Chapter 1329: The Avenue of Destiny
In the Heavenly Court, Yang Guang performed the Avenue of Destiny. In an instant, the entire Heavenly Palace seemed to be ignited, blooming with thousands of rays of light. For a time, thousands of rays of light filled the ground, making the Heavenly Palace appear even more majestic.

One after another divine patterns were spread in all directions, and those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Swords felt that the entire heaven seemed to have undergone some remarkable changes, and even their own divine patterns seemed to have something more on them.

In Yang Guang's eyes, the fate of those heavenly soldiers and generals were displayed in front of him one after another, and he could see it very clearly.

On the Lingshan Mountain, the sound of the Buddha lingers, and the light of the Buddha envelopes the entire Sumeru Mountain. The Buddha sits high on the lotus throne, reciting the sound of the Buddha in his mouth, with divine patterns blooming all over his body, evolving Buddhist magical powers.

Those Buddhist masters sat on futons, bathed in the Buddha's light, with pious expressions on their faces. Their spiritual consciousness resonated with the Buddha's sound, and they wanted to take this opportunity to learn more magical powers from the Buddha's sound. .

In the Buddha's light, Tathagata Buddha nodded secretly. Although his Taoism is not as good as that of Yangliu Taozu, these people in front of him are all masters of Buddhism. They are the most pious people in Buddhism. If they bathe in the light of Buddha all the year round and accept Buddhist baptism, they will not be deceived. Attracted by Willow Avenue.

In fact, unless they are forced to do so, no one will change their practice of magical powers midway and join someone else's sect.It's really because Yangliu Avenue may not have a lifespan limit.This gave the world endless reveries, and they wished they could all join the Yangliu Taoist clan.

Not to mention that the Tathagata Buddha was performing the supreme magical power. Suddenly, the Buddha's voice disappeared in the Mahavira Hall, and the vision was like little flowers falling in the hall.

A group of Buddhist masters opened their wise eyes and looked at Tathagata Buddha. They were obviously puzzled as to why Tathagata stopped. When he was explaining the key point and all the Buddhas also heard the key point, they suddenly stopped. It was really uncomfortable.

"The Emperor's magical power seems to be stronger again." The ancient Buddha on the lamp suddenly said quietly.He felt the strange aura in heaven, and only a change in heaven could attract Tathagata's attention.

"The poor monk seemed to feel a hint of destiny in these breaths." Tathagata Buddha went deeper into the Taoist practice, and suddenly noticed a different breath from it. This breath was full of destiny.

The ancient Buddha on the lamp thought for a while, as if recalling something, and then said for a long time: "The old monk has only felt this kind of breath from Taozu. When Taozu was preaching in Zixiao Palace, the entire Zixiao Palace was full of energy. It is filled with this kind of aura, as if the fate of all living beings in the three realms is in each other's control. I just don't know, what is this magical power of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Taozu controls the three thousand avenues and the way of heaven. The fate of all living beings in the three realms is in the control of the other party. This is a matter of course, but how can Yang Guang be so virtuous and capable?
"Among the three thousand avenues, the most powerful one is of course the avenue of destiny. The Taoist ancestor controls the way of heaven, so he can control the avenue of destiny. The fate of all living beings in the three realms is under the control of the Taoist ancestor, but the emperor of heaven may not have this ability!" Maitreya Buddha disdained. "Just because he is the Emperor of Heaven?"

"The magical power of the Emperor of Heaven is different from that of others. No one knows what level the Emperor of Heaven has advanced to. It is not impossible for you to say that he controls the road of destiny." Tathagata Buddha put forward a different view, but he did not dare to underestimate the Emperor of Heaven.

After hearing this, the faces of the Buddhas suddenly showed a trace of solemnity. They have become accustomed to their tyranny. In those days, Haotian was helpless to Buddhism, but now the Emperor of Heaven is completely the opposite. Anyone who dares to disobey the Emperor of Heaven will not be punished. The end is good, even for Buddhism. Over the years, no one knows how many monks in the Three Realms have died at the hands of Heaven.

The intelligence agency of Heaven covers the three realms. In the three realms, if there is any disturbance or anyone who commits crimes or commits crimes, as long as he violates the laws of Heaven, he will be punished by Heaven, whether it is Taoism or Buddhism.

If the Emperor of Heaven now controls the road of destiny, it means that the Emperor of Heaven is high above and controls the fate of all living beings in the three realms. This is a very terrible thing. Haotian did not do it back then. The saints of the heavens taught the three realms on behalf of heaven, and the Tao and Fruit were entrusted to them. In the way of heaven, we can use the power of heaven to control the destiny of the world.But now the Emperor of Heaven can also do it. Does this mean that the Emperor of Heaven's conduct is equivalent to that of a saint? This is a great thing.

"Probably not! Has the Heavenly Emperor's magical power reached this level?" Guanyin Bodhisattva was a little curious, but his words contained more disbelief.He doesn't believe that in just a few thousand years, the Emperor of Heaven has made such rapid progress?
"The last time I saw the Emperor of Heaven, he displayed his vision. In the vast mist, thousands of avenues appeared one by one. People couldn't help but be addicted to it and wished they could learn all the avenues in it." Tathagata Buddha will see himself The situation was told.

The Buddhas suddenly took a breath of cold air. According to Tathagata's judgment, all this is really possible, and the divine power of the Emperor of Heaven is far beyond that of ordinary people.

"Amitabha, the Heavenly Emperor's path has reached a certain level that no one can judge. His goal has never been us." Tathagata Buddha shook his head and said: "Perhaps he can really break the restrictions set by Yangliu Taoist and let the Heavenly Dao return. The appearance." Tathagata Buddha finally said.

The Buddhas also nodded. The 10-year lifespan limit is there. Buddhas may not necessarily become quasi-sages, nor may they live to 10 years. Breaking the limit set by Taoist Yangliu is the most important thing.If Yang Guang can do this, it will naturally be the best.

In fact, if a person is a little stronger than the average person, it may arouse the jealousy of the world, but if he is too powerful and is not even qualified to look up to him, this kind of jealousy will disappear without a trace, and all that will be left is surrender. .

It was as if all the Buddhas looked down on Yang Guang in front of him, from looking down at him at the beginning, to hostility, to cooperation, to jealousy, and now they are looking up to him, pinning all their hopes on Yang Guang.

The Tathagata Buddha looked at the sky. Under his wise eyes, he saw the majesty of the heavenly palace, and divine lines were born in the void. Under his wise eyes, he saw that the divine lines seemed to be explaining the principles of heaven.

I admire you very much.

But in the Lingxiao Palace at this moment, Yang Guang also noticed the strange phenomenon in the void, but he smiled bitterly.

"Sure enough, Master Hongjun left, and I was deceived without knowing it." Yang Guang didn't expect to use the Avenue of Destiny for the first time. With such a vision, others might not say anything.

But what about Yangliu Taoist who is temporarily in charge of the way of heaven?And Rahu!They are all the leaders of the Avenue of Destiny. Now that the Three Realms are like this, Yang Guang does not think that such a move can be hidden from the two Taoist ancestors.

Hongjun obviously wanted to use this method to make the two Taoist ancestors hostile to Yang Guang.

The road to destiny is the qualification to play at the card table. If you don't control your destiny, you can't control the destiny of others and can only become someone else's pawn.There are only so many benefits now. How great is it to have one more person to play chess?

(End of this chapter)

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