, the strength of Tai Sui has increased a lot now, and it has even been linked to the immortal way. Da Sui is actually a powerful sect. When the new emperor ascends the throne, these sects should come to watch the ceremony, but so far, No one from the sect came, which made Wei Yuancheng feel a little dissatisfied.

As for those Jianghu sects, Wei Yuancheng didn't take it seriously at all. Now that the Sui Dynasty has become the Xiuxian Dynasty, those sects are nothing at all.Wei Yuancheng thought that he could destroy these Jianghu sects by himself.

"Have you found that palace lady?" Wei Yuancheng thought of something again, and snorted coldly, "It's been so long, and I haven't found even one person. What a bunch of useless people."

"My lord, this matter is very evil to say. Several times, our people clearly stared at the other party, but every time we wanted to arrest the other party, the other party always disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared It's the same." The clerk said in a low voice.

Wei Yuancheng's complexion changed when he heard this, and he felt a little panic in his heart. He used to be ignorant and fearless. He didn't know that there are gods in this world. Now he knows that there are gods in this world, as well as demons and ghosts. Wei Yuancheng has ghosts in his heart. Do things carefully.

At this time, after hearing such a report from his subordinates, he immediately knew that this matter was weird, and it would be impossible if there were no other people behind it. What he was worried about now was that this matter would affect his plan.

"Forget it, it's just a little palace lady, and it can't cause any troubles. Don't focus on this matter, focus on another matter, whether the child is still alive, go out from Taiye Pool, and look for it along the river. If you want to see a person, if you die, you need to see a corpse."

Compared with a court lady, he was more worried about the prince, who disappeared without a trace. Wei Yuancheng once sent people to search inside and outside the palace, and even among the people, but there was no trace at all. Like never before, a child just disappeared out of thin air.This made Wei Yuancheng a little worried. Once the child grows up, who knows what will happen.So he couldn't wait to find this child, and then kill the grass and roots.

"Yes." The little official felt a bitterness in his heart. The maid had seen him a few times, but the prince hadn't even seen him, as if he had never appeared at all, which made people very frustrated.If there were no rumors in the palace, I am afraid that these people would have given up.

"Here we come, here we come." At this moment, there was the sound of drumming in the distance. The sound was loud and majestic. After all, it was the new emperor ascending the throne.

Civil servants and generals stood up again, waiting for the arrival of the new emperor.No matter what he was thinking in his heart, at this time, his face would show piousness, for fear that his political opponents would find an excuse.

At this time, Wei Yuancheng was looking at the top of his head, with a flash of light in his eyes. That was the location of the Great Sui Luck Golden Dragon. According to his understanding, when the new emperor ascended the throne, the Luck Golden Dragon should express something. So far, the Luck Golden Dragon has not responded at all.This made him a little flustered, could there be any changes?
"The empress dowager and the new emperor arrive, and all the ministers kneel down to welcome them!"

A high-pitched voice sounded, and there was a Luan car coming slowly in the distance. The one in front was Xiao Hou Luan, and the little emperor Yang You was behind. This can tell who will be in the world in the future. call the shots.

"The ministers welcome the Empress Dowager and His Majesty the Emperor."

On the square, many ministers fell to their knees and shouted long live.

Empress Xiao walked down first, followed by the little emperor, with Empress Xiao in front and the emperor behind.

"It's so lively!" At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the sky. Everyone looked over, but saw a chariot flying over. Nine golden crows dragged the chariot and stayed above the clouds. Above, Yang Guang is wearing a golden armor, like a god.

In the sky above Chang'an City, the Luck Golden Dragon seemed to have sensed Yang Guang as well, making dragon chant sounds, and its huge body soared into the air, flying around the chariot.

"His Majesty the Emperor, it is His Majesty the Emperor who has returned." The ministers below burst into cheers and fell to the ground one after another.

"Your Majesty welcomes you to Sheng'an, and my emperor will live forever."

Compared with Empress Xiao and Yang You, the cheers for Yang Guang were much louder. Wearing golden armor, straddling a long chariot, riding clouds and fog, and accompanied by dragons, this is the real emperor.

And Yang Yoo was just a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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