Chapter 161 City God
The hall was shrouded in clouds and mist. In the clouds and mist, there were many black shadows. The neighing of war horses and the sound of armor colliding could be faintly heard. However, the sound of footsteps seemed sonorous and powerful. It was obvious that they were well-trained elite teachers. There seemed to be countless people in front of Yang Guang. These people were tall and dressed in armor. The leader had a fierce appearance and held an iron staff. When he saw Yang Guang in front of him, he immediately fell to the ground and shouted long live.

"Chen Mai Tiezhang leads his subordinates, generals, to meet His Majesty."

"Meet Your Majesty, Your Majesty Saint Ann."

The millions of soldiers behind him fell to the ground one after another, shouting long live.

Yang Guang looked at everything in front of him indifferently. This is not the first time he has appeared, but the third time. Every night, Yang Guang always appears in his sleep. , At first, it made him very happy, but now it feels creepy.

"Broadcast to Yu Shiji." Yang Guang's expression darkened.

Yu Shiji was very depressed during this period. He used to be a high-ranking official, but now he has a high official position, but he has no power in his hands. He just relaxes at home every day and learns about Huang Lao's art.

Unexpectedly, one day, the imperial decree came down from the sky and brought him to the familiar palace. When he saw the young man, he could still see the old appearance, and couldn't help but knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Seeing this, Yang Guang frowned, and had to deny that, in terms of loyalty, no one in the civil and military circles could match Yu Shiji.It's a pity that his reputation is too bad.

"Why are you crying, sit down! Speak well. Let's see what you look like." Yang Guang snorted coldly.

Yu Shiji followed this pattern. The emperor lost his temper with you, not because he was really angry, but to show his closeness to you. Yu Shiji quickly sat down and said, "I haven't seen Your Majesty for many days. I'm rude."

"Looking at your hard work these years, let you rest for a while. I didn't expect you to degenerate to this point. Hmph, it seems that you can't let this nonsense go on. Go to the Ministry of Households tomorrow!" Yang Guang looked at the other party For the sake of loyalty, he was given a position.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace." Yu Shiji was overjoyed, and quickly fell to the ground, shouting long live.

"Okay, I asked you to come here today to consult about one matter and to hear your opinion." Yang Guang said the matter once before he said: "Once or twice is fine, but tonight is already the third time." Yes. Tell me, what should I do about this matter?"

After hearing this, Yu Shiji understood why Yang Guang wanted to find him. After thinking for a while, he said, "Your Majesty, I think what Fang Xuanling and the others said makes sense. It is inappropriate to send troops to the east at this time."

"Why don't I know that this matter is inappropriate, but millions of soldiers appear in my dreams every day, so that I can't sleep peacefully at night. This, what should I do?" Yang Guang felt very helpless.

Behind this is a powerful man. Unless he is asked to send troops to the east to solve Goguryeo, there seems to be no other way. He came to Yu Shiji, in fact, to see if Yu Shiji, a slanderous official, has other ways.

"Your Majesty, when this minister was in the south of the Yangtze River, he heard that some people offered sacrifices to the City God. It was actually a way of posthumous title. I think you can try it." Yu Shiji thought for a while and said.

"City God? What is a City God?" Yang Guang had heard about the City God in later generations, but he still asked.

"The city god is actually the yin official corresponding to the yang official of the imperial court, and is responsible for the affairs of the underworld in the region. The city gods in various places are served by different people, and are even selected by the local people themselves. The selection criteria are loyal and martyrs who died for their country. , or an upright and intelligent historical figure." Yu Shiji explained: "I think that the folk theory is nothing more than an obscene temple for private sacrifices, but if your majesty can canonize the generals as city gods, these generals will definitely protect the Sui Dynasty. Years, and it can also solve the matter."

"City God's Temple?" After hearing this, Yang Guang immediately showed joy on his face.

"That's right. I think this matter can be manipulated." Yu Shiji's face showed joy, and he saw that Yang Guang was in a good mood, so he said quickly.

"What Yu Qing said is very true. Not only my soldiers from the past in the Sui Dynasty, but also soldiers who died in battle in the future can do it. Generals and ministers of all dynasties can also participate in it." Yang Guang said with a happy face : "Starting from the county, Yu Qing can meet with the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War to make an arrangement on this matter. It is necessary to canonize the sages and generals in a short time."

"The minister leads the decree." Yu Shiji was very happy, this is a good thing to accumulate Yin virtue, and it can also relieve the emperor's worries.

"The city god must also be like the government offices in various places. It must set up official positions, such as civil and military judges, the gods of various divisions, General Ganliu, General Fan Xie, General Niu Ma, Day and Night Tour God, and General Shackles. The soldiers who died in battle acted as magic soldiers. All places are safe, and they specialize in killing evil gods and ghosts. There are county magistrates, county guards, and city gods in the underworld. In this way, our rule in the Sui Dynasty can be stable." Yang Guang is very satisfied, regardless of whether this matter can be well received. As long as the City God system can be perfected, the rule of the Sui Dynasty can be perfected.

"Your Majesty is holy, I just mentioned it casually, and your majesty has already perfected the city god system. I believe those sages who have been entrusted will be loyal to your majesty." Yu Shiji was also very surprised. He didn't expect Yang Guang to be able to Improving the city god system is not something that anyone can do.

"City God's Temple!" Yang Guang took the ink brush and wrote three words on the white paper in front of him.

The void shook instantly, and in the dark night, a colorful brilliance descended from the sky and submerged into Yang Guang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Yang Guang felt his mind clear for a while, and he had no other feelings. Instead, he heard the sound of dragon chant coming from his ear, and the Great Sui Dragon of Qi Luck hovering over Chang'an City soared tens of feet, vividly, above the auspicious clouds. Rolling in the middle, it looks very energetic.

In Chang'an City, Da Ci'en Temple, Fa Hai was stunned by the situation in front of him. Colorful rays of light bloomed in the void and entered the palace. This is clearly the power of merit. Such a great power of merit is very rare. Up to now, I have not gained so much merit from eliminating demons.

"Your Majesty, what exactly did you do to make such a great contribution to the world?" Monk Fahai's face was cloudy. Recognition between heaven and earth.

On Zhongnan Mountain, in the cave, a handsome fairy was also startled by the colorful glow in Chang'an City.

"Emperor Sui is really not simple." Yun Zhongzi was curious.After counting his fingers, his expression tightened.

"City God!"

(End of this chapter)

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